S U R R E A L Welcome to a new world....... ...a surreal world SURREAL version 1.0 Written by Matthew Lowe This file written 21 June 2001 SURREAL is the first text adventure I have ever written so I hope that it's alright. The game is based in a surreal world ,if you haven't gathered it by now, with picturesque views, fascinating constructions and strange creatures.I have tried to make this world seem as realistic and fascinating as possible. Please feel free to email me at Stewart@lowe109.fsnet.co.uk I am currently fourteen years old and I enjoy playing text adventures. I hope you like it. E-mail me if you wan't to talk about Text adventures or if you can think of anything to improve this game. I'll try to email you back but don't expect a response straight away because I'm not on the internet all the time. Thanks for playing the game. E-mail me and tell me what you think. > You are standing on a weather-worn cliff top over looking a pale blue lake. The lake is de-oxygenated giving it it's pale blue colour. All around you tall mountains rise from the ground giving a picturesque view. Wind tossed soil covers the ground where trees grow giving a deep and healthy colour. Leading away from the cliff are two well travelled paths; one leading to the east and the other to the west.