<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Rromatl')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Rromatl -**(click: "Rromatl")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[In the heart of the great Tenochtitlan exists a sacred ground of boxers where Aztec warriors are forged by fire. ]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Proper Combat')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Proper Combat -**(click: "Proper Combat")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Here at Proper Combat we don't fuck around. You'll be submitted to the most gruesome regime in order to improve your gorgeous physique and enhance your proper genius wits.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
**- (either: 'Essential', 'Crucial', 'Key', 'Vital', 'Indispensable', 'Burning') Training -**<br /><br />
[[Box]]<br />
[[Muay Thai]]<br />
[[BJJ]]<br />
[[Kung Fu]]<br />
[[Wrestling]]<br />
[[Combat Sambo]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Tae Kwon Do]<br />
(colour: gray)[Lethwei]<br />
(colour: gray)[Karate]<br />
(colour: gray)[Krav Maga]<br />
(colour: gray)[Laamb]<br />
(colour: gray)[Judo]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kickboxing]<br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
**- Sparring -**<br /><br />
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(either: 'A good', 'A proper', 'A brilliant', 'A genuine', 'A bona fide', 'An au fait', 'A felicitous', 'A desired') (either: 'way') to learn more about your athlete’s fighter traits. <br /><br />
**Spar a:**<br /><br />
[[(either: 'Popular', 'Well-known', 'Renowned', 'Famous', 'Admired')->Popular]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Tough', 'Highly-motivated', 'Die-hard', 'Beloved', 'Passionate', 'Lovely')->Heart]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Cerebral', 'Smart', 'Intelligent', 'Strategist', 'Mindful', 'Analytical')->Smart]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Technical', 'Orthodox', 'Clinical', 'Specialized', 'High-tech')->Technique]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Strong', 'Heavy-duty', 'Forceful', 'Powerhouse', 'Steamroller')->Strength]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Fast', 'Swift', 'Agile', 'Speedy', 'Quick')->Speed]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
[[(either: 'Durable', 'Lasting', 'Huge-gas-tank', 'Resistant', 'Indestructible', 'Pacy')->Stamina]] martial artist in your grade.<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
**- Fight Camp -** (if:$grade is 0)[](if:$grade is 1)[10,000$](if:$grade is 2)[100,000$](if:$grade is 3)[1,000,000$]<br /><br />
No better way to prepare before a (either: 'brawl', 'fight', 'contest', 'match').<br /><br />
(if:$camp is 1)[You already went to camp in preparation for your upcoming fight.<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
(if:$grade is 0)[
[[Go to Camp->Go to Fight Camp]]]
(else-if:$grade is 1 and $money >= 10000)[(set:$money to $money - 10000)
[[Go to Camp->Go to Fight Camp]]](else-if:$grade is 1 and $money < 10000)[(either: 'You cannot afford a Fight Camp.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got no money kiddo', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You can´t affor a fight camp, you are penurious at the moment.', 'You nedd more money for a fight camp, you are beggared.', 'You are bust.')
<br /><br /> [[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
(else-if:$grade is 2 and $money >= 100000)[(set:$money to $money - 100000)
[[Go to Camp->Go to Fight Camp]]](else-if:$grade is 2 and $money < 100000)[(either: 'You cannot afford a Fight Camp.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got no money kiddo', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')
<br /><br /> [[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
(else-if:$grade is 3 and $money >= 1000000)[(set:$money to $money - 1000000)
[[Go to Camp->Go to Fight Camp]]](else-if:$grade is 3 and $money < 1000000)[
(either: 'You cannot afford a Fight Camp.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got no money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')
<br /><br /> [[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Banner -->
**- Social | $name -**<br /><br />
(colour: gray)[Party]<br />
(colour: gray)[Marketing Gig]<br />
[[Booty Call]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Family]<br />
(colour: gray)[Philanthropy]<br />
(colour: gray)[Date]<br />
(colour: gray)[Read]<br />
(colour: gray)[Video Games]<br />
(colour: gray)[Tabletop Games]<br />
(colour: gray)[Teach]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Sets -->
(set:$masterclass to 1)
<!- Banner -->
**- Master Class -**<br /><br />
<!- Randomize Master -->
(set:_master to (random: 1,30))
<!- TEST 2 -->
<!- Show Master -->
<!- Freebie Masters -->
(if:_master is 1)[(link: 'Mahatma Gandhi | $0')[
“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”<br />
― Mahatma Gandhi<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **strength** level has been increased.
(set:$str to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 2)[(link: 'Anchee Min | $0')[
“If you can’t go back to your mother’s womb, you’d better learn to be a good fighter.”<br />
― Anchee Min<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.
(set:$ms to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 3)[(link: 'Alfred Adler | $0')[
“It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.”<br />
― Alfred Adler<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 4)[(link: 'Julien Smith | $0')[
“You will never be entirely comfortable. This is the truth behind the champion – always fighting something. To do otherwise is to settle.”<br />
― Julien Smith<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 5)[(link: 'Toba Beta | $0')[
“There’s a moment in fighting when strength of muscle ain’t everything because the enemy has already given you enough energy to gain the victory.”<br />
― Toba Beta<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **stamina** level has been increased.
(set:$sta to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 6)[(link: 'Cary Caffrey | $0')[
“There was no such thing as a fair fight. All vulnerabilities must be exploited.”<br />
― Cary Caffrey<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.
(set:$ms to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 7)[(link: 'Criss Jami | $0')[
“Whenever we want to combat our enemies, first and foremost we must start by understanding them rather than exaggerating their motives.”<br />
― Criss Jami<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.
(set:$rt to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 8)[(link: 'Sun Tzu | $0')[
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”<br />
― Sun Tzu<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.
(set:$rt to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 9)[(link: 'Ed Parker | $0')[
“He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position.”<br />
― Ed Parker<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.
(set:$rt to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 10)[(link: 'Muhammad Ali | $0')[
“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”<br />
― Muhammad Ali<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 11)[(link: 'Margaret Thatcher | $0')[
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”<br />
― Margaret Thatcher<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.
(set:$ms to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 12)[(link: 'Napoleon Hill | $0')[
“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.”<br />
― Napoleon Hill<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 13)[(link: 'Bo Bennett | $0')[
“Martial arts is not about fighting; it’s about building character.”<br />
― Bo Bennett<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 14)[(link: 'Mao Tse-Tung | $0')[
“We shall heal our wounds, collect our dead and continue fighting.”<br />
― Mao Tse-Tung<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 15)[(link: 'Bruce Lee | $0')[
“A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.”<br />
― Bruce Lee<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **stamina** level has been increased.
(set:$sta to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 16)[(link: 'Mahatma Gandhi | $0')[
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”<br />
― Mahatma Gandhi<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 17)[(link: 'Ernest Hemingway | $0')[
“Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war.”<br />
― Ernest Hemingway<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 18)[(link: 'Aristotle | $0')[
“We make war that we may live in peace.”<br />
― Aristotle<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.
(set:$ms to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 19)[(link: 'Pierre Corneille | $0')[
“Where there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph.”<br />
― Pierre Corneille<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 3)](stop:)]
(if:_master is 20)[(link: 'G. K. Chesterton | $0')[
“You cannot love a thing without wanting to fight for it.”<br />
― G. K. Chesterton<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 3)](stop:)]
<!- | Masters -->
(if:_master is 21)[(link: 'Vince Lombardi | $1000')[
(if:$money >= 1000)[(set:$money to it - 1000)
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”<br />
― Vince Lombardi<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 10)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 22)[(link: 'Napoleon Bonaparte | $1000')[
(if:$money >= 1000)[(set:$money to it - 1000)
“You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.”<br />
― Napoleon Bonaparte<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.
(set:$ms to it + 10)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 23)[(link: 'Vincent Van Gogh | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed.”<br />
― Vincent Van Gogh<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.
(set:$ht to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 24)[(link: 'Sun Tzu | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”<br />
― Sun Tzu<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.
(set:$rt to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 25)[(link: 'Bruce Lee | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”<br />
― Bruce Lee<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.
(set:$rt to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 26)[(link: 'Margaret Mitchell | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“Fighting is like champagne. It goes to the heads of cowards as quickly as of heroes. Any fool can be brave on a battlefield when it's be brave or else be killed.”<br />
― Margaret Mitchell<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 27)[(link: 'Baltasar Gracin Y Morales | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.”<br />
― Baltasar Gracin Y Morales<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 28)[(link: 'Woodrow T. Wilson | $1500')[
(if:$money >= 1500)[(set:$money to it - 1500)
“There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight.”<br />
― Woodrow T. Wilson<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 29)[(link: 'Enson Inoue | $1000')[
(if:$money >= 1000)[(set:$money to it - 1000)
“Blood is just red sweat.”<br />
― Enson Inoue<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 30)[(link: 'Damon Runyon | $1000')[
(if:$money >= 1000)[(set:$money to it - 1000)
“The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong―but that is the way to bet it.”<br />
― Damon Runyon<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
(if:_master is 31)[(link: ' | $1000')[
(if:$money >= 1000)[(set:$money to it - 1000)
“”<br />
― <br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.
(set:$rj to it + 15)](stop:)]
](else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this Master Class.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money kiddo.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.')]]]
<!- || Masters -->
<!- ||| Masters -->
<!- |||| Masters -->
<!- ||||| Masters -->
<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
}$exp resets with this fuckers, BUT DON´T WORRY YOUR LEGACY NEVER FORGETS
Costs a bunch of money but allows to change style and gym.
remember the $legacy variable that sums even when they change style and reset $exp this will also impact breeding because you turn into your prodigee
if you have certain $legacy and you die you get a very special message from your Sensei
you cant go back til pro cause you want them to set their $exp to $proexp before switching $art!
[[Sensei Visit]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[(go-to: 'PICK A FIGHT')]
<!- gOgOgO -->
(colour: grey)[$sensei: ]
(set:_gogogo to (random:1,26))
(if:_gogogo is 1)[**$name**, fighting is all that matters.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 2)[**$name**, do what you do.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 3)[**$name**, here we are.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 4)[**$name**, it's time to fight.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 5)[Breathe **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 6)[Steady **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 7)[Time to go **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 8)[It's go time **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 9)[Get set **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 10)[It's time to rumble **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 11)[Ready yourself **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 12)[Time to shine **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 13)[**$name**, the fight is on.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 14)[**$name**, it's your time to shine.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 15)[**$name**, it's for real now.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 16)[Let's go **$name**!<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 17)[Kickass time **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 18)[Focus **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 19)[Relax **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 20)[It's for real now **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 21)[Time to grow up **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 22)[Nothing else matters **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 23)[**$name**, it's all in.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 24)[**$name**, put yourself together.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 25)[Rock on **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 26)[영원히 싸우다 **$name**.<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Organism Locator -->
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**[[Let's go to work->Amateur Fight]]**]
<!- Grade 2 -->
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'CBVT')[**[[Let's go to work->CBVT]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'CMC')[**[[Let's go to work->CMC]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'AFD')[**[[Let's go to work->AFD]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'SSF')[**[[Let's go to work->SSF]]**](if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'NAF')[**[[Let's go to work->NAF]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'PI')[**[[Let's go to work->PI]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'RCE')[**[[Let's go to work->RCE]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'NFA')[**[[Let's go to work->NFA]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'LPF')[**[[Let's go to work->LPF]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'HJC')[**[[Let's go to work->HJC]]**]
(if:$grade is 1 and $organism is 'DLF')[**[[Let's go to work->DLF]]**]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[**[[Let's go to work->Rockstar Fights]]**]
<!- All Arts -->
(if:$mma and
$boxing and
$bjj and
$lethwei and
$kungfu and
$wrestling and
$sambo and
$karate and
$sumo and
$muaythai and
$taekwondo and
$kravmaga and
$laamb and
$judo and
$kickboxing is 1)[(set:$allarts to 1)]
<!- TEST -->
**- Gley -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Gley')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Init Reward -->
(if:$gley is 1)[(set:$ht to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 936,1144))
(if:$gley is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Gley Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Wangari -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Wangari')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Init Reward -->
(if:$wangari is 1)[(set:$ht to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,936))
(if:$wangari is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Wangari Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Julio César -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Julio César')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Init Reward -->
(if:$julio is 1)[(set:$rj to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,936))
(if:$julio is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Julio Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Ray -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Ray')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Init Reward -->
(if:$ray is 1)[(set:$rj to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,936))
(if:$ray is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Ray Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Sakura -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Sakura')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Set Init Reward -->
(if:$sakura is 1)[(set:$ms to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,936))
(if:$sakura is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Sakura Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Nikola -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Nikola')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Set Init Reward -->
(if:$nikola is 1)[(set:$ms to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,1560))
(if:$nikola is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Nikola Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
(set:$sensei to 'Shaka')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'Laamb')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$shaka is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Shaka -**")[**- Shaka -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **Shaka**. You've come to me to perfect an athletic expression that has been performed many times more than any other, and still, you must excel. In other words, it's going to be pretty fucking exhausting, you hear me? Now, listen, before there was any recorded human history, there was human combat. To trace the origins of martial arts, we have to start at the very origins of humankind itself. I've dedicated my life to studying the roots of fighting. I'll take you on a tough-to-the-bone journey through the old continent. Be ready to become a very headstrong, focused, and bluntly forceful warrior in return.<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Shaka Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- Shaka -**]
(if:$shaka is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
(set:$sensei to 'Beristain')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'TKD')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$beristain is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Beristain -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.
There is something in the soul of an Aztec warrior that cannot be explained nor described yet shines a light on every ring and every cage. I'm going to take you on a journey through these mythical lands. Get ready to become a heartful, violent, durable fighter.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Beristain Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$beristain is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
(set:$sensei to 'Agatha Gracie')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'BJJ')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$agatha is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Agatha Gracie -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.
The story goes that my grandfather had a secret lover with whom he had a daughter, and that would be my mom. I don't know about that; all I know is that I was his favorite. As far as I can remember, I've been rolling on BJJ mats. After dominating every vale tudo contest in Brazil I went to champion pretty much every international BJJ tournament. Now it's time to share the knowledge. I'll take you on an invaluable journey through my country.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Agatha Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$agatha is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
(set:$sensei to 'Viktor Oschepkov')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'Combat Sambo')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$viktor is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Viktor Oschepkov -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.
Deep in the mountains of Dagestan, I was born. Left to my own demise by my mother I was taken in by a Combat Sambo master. Fighting is all I've ever known, combat is my DNA. It may be too late for me now, I'm smart enough to know that. But not for you $name. Let me take you on a journey through my land to kickstart your fighter soul.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Agatha Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$viktor is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
Kung Fu
(set:$sensei to 'Miya Musa')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'Combat Sambo')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$miya is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Miya Musa -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.<br /><br />
The more you appreciate fighting as the modeling of a war missile, the better you’ll understand it.<br /><br />
All the first-person hard work goes into the machining of the about-to-be-released model.<br /><br />
The one that you must let go in order to perform.<br /><br />
You cannot be you when you are fighting.<br /><br />
You are too much.<br /><br />
Too heavy.<br /><br />
Too vulnerable.<br /><br />
Be what you have unleashed.<br /><br />
No less, no more.<br /><br />
Then be glorious.<br /><br />
Let's go for a ride.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Miya Musa Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$miya is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
(set:$sensei to 'Jackie O´Brian')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'Kickboxing')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$jackie is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Jackie O´Brian -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.
I had it all mate. No pun, all of it, the whole cake, all the cheese lad. Life was brilliant. Have you ever done drugs? It’s strange how there’s this thin invisible line that some of us go over, and others just, don’t. Suddenly life wasn´t brilliant anymore. I thought of offing myself to be bluntly honest. Then I remembered that I’m a fighter. I resumed the fight. The ring or the cage, the cage or the ring… <br /><br />
It’s too late for me now. I’m smart enough to know that. But it’s not too late for you kid. You’re just getting started.<br /><br />
Fight. <br /><br />
With all your fucking heart, fight. Never surrender. <br /><br />
And I promise, I predict these things, I’ll make a World Champion out of you.
Let me take you on a journey to ignite fighter soul.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Jackie Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$jackie is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
heima hidden message?
Retired Bam Bam Tuivasa as a trainer.{
(set:$sensei to 'Ariella Yanilov')
(set:_initiatewarrior to (random: 3,3))
(if:_initiatewarrior is 1)[(set:$art to 'MMA')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 2)[(set:$art to 'Combat Sambo')]
(if:_initiatewarrior is 3)[(set:$art to 'Boxing')]
(if:$ariella is 0)[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(link: "**- Ariella Yanilov -**")[**- $sensei -**
<br /><br />**$name**, my name is **$sensei**.
I spent my entire life in the Israeli army mastering hand to hand combat. Not even a lifetime is enough to learn everything there is to know about martial arts, but it's a start. Get set to make your own life a life of combat $name. I'll take you on a journey that you'll never forget.
