Walkthrough for Our Boys in Uniform each "chapter" contains one link that is a lie, one that is a truth, and multiple that are propaganda. The lie will take you all the way back to the beginning of the game, and the truth will move you to the next chapter. Of course, because this is browser based you can easily use the back button to avoid paying the penalty for a lie, but here's the reasoning behind each link. Banner truth: Proudly (explained in game) lie: bright stars (a bright flag? after a battle? with rockets?) Aid Effort truth: confidence (same reasoning as truth; it's a feeling, not a fact) lie: closed-off (explained in game) Officer School truth: all kinds (many kinds of minorities were enlisted during the war) lie: inclusive (but they were not treated equally) Cartoons truth: accosted (it is true... they do mob her) lie: martyrdom (explained in game) War truth: passive acceptance (true of both sides of the war) lie: their owners (explained in game) Truth truth: grateful (another case of the speaker's emotion vs. fact) lie: there isn't one for this chapter.