ifwiki: Alan ALAN interpreters for these games are available in the directory [programming/alan/executables/](../../programming/alan/executables/) # Fish-Mess.zip tuid: c95zi71i86rm6etd A Very Hairy Fish-Mess, version 1.2, written with ALAN 3 by Byron Alexander Campbell. # HollywoodMurders.zip tuid: 0kf2sfblzoehqduy ifwiki: The Hollywood Murders The Hollywood Murders, An Interactive Mystery written in ALAN 3 by Michael Zerbo. (An installable Windows version of this game is in </if-archive/games/pc/#HollywoodMurders.exe>, and a BeOS version is in </if-archive/games/beos/#HollywoodMurders.zip>) # MisGuided.zip Mis/Guided, a game created as a school project at The Game Assembly. Version 1.01, written by Jari Sarajärvi, Patrik Dekhla, Tara Fkri and Rasmus Gunnarsson. # Room206.zip ifwiki: Room_206 tuid: bo1damdgdg4oy554 Room 206, release 2, written with ALAN 3 by Byron Alexander Campbell. # The_Wyldkynd_Project.zip tuid: os0pfvpcgubbxf ifwiki: The Wyldkynd Project The Wyldkynd Project, version 1.05, by Robert DeFord. # bugged.zip tuid: kozmwlhgd6icof6x Bugged, version 1.2, by Anssi Raisanen. # chasing.zip tuid: zpjzp8drlwozs0j0 ifwiki: The Chasing The Chasing, version 1.1, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in </if-archive/games/competition2001/alan/chasing/>) # city-of-dead-leaves.zip tuid: egsx6zne55mhn8re ifwiki: City of Dead Leaves City of Dead Leaves, by Felix Pleșoianu. Alan 3 source code, including a minimal standard library 'retrolib.i'. # closet.zip tuid: 2x6lamp1700wzqmu Closet, release 3, a short one one-location adventure, written by Mikko Vuorinen. Alan 2.8 game file # hebgb.zip ifwiki: The_HeBGB_Horror! tuid: sjcl3dxizsq4nxkv The HeBGB Horror! version 2, by Eric Mayer (the original competition entry is in </if-archive/games/competition99/alan/hebgb/>) # liny.zip tuid: uxki5e2ctum10hx6 ifwiki: Lost In New York Lost in New York, written by Mikko Vuorinen # plsg.zip tuid: iu94sqv7nr99pu98 tuid: wio7esv6474kvx6d tuid: uxki9uhnrhs5sdpa tuid: dj4i80i11qrh7wk3 tuid: aixamxezzos7b4e6 "Painless Little Stupid Games", a collection of five small Alan games ("Dinnertime", "To Get To The Other Side", "They're After You!", "Mazemapper" and "The Mean Story"), by Bob Reeves. Includes Alan data files and MS-DOS interpreter executable. (Updated Z-code versions are in </if-archive/games/zcode/#PLSG.zip>) # sardoria.zip tuid: f7u68nd9cquz72br ifwiki: Sardoria Sardoria, version 1.1, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in </if-archive/games/competition2003/alan/sardoria/>) # study.zip tuid: qd5ptmk64s4l3ku2 ifwiki: Out of the Study Out Of The Study, version 1.3, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in </if-archive/games/competition2002/alan/study/>) # the_christmas_party.a3c ifwiki: The_Christmas_Party tuid: dmsr5lwxofqx3pse The Christmas Party, by OldGrover.
Name | Last modified | Size |
Parent Directory | - | |
german/ | 2024-10-24 00:35 | - |
bugged.zip | 2002-12-01 11:26 | 43K |
chasing.zip | 2002-12-01 11:26 | 59K |
city-of-dead-leaves.zip | 2018-06-10 05:34 | 56K |
closet.zip | 1998-08-27 04:00 | 21K |
Fish-Mess.zip | 2011-03-07 01:23 | 1.2M |
hebgb.zip | 1999-12-11 05:00 | 203K |
HollywoodMurders.zip | 2009-03-02 20:43 | 3.6M |
Index | 2025-03-05 22:15 | 2.8K |
liny.zip | 2000-01-11 05:00 | 14K |
MisGuided.zip | 2009-12-19 08:30 | 6.2M |
plsg.zip | 1999-07-24 04:00 | 192K |
Room206.zip | 2011-01-09 23:56 | 1.1M |
sardoria.zip | 2003-12-01 08:46 | 61K |
study.zip | 2003-03-03 13:39 | 42K |
the_christmas_party.a3c | 2016-12-09 04:05 | 93K |
The_Wyldkynd_Project.zip | 2021-10-17 09:36 | 688K |
The IF Archive is a public service of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.