<br /><br />
[[Let's go->Ariella Init]]<br />
]]](else:)[**- $sensei -**]
(if:$ariella is 1)[<br /><br />Now that our journey has ended, I've resolved that the martial art that best defines your fighter soul is (t8n: 'pulse')[**$art**.<br />]
<br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[<br />You need the **body** to fight, that's a given, but once it has been matched, it's the **mind** that matters ultimately.<br /><br] />]]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
<br />Choose a team:<br /><br />
[[Rromatl]]<br />
[[Proper Combat]]<br />
[[Gracie Underground]]<br />
[[Wrestling Bear]]<br />
[[Fujiwara]]<br />
[[Krav Maga International]]<br />
[[Panther Muay Thai]]<br />
[[Academia de Vale Tudo ]]<br />
[[Team Cookie Won!]]<br />
[[Proudest Monkey Fighting]]<br />
[[Supreme MMA]]<br />
[[Māori Elite]]<br />
Colegial WrestlingMuay ThaiTKD<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Resets -->
(set:$train to 0)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: .50s)[ (stop:)]
(live: .75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.25s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.50s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.75s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: .50s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 1s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.5s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: .50s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 1s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: .50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 1s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.25s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 1.75s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 2.75s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocator -->
<!- Make it Pretty -->
(colour: red)[
(live: 5s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur MMA Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Boxing Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Muay Thai')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Muay Thai Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Kickboxing Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Kung Fu')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Kung Fu Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Tae Kwon Do')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur TKD Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Lethwei')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Lethwei Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Karate')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Karate Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Krav Maga')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Krav Maga Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur BJJ Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Wrestling')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Wrestling Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Combat Sambo')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Combat Sambo Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Laamb')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Laamb Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Judo')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Judo Fight]]]
(if:$art is 'Sumo')[
[[FIGHT->Amateur Sumo Fight]]]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 0)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'MMA')(set:$mmagold to 0)
<!- Burn Amateur MMA -->
(set:$mma to 1)
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[(if:$mmagold is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already **mastered** this (either: 'division', 'martial art', 'shit', 'style', 'game').<br /><br />]
(if:$mmagold is 0)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at the **Amateur MMA World Championship**.]]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 7)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 4)[(go-to:"AMMA Local Circuit")]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AMMA Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Burn Amateur Boxing -->
(set:$boxing to 1)
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[**-Local Circuit Amateur Boxing Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- State Golden Gloves Boxing Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- National Golden Gloves Boxing Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- National Olympic Team Qualifying Boxing Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 6)[**- Olympic Boxing -**<br /><br />]
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Local Circuit Amateur Boxing Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif < 3)[(go-to:"AB Local Circuit")]
<!- State Golden Gloves Boxing Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$pu >= 30)[(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$pu to $pu + 2)
Your **punching** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(live: 7s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:$pu >= 40)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Next -->
(if:$pu >= 30)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- National Golden Gloves Boxing Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a very durable boxer', 'has a huge gas-tank', 'also competes in triathlons', 'throws punches and punches', 'can go for miles')**.]](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$pu > 10 and $pu < 30)[
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level has been decreased.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$pu <= 10)[Death1]]
<!- National Golden Gloves Boxing Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[(if:$sta >= 50)[(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 3)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(live: 7s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:$sta >= 50 and $pu >= 40)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right to the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Next -->
(if:$sta >= 50)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- National Olympic Team Qualifying Boxing Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has the heart of an aztec warrior', 'is very motivated', 'has a huge heart', 'never gives up', 'loves the game')**.]](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sta > 10 and $sta < 50)[
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You **heart** level has been decreased.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$sta <= 10)[Death2]]
<!- National Olympic Team Qualifying Boxing Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 5)[(if:$ht >= 60)[(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />(text-style: "fade-in-out")[You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />(text-style: "fade-in-out")[You are now part of the national **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />(text-style: "fade-in-out")[You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />(text-style: "fade-in-out")[You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />(text-style: "fade-in-out")[You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 4)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(live: 7s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:$ht >= 60 and $pu >= 50)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Next -->
(if:$ht >= 60)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Olympic Games -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponents (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'are brilliant boxers', 'are very smart boxers', 'are intelligent boxers', 'are patient and mentally strong', 'are well educated boxers')**.]](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ht > 10 and $ht < 60)[
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level has been decreased.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$ht <= 10)[Death3]]
<!- Olympic Boxing -->
(else-if:$dif >= 6)[This is your time to shine kiddo.<br />You're going to the olympics.<br />Be (either: 'water','H2O').<br /><br />
[[FIGHT!->AB Champ Result]]
(live: 10s)[(if:$dif < 6)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AKB Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
After all failed, now that everything is lost, you will fight.<br /><br /><br />
(live: 7s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
Choose your destiny:<br /><br />
[[Gley]]<br />
[[Wangari]] <br />
[[Julio Cesar]] <br />
[[Ray]] <br />
[[Sakura]] <br />
[[Nikola]] <br />
[[Kain]]<br />
[[Frankie]]<br />
<br /><br /><br />
(if:$death is >=1)[
(if:$death is 666)[(set:$littledevil to 1)]
You've (either: 'reincarnated', 'died', 'respawned') $death times.(if:$death is 666)[You little devil.]
(colour: (gray + black))[**- Death -**]<br /><br />
(set:$death to it + 1)
(set:$wealth to it + $money)
(set:$legacy to it + $exp)
(set:$vampage to it + $age)
(set:$gleycianne to 0)
(set:$wangari to 0)
(set:$julio to 0)
(set:$ray to 0)
(set:$sakura to 0)
(set:$nikola to 0)
(set:$heima to 0)
(set:_death to (random: 1,48))
(if:_death is 1)[You died.]
(if:_death is 2)[Seriously $name? A fighter must prepare, this is no joke you know? And of course... you're dead.]
(if:_death is 3)[This is a gruesome game $name. You either prepare... or you die.]
(if:_death is 4)[$name is sleeping with the fishies.]
(if:_death is 5)[Bye, bye... R.I.P.]
(if:_death is 6)[Bollocks, just like that, you dead.]
(if:_death is 7)[There's no running away from the skinny lady that visits when we are leaving.]
(if:_death is 8)[Oopsie Woopsie! You just died horribly.]
(if:_death is 9)[I'll see you in another life when we are both cats.<br />
― Pako, to Aline, the last goodbye.]
(if:_death is 10)[In this game of life, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground.]
(if:_death is 11)[Stepping into a ring or octagon without proper training is a self-fulfilling death wish.]
(if:_death is 12)[Your sensei $sensei mourns your death.]
(if:_death is 13)[“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”<br />
― Mark Twain]
(if:_death is 14)[“I don't want to die without any scars.”<br />
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club]
(if:_death is 15)[“When he shall die,<br />
Take him and cut him out in little stars,<br />
And he will make the face of heaven so fine<br />
That all the world will be in love with night<br />
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”<br />
― William Shakespeare]
(if:_death is 16)[“We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and—in spite of True Romance magazines—we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely—at least, not all the time—but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.”<br />
― Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway]
(if:_death is 17)["Goodbye Kid. Hurry back."<br />
― Humphrey Bogart's last words.]
(if:_death is 18)["Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way."<br />
― Erskine Childers, an encouragement to his firing squad.]
(if:_death is 19)["It's better to burn out than to fade away."<br />
― Kurt Cobain, written in 'his suicide note'.]
(if:_death is 20)["I'm bored with it all."<br />
― Sir Winston Churchill's last words.]
(if:_death is 21)["I do not believe in my death."<br />
― Salvador Dali]
(if:_death is 22)["I hope I haven't bored you."<br />
― Elvis Presley, said to the audience at his final concert.]
(if:_death is 23)[A person has learned much who has learned how to die.]
(if:_death is 24)[Six feet of earth makes us all equal.]
(if:_death is 25)["No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."<br />
― Steve Jobs]
(if:_death is 48)["Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily."<br />
― Napoleon Bonaparte]
(if:_death is 26)["I'm not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life."<br />
― Jean Giraudoux]
(if:_death is 27)["To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?"<br />
― Socrates]
(if:_death is 28)["Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying."<br />
― Martin Luther]
(if:_death is 29)["Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all."<br />
― Seneca]
(if:_death is 30)[Valar morghulis.]
(if:_death is 31)["Death - the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening. "<br />― Walter Scott]
(if:_death is 32)["The first breath is the beginning of death."<br />
― Thomas Fuller]
(if:_death is 33)["Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do?"<br />
― Epicurus]
(if:_death is 34)["Life asked death, 'Why do people love me but hate you?' Death responded, 'Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth."<br />
― Author Unknown]
(if:_death is 35)["End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it."<br />
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King]
(if:_death is 36)["They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time."<br />
― Banksy]
(if:_death is 37)["Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you."<br />
― Welcome to Night Vale]
(if:_death is 38)["Death is nature's way of saying, 'Your table is ready.'"<br />
― Robin Williams]
(if:_death is 39)["The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."<br />
― Harriet Beecher Stowe]
(if:_death is 40)[“The truth I have been seeking — this truth is Death. Yet Death is also a seeker. Forever seeking me. So — we have met at last. And I am prepared. I am at peace.”<br />
— Bruce Lee]
(if:_death is 41)[Bye, bye...<br />]
(if:_death is 42)[Shalom, motherfucker.<br />]
(if:_death is 43)[Nieftgaard is nigh.<br />]
(if:_death is 44)[And then he turned himself into a pickle.<br />]
(if:_death is 45)[And then he turned himself into a pickle.<br />Funniest shit I've ever seen.<br />]
(if:_death is 46)["No más."<br />
- Roberto 'Manitas de Piedra' Durán]
(if:_death is 47)[The fat lady is singing.]
[[Respawn->A fighter is born.]]{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Gracie Underground')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Gracie Underground -**(click: "Gracie Underground")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[In the cradle of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu exists a team of fighters utterly feared around the world.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Wrestling Bear')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Wrestling Bear -**(click: "Wrestling Bear")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Deep in the mountains of Dagestan exists a very scary Combat Sambo training center exclusively for the boldest.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Fujiwara')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Fujiwara -**(click: "Fujiwara")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[In the heart of Tokyo exists a millenary team of karatekas where only the mightiest dare to join and be forged into cold-blooded martial artists.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Krav Maga International')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Krav Maga International -**(click: "Krav Maga International")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Run exclusively by ex-Israeli soldiers, this team is worldwide known for the discipline, brutality, and technique that it brings to the world fighting stage in the form of its fighters.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Panther Muay Thai')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Panther Muay Thai -**(click: "Panther Muay Thai")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[A cathedral of Muay Thai. Hundreds flock to Thailand for a chance to be a part of this team. Only a very few get to form part of this most elite team of strikers.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Academia de Vale Tudo')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Academia de Vale Tudo -**(click: "Academia de Vale Tudo")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[No rules, no fear, no mercy.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Team Cookie Won!')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Team Cookie Won! -**(click: "Team Cookie Won!")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[A state-of-the-art facility in South Korea where martial artists turn into fierce world-class athletes.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Proudest Monkey Fighting')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Proudest Monkey Fighting -**(click: "Proudest Monkey Fighting")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Located in the Henan Province is the Proudest Monkey Shaolin Temple. An ancient ground of Kung Fu warriors, home to the Proudest Monkey Fighting team.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Supreme MMA')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Supreme MMA -**(click: "Supreme MMA")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Located in Big Bear this high-altitude, talent-filled, team praises itself for having massive experience in the game of MMA.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Basic Sets -->
(set:$gym to 'Māori Elite')
(set:$mind = $rj + $ht + $ms)
(set:$body = $rt + $str + $sp + $sta + $pu + $ki + $gra)
(set:$exp = $mind + $body)
(set:$age to $week / 52)
(if:$grade <= 1)[(set:$dif = ($win - $loss))]
(if:$grade > 1)[(set:$dif = (($win - $loss)-$difaux))]
<!- Specialty Sets -->
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra + $ms))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str + $strike))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
<!- Gym -->
**- Māori Elite -**(click: "Māori Elite")[<br />(t8n: 'pulse')[Warfare tradition at it's best, danger coming right out of New Zealand.]]
<br /><br />
<!- Name Activation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**$name**<br />]
(if:$grade > 0)[**[[$name->Egotech]]**<br />]
<!- Grade Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br /><br />
(if:$grade > 0)[(colour: gray)[**$organics**]<br />]
Sensei: **$sensei**<br /> <!- Maybe send Sensei to Egotech? -->
Mind Level: **$mind**<br />
Body Level: **$body**<br />
<!- Style -->
Style: **$art**<br />
<!- Record -->
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** || (colour: gray)[Submissions: **$sub** ||]<br />
$: $money<br />
Age: **$age**<br /><br />
(if:$gamebred is 1)[Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />]
<!- Actions -->
(if:$retired is 0)[ [[FIGHT]]<br /><br /> ]
(if:$train is not 3)[[Train]]<br />
(if:$spar is not 1)[[Spar]]<br />
(if:$camp is not 1)[[Fight Camp]]<br />
[[Life]]<br />
[[Oracle]]<br />
$popularity = $love * ($rj +$rt)
make $rt more important
trophy case
(set:$trophy to 1)
**WORLD CHAMP** - **$trophy**
(set:$amma to 1)
(if:$amma is 1)[**'Amateur MMA Champion of the World'**]
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
**lEGACY** $legacy (all-around $exp)
**lOVE** $wealth
if $filantropy is >= 1 000 000 000 **(either: 'So, you are a fucking filantropist, trophy', 'so on...').** **if you are a filantropist you can fuck the world.**
every belt is a passage obviously
'Amateur MMA Champion of the World'
'Amateur Boxing Champion of the World'
'Amateur Kickboxing Champion of the World'
'Amateur Grappling Champion of the World'
'Amateur ... TKD etc...'
Grade 2 All Around
'CBVT: Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo'
'CMC: Consejo Mexicano de Combate'
'AFD: Australian Fighting Derby'
'NAF: Nigeria Attack Force'
'DLF: Deutschland League of Fighters'
'RCE: Russian Combat Elite'
'SF: Shanghai Series of Fighting'
'PI: Prize India'
'LPF: London Prize Fighters'
'NFA: National Fighter Association'
Grade 1 MMA
'AAF: All American Fighters'
'HFC: Hanzo Fighting Championship'
Grade 1 Boxing
'UBA: United Boxing Association'
'EBU: Eastern Boxing Union'
'EBC: European Boxing Commission'
Grade 1 Kickboxing
'BF: Blunt Force'
'MTI: Muay Thai International'
Grade 1 Grappling
'AI: Alavanca Invitational'
'SMS: Submission Masters Series'
---> you must correct the grade variable please, make it consistent with actual grade, no FUCK NO
<!- TEST -->
(set:$grade to 0)(set:$trophy to 1) (set:$wk to $wk + 1)
(set:$ht to 10)
<!- Setting Professional Experience -->
<!- Turn PRO (Grade-2) -->
(if:$grade is 0 and $trophy is >= 1)[(set:$grade to 1)(set:$dif to 0)
(set:$prorj to $rj)
(set:$proht to $ht)
(set:$proms to $ms)
(set:$prort to $rt)
(set:$prostr to $str)
(set:$prosp to $sp)
(set:$prosta to $sta)
(set:$propu to $pu)
(set:$proki to $ki)
(set:$progra to $gra)
(set:$probal to $bal)
(set:$promind to ($prorj + $proht +$proms))
(set:$probody to ($prort + $prostr + $prosp + $prosta + $propu + $proki + $progra))
(set:$proexp to ($probody + $promind))
**-Pro fighter-**<br /><br />You just turned **pro** mate.<br /><br />A drink to that!<br /><br />Never forget, from this day on, [[you fight for a living.->Becoming a Pro]]<br /><br />You may sign a nice little contract with:<br /><br />
(set:_organism to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_organism is 1)[(set:$organism to 'CBVT')[[Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo->CBVT]]]
(if:_organism is 2)[(set:$organism to 'CMC')[[Consejo Mexicano de Combate->CMC]]]
(if:_organism is 3)[(set:$organism to 'AFD')[[Australian Fighting Derby->AFD]]]
(if:_organism is 4)[(set:$organism to 'NAF')[[Nigeria Attack Force->NAF]]]
(if:_organism is 5)[(set:$organism to 'DLF')[[Deutschland League of Fighters->DLF]]]
(if:_organism is 6)[(set:$organism to 'RCE')[[Russian Combat Elite->RCE]]]
(if:_organism is 7)[(set:$organism to 'SF')[[Shangai Series of Fighting->SSF]]]
(if:_organism is 8)[(set:$organism to 'PI')[[Prize India->PI]]]
(if:_organism is 9)[(set:$organism to 'NFA')[[National Fighter Association->NFA]]]
(if:_organism is 10)[(set:$organism to 'LPF')[[London Prize Fighters->LPF]]]
<br />
(else-if:$grade is 0 and $trophy is 0)[Keep training, keep fighting, keep winning. You're not ready to be a **pro** yet kiddo.]<br />
<!- Grade-1 -->
(else-if:$grade is 1)[(if:$protrophy is >= 3)[Congratulations, you've just become a Grade-1 fighter. You got a nice little contract with $organism (set:$organism to ?)(set:$grade to 2)(set:$dif to 0)](else-if:$grade is 1 and $protrophy < 3)[You're going to have to wait for that contract mate. You're just not good enough, yet.<br /><br /><br />]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(else-if:$grade is 2)[(if:$protrophy is >= 5)[You're now a Rockstar mate. A real rock and rolla. You're in the big game now kiddo. Are you scared? The big game is fucking terrifying.(set:$grade to 3)(set:$dif to 0)](else-if:$grade is 2 and $protrophy < 5)[Keep training, keep fighting, keep winning. You're not ready to be a Rockstar kiddo.<br /><br /><br />]]
<!- Free Agency -->
<!- Re-setting Professional Experience (once a pro - change organism) -->
(if:$grade is not 0 and $freeagent is true)[Your stock is high kiddo. Other fighting organisms are interested in your professional services. You may opt to become a free agent in order to sign with another company.<br /><br />
[[Free Agency->Free Agent]]<br />]
[[Back to->$gym]]<br /><br /><br />
<!- Changing Gym -->
(link: 'Change Gym')[You little snake in the grass.(set:$ht to ($ht / 2))]<br /><br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session for a YouTube Channel -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session for a TV Station -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session for (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Oligarchs -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Charity Sparring Session for Rockstars -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rj <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rj >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'The video had a bunch of views. ', 'You gained many followers. ', 'The comments section exploded! ', 'Many watched the video; people seem to like you. ') (either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rj < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rj is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rj >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />Looking good on national news kiddo.<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rj < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rj is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rj >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />The (either: 'gala', 'exhibition') was a success and sold millions of pay-per-views worldwide.<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rj < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rj is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice** level is: **$rj**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rj >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />The arena sold-out just to watch you spar. You've become a **true rockstar** kiddo.<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice level** is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **rockstar-juice level** is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rj < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your rockstar-juice level is: **$rj**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Exhibition Sparring Session at Local (either: 'Animal Shelter', 'Homeless Shelter', 'Juvenile Rehabilitation Center', 'Elderly Housing Project') -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at a (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Disaster Relief Expo -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian', 'Nigerian', 'Japanese') Charity Fundraiser -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session at The Fight Forever International Fundraiser Masquerade Ball -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ht <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ht >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'learned a lot. ', 'acquired a bunch of knowledge. ', 'learned a bunch about strategy. ', 'memorized different strategies. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ht < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ht is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ht >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Outsmarting is the way to go kiddo.', 'You have become more knowledgeable.', 'Today you are more intelligent than yesterday.', 'The wits about you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ht < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ht is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ht >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />The (either: 'gala', 'exhibition') was a success and sold millions of pay-per-views worldwide.<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ht < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ht is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ht >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />The arena sold-out just to watch you spar. You've become a **true rockstar** kiddo.<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ht < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ht to $ht + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ht**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session at Local Athletic Center -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Fighting Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Performance Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session at The Fight Forever Fight Laboratory -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ms <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ms >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'learned a lot. ', 'acquired a bunch of knowledge. ', 'learned a bunch about strategy. ', 'memorized different strategies. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ms < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ms is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ms >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Outsmarting is the way to go kiddo.', 'You have become more knowledgeable.', 'Today you are more intelligent than yesterday.', 'The wits about you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ms < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ms is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ms >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Getting smarter by the day kiddo.', 'Great lessons were learned today.', 'Sabby performance.', 'That is the sabby-est thing I have ever seen.')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ms < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$ms is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$ms >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'You are a genius kiddo.', 'Just brilliant!', 'Supersmart!', 'Hyperintelligent!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$ms < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$ms**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session at Local Athletic Center -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Fighting Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Performance Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session at The Fight Forever Fight Laboratory -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rt <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rt >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'learned a lot. ', 'acquired a bunch of knowledge. ', 'learned a bunch about strategy. ', 'memorized different strategies. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rt < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rt is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rt >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Outsmarting is the way to go kiddo.', 'You have become more knowledgeable.', 'Today you are more intelligent than yesterday.', 'The wits about you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rt < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rt is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rt >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Getting smarter by the day kiddo.', 'Great lessons were learned today.', 'Sabby performance.', 'That is the sabby-est thing I have ever seen.')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rt < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$rt is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$rt >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'You are a genius kiddo.', 'Just brilliant!', 'Supersmart!', 'Hyperintelligent!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$rt < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$rt to $rt + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **technique** level is: **$rt**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session at Local Weight Room -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Weight Room -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Strong Man Competition -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session with The Terminator -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$str <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$str >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'are swole mate. ', 'built a lot of mussle. ', 'became stronger. ', 'absolute unit, look at you. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$str to $str + 10)
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$str to $str + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$str is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$str >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Building mussle on that gorgeous physique of yours.', 'You have become stronger.', 'Today you are stronger than yesterday.', 'The guns on you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$str to $str + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$str to $str + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$str is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$str >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Getting stronger by the day kiddo.', 'Great strength was acquired today.', 'Forceful performance.', 'That is pure power kiddo.')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$str to $str + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$str to $str + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$str is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$str >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'You are an absolute unit kiddo.', 'Just scary strong!', 'Superman strength!', 'Hyperswole!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$str to $str + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$str to $str + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **strength** level is: **$str**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session at Local Athletic Center -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Fighting Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Performance Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session at The Fight Forever Fight Laboratory -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sp <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sp >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'learned a lot. ', 'acquired a bunch of knowledge. ', 'learned a bunch about strategy. ', 'memorized different strategies. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sp < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sp is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sp >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Outsmarting is the way to go kiddo.', 'You have become more knowledgeable.', 'Today you are more intelligent than yesterday.', 'The wits about you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sp < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sp is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sp >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Getting smarter by the day kiddo.', 'Great lessons were learned today.', 'Sabby performance.', 'That is the sabby-est thing I have ever seen.')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sp < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sp is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sp >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'You are a genius kiddo.', 'Just brilliant!', 'Supersmart!', 'Hyperintelligent!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sp < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sp to $sp + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **speed** level is: **$sp**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[**- Sparring Session at Local Fitness Center -**]
(else-if:$grade is 1)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'National', 'Continental', 'Global') Endurance Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 2)[**- Sparring Session at (either: 'Japanese', 'Russian', 'Chinese', 'American', 'Korean', 'Mexican', 'Brazilian') Physical Conditioning Institute -**]
(else-if:$grade is 3)[**- Sparring Session at The Fight Forever High Altitude Endurance Laboratory -**]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Amateur -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sta <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sta >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[
**You outperformed.**<br /><br />You (either: 'learned a lot. ', 'acquired a bunch of knowledge. ', 'learned a bunch about strategy. ', 'memorized different strategies. ')(either: 'Good for you!', 'Well done!', 'Good job.')<br /><br />
(if:$spar is 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sta < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**]
<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Grade-2 -->
(if:$grade is 1)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sta is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sta >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Outsmarting is the way to go kiddo.', 'You have become more knowledgeable.', 'Today you are more intelligent than yesterday.', 'The wits about you!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sta < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Grade-1 -->
(if:$grade is 2)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sta is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch', 'So, so.').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sta >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'Getting smarter by the day kiddo.', 'Great lessons were learned today.', 'Sabby performance.', 'That is the sabby-est thing I have ever seen.')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 1000000)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Thank you for your **1,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **mindset** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 1000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **100,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sta < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
<!- Rockstar -->
(if:$grade is 3)[
<!- Fail -->
(if:$sta is <= 0)[(set:$spar to 1)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was definitely not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**]
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$sta >= (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[**You outperformed.**<br /><br />(either: 'You are a genius kiddo.', 'Just brilliant!', 'Supersmart!', 'Hyperintelligent!')<br /><br />
What would you like to do with the (either: 'money', 'profits', 'revenue')?<br /><br />
<!- Charity || Pocket -->
(link: 'Donate to Charity')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$philanthropy to $philanthropy + 10000000)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Thank you for your **10,000,000$ donation** to **(either: 'Fight 4 the Kids', 'Médecins Sans Frontières International', 'Instituto Mexicano de Boxeo', 'UNICEF', 'World Food Programme', 'International Organization for Migration', 'Mercy Corps', 'Refugees International','Action Against Hunger', 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere', 'International Red Cross Comittee')**.<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Pocket')[(if:$spar is 0)[
(set:$spar to 1)(set:$money to $money + 10000000)
(either: 'You cheeky fuck.', 'Seriously?', 'Somebody call the cheap-fucks police.', 'Don´t be cheeky.', 'Very classy move kiddo, congrats.', 'That´s just shady.', 'You penny pincher.', 'You tightwad.', 'You cheap skate.', 'That´s pretty stingy of you kiddo.', 'You skinflint.') Take your **10,000,000$**.<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[Don`'`t be cheeky.]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$sta < (($mind / 3)-($mind / 20)))[(set:$spar to 1)(set:$sta to $sta + 10)(either: 'You were outperformed', 'You performed a bit shitty', 'Maybe work a bit more on this particular trait', 'That was not pretty to watch').<br /><br />
Your **stamina** level is: **$sta**<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
**You are now a professional prize-fighter.**<br /><br />
(set:$becoming to 1)
(set:_prizefighter to (random: 1,6))[
(if:_prizefighter is 1)[(set:$ms to it + 10)
To fight for a living.<br />
To die for a living.<br />
To fight.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.]]
