> _You feel somewhat disoriented as you pass through..._

This is the Interactive Fiction Archive at

You may be interested in...

- The [README file for the Archive](/if-archive/README).
- The [list of directories](/indexes/dirmap.html) in the Archive.
- New arrivals in the [past week](/indexes/datev_1.html), [past month](/indexes/datev_2.html), [past three months](/indexes/datev_3.html), or [past year](/indexes/datev_4.html).
- An [RSS feed](/indexes/archive.rss) of recent arrivals.
- A list of [every file in the archive](/indexes/date.html) (tens of thousands!)
- [Master-Index.xml](/indexes/Master-Index.xml), which describes every file in the Archive (very large XML file!)

Or, go delving into the hierarchical tree shown here.

# art

IF art shows and artistic endeavors

# articles

Articles about IF

# books

Books about IF

# collections

Collections of IF material

# download-tools

Legacy tools for unzipping, unarchiving, and decoding compressed binaries

# emulators

Programs for emulating old computer systems

# games

Many thousands of IF games!

# info

Miscellaneous information, including database dumps and backups of various IF services

# infocom

Material relating to Infocom, a commercial publisher of IF, active 1979-1989;
and also tools relating to creation of new works using Infocom's story format
(Z-machine) and its descendants

# interpreters-multi

IF interpreters that can play games written with multiple authoring systems

# level9

Material relating to Level 9, a British text-adventure game company, active 1981-1991

# magazines

Published periodicals about IF

# magnetic-scrolls

Material relating to Magnetic Scrolls, a British game developer, active 1984-1990

# mapping-tools

Tools for drawing/generating maps of IF rooms

# phoenix

Material relating to Phoenix games, developed at the University of Cambridge (UK) 1978-1985, and the offshoot commercial publisher Topologika

# programming

Tools for creating IF, and interpreters for playing it

# rec.arts.int-fiction

Posts from the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.int-fiction

# rec.games.int-fiction

Posts from the Usenet newsgroup rec.games.int-fiction

# scott-adams

Material relating to Scott and Alexis Adams' company Adventure International, active 1978-1985

# shells

Software to interact with your own computer as if it were a text adventure

# solutions

Solutions, walkthroughs, hints, and maps for various works of IF

# starters

Material for getting started playing IF

# unprocessed

Uploaded files wait here until the Archive team files them properly

# utilities

Software for interacting with IF files