(if:_prizefighter is 2)[(set:$ht to it + 10)
As ancient as anyone can tell.<br />
Combat.<br />
Human combat.<br />
The will or need to physically (either: 'dominate', 'outclass', 'overcome', 'outsmart') another one.<br />
Violently.<br />
The result:<br />
Life or death sometimes.<br />
Win or lose.<br />
Win or lose yourself.<br />
Your livelihood.<br />
Your youth.<br />
Your pride.<br />
Your health.<br />
Your time.<br />
Your space.<br />
You.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.]]
(if:_prizefighter is 3)[(set:$ms to it + 10)
When the shit goes down, you better be ready.<br />
It's not a game anymore.<br />
This shit is serious.<br />
Your life is on the line.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.]]
(if:_prizefighter is 4)[(set:$rj to it + 10)
We love that thin red line.<br />
Hanging on it.<br />
On to it.<br />
Fucking with destiny.<br />
Destiny fucking.<br />
No mate, there's only you.<br />
And your hardrive.<br />
Fight though.<br />
Until the nails come off your fingers and there is no more ego.<br />
Fight.<br />
Forever.<br />
No destiny ahead.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar-juice** level has been increased.]]
(if:_prizefighter is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)
Fight.<br />
Because you have to.<br />
Rock the fuck on.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.]]
(if:_prizefighter is 6)[(set:$rj to it + 10)
You know a great fighter.<br />
A great writer, maybe.<br />
A great economist, perhaps.<br />
But a great fighter.<br />
Everybody knows about a great fucking fighter.<br />
The whole world notices when the baddest mother fucker is about to go down. <br />
Wheter they want to or not.<br />
They all take notice.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar-juice** level has been increased.]]
<br /><br />
[[Back to Go Pro->Go Pro]]
<!- Banner -->
**Party Like A Rockstar**<br /><br />
(set:_rockstar to (random: 1,3))
(if:_rockstar is 1)[Rave]
(if:_rockstar is 2)[Rock and Roll Concert]
(if:_rockstar is 3)[Rap Battle]
**Marketing Gig**
(if:$grade is 0)[You're not a Pro yet kiddo. No one really cares about you yet, to be bluntly honest.(display:'$gym')]
(if:$grade is 1)[(set:_gig to (random: 1,3))
(if:_gig is 1)[[YouTube Interview->YouTube]]
(if:_gig is 2)[[Local Sponsorship->LocalSponsor]]
(if:_gig is 3)[[Local TV Station Commercial->LocalTV]]]
(if:$grade is 2)[(set:_gig to (random: 1,3))
(if:_gig is 1)[[YouTube Highlights Video Launch->YouTubeHigh]]
(if:_gig is 2)[[International Sponsorship->IntSponsor]]
(if:_gig is 3)[[Global TV Network Commercial->GlobalTV]]]
(if:$grade is 3)[(set:_gig to (random: 1,3))
(if:_gig is 1)[[The Joe Rogan Experience->JoeRogan]]
(if:_gig is 2)[[Launch $name Sports Apparel Brand->Apparel]]
(if:_gig is 3)[[Act in a Hollywood Blockbuster->Hollywood]]]
DEPENDING ON $OG * $RJ = $money + X only if $grade > 0{
<!- Banner -->
**- Booty Call -**<br /><br />
(set:_booty to (random: 1,5))
(if:_booty is 1)[You just got an STD, you horny creep.<br /><br />
(set:$str to $str - 1)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **strength** level has been decreased.]]
(if:_booty is 2)[You just might have enough talent to be a pornstar. That was one olympic fuck mate.<br /><br />
(set:$ms to $ms + 1)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.]]
(if:_booty is 3)[Lucky you! That was a very sexy human being you just spent the night with.<br /><br />
(set:$rj to $rj + 1)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.]]
(if:_booty is 4)[You just got cat-fished, big time!<br /><br />
(set:$ht to $ht - 1)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.]]
(if:_booty is 5)[Really $name? Threesome? You don't fuck around do you?... Let me rephrase...<br /><br />
(set:$sta to $sta + 1)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **stamina** level has been increased.]]
<br /><br />
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.-when you tell the story about peña, have a grayed hover over comment:- this just might get me killed and if it does tell the world to party hard, it's all just a game after all.
this one depends on $ms the greater the better books you get
(if:$ms is < 10)[You tried to read a book but ended up reading a magazine article about Trump || Peña || Kardashians || shit... You better up your mindset game kiddo.]
(if:$ms is > 10)[Dialogos de Platon]
(if:$ms is > 20)[Aura]
(if:$ms is > 30)[100 Años de Soledad]
(if:$ms is > 40)[Kafka]
(if:$ms is > 50)[Joyful Science]
(if:$ms is > 60)[Kierkegaard]
(if:$ms is > 70)[El Profeta]
(if:$ms is > 70)[1984]
**You tried to read a book but ended up reading a magazine article about Trump.** You better up your mindset-game kiddo.
Joyful Science
El ser y el tiempo
Dialogos de Platon
El amor en los tiempos del cólera.
el del balcón de fuentes y compratelo
The Art of The Deal - Trump
**Chess** - maybe make it variable, cards against humanity for $rj, poker for $ht CHESS || POKER || CAH
Write some cool stufff bout chess.
grade 0
(if:$ms <= 10)[You just lost a match against a nine year-old brat.(set:$ms to $ms - 1) Your mindset level has been decreased.]
(if:$ms > 10)[You just won a match against a nine year-old brat.(set:$ms to $ms + 1) Your mindset level has been increased.]
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]Double-click this passage to edit it.May I clap 'em cheeks?
Yes [[(either: 'Mike', 'Mickey')->No Mike]]
No [[(either: 'Mike', 'Mickey')->Yes Mike]]Yo, my name is Mahatma Ghandi. I'm starving real bad yo. Can you spare some change for food?
[[Give money to Ghandi->Food]]
[[Tell Ghandi to fuck off!->FuckGhandi]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
**Jesus H Christ** - Master Class
Be honest. Do you like these cute holes I've got in the palms of my hands?
[[Yes, Jesus, they're pretty fucking cool holes mate.->CoolJesus]]
[[Nah man, that shit is fucking digusting Jesus.->NotCoolJesus]]I knooow! So, you wanna do somn' cheeky?
[[Go to the candy store with Jesus.->CandyJesus]]
[[Tell Jesus to fuck off.->ComeOnJesus]]You're probably right. I've been thinking of getting surgery for a while now. Maybe I'll do that.
[[Help Jesus with his surgery.->HelpJesus]]
[[Take Jesus to a psych ward.->PsychoJesus]]Arts
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Hyper Sambadrome - Rio de Janeiro -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Gran Coliseo de São Paulo -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Estádio da Rivera - Rio de Janeiro -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Arena Belo Horizonte -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Belo Casino de Fortaleza -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Centro de Convenções de Manau -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Ginásio Central - Foz do Iguaçu -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard CBVT Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard CBVT $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card CBVT Fight - Arena Belo Horizonte -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card CBVT Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,5000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:5000,7000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:7000,10000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CBVT Co- Main Event - Estádio da Rivera -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**CBVT Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CBVT Main Event - Gran Coliseo de São Paulo -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**CBVT Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CBVT Championship of The World - Hyper Sambadrome -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**CBVT Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Locutor:] 'Lutadores, preparem-se!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Juiz:] 'Eu quero uma boa luta limpa.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Locutor:] 'Está na hora de lutar!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Juiz:] 'Escute o que eu digo. Respeite as regras.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Locutor:] 'Guerreiros, é hora de lutar!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Juiz:] 'Eu quero uma boa luta limpa.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Locutor:] 'Vamos nos preparar para fazer barulho!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Juiz:] 'Respeite meus comandos. Lutar limpo.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Locutor:] 'Lutadores ... inicie seus egos! Doze rodadas para o campeonato mundial de boxe da $organics! O desafiante **$name**, representando o **$gym**, contra o campeão **Robson 'Barata' Carvalho**. Certamente será uma luta espetacular.(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Juiz:] 'Esta é uma luta de campeonato. Lute limpo, lute muito. Que vença o melhor.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in CBVT -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->CBVTMMA]]
(if:$art is 'BJJ')[[FIGHT->CBVTBJJ]]
(if:$art is 'MT')[[FIGHT->CBVTMT]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->CBVTBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
}Surgery was a complete failure... The holes opened back up in a matter of minutes. You wasted your money.
$: $money
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]We've been looking for this patient for a while. Thanks for dropping him by. Here's some cash for your troubles. (set:$money to $money +1)
$: **$money**{
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Tasmania Combat Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Cairns Casino -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Ningaloo Coast Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Port Jackson Bay Dome -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Rugby Colosseum - Melbourne -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Sydney Mega Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card AFD Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,5000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:5000,7000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:7000,10000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- AFD Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- AFD Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- AFD Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Jesse 'Saturday' Darcy**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->AFDMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[[FIGHT->AFDKB]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->AFDBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
You want some coke $name?
[[Fuck yeah, let's do some lines champ!->Coke]]
[[Of course not! My body is a temple.->NoCoke]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Coliseo Dinamita - Mexico City -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Ring Playa Sandía - Tulúm -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Estadio del Noreste - Monterrey -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Arena del Desierto - Chihuahua -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Casino del Pacífico - Mazatlán -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Arena Maya - Cancún -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Super Estadio de los Muertos - Mexico City -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard CMC Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card CMC Fight - Arena Belo Horizonte -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,5000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:5000,7000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:7000,10000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CMC Co- Main Event - Estádio da Rivera -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CMC Main Event - Gran Coliseo de São Paulo -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- CMC Championship of The World - Hyper Sambadrome -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Anunciador:] 'Prepárense!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Réferi:] 'Quiero una pelea limpia.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Anunciador:] 'Es tiempo de pelear!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Réferi:] 'Escúchenme y respeten las reglas.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Anunciador:] 'Guerreros, es hora de trabajar!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Réferi:] 'Quiero una buena pelea limpia.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Anunciador:] 'Estamos listos! Peleadores, preparen sus egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Réferi:] 'Respeten mis instrucciones. Peleen limpio.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Anunciador:] 'Boxeadores ... enciendan sus motores! Doce rounds por el campenato mundial de Boxeo del $organics! El retador **$name**, representando a $gym, en contra del campeón **Lupe 'Pistolas' Carrillo**. ¡Agárrense que nos espera una pelea espectacular!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[(colour: gray)[Réferi:] 'Ésta es una pelea de campeonato. Peleen duro, peleen limpio. Toquen los guantes. ¡Que venza el mejor!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->CMCMMA]]
(if:$art is 'TKD')[[FIGHT->CMCTKD]]
(if:$art is 'Judo')[[FIGHT->CMCJUDO]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->CMCBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Lagos Fight Club -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Yankari Micro Eco-Arena -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Victoria Island Casino - Lagos -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Zuma Rock Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Abuja MMA Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Lagos Mega Sports Park -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Castle of Nigeria Super Stadium -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Amina 'Babalawo' Nikatau**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->NAFMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[[FIGHT->NAFLAA]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->NAFBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- MMA Haus - Berlin -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Stolz Boxing Ground - Munich -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Stuttgart Sportkuppel -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Dresdenpark -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Cologne Kampfarena -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Munich Sportpark -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Egohalle - Berlin -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Amsterdam 'Gorgeous' Rutten**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->AFDMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[[FIGHT->DLFKB]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->DLFBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Lake Baikal Resort & Casino -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Fighters Mansion - Rublyovka -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Kazan Sports Palace -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Stadium in the Mountains - Dajastan -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Sochi MMA Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Fontanka River Fighting Complex - Saint Petersburg -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Extreme Arena - Moscow -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Maksim 'Дракон' Drago**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->RCEMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Sambo')[[FIGHT->RCECS]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->RCEBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time & Fight Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
(set:$fights to it +1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Yangtze River Combat Ground - Chongqing -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- The Peak Casino - Hong Kong -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Jade Dragon Stadium - Lijiang -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Xi'an Sports Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Proudest Monkey Shaolin Temple - Henan Province -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Hua Tuo Ultra Dome - Beijing -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Shanghai Super Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard SSF Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard SSF $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card SSF Fight - Arena Belo Horizonte -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card SSF $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,5000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:5000,7000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:7000,10000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- SSF Co- Main Event - Estádio da Rivera -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**SSF $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,1500))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1500,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,2499))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 2500)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- SSF Main Event - Gran Coliseo de São Paulo -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**SSF $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- SSF Championship of The World - Hyper Sambadrome -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**SSF $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Xiang He**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->SSFMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Kung Fu')[[FIGHT->SSFKF]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->SSFBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- The Floating Ring - Andaman Islands -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Nanda Devi Mega Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Goa Psy Fight Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Agra Centre -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Goa Psy Fight Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Varanasi Fighting Complex -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Gaurav Indoor Arena - Deli -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Siraj 'बमवर्षक' Singh**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->PIMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Lethwei')[[FIGHT->PILETHWEI]]
(if:$art is 'Kung Fu')[[FIGHT->PIKF]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Motor City Fight Club - Detroit -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Fighter's Cathedral - Philly -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Boston Strong Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Freedom Park - New York -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Jolly Sports Center - Los Angeles -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Chicago Chicano Super Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Hyper Lotus Arena - Las Vegas -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organism $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organism $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Floyd 'Billions' Bayweather**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->NFAMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Wrestling')[[FIGHT->NFAW]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->NFABOX]]
(if:$art is 'BJJ')[[FIGHT->NFABJJ]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- The Den at Vauxhall Gardens - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Manchester Combat Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Liverpool City Centre -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Cardiff Bay Dome - Wales -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Putney Bridge Hall - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Chelsea Place Casino - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- London Storm Fighting Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:1000,2000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:2000,5000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:5000,7000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:7000,10000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Johnny 'Spitfire' Harrison**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->LPFMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->LPFBOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- TEST -->
(set:$exp to 111)(set:$proexp to 100)(set:$organism to 'CBVT')(set:$art to 'MMA')
**Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo** - Mixed Martial Arts
<!- also mind grade? -->
(if:$organism is not 'CBVT')[You don´t fight for this fighting organization.]
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your professional fighting style.]
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$cbvtmma is 1)['You are the current champion.'(display:'Fight')]
(set:$fights to $fights + 1)
(if:$dif is 0)[**- Undercard MMA Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**- Maincard MMA Fight -**]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Co-Main Event MMA Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Main Event MMA Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**- World Championship MMA Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Undercard CBVT MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > ($proexp + 10))[You won the fight!<br />
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br />(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:($exp > ($proexp + 10)) and ($pu > ($propu + 10)))[You scored a punch knockout!<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu +10)]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:($exp > ($proexp + 10)) and ($gra > ($progra + 10)))[You won by submission!<br />(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:($exp > ($proexp + 10)) and ($ki > ($proki + 10)))[You scored a kick knockout!<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki +10)]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp < ($proexp + 11) and ($exp - $proexp) > 0))[You lost the fight.<br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:($exp - $proexp) <= 0)[Death0]]
CHAMP : (set:$freeagent to true)
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Burn Pro Boxing -->
(set:$proboxing to 1)
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- CBVT World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- CBVT Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- CBVT Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- CBVT Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- CBVT Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CBVTPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CBVTPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CBVTPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CBVTPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$cbvtbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 2)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Campeonato Brasilero de Vale Tudo Boxing Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CBVTPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
}Double-click this passage to edit it.CHAMPION:
Agatha Gracie
If you beat your sensei you get something very special- {
**- Fight Camp -**<br /><br />
(if:$gym is 'Proper Combat')[
Welcome to Fight Camp $name.<br /><br />Here at Proper Combat we don't fuck around when it comes to Fight Camp. You'll be submitted to the most gruesome regime in order to improve your gorgeous physique and enhance your proper genius intelligence.<br /><br />]
Select which trait you'd like to focus on:<br /><br />
(link: 'Awesomeness')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rj to $rj + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rj to $rj + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rj to $rj + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rj to $rj + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rj to $rj + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Motivation')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to $ht + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to $ht + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to $ht + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to $ht + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Strategy')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to $ms + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to $ms + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to $ms + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to $ms + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Technique')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to $rt + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to $rt + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to $rt + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to $rt + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to $rt + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Power')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to $str + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to $str + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to $str + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to $str + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to $str + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Agility')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to $sp + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to $sp + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to $sp + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to $sp + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to $sp + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Endurance')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to $sta + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to $sta + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to $sta + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to $sta + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Boxing')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to $pu + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Ground and Pound')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to $pu + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to $pu + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Kickboxing')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to $ki + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Muay Thai')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to $ki + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Karate')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to $ki + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'TKD')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to $ki + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to $ki + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'BJJ')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Wrestling')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Sambo')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
(link: 'Judo')[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to $gra + (random: 10,30))]
(go-to:'Camp End')]<br />
**Grade-1 Fighting Organisms** - YOU GET A CONTRACT (this one is lineal)
**Grade-2 MMA**
[[All American Fighters->AAF]]
[[Hanzo Fighting Championship->HFC]]
**Grade-2 Boxing**
[[United Boxing Association->UBA]]
[[Eastern Boxing Union->EBU]]
[[European Boxing Commission->EBC]]
**Grade-2 Kickboxing**
[[Blunt Force->FFF]]
[[Muay Thai International->MTI]]
**Grade-2 Grappling**
[[Alavanca Invitational->AI]]
[[Submission Masters Series->SMS]]
**Rockstar Fights**
[[Unify]](if:$og >= 3)[You lost the fight, or you don't even get a shot!]
[[Defend]] You can only defend X amount of times until getting sold to another organism.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- Breed -**<br /><br />
<!- Fuck Off -->
(if:$age < 18)[(set:_fuckoff to (random: (1,7)))
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(if:_fuckoff is 1)[You must be fucking kidding me kiddo. Back to the gym! ]
(if:_fuckoff is 2)[You're not old enough for breeding.]
(if:_fuckoff is 3)[Think before you fuck.]
(if:_fuckoff is 4)[You, a parent? Fuck off. Get back to training.]
(if:_fuckoff is 5)[You're funny. Get the fuck back to the gym.]
(if:_fuckoff is 6)[I don´t think you're ready to be a parent kiddo.]
(if:_fuckoff is 7)[Get your ass back to the gym, right now!]
<br /><br />]
<!- Only Retired -->
(if:$age >= 18 and $retired is 0)[Only retired fighters have time for breeding kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Find a Stud -->
(if:$age >= 18 and $retired is 1)[(go-to: 'Find a Stud')]
}**- Seal the Deal -**<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Daddy Allocation -->
(set:$daddy to $name)
Would you like to
(set:_fuck to (random: 1,32))
(if:_fuck is 1)[fuck]
(if:_fuck is 2)[breed]
(if:_fuck is 3)[mate]
(if:_fuck is 4)[procreate]
(if:_fuck is 5)[have sexual intercourse]
(if:_fuck is 6)[doggy style]
(if:_fuck is 7)[plow poke get some booty]
(if:_fuck is 8)[diddle]
(if:_fuck is 9)[shag]
(if:_fuck is 10)[hit a home run]
(if:_fuck is 11)[seal the deal]
(if:_fuck is 12)[sexy time]
(if:_fuck is 13)[pork]
(if:_fuck is 14)[get it on]
(if:_fuck is 15)[sucky fucky]
(if:_fuck is 16)[pull a train]
(if:_fuck is 17)[do the horizontal bop]
(if:_fuck is 18)[play hide the salami]
(if:_fuck is 19)[skronk]
(if:_fuck is 20)[slap and tickle]
(if:_fuck is 21)[hit it]
(if:_fuck is 22)[make babies]
(if:_fuck is 23)[get laid]
(if:_fuck is 24)[make woopie]
(if:_fuck is 25)[score]
(if:_fuck is 26)[pound the punanni pavement]
(if:_fuck is 27)[tap that ass]
(if:_fuck is 28)[get lucky]
(if:_fuck is 29)[get some stank on the hang down]
(if:_fuck is 30)[doink]
(if:_fuck is 31)[bang]
(if:_fuck is 32)[enrage the cave]
with $stud?<br /><br />
(set:_fucky to (random: 1,32))
(if:_fucky is 1)[[fuck->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 2)[[breed->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 3)[[mate->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 4)[[procreate->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 5)[[have sexual intercourse->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 6)[[doggy style->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 7)[[plow poke get some booty->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 8)[[diddle->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 9)[[shag->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 10)[[hit a home run->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 11)[[seal the deal->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 12)[[sexy time->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 13)[[pork->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 14)[[get it on->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 15)[[sucky fucky->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 16)[[pull a train->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 17)[[do the horizontal bop->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 18)[[play hide the salami->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 19)[[skronk->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 20)[[slap and tickle->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 21)[[hit it->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 22)[[make babies->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 23)[[get laid->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 24)[[make woopie->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 25)[[score->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 26)[[pound the punanni pavement->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 27)[[tap that ass->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 28)[[get lucky->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 29)[[get some stank on the hang down->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 30)[[doink->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 31)[[bang->Fuck]]
(if:_fucky is 32)[[enrage the cave->Fuck]]
[[with $stud.->Fuck]]
<!- TEST -->
**- Oracle -**<br /><br />
(if:$death >= 1)[Your vampire-age is: $vampage.<br /><br />]
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it + 1)
<!- Oracle Salute -->
(set:_oracslang to (random: 1,9))
(if:_oracslang is 1)["Hi, I'm a fucking oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 2)["Hi, I'm a pretty oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 3)["Hi, I'm a horny oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 4)["Hi, I'm a lonely oracle. How may I help you?"](if:_oracslang is 5)["Hi, I'm a cheeky oracle. How may I help you?"](if:_oracslang is 6)["Hi, I'm a creepy oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 7)["Hi, I'm a gorgeous oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 8)["Hi, I'm an overrated oracle. How may I help you?"]
(if:_oracslang is 9)["Hi, I'm a cunty oracle. How may I help you?"]
<br /><br />
[[Fighter Soul->Genes]]<br />
(if:$retire is 0)[ [[Retire]]<br />]
[[Breed]]<br />
[[Die]]<br />
[[About]]<br /><br />
[[Go back to $gym->$gym]]
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Don´t be a cunt, c'ooon. You sure?
[[Oh for fuck's sake's Jesus. Alrite let's go to the candy store.->JesusCandyStore]]
[[Jesus Christ, are you for real Jesus. I said no!->JesusGetsMad]]Sooo, watcha wanna get?
[[Whatever Jesus, I don´t care.->JesusIsSad]]
[[Oh my God! Look at it! So much cooolor! I'll have a cotton candy, and an ice-cream, fuck it, imma dip my genitals in that choco fountain...->HolUp]]
Jesus is **crossed** with you.
Your mindset level has been decreased by a lot really. $md -10
[[Bakk to $gym->$gym]You know you a little bitch for making Jesus sad don't you?
Hol up...
Geez, tone it down mate. You one fucked up muddafaka ain't ya? Shiiiite. I don't even know if I wan be keepin talkin to yall. Dat shit awkard. Jesus out. Mic drop and shit.
Your mindset level has been decreased by a fucking lot.
[[Go back to $gym->$gym]]{
<!- Banner -->
**- Sports -**<br /><br />
[[Surf]]<br />
(colour: gray)[American Football]<br />
(colour: gray)[Basketball]<br />
(colour: gray)[Rugby]<br />
(colour: gray)[Hockey]<br />
(colour: gray)[Tennis]<br />
(colour: gray)[Soccer]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- Surf -**<br /><br />
<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$surf to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$surf <= 1)[
Wipeout. Pretty bad one. You ok?<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.]
(set:$ms to it - 10)
(if:$surf > 1 and $surf <= 3)[
You're getting there mate. Good balance, good read of the ocean.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.]
(set:$ms to it + 10)
(if:$surf >= 4)[Awesome stuff mate. A beautiful tunnel. You really pumped it. Welcome to the green room. Peace out!<br /><br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.]
(set:$ms to it + 69)
<br /><br />
}<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$soccer to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$soccer <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$soccer > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$soccer >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]
Amateur: Soccer $name? Really? For fuck's sake's kiddo...
Your $mind level has been decreased.
So, you took some sort of a dive in an attempt to provoke some imaginary faul that resulted in you kicking a little ball into a big as thingy with some clown ass looking fella doing another dive and then everyone going fucking bananas and shit. Do you feel good about yourself right now?
Your $mindset level has been confused.
[[Go back to the fucking gym->$gym]]
[1/10]Oh, tere ya go, you scored a goal, good job kid. Some do or die shit right there I'll tell ya.
Your little $heart level has been increased, a little bit, maybe?
[[Go back to the fucking gym->$gym]]
<!- TEST -->
**- Fighter Soul -** | 100,000 $<br /><br />
(colour: gray)[Oracle: ]For a modest amount of money, I can look deep into your fighter soul and tell you what you're all about.<br /><br />
(link: 'Let´s do it.')[
(if:$money >= 100000)[(set:$money to it - 100000)
(if:$og is 5)[I'm not sure if you really are a fighter. Maybe go breed, and, hopefully, your gamebred will get some better luck out of the good 'ole DNA.]
(if:$og is 4)[You will need to train exceptionally hard in order to be able to compete at the highest levels. Basically, you're kinda shitty, but you've got a good little heart. r/aww]
(if:$og is 3)[You've got a tough, competitive fighter inside of you. Fuck it, go for it.]
(if:$og is 2)[You are a very scary championship-grade fighter. You just may be a true rock an rolla mate.]
(if:$og is 1)[Mastered? You're fucking Muhammad "I'm hard" Bruce Lee. You're a Rockstar! You will go all the way, no doubt.]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]
<br /><br />
}In grade -1 championship wins award the highest grade ob 'black' belt according to original art.
brutality is in da book too!
pride rules!{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Set Flow -->
(set:_flow to (random: 1,2))
(if:_flow is 1)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
(if:_flow is 2)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)
(set:$spar to 0)
(set:$camp to 0)
(set:$strategy to 0)
(set:$learncombo to 0)
<!- Other Resets -->
(set:$sugar to '')<!- Already at early maybe not necesary here -->
(set:$social to 0)
(set:$travel to 0)
(set:$masterclass to 0)
(set:$oracle to 0)
<!- Gamer's Avenue Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation happens at Pick-A-Fight -->
<!- TV Venues -->
(if:$dif <= 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 1,5))
(if:_venue is 1)[(set:$venue to '**- Arena Maya - Cancún -**')]
(if:_venue is 2)[(set:$venue to '**- Estádio da Rivera - Rio de Janeiro -**')]
(if:_venue is 3)[(set:$venue to '**- Fighter´s Cathedral - Philly -**')]
(if:_venue is 4)[(set:$venue to '**- Freedom Park - New York -**')]
(if:_venue is 5)[(set:$venue to '**- Fighting Mega Dome - Vancouver -**')]
<!- PPV Venues -->
(if:$dif > 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 6,10))
(if:_venue is 6)[(set:$venue to '**- Boston Strong Stadium -**')]
(if:_venue is 7)[(set:$venue to '**- Super Estadio de los Muertos - Mexico City -**')]
(if:_venue is 8)[(set:$venue to '**- Hyper Lotus Arena - Las Vegas -**')]
(if:_venue is 9)[(set:$venue to '**- Estadio Río de La Plata - Argentina -**')]
(if:_venue is 10)[(set:$venue to '**- Arena Ché Guevara - Habana -**')]
<!- Attendance Allocation happens here. -->
<!- Venue Allocation This happens at Pick a Fight in Grade-1 There is also: PPV and Gate -->
<!- Unranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Unranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- United Boxers Association -** | Unranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:1000,5000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:5000,10000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Ranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Ranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- United Boxers Association -** | Ranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Top 10 Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Top 10 Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- United Boxers Association -** | Top 10 Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:150000,175000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** PPV: **$ppv** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:175000,200000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,99999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 100000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Contender Boxing fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Contender Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- United Boxers Association -** | Title Contender Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:20000,25000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:25000,30000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:30000,49999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 50000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- World Chamíonship Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- United Boxers Association -** | Championship of The World <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:100000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship Fights Grade-1 Will Auto take you to another passage. -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
<!- Here goes the: Here we go Gley! From Sensei IT'S A CLASSIC KEEP IT -->
(live: 15s)[
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling will be Superior in Grade - 1 -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Set Flow -->
(set:_flow to (random: 1,2))
(if:_flow is 1)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
(if:_flow is 2)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)
(set:$spar to 0)
(set:$camp to 0)
(set:$strategy to 0)
(set:$learncombo to 0)
<!- Other Resets -->
(set:$sugar to '')<!- Already at early maybe not necesary here -->
(set:$social to 0)
(set:$travel to 0)
(set:$masterclass to 0)
(set:$oracle to 0)
<!- Gamer's Avenue Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation happens at Pick-A-Fight -->
<!- TV Venues -->
(if:$dif <= 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 1,5))
(if:_venue is 1)[(set:$venue to '**- Egohalle - Berlin -**')]
(if:_venue is 2)[(set:$venue to '**- Liverpool City Centre -**')]
(if:_venue is 3)[(set:$venue to '**- Stuttgart Sportkuppel -**')]
(if:_venue is 4)[(set:$venue to '**- Manchester Combat Ground -**')]
(if:_venue is 5)[(set:$venue to '**- Arena Combate - Madrid -**')]
<!- PPV Venues -->
(if:$dif > 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 6,10))
(if:_venue is 6)[(set:$venue to '**- Chelsea Place Casino - London -**')]
(if:_venue is 7)[(set:$venue to '**- Stade de la Fraternité - Paris -**')]
(if:_venue is 8)[(set:$venue to '**- Colosseum - Rome -**')]
(if:_venue is 9)[(set:$venue to '**- Munich Sportpark -**')]
(if:_venue is 10)[(set:$venue to '**- London Storm Fighting Arena -**')]
<!- Attendance Allocation happens here. -->
<!- Venue Allocation This happens at Pick a Fight in Grade-1 There is also: PPV and Gate -->
<!- Unranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Unranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Unranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:1000,5000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:5000,10000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Ranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Ranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Ranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Top 10 Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Top 10 Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Top 10 Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:150000,175000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** PPV: **$ppv** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:175000,200000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,99999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 100000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Contender Boxing fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Contender Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Title Contender Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:20000,25000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:25000,30000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:30000,49999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 50000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- World Chamíonship Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Championship of The World <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:100000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship Fights Grade-1 Will Auto take you to another passage. -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
<!- Here goes the: Here we go Gley! From Sensei IT'S A CLASSIC KEEP IT -->
(live: 15s)[
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling will be Superior in Grade - 1 -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Set Flow -->
(set:_flow to (random: 1,2))
(if:_flow is 1)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
(if:_flow is 2)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)
(set:$spar to 0)
(set:$camp to 0)
(set:$strategy to 0)
(set:$learncombo to 0)
<!- Other Resets -->
(set:$sugar to '')<!- Already at early maybe not necesary here -->
(set:$social to 0)
(set:$travel to 0)
(set:$masterclass to 0)
(set:$oracle to 0)
<!- Gamer's Avenue Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation happens at Pick-A-Fight -->
<!- TV Venues -->
(if:$dif <= 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 1,5))
(if:_venue is 1)[(set:$venue to '**- The Peak Casino - Hong Kong -**')]
(if:_venue is 2)[(set:$venue to '**- Hua Tuo Ultra Dome - Beijing -**')]
(if:_venue is 3)[(set:$venue to '**- Shanghai Super Arena -**')]
(if:_venue is 4)[(set:$venue to '**- Goa Psy Fight Ground -**')]
(if:_venue is 5)[(set:$venue to '**- Gaurav Indoor Arena - Deli -**')]
<!- PPV Venues -->
(if:$dif > 5)[(set:_venue to (random: 6,10))
(if:_venue is 6)[(set:$venue to '**- Otaku Super Dome - Tokyo -**')]
(if:_venue is 7)[(set:$venue to '**- Casino in the Sky - Seoul -**')]
(if:_venue is 8)[(set:$venue to '**- Saitama Fighting Stadium -**')]
(if:_venue is 9)[(set:$venue to '**- Fontanka River Fighting Complex - Saint Petersburg -**')]
(if:_venue is 10)[(set:$venue to '**- Sochi MMA Center -**')]
<!- Attendance Allocation happens here. -->
<!- Venue Allocation This happens at Pick a Fight in Grade-1 There is also: PPV and Gate -->
<!- Unranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Unranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Unranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:1000,5000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:5000,10000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Ranked Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Ranked Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Ranked Fight<br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:10000,50000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Top 10 Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Top 10 Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Top 10 Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:150000,175000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** PPV: **$ppv** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:175000,200000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,99999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 100000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Contender Boxing fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Contender Fight')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Title Contender Fight <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:20000,25000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:25000,30000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:30000,49999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 50000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- World Chamíonship Boxing Fight -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**- $organics -** | Championship of The World <br /><br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:$attendance to (random:50000,75000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:$attendance to (random:75000,100000))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to (random:100000,149999))
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:$attendance to 150000)
$venue<br />
Attendance: **$attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + $attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship Fights Grade-1 Will Auto take you to another passage. -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
<!- Here goes the: Here we go Gley! From Sensei IT'S A CLASSIC KEEP IT -->
(live: 15s)[
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling will be Superior in Grade - 1 -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
**Freak Fair Fighting**
Manager Allocation: You must match this with the Opponent Passage
(set:_dipshit to (random: 1,6))[
(if:_dipshit is 1)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Joker')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Arthur')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Frankie Wilde')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_dipshit is 2)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Fuck Up')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Long Bones')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Big Rocky')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to 'Sage "Luvely" Carpenter')]
(if:_dipshit is 3)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Soprano')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Frank Knuckles')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Tony Armada')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to 'Chee-chee Mendoza')]
(if:_dipshit is 4)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Nick')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Kim Gold Cul de Sac')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Carlos "Flaco" Sardinas')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to 'Oli Garpoli')]
(if:_dipshit is 5)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Geek')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Señor Robot')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Neo')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to 'Leonard')]
(if:_dipshit is 6)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Legend')
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_dipshit is 7)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Millennial'))
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_dipshit is 8)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Zoomer'))
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Trendy Mikey')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to 'Supa Kitty')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_dipshit is 9)[
(set:$dipshit to 'Boomer'))
(set:_wiseass to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_wiseass is 1)[(set:$wiseass to 'Uncle Jim')]
(if:_wiseass is 2)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
(if:_wiseass is 3)[(set:$wiseass to '')]
Your new manager is $wiseass, and (either: 'he', 'she') is a $dipshit.
(This is gangsta shit, you just got incorporated. Illegal fucking stuff going on here rookie. I've been planning this all week son. Look at your face. You really thought that contract is legit? Are you serious right now?)
- Incorporated Street-fight Fights -
Used to be a freak-show circus. Started a **fight club**.
When you touch this touchdown right here: (Because you will.)
Make sure to:
Request whoever is buying this shit to:
Make all development dynamic. Imagine stages, like bit art, then 2D, then 3D, animation, result.!!!!
Winners get the confidential stuff about the characters, under contract obviously.
Scout redditors!!! Make it global. Everyone's invited.MUAY THAI INTERNATIONAL ?some saudi next level bling bling shit going o right hereDouble-click this passage to edit it.
(set:$hfc to 1)
**Defend your Rockstar Title**
(if:$hfc is 1)[[**Hanzo Fighting Championship - Champion of the World**->Rockstar MMA]]
Once you win:
There are other fight styles you know?
Hang the gloves and procreate.
**Retire**HFC Champ VS AAF Champ
{ (set:$rockmma to 0)
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>}
(if:$rockmma is 1)[You already mastered this division.<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AMMA Champ Result")]
[[MMA Rockstar Champ Result]]
<br />
it was an article in some british newspaper
I never knew my dad was a bad man until I learned how to read.
I do remember I never had a mother. And way to early had to take care of her younger sieblings. Fuckloads of servants. Huge fucking platnation. All toys and sweets shw could ever have. Horses, monkeys, a little fucking zoo.
I do remember when they killed him though. And I remember the pain of the timeless years that followed. She flees with her two little brothers and a servant that later drowns in the boats.fucking loves it
gets kidnapped by the new fucking dictator and taken back to the old continent
After the camps and the boats we found home.->London That, I remember. It was a lot of hard work, but all worth it, because we found people that loves us, and we loved them back.
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- Pick-A-Stud -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Jack Johnson | 1M $')[(if:$money >= 1000000)[
(set:$money to it - 1000000)
(set:$studog to 1)
(set:$stud to 'Jack Johnson')
(live: 0s)[(go-to: 'Seal the Deal')]]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]<br />
]<br />
(link: 'Iron Mickey | 750K $')[(if:$money >= 750000)[
(set:$money to it - 750000)
(set:$studog to 2)
(set:$stud to 'Iron Mickey')
(live: 0s)[(go-to: 'Seal the Deal')]]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]<br />
]<br />
(link: 'Miyamoto Musashi | 500K $')[(if:$money >= 500000)[
(set:$money to it - 500000)
(set:$studog to 3)
(set:$stud to 'Miyamoto Musashi')
(live: 0s)[(go-to: 'Seal the Deal')]]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]<br />
]<br />
(link: 'Wonda Rousey | 250K $')[(if:$money >= 250000)[
(set:$money to it - 250000)
(set:$studog to 4)
(set:$stud to 'Wonda Rousey')
(live: 0s)[(go-to: 'Seal the Deal')]]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]<br />
]<br />
(link: 'Busting Beaver | 0 $')[(if:$money >= 0)[
(set:$studog to 5)
(set:$stud to 'Busting Beaver')
(live: 0s)[(go-to: 'Seal the Deal')]]
(else:)[You don't have enough money mate.]<br />
]<br />
<br /><br />
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AMMA Champ Result")]
you need an array with all the organisms and then make a if this organism is in that array then you cannot sign again with them, do you really need it? if they're dumb enough to sign with the same one, well heck, but it also adds complexity because you would have to go the sense fuckload of times i f you want to win everything so yeah you're gonna have to do it
**Sign a Professional Fighting Contract**
(set:$week to $week + 1)
(if:$freeagent is 0)[You have not been released from your contract.]
<!- Setting Professional Experience -->
(set:$prorj to $rj)
(set:$proht to $ht)
(set:$proms to $ms)
(set:$prort to $rt)
(set:$prostr to $str)
(set:$prosp to $sp)
(set:$prosta to $sta)
(set:$propu to $pu)
(set:$proki to $ki)
(set:$progra to $gra)
(set:$probal to $bal)
(set:$promind to ($prorj + $proht + $proms))
(set:$probody to ($prort + $prostr + $prosp + $prosta + $propu + $proki + $progra + $probal))
(set:$proexp to ($promind + $probody))
(if:$protrophy >= 1)
[(link:'[[Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo->CBVT]]')[
(set:$organism to 'CBVT')(go-to:'CBVT Sign')
(if:_organism is 2)[(set:$organism to 'CMC')[[Consejo Mexicano de Combate->CMC]]]
(if:_organism is 3)[(set:$organism to 'AFD')[[Australian Fighting Derby->AFD]]]
(if:_organism is 4)[(set:$organism to 'NAF')[[Nigeria Attack Force->NAF]]]
(if:_organism is 5)[(set:$organism to 'DLF')[[Deutschland League of Fighters->DLF]]]
(if:_organism is 6)[(set:$organism to 'RCE')[[Russian Combat Elite->RCE]]]
(if:_organism is 7)[(set:$organism to 'SF')[[Shangai Series of Fighting->SSF]]]
(if:_organism is 8)[(set:$organism to 'PI')[[Prize India->PI]]]
(if:_organism is 9)[(set:$organism to 'NFA')[[National Fighter Association->NFA]]]
(if:_organism is 10)[(set:$organism to 'LPF')[[London Prize Fighters->LPF]]]
<br /> <!- Punch KO -->
(if:($mind > 30) and ($pu > 30))[(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body. You savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu +10)]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($gra > 30))[(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[You won by submission!]<br />
(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($ki > 30))[(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a frontal kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki +10)]]
al sense1, all destinies, all master class (depending on $grade at time of $retired
here are the studs that would accept mating with ya by $grade
in order to obtain a game-bred fighter?
turn kick to the liver
This ones go after **You lost the fight.** (Opposite to before when you won the fight.)->
"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."
- Havelock Ellis
Thou shall always search for the echoes of a lost fight, the scraps of blood and sweat, the cold cage of the octagon or the tight ropes of the ring that say: You can always fight another day.
"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."
- C.S. Lewis
"Ain't no shame in holding on to grief... as long as you make room for other things too."
- Bubbles, The Wire
"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."
- Khalil Gibran
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man."
- Heraclitus
"I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are evil."
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
"But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer."
- Viktor E. Frankl
The fire in you still burns kiddo. You lost the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.
"How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?"
- Chuck P, Fightclub
You lost this one kiddo, but there are many more to come.
"No one will hit you harder than life itself. It doesn´t matter how you hit back. It's about how much you can take, and keep fighting, how much you can suffer and keep moving forward. That's how you win."
- Anderson 'The Spider' Silva
"Fighting only hurts when you stop."
- Martin Rubin
"Fighting is the best thing a man can have in his soul." - Renzo Gracie
“The hero and the coward both feel the same thing. But the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It’s the same thing, fear, but it’s what you do with it that matters.”
-Cus D’amato
“The tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world.”
– Mike Tyson
“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”
– Muhammad Ali
“Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.”
– Frank Bruno
“To become a champion, fight one more round.”
– James Corbett
“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”
– Jack Dempsey
“To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will.”
– Sugar Ray Robinson
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AKB Champ Result")]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- Procreation -**<br /><br />
<!- Genetic Allocation -->
<!- This is a bit: minimize to maximize, mate. Brilliant. -->
(set:_og to (random: 1,2))
(if:_og is 1)[(set:$og to $studog)]
(if:_og is 2)[(set:$og to it)]
(live: 0s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**$name**](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[ is succesfully](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[
(set:_fuck to (random: 1,32))
(if:_fuck is 1)[**fucking** ]
(if:_fuck is 2)[**breeding** ]
(if:_fuck is 3)[**mating** ]
(if:_fuck is 4)[**procreating** ]
(if:_fuck is 5)[**having sexual intercourse** ]
(if:_fuck is 6)[**doggy styling ** ]
(if:_fuck is 7)[**plowing poking getting some booty** ]
(if:_fuck is 8)[**diddling** ]
(if:_fuck is 9)[**shagging** ]
(if:_fuck is 10)[**hitting a home run** ]
(if:_fuck is 11)[**sealing the deal** ]
(if:_fuck is 12)[**sexy timing** ]
(if:_fuck is 13)[**porking** ]
(if:_fuck is 14)[**getting it on** ]
(if:_fuck is 15)[**sucky-ing fucky-ing** ]
(if:_fuck is 16)[**pulling a train** ]
(if:_fuck is 17)[**doing the horizontal bop** ]
(if:_fuck is 18)[**playing hide the salami** ]
(if:_fuck is 19)[**skronking** ]
(if:_fuck is 20)[**slapping and tickling** ]
(if:_fuck is 21)[**hitting it** ]
(if:_fuck is 22)[**making babies** ]
(if:_fuck is 23)[**getting laid** ]
(if:_fuck is 24)[**making woopie** ]
(if:_fuck is 25)[**scoring** ]
(if:_fuck is 26)[**pounding the punanni pavement** ]
(if:_fuck is 27)[**tapping that ass** ]
(if:_fuck is 28)[**getting lucky** ]
(if:_fuck is 29)[**getting some stank on the hang down** ]
(if:_fuck is 30)[**doinking** ]
(if:_fuck is 31)[**bangging** ]
(if:_fuck is 32)[**enraging the cave** ](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[ with **$stud**,](stop:)]
(live: 3.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ and viceversa.](stop:)]
(live: 4.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 5.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[.<br />](stop:)]]
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[[(either: 'Meet your prodigee','Let it be life')->Name Gamebred]](stop:)]
(colour: red)[**- Gamebred -**]<br /><br />
<!- Name Allocation -->
(set:$name to $GamebredName)
<!- Legacy Record -->
(set:$legacy to it + $exp)
<!- Gamebred Rockstar Juice & Technique Allocation -->
(set:$gamebred to 1)
(if:$og is 5)[
(set:$rj to (random: 1,10))]
(if:$og is 4)[
(set:$rj to (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 3)[
(set:$rj to (random: 20,30))]
(if:$og is 2)[
(set:$rj to (random: 30,40))]
(if:$og is 1)[
(set:$rj to (random: 40,100))]
(if:$og is 5)[
(set:$rt to (random: 1,10))]
(if:$og is 4)[
(set:$rt to (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 3)[
(set:$rt to (random: 20,30))]
(if:$og is 2)[
(set:$rt to (random: 30,40))]
(if:$og is 1)[
(set:$rt to (random: 40,100))]
<!- Exp Reset -->
(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)
<!- Record Reset -->
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
<!- Ops Resets -->
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$week to 728)
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Welcome to our bloody universe **$name**.](stop:)] <br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You are the gamebred prodigee of **$stud** and **$daddy**.](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[It's time to **bleed**.](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 7s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Choose your **sensei**:](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'slide-left')[
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
Name your **gamebred**:<br />
<input type="text" data-varname="GamebredName">\
<script>processInputElements();</script><br />
(link-goto: "(either: 'Anoint', 'Name', 'Immerse', 'Sprinkle', 'Initiate', 'Designate', 'Entitle', 'Denominate', 'Submerse')", "Gamebred")[[Trigonometry]]
Electricity & Magnetism
Modern PhysicsWalk north _north1 blocks, take a right and walk another _east1 blocks, then turn left and walk _north2 blocks, then walk _west1 blocks to the west, then back north _north3 blocks, and finally _east2 blocks to the east.
If every block is 100 meters, exactly how far are you from the starting point?
(set:(_north1 and _north2 and _north3) to (random: 5,10))
(set:(_east1 and _east2) to (random: 3,7))
(set:(_west1) to (random: 1,3))]
[(set:_north to (_north1 + _north2 + _north3))
(set:_east to (_east1 + _east2))
(set:_west1 to _west)]
[(set:_result to (sqrt: ((pow:_north,2) + (pow:(_east - _west),2))))]
north _north
east _east
west _west
a. link with if
b. link with if
random a,b
a. You dumb (LOL)
b. Fuck me, we've got a genius.
Fuck me, we've got a genius.
make the random increase so that rockstars have to type fuckloads of digits on their calculators
when i decided to release the code there was a part of me that thought ...............................
and another one that tought, fuck it, so here it goes
so here it goes{
**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />
(set:$amma to 1)
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$mind > 30)[(set:$mmagold to 1)(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You won the fight champ!<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[You absolute unit! Your future is bright kiddo. Keep fighting!<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you.<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion’.”<br />-Muhammad Ali<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[“You never lose until you actually give up.”<br />-Mike Tyson<br /><br />You did it kiddo! You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **10**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:($mind > 30) and ($pu > 30))[(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu +10)]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($gra > 30))[(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[You won by submission!]<br />
(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($ki > 30))[(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki +10)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$mind > 10 and $mind < 31)[(set:_fail to (random: 1,10))
(if:_fail is 1)[“The hero and the coward both feel the same thing. But the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It’s the same thing, fear, but it’s what you do with it that matters.”<br />
-Cus D’amato<br /><br /><br />You **lost** the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 2)[Thou shall always search for the echoes of a lost fight, the scraps of blood and sweat, the cold cage of the octagon or the tight ropes of the ring that say: You can always fight another day.<br /><br />You lost the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 3)["All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."<br />
- Havelock Ellis<br /><br />You **lost** the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 4)[“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”<br />
– Muhammad Ali<br /><br />You **lost** the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 5)[“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”
<br />– Jack Dempsey<br /><br /><br />
You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 6)[“Fighting is the best thing a man can have in his soul."<br /> - Renzo Gracie<br /><br />You lost the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />
You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 7)[“Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.”<br />
– Frank Bruno<br /><br />You **lost** the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 8)[“No one will hit you harder than life itself. It doesn´t matter how you hit back. It's about how much you can take, and keep fighting, how much you can suffer and keep moving forward. That's how you win."<br />
- Anderson 'The Spider' Silva<br /><br />You **lost** the fight, but you gained in knowledge and courage.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 9)[“"The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."<br />
- Khalil Gibran<br /><br /><br />
You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_fail is 10)[“"How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?"<br />
- Chuck Palahniuk, Fightclub<br /><br />
You **lost** this one kiddo, but there are many more to come.<br /><br />]
Your mindset level has been increased by **5**.<br />(set:$ms to $ms + 5)
Your heart level has been increased by **5**.<br />(set:$ht to $ht + 5)
(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$mind <= 10)[Death4]
<!- Go Pro || Learn Art -->
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[
You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at the **Amateur MMA World Championship** kiddo. It's time for changes:<br /><br />
[[Learn a new martial art.->Learn Art]]<br />
[[Go pro.->Go Pro]]
**-Hanzo Fighting Champion vs All American Fighters Champion -**Championship Unification Fight<br /><br />
<!- MMA Championship Unification Fight -->
(if:$mind > 30)[
(set:$rj to $rj + 10)(set:$win to $win + 1)(set:$amma to 1)
<!- Win -->
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You won the fight champ!<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[You absolute unit! Your future is bright kiddo. Keep fighting!<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you.<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion’.”<br />-Muhammad Ali<br /><br />You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[“You never lose until you actually give up.”<br />-Mike Tyson<br /><br />You did it kiddo! You are the new **Amateur MMA Champion of the World!**<br /><br />
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **10**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:($mind > 30) and ($pu > 30))[(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body. You savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu +10)]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($gra > 30))[(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[You won by submission!]<br />
(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 10)]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:($mind > 30) and ($ki > 30))[(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a frontal kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki +10)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$mind > 10 and $mind < 31)[You lost the fight.<br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **5**.<br />(set:$ht to $ht - 5)
Your mindset level has been decreased by **5**.<br />(set:$ms to $ms - 5)
(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$mind <= 10)[Death4]
<br />
<br />
<br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- TEST -->
**- Fight Camp -**<br /><br />
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to $week + 6)
(set:$camp to 1)
(either: 'Good effort', 'Well done', 'Good stuff', 'Good job') (either: 'kiddo', '$name').<br /><br />
(either: 'Time to **fight**.', 'Fight time.')<br /><br />
(if:$grade <=1)[
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$grade > 1)[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
I (either: 'want', 'need', 'urge') you to (either: 'learn', 'master', 'note') a strategy:<br /><br />
(link: 'Purist vs Purist')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a pure orthodox, and your opponent is also fighting as a purist, aim for the surprise and brawl in the early and middle rounds, counter in the later, and if it's a Championship fight, go back to basics in the end.<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Purist vs Counter-attacker')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a purist, and your opponent is a sniper, be true to your style early, snipe in the middle rounds, go back to basics late, and if it's a Championship fight, make it dirty in the end.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Purist vs Brawler')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting orthodox, and your opponent is a brawler, be true to yourself through the fight, that's what you do. If it's a Championship fight, counter in the end.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Purist vs Bomber')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a purist, and your opponent is a bomber, counter early, back to basics in the middle and later rounds. If it's a Championship fight, snipe again in the end.
<br />](else:)[]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Counter-attacker vs Purist')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a sniper, and your opponent is a purist, start very orthodox, brawl it through the middle rounds, snipe in the late and Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Counter-attacker vs Counter-attacker')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a counter-attacker, and your opponent is also a counter-attacker, be a purist early, counter through the middle rounds, bomb in the late rounds, and go back to counter in the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Counter-attacker vs Brawler')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a sniper, and your opponent is a bully, make sure to counter all through the fight, until the Championship rounds, then brawl back.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Counter-attacker vs Bomber')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a counter-attacker, and you're facing a bomber, be a purist early, counter in the middle rounds, back to purist during the late rounds, and bomb during the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Brawler vs Purist')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a brawler, and your opponent is a purist, brawl early, counter through the middle rounds, brawl again in the late rounds, and be a purist during the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Brawler vs Counter-attacker')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a bully, and you're facing a counter-attacker, brawl early, counter through the middle rounds, brawl again in the late rounds, and bomb during the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Brawler vs Brawler')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a brawler, and you're facing another bully, be a purist early, counter through the middle rounds, and brawl in the late and Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Brawler vs Bomber')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a bully, and your opponent is a bomber, counter during the early rounds, be a purist through the middle, and brawl in the late and Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br /><br />
(link: 'Bomber vs Purist')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a bomber, and you're facing a purist, counter early, be orthodox during the middle rounds, and bomb during the late and Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Bomber vs Counter-attacker')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a one-shot-one-kill, and you're facing a counter-attacker, be a purist early, brawl through the middle rounds, bomb in the late rounds, and brawl during the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Bomber vs Brawler')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a bomber, and you're facing a brawler, be a purist early, then bomb the rest of the fight.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Bomber vs Bomber')[(if:$strategy is 0)[(set:$strategy to 1)
If you're fighting as a bomber, and your opponent is also a bomber, bomb early, counter through the middle rounds, be a purist in the late rounds, and bomb through the Championship rounds.
<br />](else:)[]]<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
took care of her sieblings, and mother fuckers died, dam boy she's angry, the mother fucker that killed them is:
killa black beast john wick mcgyver, plus evil, motherfucker
regime change, fucking horrible tragedy and shit they kidnapped her and in some weird stockholm syndrome kindda shit she learned how to fight from like a killa black beast john wick mcgyver motherfucker and so she has
she disposes of the black beast in a very very gruesome way
escapes back to london
Note for sponsorhips:
You can buy? (maybe just auto get?, nutrition clicking is boring I'm guessing?) the actual products and you get actual coupons.
**-Olympic Boxing-**<br /><br />
<!- Olympic Boxing -->
(set:$abox to 1)
<!- Win -->
(if:$mind >= 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 10)]
<!- Gold Medal -->
(if:$mind >= 250 and $og <= 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**(if:$pu > 30)[**-KO**(set:$ko to $ko +1)]](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**(if:$pu > 35)[**-KO**(set:$ko to $ko +1)]](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W**(if:$pu > 40)[**-KO**(set:$ko to $ko +1)]](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Gold: **W**(if:$pu > 100)[**-KO**(set:$ko to $ko +1)]](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You did it kiddo.<br />Top of the podium.<br />You are the best.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: yellow + black)[ gold ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$boxgold to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(set:$win to $win + 4)(set:$fights to $fights + 3)]]]]
<!- Silver Medal -->
(if:$mind >= 250 and $og > 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Gold: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Awesome work kiddo, great result!<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: grey)[ silver ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$boxsilver to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 8)(set:$win to $win + 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to $fights + 3)]]]]
<!- Bronze Medal -->
(if:$mind < 250 and $mind > 220)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **L**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Bronze: **W**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You look good on that podium kiddo.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: orange + black)[ bronze ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$boxbronze to 1)(set:$ms to $ms + 6)(set:$win to $win + 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to $fights + 3)]]]]
<!- Quarterfinals -->
(if:$mind <= 220 and $mind > 180)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Nice try.<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ms to $ms + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to $fights + 2)]]
<!- Fail -->
<!- Preliminary Round -->
(if:$mind <= 180)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **L**<br /><br />](stop:)][(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You've been elminated right away from the olympics.<br />](stop:)]
(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]]
<!- Go Pro || Learn Art -->
(live: 14s)[(t8n: "pulse")[
<br /><br />You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at olympic **Boxing** kiddo. It's time for changes:<br /><br />
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea right now $name.]<br />]
[[GO PRO->Go Pro]]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AMT Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AKF Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 61)(set:$body to 60)(set:$pu to 101)(set:$str to 50)(set:$gra to 41)(set:$dif to 6)(set:$ms to 51)(set:$ajudo to false)(set:$art to 'Judo')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'TKD')[This is not your fighting style.<br />If you want to fight here, you must go to sensei [[TKD->Sensei]]<br /><br />](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$atkd is true)[**- Tae Kwon Do -**<br /><br />You only get one (either: 'run', 'shot') at olympic **Tae Kwon Do** gold.<br /><br />]
(if:$ajudo is false)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[**-Local Dojo Tae Kwon Do Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-Foreign Dojo Tae Kwon Do Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**-Black-Belt Tae Kwon Do Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**-National Olympic Team Qualifying Tae Kwon Do Match-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 6)[**-Olympic Tae Kwon Do-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Dojo Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[(go-to:"ATKD Local Circuit")]
<!- Foreign Dojo Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$mind > $body)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:($mind > $body) and $ms > 10)[(set:$gra to $gra +10)(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $body) and $ms > 10)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Black-Belt Judo Contest -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is thic', 'got some gains', 'looks strong', 'seems heavy')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($mind <= $body))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:($mind <= $body) and $ms is 0)[Death1]]
<!- Black-Belt Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[(if:$str > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)(set:$judoblack to true)(set:$gra to $gra +10)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:$str > 30 and $ms > 10)[(set:$gra to $gra +10)(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:$str > 30 and $ms > 10)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- National Olympic Team Qualifying Judo Match -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is a solid veteran judoka', 'is a purist judoka', 'is an olympic-grade judoka')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str > 7 and $str < 31)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />You have not been presented a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$str <= 7)[Death2]]
<!- National Olympic Team Qualifying Judo Match -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 5)[(if:$gra > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the contest!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 20)[(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 20)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- The Olympic Games -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponents **(either: 'are swift judokas', 'are fast judokas')** known for being **(either: 'strategists', 'quite smart', 'brilliant')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$gra > 13 and $gra < 41)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />You **did not** make it to the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$gra <= 13)[Death3]]
<!- Olympic Judo -->
(else-if:$dif >= 6)[This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going to the olympics.<br />Be like water.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->ATKD Champ Result]]
(if:$dif is not 6)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AL Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AK Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AKM Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->ABJJ Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'Wrestling')[This is not your fighting style.<br />If you want to fight here, you must go to sensei [[Master Ken->Sensei]]<br /><br />](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$awrestling is 1)[(if:$wgold is 1)[**-Amateur Wrestling-**<br /><br />You already mastered this (either: 'division', 'martial art', 'shit', 'style', 'game').<br /><br />]
(if:$wgold is 0)[**-Amateur Wrestling-**<br /><br />You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at **Olympic Wrestling**.]]
(if:$awrestling is false)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[**-(either: 'Scholastic', 'Folkstyle') Wrestling Match-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-Collegiate Wrestling Match-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**-(either: 'Freestyle', 'Greco-Roman') Wrestling Match-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**-National Olympic Team Qualifying Wrestling Match-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 6)[**-Olympic Wrestling-**<br /><br />]
<!- Folkstyle Wrestling -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[(go-to:"AW Local Circuit")]
<!- Collegiate Wrestling Match -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$str > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Win Match Scoring -->
(if:$str > 30 and $gra >= 35)[**Win** by (either: 'fall', 'pin').]
(else-if:$str > 30 and $gra >= 30)[**Win** by technical fall.]
(else-if:$str > 30 and $gra >= 25)[**Win** by major decision.]
(else-if:$str > 30 and $gra < 25)[**Win** by decision.]
<!- Next -->
(if:$str > 30)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Freestlye || Greco-Roman Wrestling Match -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is a deep thinker', 'is mentally balanced', 'is a true martial artist')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str <= 30 and $str > 10)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$str <= 10)[Death1]]
<!- Freestlye || Greco-Roman Wrestling Match -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[(if:$mind > $body)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Win Match Scoring -->
(if:($mind > $body) and $gra >= 40)[**Win** by pin.]
(else-if:($mind > $body) and $gra >= 45)[**Win** by technical fall.]
(else-if:($mind > $body) and $gra < 45)[**Win** by decision.]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $body)and $gra > 20)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- National Olympic Team Qualifying Wrestling Match -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is a solid veteran wrestler', 'is a purist wrestler', 'is an olympic-grade wrestler')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$mind <= $body))[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$str <= 7)[Death2]]
<!- National Olympic Team Qualifying Wrestling Match -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 5)[(if:$gra > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the national olympic team.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the national olypic team.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the national olympic team.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />You are now part of the national olympic team.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the national olympic team.<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
<!- Win Match Scoring -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 50)[**Win** by pin.]
(else-if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 45)[**Win** by technical fall.]
(else-if:$gra > 40 and $ms <= 45)[**Win** by decision.]
<!- Next -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 20)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- The Olympic Games -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponents **(either: 'are strong wrestlers', 'are thic wrestlers')** known for being **(either: 'strategists', 'quite smart', 'brilliant')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 13 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$gra <= 13)[Death3]]
<!- Olympic Wrestling -->
(else-if:$dif >= 6)[This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going to the olympics.<br />Be like water.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AW Champ Result]]
(if:$dif is not 6)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]Russian Champion
European Champion
World Champion
Sambo is a Soviet martial art and combat sport which stands for SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya (meaning “self-defence without weapons”). It’s one of the modern form of martial arts and also has been recognized as the third style of international wrestling by United World Wrestling. It is inspired by Jujutsu, Judo, and other forms of martial art and is mostly referred as a self-defence art.
Russian government to improve the Red Army's hand-to-hand combat system.
It was mostly developed and utilized for the military training and allows different aggressive techniques like punches, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts, throws, ground fighting and groin strikes. In Russian military, combat sambo is employed as the training sport for close combats and for self-defence.
There are certain cases where victory is awarded to the player.
In case of a total throw, which can also be explained as a throw where the attacker doesn’t fall down but the defensive player falls down on his/her back or rolls over his back rapidly.
In case of a painful hold, where the opponent gives up or shows a submission signal by clapping twice on the mat or loudly saying yes.
In case of total superiority against the opponent, where a player scores more than 12 points than his/her opponent.
If a match ends in a tie, the player with more points for technical actions will be declared winner.
Combat Sambo World Cup
SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya
Sambo Casting Punch
It is used in order to strike an opponent but also to enable the attacker to grapple an opponent if the punch misses. The Fedor Punch
Sambo Knee Bar
Sambo Leg Lock
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->ACS Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 31)(set:$pu to 1)(set:$ki to 50)(set:$gra to 4)(set:$dif to 4)(set:$exp to 41)(set:$amma to 0)(set:$art to 'Boxing')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'MMA')[This is not your fighting style. If you want to fight here, you must see sensei [[Kahunhunu->Sensei]]<br /><br />[[Back to $gym->$gym]]](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$amma is 1)[**-Amateur MMA-**<br /><br />You already mastered this division.<br /><br />]
(if:$amma is 0)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif is 0)[**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 1)[**-State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**-National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 4)[**-World Championship Amateur MMA Fight-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif is 0)[(if:$exp > 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 10 and $pu > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $gra > 5)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$exp > 10 and $ki > 5)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 3) and ($exp < 11))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <=3)[Death0]]
<!- State Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 1)[(if:$exp > 20)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $pu > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 20 and $gra > 10)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +2)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 20 and $ki > 10)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 2)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 13) and ($exp < 21))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 13)[Death1]]
<!- National Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 2)[(if:$exp > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $pu > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right on the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 30 and $gra > 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 3)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 30 and $ki > 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 3)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($exp > 23) and ($exp < 31))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 23)[Death2]]
<!- International Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$exp > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $pu > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 4)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]<br />]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$exp > 40 and $gra > 30)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra + 4)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(if:$exp > 40 and $ki > 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 4)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$exp > 33 and $exp < 41)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$exp <= 33)[Death3]]
<!- World Championship Amateur MMA Fight -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[
This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going for the big cheese now.<br />Be fast, be strong, be steady.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->ALAA Championship]]
(if:$dif is not 4)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AMT Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AKF Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AK Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AL Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"AKM Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"ABJJ Champ Result")]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$mind to 61)(set:$body to 60)(set:$pu to 101)(set:$str to 50)(set:$gra to 41)(set:$dif to 6)(set:$ms to 51)(set:$ajudo to false)(set:$art to 'Judo')
<!- Art Allocation -->
(if:$art is not 'Judo')[This is not your fighting style.<br />If you want to fight here, you must go to sensei [[Master Ken->Sensei]]<br /><br />](else:)[
<!- Banner Allocation -->
(if:$ajudo is true)[**-Judo-**<br /><br />You only get one run at olympic judo gold.<br /><br />]
(if:$ajudo is false)[(set:$fights to $fights + 1)]
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[**-Local Dojo Judo Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**-Foreign Dojo Judo Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**-Black-Belt Judo Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**-National Olympic Team Qualifying Judo Contest-**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif >= 6)[**-Olympic Judo-**<br /><br />]
<!- Local Dojo Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$dif >= 0 and $dif < 3)[(go-to:"AJU Local Circuit")]
<!- Foreign Dojo Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 3)[(if:$mind > $body)[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **2**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:($mind > $body) and $ms > 10)[(set:$gra to $gra +10)(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $body) and $ms > 10)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Black-Belt Judo Contest -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is thic', 'got some gains', 'looks strong', 'seems heavy')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:($mind <= $body))[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **2**.(set:$ht to $ht - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:($mind <= $body) and $ms is 0)[Death1]]
<!- Black-Belt Judo Contest -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 4)[(if:$str > 30)[(set:$rj to $rj + 3)(set:$win to $win + 1)(set:$judoblack to true)(set:$gra to $gra +10)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You have been awarded a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **3**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:$str > 30 and $ms > 10)[(set:$gra to $gra +10)(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:$str > 30 and $ms > 10)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- National Olympic Team Qualifying Judo Match -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent **(either: 'is a solid veteran judoka', 'is a purist judoka', 'is an olympic-grade judoka')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$str > 7 and $str < 31)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />You have not been presented a **judo black belt**.<br /><br />
You heart level has been decreased by **3**.(set:$ht to $ht - 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$str <= 7)[Death2]]
<!- National Olympic Team Qualifying Judo Match -->
<!- Win -->
(else-if:$dif is 5)[(if:$gra > 40)[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the contest!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the contest!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />You are now part of the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **4**.<br /><br />]
<!- Judo Technique -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 20)[(set:_won to (random: 1,5))
(if:_won is 1)[A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[Savage **Shime-waza**.]]
<!- Next -->
(if:$gra > 40 and $ms > 20)[
<br /><br />
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- The Olympic Games -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponents **(either: 'are swift judokas', 'are fast judokas')** known for being **(either: 'strategists', 'quite smart', 'brilliant')**.](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$gra > 13 and $gra < 41)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />You **did not** make it to the **Olympic Team**.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **4**.(set:$ht to $ht - 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$gra <= 13)[Death3]]
<!- Olympic Judo -->
(else-if:$dif >= 6)[This is your chance to shine kiddo.<br />You're going to the olympics.<br />Be like water.<br /><br />
[[Fight!->AJU Champ Result]]
(if:$dif is not 6)[ [[Back to $gym->$gym]] ]{
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"ALAA Champ Result")]
<!- <audio src="the URL of your sound effect" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**3**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**2**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**1**<br />](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(goto:"ACS Champ Result")]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.**Abu Dhabi Invitational**
**-Olympic Wrestling-**<br /><br />
<!- Olympic Wrestling -->
(set:$awrestling to true)
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $str + $gra) > 90)[(set:$rj to $rj + 10)]
<!- Gold Medal -->
(if:($ms + $str + $gra) > 180)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Gold: **W**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You did it kiddo.<br />Top of the podium.<br />You are the best.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: yellow + black)[ gold ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$wgold to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(set:$win to $win + 4)(set:$fights to fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Silver Medal -->
(if:($ms + $str + $gra) < 180 and ($ms + $str + $gra) > 120)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Gold: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Awesome work kiddo, great result!<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: grey)[ silver ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$wsilver to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 8)(set:$win to $win + 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Bronze Medal -->
(if:($ms + $str + $gra) <= 120 and ($ms + $str + $gra) > 90)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Preliminary Round: **W**](stop:)]<br />(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **L**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Bronze: **W**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You look good on that podium kiddo.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: orange + black)[ bronze ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$wbronze to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 6)(set:$win to $win + 3)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Quarterfinals -->
(if:($ms + $str + $gra) <= 90 and ($ms + $str + $gra) > 20)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Nice try.<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ms to $ms + 4)(set:$win to $win + 1)]]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:($ms + $str + $gra) <= 20)[Death0]
<!- Go Pro || Learn Art -->
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[
You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at olympic **Wrestling** kiddo. Time for changes:<br /><br />
[[Learn a new martial art.->Learn Art]]<br />
[[Go pro.->Go Pro]]
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(set:$ms to 90) (set:$sp to 90) (set:$gra to 90)
**-Olympic Judo-**<br /><br />
<!- Olympic Judo -->
(set:$ajudo to true)
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sp + $gra) > 90)[(set:$rj to $rj + 10)]
<!- Gold Medal -->
(if:($ms + $sp + $gra) > 180)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W** (set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is 1)[- A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[- Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[- Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[- Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[- Savage **Shime-waza**.]
(if:_won > 5 and _won <= 8)[]](stop:)]<br />[(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W** (set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is 1)[- A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[- Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[- Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[- Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[- Savage **Shime-waza**.]
(if:_won > 5 and _won <= 8)[]](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[**Fight for Gold: W** (set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is 1)[- A beautifully executed **Ippon Seoinage**.]
(if:_won is 2)[- Powerful **Ouchi Gari**.]
(if:_won is 3)[- Smartly executed **Sutemi-waza** techniques.]
(if:_won is 4)[- Crazy **Tsuri Gochi**.]
(if:_won is 5)[- Savage **Shime-waza**.]
(if:_won > 5 and _won <= 8)[]](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You did it kiddo.<br />Top of the podium.<br />You are the best.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: yellow + black)[ gold ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ajudogold to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 10)(set:$win to $win + 3)(set:$fights to $fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Silver Medal -->
(if:($ms + $sp + $gra) < 180 and ($ms + $sp + $gra) > 120)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Gold: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Awesome work kiddo, great result!<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: grey)[ silver ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ajudosilver to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 8)(set:$win to $win + 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Bronze Medal -->
(if:($ms + $sp + $gra) <= 120 and ($ms + $sp + $gra) > 90)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **W**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Semifinal: **L**](stop:)]<br />[(live: 8s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[Fight for Bronze: **W**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You look good on that podium kiddo.<br />I'm proud of you.<br />You got an **olympic(colour: orange + black)[ bronze ]medal**!<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ajudobronze to true)(set:$ms to $ms + 6)(set:$win to $win + 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(set:$fights to fights + 2)]]]]
<!- Quarterfinals -->
(if:($ms + $sp + $gra) <= 90 and ($ms + $sp + $gra) > 20)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Quarterfinal: **L**](stop:)]<br /><br />[(live: 6s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Nice try.<br />](stop:)]
(set:$ms to $ms + 4)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:($ms + $sp + $gra) <= 20)[Death6]
<br />
<br />
<!- Go Pro || Learn Art -->
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "rumble")[
You only get one (either: 'shot', 'run', 'opportinuty') at olympic **Judo** kiddo. Time for changes:<br /><br />
[[Learn a new martial art.->Learn Art]]<br />
[[Go pro.->Go Pro]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
**- Local Circuit Amateur Boxing Fight -**
<br /><br />
<!- Death -->
(if:$exp is <= 0)[(goto:'Death')](else:)[
<!- Specialty Allocation -->
(set:_specialty to (random: 1,7))
(if:_specialty is 1)[(set:$localexp to $ht)]
(else-if:_specialty is 2)[(set:$localexp to $sta)]
(else-if:_specialty is 3)[(set:$localexp to $pu)]
(else-if:_specialty is 4)[(set:$localexp to $str)]
(else-if:_specialty is 5)[(set:$localexp to $rt)]
(else-if:_specialty is 6)[(set:$localexp to $ms)]
(else-if:_specialty is 7)[(set:$localexp to $pu)]
<!- TEST 2 -->
<!- Local Circuit Amateur Boxing Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$localexp >= 10)[(set:$win to $win + 1)(set:$dif to ($win - $loss))
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[(live: 4s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 4)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[(live: 4s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 4)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[(live: 4s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$rj to $rj + 4)
Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:$localexp >= 10 and $pu >= 30)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]]
<!- Next -->
(set:$dif to ($win - $loss))(if:$dif is 3)[
<br /><br /><br />
(live: 9s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- State Golden Gloves Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 11s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a solid amateur boxer', 'is a purist boxer', 'is an olympic-grade boxer')**.]](stop:)]]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$localexp < 10)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Injury -->
(if:$localexp <=0)[(set:_injury to (random: 1,5))
(if:_injury is 1)[
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You got a broken nose. It took one month to heal.<br /><br />(set:$week to it + 4)]](stop:)]
(if:_injury is 2)[
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You got a sprained ankle. It took two weeks to heal.<br /><br />(set:$week to it + 2)]](stop:)]
(if:_injury is 3)[
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You broke your hand. It took two months to heal.<br /><br />(set:$week to it + 8)]](stop:)]
(if:_injury is 4)[
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You dislocated your shoulder. It took three weeks to heal.<br /><br />(set:$week to it + 4)]](stop:)]
(if:_injury is 5)[
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You got a concussion. It took two months to get cleared by the doctor.<br /><br />(set:$week to it + 4)]](stop:)]]
(if:$dif <= 2)[(live: 8s)[[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
(if:$dif is 3)[(live: 13s)[[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- CMC World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- CMC Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- CMC Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- CMC Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- CMC Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100 and ($ht - $proht) >= 100)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a hard headed straight up cholo brawler', 'is a tough, violent homie', 'goes forward relentlessly', 'is a crazy blood-thirsty Mexican')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) < 100 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0 or ($sta - $prosta) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CMCPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercards -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str) and ($ms > $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $ht) <= ($pu + $str))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $ht) <= ($pu + $str) and ($mind - $promind) < 200)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a fast and durable Mexican', 'is fast as fuck and can go for miles', 'is hard to catch and likes to take it to the distance')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CMCPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($sp + $sta)-($prosp + $prosta) >= 66)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Your **speed** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($sp + $sta)-($prosp + $prosta) >= 66 and ($pu - $propu) >= 40)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($sp + $sta)-($prosp + $prosta) < 66)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **speed** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sp to $sp - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($sp + $sta)- ($prosp + $prosta) < 66 and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($sp + $sta)-($prosp + $prosta) >= 66)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is pure heart', 'has the heart of an Aztec warrior', 'is super motivated', 'truly loves the ring', 'is a passionate Mexican brawler', 'is tough as nails; never gives up')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CMCPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) and ($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ht - $proht) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ht - $proht) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a bad mother fucker', 'is a very popular Mexican boxer', 'has unbelievable self-confidence', 'is a very well known Champion', 'is a widely renowned Champ', 'is a prominent Mexican warrior known worldwide')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CMCPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$cmcbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)
Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($rj >= $ht) and ($rt >= $pu))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($rj < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **rockstar juice** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$rj to $rj - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($rj < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($rj >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Consejo Mexicano de Combate Boxing Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->CMCPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- AFD World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- AFD Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- AFD Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- AFD Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- AFD Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $str)-($proht + $propu + $prostr)) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $str)-($proht + $propu + $prostr)) >= 100 and ($ht - $proht) >= 100)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $str)-($proht + $propu + $prostr)) >= 100 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a scary brawler from the Land Down Under', 'is a tough, violent Aussie', 'goes forward relentlessly', 'is a blood-thirsty Straya')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $str)-($proht + $propu + $prostr)) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $str)-($proht + $propu + $prostr)) < 100 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0 or ($str - $prostr) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->AFDPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercards -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str) and ($ms > $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $ht) <= ($pu + $str))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $ht) <= ($pu + $str) and ($mind - $promind) < 200)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $ht) > ($pu + $str))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a powerful and durable Aussie', 'is strong as fuck and can go for miles', 'is a heavy and unrelenting puncher')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->AFDPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($str + $sta)-($prostr + $prosta) >= 66)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sp to $sp + 10)
Your **speed** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($str + $sta)-($prostr + $prosta) >= 66 and ($pu - $propu) >= 40)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($str + $sta)-($prostr + $prosta) < 66)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **speed** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sp to $sp - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($str + $sta)- ($prostr + $prosta) < 66 and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($str + $sta)-($prostr + $prosta) >= 66)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is superfast', 'is quick and agile', 'lightning fast', 'moves swiftly', 'is very hard to catch', 'is a quick one')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->AFDPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($sp - $prosp) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($sp - $prosp) >= (100*1.618) and ($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($sp - $prosp) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($sp - $prosp) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a humble fighter', 'loves the game more than the fame', 'is pure heart', 'is a beloved Aussie with simple ambitions', 'does a bunch of charitable stuff, quietly', 'is of very humble beginings with a huge heart')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->AFDPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ht >= $rj))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$afdbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$rj to $rj + 2)
Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ht >= $rj) and ($rt >= $pu))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ht < $rj))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **rockstar juice** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$rj to $rj - 2)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ht < $rj) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ht >= $rj))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Aussie Fighting Derby Boxing Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->AFDPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
} Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Shanghai Series of Fighting World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Shanghai Series of Fighting Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Shanghai Series of Fighting Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Shanghai Series of Fighting Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- Shanghai Series of Fighting Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->SSFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->SSFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->SSFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->SSFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Shanghai Series of Fighting Boxing Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->SSFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Nigeria Attack Force World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Nigeria Attack Force Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Nigeria Attack Force Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Nigeria Attack Force Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- Nigeria Attack Force Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NAFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NAFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NAFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NAFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$nafbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Nigeria Attack Force Boxing Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NAFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->RCEPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->RCEPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->RCEPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->RCEPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new (colour: white)[Russian ](colour: blue)[Combat ](colour: red)[Elite] Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->RCEPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- London Prize Fighters World Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- London Prize Fighters Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- London Prize Fighters Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- London Prize Fighters Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- London Prize Fighters Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->LPFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->LPFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->LPFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->LPFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new $organics Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->LPFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
We don´t fuck around.
This is
Get your game on.
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- National Fighter Association Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- National Fighter Association Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- National Fighter Association Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- National Fighter Association Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- National Fighter Association Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NFAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NFAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NFAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NFAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new $organics Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->NFAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
We don´t fuck around.
This is
Get your game on.
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Deutschland League of Fighters Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Deutschland League of Fighters Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Deutschland League of Fighters Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Deutschland League of Fighters Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- Deutschland League of Fighters Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->DLFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->DLFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->DLFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->DLFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Deutschland League of Fighters Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->DLFPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.**Nine အထက်နတ် Vipers Championship**
Same rules, you can only win with KO, but instead of a draw, you fight until one goes to sleep. Reminescence of the classic boxing fights with fuckloads of rounds.
Lethwei - Myanmar
This shit and Krav Maga are the deadliest in FF.
<!- Check this out: -->
(set:$love to it + ($attendance * $ht))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to it +1)
<!- Fights Allocation -->
(set:$fights to it + 1)
<!- Train + Spar + Camp Resets -->
(set:$train to -2)(set:$spar to 0)(set:$camp to 0)
<!- Bets & Payments Resets -->
(set:$bet to 0)
(set:$trueplayaz to 0)
(set:$fatality to 0)
(set:$tpw to $win)
(set:$tpl to $loss)
<!- Display -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Osaka Senshi Forum -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Yokohama Martial Arts Academy Fighting Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Casino in the Sky - Seoul -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Pyongyang Hyper Plaza -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Saitama Fighting Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Expo Gwahakgongwon Park Gymnasium - Daejeon -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Otaku Super Dome - Tokyo -**<br /><br />]
<!- Banner & Attendance Allocation -->
<!- Undercard Fight -->
(if:$dif is <= 3)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Undercard $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:0,50))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50,100))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100,500))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:500,1000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Card Fight - -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**Main Card $organics $art Fight**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,50000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,70000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:70000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Co- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Co-Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:10000,15000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:15000,20000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,24999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 25000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Main Event - -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Main Event**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:20000,25000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:25000,30000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:30000,49999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 50000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Championship of The World - -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
(live: 3s)[
(t8n: "slide-left")[
**$organics $art Championship of The World**<br />
(if:$rj is <= ($exp / 10))
[(set:_attendance to (random:50000,75000))
Attendance: **_attendance** <br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($exp / 10) and $rj is <= ($body / 7))
[(set:_attendance to (random:75000,100000))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj is <= ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to (random:100000,149999))
Attendance: **_attendance**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
(else-if:$rj is > ($body / 7) and $rj > ($mind / 3))
[(set:_attendance to 150000)
Attendance: **_attendance** **Sold-out**<br /><br />
(set:$love to it + _attendance)(stop:)]
<!- Annoucer & Referee Allocation -->
<!- Undercard -->
(if:$dif is <=3)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Fighters, get ready!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a clean fight. Touch 'em up.'(stop:)<br /><br/>
<!- Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Time to fight!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Listen to me carefully and follow the rules.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Co-Main -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Warriors, it's time to work!'(stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'I want a good, clean fight. Touch 'em up, let´s make it official.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
(live: 6s)[
(t8n: "rumble")[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'We are ready! Fighters, prepare your egos!' (stop:)<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[
(t8n: "dissolve")[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'Respect my intructions. Fight clean. Touch gloves if you want to.'(stop:)<br /><br />
<!- Championship -->
(if:$dif is 7 and $art is 'Boxing')[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer:] 'Boxers... Start your engines! Twelve rounds for the $organics Championship of The World! The challenger **$name**, representing $gym, against the champion **Miyamoto '火球' Ebihara**. Get ready for a spectacular fight!'<br /><br />]]
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee:] 'This is a Championship Fight. Fight hard, fight clean. Touch gloves. May the best one win!'<br /><br />
<!- Must Complete for Each Art in NAF -->
<!- Genius Allocation -->
(set:$genius to (random:1,4))
(if:$genius is 1)[
<!- Fibo -->
(live: 10s)[ (stop:)]
(live: 10.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 2)[
<!- Pie Baby 3.14159265359 -->
(live: 10s)[**||| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.50s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**|||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
(if:$genius is 3)[
<!- Mr E 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 -->
(live: 10s)[**|| **(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**|||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.25s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.75s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.25s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.50s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.75s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Bi -->
(if:$genius is 4)[
(live: 10s)[**|**(stop:)]
(live: 10.5s)[**||**(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[**||||**(stop:)]
(live: 11.5s)[**||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[**||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 12.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 13.50s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
(live: 14.5s)[**||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||**(stop:)]
<br /><br />]
<!- Fight Allocation -->
(live: 15s)[
(if:$art is 'MMA')[[FIGHT->KAMMA]]
(if:$art is 'Karate')[[FIGHT->KAK]]
(if:$art is 'Judo')[[FIGHT->KAJUDO]]
(if:$art is 'TKD')[[FIGHT->KATKD]]
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[[FIGHT->KABOX]]
<br /><br />
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 18s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner Allocation -->
**-(either: 'Scholastic', 'Folkstyle') Wrestling Match-**
<br /><br />
<!- Specialty Allocation -->
(set:_specialty to (random: 1,3))
(if:_specialty is 1)[(set:$localexp to $ms)]
(else-if:_specialty is 2)[(set:$localexp to $str)]
(else-if:_specialty is 3)[(set:$localexp to $gra)]
<!- Scholastic/Folkstyle Wrestling Match -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$localexp >= 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Win Match Scoring -->
(if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 25)[**Win** by pin.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 20)[**Win** by technical fall.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 15)[**Win** by major decision.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra <= 15)[**Win** by decision.]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$localexp >= 1 and $localexp < 10)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$localexp <=0)[Death0]
[[Back to Gym->$gym]]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$name to 'Dirk Diggler')
(set:$foundation to ' || Muay Thai')
(set:$art to 'Boxing')
(set:$og to 1)
(set:$mma to 0)
<!- Name and Skills Banner -->
**$name**<br />
Style: **$art**<br />
Foundation: **$foundation**<br />
Legacy: **$legacy**<br /><br />
<!- Legacy Allocation -->
(set:$legacy to it + $exp)
<!- Art Selection Reset -->
(set:$artselection to 0)
<!- Foundation Allocation -->
(set:$foundation to it + ' || ' + $art)
<!- 1. Record & Exp Allocation -->
<!- Amateur Record Allocation -->
(if:$grade is 0)[
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[
(set:$boxwin to $win)
(set:$boxloss to $loss)
(set:$boxko to $ko)
(set:$boxfights to $fights)
<!- 1. CHECK THIS OUT: This solves the resetting of grade at learn art and provides for DOGFIGHTS at pro grades. -->
(set:$boxexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'MMA')[
(set:$mmawin to $win)
(set:$mmaloss to $loss)
(set:$mmako to $ko)
(set:$mmasub to $sub)
(set:$mmafights to $fights)
(set:$mmaexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'BJJ')[
(set:$bjjwin to $win)
(set:$bjjloss to $loss)
(set:$bjjsub to $sub)
(set:$bjjfights to $fights)
(set:$bjjexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[
(set:$kbwin to $win)
(set:$kbloss to $loss)
(set:$kbko to $ko)
(set:$kbfights to $fights)
(set:$kbexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Judo')[
(set:$judowin to $win)
(set:$judoloss to $loss)
(set:$judoko to $ko)
(set:$judosub to $sub)
(set:$judofights to $fights)
(set:$judoexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Tae Kwon Do')[
(set:$tkdwin to $win)
(set:$tkdloss to $loss)
(set:$tkdko to $ko)
(set:$tkdfights to $fights)
(set:$tkdexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Sambo')[
(set:$sambowin to $win)
(set:$samboloss to $loss)
(set:$samboko to $ko)
(set:$sambosub to $sub)
(set:$sambofights to $fights)
(set:$samboexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Kung Fu')[
(set:$kfwin to $win)
(set:$kfloss to $loss)
(set:$kfko to $ko)
(set:$kffights to $fights)
(set:$kfxexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Laamb')[
(set:$laambwin to $win)
(set:$laambloss to $loss)
(set:$laambko to $ko)
(set:$laambsub to $sub)
(set:$laambfights to $fights)
(set:$laambexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Sumo')[
(set:$sumowin to $win)
(set:$sumoloss to $loss)
(set:$sumoko to $ko)
(set:$sumosub to $sub)
(set:$sumofights to $fights)
(set:$sumoexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Karate')[
(set:$kwin to $win)
(set:$kloss to $loss)
(set:$kko to $ko)
(set:$kfights to $fights)
(set:$kexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Krav Maga')[
(set:$kravwin to $win)
(set:$kravloss to $loss)
(set:$kravko to $ko)
(set:$kravsub to $sub)
(set:$kravfights to $fights)
(set:$kravexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Muay Thai')[
(set:$mtwin to $win)
(set:$mtloss to $loss)
(set:$mtko to $ko)
(set:$mtfights to $fights)
(set:$mtexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Wrestling')[
(set:$wwin to $win)
(set:$wloss to $loss)
(set:$wsub to $sub)
(set:$wfights to $fights)
(set:$wexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Lethwei')[
(set:$lwin to $win)
(set:$lloss to $loss)
(set:$lko to $ko)
(set:$lfights to $fights)
(set:$lexp to $exp)
<!- Pro Record Allocation -->
(if:$grade > 0)[
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[
(set:$proboxwin to $win)
(set:$proboxloss to $loss)
(set:$proboxko to $ko)
(set:$proboxfights to $fights)
<!- 1. CHECK THIS OUT -->
(set:$proboxexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'MMA')[
(set:$prommawin to $win)
(set:$prommaloss to $loss)
(set:$prommako to $ko)
(set:$prommasub to $sub)
(set:$prommafights to $fights)
(set:$prommaexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'BJJ')[
(set:$probjjwin to $win)
(set:$probjjloss to $loss)
(set:$probjjsub to $sub)
(set:$probjjfights to $fights)
(set:$probjjexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Kickboxing')[
(set:$prokbwin to $win)
(set:$prokbloss to $loss)
(set:$prokbko to $ko)
(set:$prokbfights to $fights)
(set:$prokbexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Judo')[
(set:$projudowin to $win)
(set:$projudoloss to $loss)
(set:$projudoko to $ko)
(set:$projudosub to $sub)
(set:$projudofights to $fights)
(set:$projudoexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Tae Kwon Do')[
(set:$protkdwin to $win)
(set:$protkdloss to $loss)
(set:$protkdko to $ko)
(set:$protkdfights to $fights)
(set:$protkdexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Sambo')[
(set:$prosambowin to $win)
(set:$prosamboloss to $loss)
(set:$prosamboko to $ko)
(set:$prosambosub to $sub)
(set:$prosambofights to $fights)
(set:$prosamboexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Kung Fu')[
(set:$prokfwin to $win)
(set:$prokfloss to $loss)
(set:$prokfko to $ko)
(set:$prokffights to $fights)
(set:$prokfexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Laamb')[
(set:$prolaambwin to $win)
(set:$prolaambloss to $loss)
(set:$prolaambko to $ko)
(set:$prolaambsub to $sub)
(set:$prolaambfights to $fights)
(set:$prolaambexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Sumo')[
(set:$prosumowin to $win)
(set:$prosumoloss to $loss)
(set:$prosumoko to $ko)
(set:$prosumosub to $sub)
(set:$prosumofights to $fights)
(set:$prosumoexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Karate')[
(set:$prokwin to $win)
(set:$prokloss to $loss)
(set:$prokko to $ko)
(set:$prokfights to $fights)
(set:$prokfexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Krav Maga')[
(set:$prokravwin to $win)
(set:$prokravloss to $loss)
(set:$prokravko to $ko)
(set:$prokravsub to $sub)
(set:$prokravfights to $fights)
(set:$prokravexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Muay Thai')[
(set:$promtwin to $win)
(set:$promtloss to $loss)
(set:$promtko to $ko)
(set:$promtfights to $fights)
(set:$promtexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Wrestling')[
(set:$prowwin to $win)
(set:$prowloss to $loss)
(set:$prowsub to $sub)
(set:$prowfights to $fights)
(set:$prowexp to $exp)
(if:$art is 'Lethwei')[
(set:$prolwin to $win)
(set:$prolloss to $loss)
(set:$prolko to $ko)
(set:$prolfights to $fights)
(set:$prolexp to $exp)
<!- 2. Record Reset -->
(set:$win to 0)
(set:$loss to 0)
(set:$ko to 0)
(set:$sub to 0)
(set:$fights to 0)
<!- 3. EXP Reset -->
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)
<!- 4. Art selection -->
Choose (either: 'carefully', 'wisely'):<br /><br />
<!- Boxing -->
(link: 'Boxing')[]<br />
<!- MMA -->
(if:$mma is 0)[(link: 'MMA')[
(if:$artselection is 0)[<br /><br />
**Mixed Martial Arts**<br />
(set:$art to 'MMA')
(set:$artselection to 1)
<!- Back to Amateur -->
<!- amateur and pro exp's are meant to deal with this: -->
(set:$grade to 0)
<!- MMA Sensei Allocation -->
Your new sensei is:<br />
(set:$sensei to (either:
'Master Ken',
'Agatha Gracie',
'Jackie O´Brian',
'Viktor Oschepkov',
'Miya Musa',
'Ariella Yanilov',
'Master Ken',
**$sensei**<br /><br />
<!- Aging -->
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$learningcurve to (random: 26,52)) ]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$learningcurve to (random: 52,104)) ]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$learningcurve to (random: 104,156)) ]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$learningcurve to (random: 156,208)) ]
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$learningcurve to (random: 208,260)) ]
(set:$week to it + $learningcurve)
It took you (set:_learningcurve to ($learningcurve/52))_learningcurve year(s) to learn the very basics of (either: '', 'competitive level') $art.<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]<br /><br />
(if:$artselection is 1)[]
]<br />
(link: 'Brazilian Jiu Jitsu')[
(if:$artselection is 0)[
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu<br />
(if:$artselection is 1)[]
]<br />
<!- Kickboxing -->
(link: 'Kickboxing')[]<br />
<!- Laamb -->
(link: 'Laamb')[]<br />
<!- Krav Maga -->
(link: 'Krav Maga')[]<br />
<!- Wrestling -->
(link: 'Wrestling')[]<br />
<!- Judo -->
(link: 'Judo')[]<br />
<!- Karate -->
(link: 'Karate')[]<br />
<!- Muay Thai -->
(link: 'Muay Thai')[]<br />
<!- Sumo -->
(link: 'Sumo')[]<br />
<!- Tae Kwon Do -->
(link: 'Tae Kwon Do')[]<br />
<!- Lethwei -->
(link: 'Lethwei')[]<br />
<!- Kung Fu -->
(link: 'Kung Fu')[]<br />
<!- Sambo -->
(link: 'Sambo')[]<br />
} {
<!- TEST -->
<!- Upgrade -->
(set:$grade to 1)
<!- Foundation -->
(if:$foundation is 0)[(set:$foundation to $art)]
<!- Setting Professional Experience -->
(set:$prorj to $rj)
(set:$proht to $ht)
(set:$proms to $ms)
(set:$prort to $rt)
(set:$prostr to $str)
(set:$prosp to $sp)
(set:$prosta to $sta)
(set:$propu to $pu)
(set:$proki to $ki)
(set:$progra to $gra)
(set:$promind to ($prorj + $proht +$proms))
(set:$probody to ($prort + $prostr + $prosp + $prosta + $propu + $proki + $progra))
(set:$proexp to ($probody + $promind))
<!- Lineal Record Allocation -->
<!- This is indispensable for P4P -->
(set:$awin to it + $win)
(set:$aloss to it + $loss)
(set:$afights to it + $fights)
(set:$ako to it + $ko)
(set:$asub to it + $sub)
<!- Amateur Record Allocation -->
<!- Fill it up with all arts from Learn Art -->
<!- Amateur Records Reset / New Pro Record -->
(set:$win to 0)
(set:$loss to 0)
(set:$ko to 0)
(set:$sub to 0)
(set:$fights to 0)
<!- Go Pro -->
**- Pro Fighter -**<br /><br />You just turned **pro** mate.<br /><br />A drink to that!<br /><br />Never forget, from this day on, you (if:$becoming is 0)[[[fight for a living->Becoming a Pro]]](else:)[fight for a living].<br /><br />You got a nice little contract from:<br /><br />
<!- Yeyo Allocation -->
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$money to it + 10000)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$money to it + (random: 10000,15000))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$money to it + (random: 10000,20000))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$money to it + (random: 10000,30000))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$money to it + (random: 10000,100000))]
<!- BOX Organism Allocation -->
(if:$art is 'Boxing')[
(set:_organism to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_organism is 1)[(set:$organism to 'CBVT')(set:$organics to 'Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo')(link: 'Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo')[**- Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 2)[(set:$organism to 'CMC')(set:$organics to 'Consejo Mexicano de Combate')(link: 'Consejo Mexicano de Combate')[**- Consejo Mexicano de Combate -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 3)[(set:$organism to 'AFD')(set:$organics to 'Aussie Fighting Derby')(link: 'Aussie Fighting Derby')[**- Aussie Fighting Derby -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 4)[(set:$organism to 'NAF')(set:$organics to 'Nigeria Attack Force')(link: 'Nigeria Attack Force')[**- Nigeria Attack Force -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 5)[(set:$organism to 'DLF')(set:$organics to 'Deutschland League of Fighters')(link: 'Deutschland League of Fighters')[**- Deutschland League of Fighters -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 6)[(set:$organism to 'RCE')(set:$organics to 'Russian Combat Elite')(link: 'Russian Combat Elite')[**- Russian Combat Elite -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 7)[(set:$organism to 'SSF')(set:$organics to 'Shangai Series of Fighting')(link: 'Shangai Series of Fighting')[**- Shangai Series of Fighting -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 8)[(set:$organism to 'NFA')(set:$organics to 'National Fighter Association')(link: 'National Fighter Association')[**- National Fighter Association -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
(if:_organism is 9)[(set:$organism to 'LPF')(set:$organics to 'London Prize Fighters')(link: 'London Prize Fighters')[**- London Prize Fighters -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
<br />
(if:_organism is 10)[(set:$organism to 'HJC')(set:$organics to 'Hokori 전사 Championship')(link: 'Hokori 전사 Championship')[**- Hokori 전사 Championship -**<br /><br />**$name**, welcome to **$organism**.<br /><br />We offer you **$money**$ as a signing bonus.<br /><br />[[Sign Contract->$gym]]]]
<br />
}Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
(set:$ms to 10)(set:$str to 20)(set:$gra to 30)
<!- Banner Allocation -->
**-(either: 'Scholastic', 'Folkstyle') Wrestling Match-**
<br /><br />
<!- Specialty Allocation -->
(set:_specialty to (random: 1,3))
(if:_specialty is 1)[(set:$localexp to $ms)]
(else-if:_specialty is 2)[(set:$localexp to $str)]
(else-if:_specialty is 3)[(set:$localexp to $gra)]
<!- Scholastic/Folkstyle Wrestling Match -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$localexp >= 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the match!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the match!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Win Match Scoring -->
(if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 25)[**Win** by pin.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 20)[**Win** by technical fall.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra > 15)[**Win** by major decision.]
(else-if:$localexp > 10 and $gra <= 15)[**Win** by decision.]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$localexp > 3 and $localexp < 10)[You **lost** the match.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$localexp <=3)[Death0]
[[Back to Gym->$gym]]
<!- TEST -->
(set:$rj to 10)
(set:$ki to 10)
(set:$pu to 0)
(set:$gra to 0)
<!- Banner Allocation -->
**-Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight-**
<br /><br />
<!- Specialty Allocation -->
(set:_specialty to (random: 1,4))
(if:_specialty is 1)[(set:$localexp to $rj)]
(else-if:_specialty is 2)[(set:$localexp to $ki)]
(else-if:_specialty is 3)[(set:$localexp to $pu)]
(else-if:_specialty is 4)[(set:$localexp to $gra)]
<!- Local Circuit Amateur MMA Fight -->
<!- Win -->
(if:$localexp >= 10)[(set:$rj to $rj + 1)(set:$win to $win + 1)
(set:_won to (random: 1,8))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
Your rockstar juice level has been increased by **1**.<br /><br />]
<!- Punch KO -->
(if:$pu >= 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 1)(set:_puko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Right-cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]]
<!- Submission -->
(else-if:$gra >= 20)[(set:$sub to $sub + 1)(set:$gra to $gra +1)(set:_subko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_subko is 1)[Rear-naked choke. Solid submission kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 2)[Armbar! That's very rowdy of you kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 3)[You caught your rival in a triangle from your guard. Master move kiddo!]
(if:_subko is 4)[Guillotine! You really made your rival pay for that takedown attempt.]
(if:_subko is 5)[Tap, tap. You won by submission!]<br />]
<!- Kick KO -->
(else-if:$ki >= 20)[(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$ki to $ki + 1)(set:_kicko to (random: 1,5))
(if:_kicko is 1)[You nailed a roundhouse kick to the jaw! Your rival was sleeping before hitting the mat. Fucking knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 2)[A flying knee to the face! That was hardcore kiddo. What a knockout!]
(if:_kicko is 3)[You destroyed your rival with leg-kicks. KO!]
(if:_kicko is 4)[You landed a crane kick to the face. That's a KO kiddo.]
(if:_kicko is 5)[What a turn kick to the liver, you monster. Knockout!]<br />]
<!- Fail -->
(else-if:$localexp >= 1 and $localexp < 10)[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />
Your heart level has been decreased by **1**.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)]
<!- Die -->
(else-if:$localexp <=0)[Death0]
[[Back to Gym->$gym]](set:$spar to 1)every x wins and maybe but not necesarrilly by grade
welcome back $nameyour $art WILL give you an advantage at certain point
declare variables:
$art before pro
$style after pro
I light my cubans with my F-16-fighter-jet's turbine.
- Sure Steven, Jesus, what a fucking prick. Everyone knows you are full of shit Steven.->You shoudl believe steven. Every mother fucking thing Steven Seagal has ever said is a factual fact, period.
-> Fuck that. He's a proper fraud. (set: $rj to $rj - 10)
-> Fuck it. 'Okay Steven, listen mate, it's all good ye? I believe you mate , I believe. That's a pretty fucking awesome hairline you've got going on there mate. I just luv it. Well done.
- Far out man. Can we light this bowl with it? (set: $rj to $rj + 10)
Fuck yeah we can.
Steven Shitgal**- Hypnosis -**<br /><br />
<!- Hypno (this fuckers have to coincide with mother fucking oracles' personalitites. -->
Hi $name, this is the cunty Oracle. Listen...
(either: 'Breathe slowly and count back from one hundred... ninety-nine...', 'Relax, and breathe slowly and all of that shit, you know...', 'Focus on this pendulum... fuck it, take this LSD tab.', 'You´ve reached a profound state of consciousness.', 'Here's a red pill for ya.')
<br /><br />
Where would you like to go $name?
<br /><br />
<!- Wangari -->
(if:$name is 'Wangari')[
[[My childhood->Wangari Child]]]
(if:$name is 'Wangari')[
[[My dad->Wangari Dad]]]
(if:$name is 'Wangari')[
[[My african horror story->African Horror Story]]]
(if:$name is 'Wangari')[
[[My beautiful London->London]]]
(if:$name is 'Wangari')[
[[My life as a refugee->Refugee]]]
}(set:$name to 'Pako')(set:$stud to 'Iron Mickey')
(live: 0s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**$name**](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[ is succesfully](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "rumble")[
(set:_fuck to (random: 1,32))
(if:_fuck is 1)[**fucking** ]
(if:_fuck is 2)[**breeding** ]
(if:_fuck is 3)[**mating** ]
(if:_fuck is 4)[**procreating** ]
(if:_fuck is 5)[**having sexual intercourse** ]
(if:_fuck is 6)[**doggy styling ** ]
(if:_fuck is 7)[**plowing poking getting some booty** ]
(if:_fuck is 8)[**diddling** ]
(if:_fuck is 9)[**shagging** ]
(if:_fuck is 10)[**hitting a home run** ]
(if:_fuck is 11)[**sealing the deal** ]
(if:_fuck is 12)[**sexy timing** ]
(if:_fuck is 13)[**porking** ]
(if:_fuck is 14)[**getting it on** ]
(if:_fuck is 15)[**sucky-ing fucky-ing** ]
(if:_fuck is 16)[**pulling a train** ]
(if:_fuck is 17)[**doing the horizontal bop** ]
(if:_fuck is 18)[**playing hide the salami** ]
(if:_fuck is 19)[**skronking** ]
(if:_fuck is 20)[**slapping and tickling** ]
(if:_fuck is 21)[**hitting it** ]
(if:_fuck is 22)[**making babies** ]
(if:_fuck is 23)[**getting laid** ]
(if:_fuck is 24)[**making woopie** ]
(if:_fuck is 25)[**scoring** ]
(if:_fuck is 26)[**pounding the punanni pavement** ]
(if:_fuck is 27)[**tapping that ass** ]
(if:_fuck is 28)[**getting lucky** ]
(if:_fuck is 29)[**getting some stank on the hang down** ]
(if:_fuck is 30)[**doinking** ]
(if:_fuck is 31)[**bangging** ]
(if:_fuck is 32)[**enraging the cave** ](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[ with **$stud**,](stop:)]
(live: 3.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[ and viceversa.](stop:)]
(live: 4.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[.](stop:)]
(live: 5.5s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[.<br />](stop:)]]
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[[(either: 'Meet your prodigee','Let it be life')->Name Gamebred]](stop:)]
}**- Box -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Speed Bag')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Speed Bag**: Enhance your speed and sharpen your reflexes with the rhythmic pounding and rebounding of the speed bag.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Jump Rope')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Skipping Rope**: Improve your footwork, train your conditioning, build mental toughness, perfect coordination, quickness and speed, and gain body awareness and balance.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Burpees')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Burpees**: Develop explosiveness, lower body strength, and stability while simulating the upper body resistance of a punch with the added benefit of core work at play.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Shadowboxing')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Shadowboxing**: The art of shadowboxing provides overall growth in the ring: form, technique, muscle memory, mindfulness.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Push Ups')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Push Ups**: Punches and punches! Volume is vital in boxing. Work chest, shoulders, and triceps, primarily, the old way, so that you can throw it all out when the time to fight arrives.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Chin Ups')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rj to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Pull-ups**: When it comes to isolation and stabilization, nothing matches good old chin-ups.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Mitts')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Focus mitt drills**: Technique, power, speed, endurance, accuracy, timing, angles, combinations, blocking, parrying, slipping, rolling, footwork, strategy, mimicking styles, counter-punching. Simply essential.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Heavy Bag')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Heavy Bag**: Enhance core stability, power, and endurance. Improve upper-body strength, boxing technique, and defense skills. Reduce anxiety and stress. All with a good old punching bag.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Double-end Bag')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Double-end Bag**: Work on combinations, head movement, defense, and blocking. Improve accuracy and develop rhythm.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Running')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Running**: Boxing roadwork is conditional and motivational training at its finest. It amps your boxing up tremendously by helping you develop better breathing patterns and achieving a lower resting heart rate. Love it or hate it, boxing roadwork has always been a fundamental part of a fighter's training regime.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Defense Drills')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Defense Drills**: From not getting damage in the first place to learning how to take punches better, defense is as, if not more, important than attacking. A smart boxer knows that in life as it is in boxing, the patient, calculated warrior, will prevail.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Counter Attack')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)**Counter Attack**: Mastering counterattacks represents the swiftest transition from defense maneuvering to controlled attack on the move. Many of the greatest boxers have been masterful counterattackers. Boxing is the sweet science of hitting without getting hit. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
**- Muay Thai -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Pad Work')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Pad Work]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Clinch Training')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Clinch Training]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Trips, Sweeps, and Throws')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Trips, Sweeps, and Throws]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Sprints')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Sprints]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Splits')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Burpees]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Jumping Squats')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Jumping Squats]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Banana Bag')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Banana Bag]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Knees & Elbows')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Knees & Elbows]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Special Strike Training')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Special Strike Training]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
**- Kung Fu -**(click: "Kung Fu")[<br /><br />**Kung Fu**]<br />
(link: 'Tai Chi Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Tai Chi**: These gentle, flowing forms of movement form the foundation of kung fu, making them an ideal starting point in training. You'll learn how to control your breath, especially how to reduce the number of breaths you take per minute, hence increasing your aerobic capacity.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Horse Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Horse Stance**: A common stance used to develop thigh strength, endurance and patience. Known as zhan zhuang, or stance training, this position provides a foundation for training in intermediate and advanced **Kung Fu** moves.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Crane || Rooster Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Jin Ji Du Li**: Is formed by raising one knee to its maximum height. It's used as a platform for delivering powerful frontal kicks, as well as side kicks. It's also frequently employed defensively to deflect low to middle height attacks.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Tiger Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Tiger Stance**: This stance develops a mental connection between your arms and legs that is essential in achieving whole-body power.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Praying Mantis Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Praying Mantis Stance**: This fighting stance involves the use of whip-like/circular motions to deflect direct attacks, which it follows up with precise strikes to the opponent's vital spots. It's especially known for its speed and continuous attacks.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Lotus Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Zuo Pan Bu**: A cross-legged stance that can be used for initiating attacks or defending, while facing the opponent with one’s side. The overall effect is very rapid movement.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Monkey Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Monkey Stance**: This is a very fast, agile and playful stance. It makes use of contractive force to deliver strikes with great power and achieve explosive, superior strength, leaping movements that can be used effectively while keeping mobility close to the ground.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Cat Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ki to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ki to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Mao Bu**: A flexible stance that is mainly used in defensive movements. It allows for fast kicks while executing evasive actions.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.100 man fight.Double-click this passage to edit it.**- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Positions')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Positions**: Never forget: position before submission. Successfully achieving a submission is mostly only doable after achieving static controll over your opponent.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Transitions & Sweeps')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Transitions & Sweeps**: Jiu-Jitsu is a very dynamic art. Your ability to flow is directly related to your performance. Your knowledge of techniques is only as good as your capacity to recognize what's coming and act accordingly. Transitions and sweeps training develops technical proficiency and transitional speed resulting in enhanced overall ground control.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Escapes & Surviving')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
**Escapes & Surviving**: Time to put all that bridging, shrimping, rolling and sprawling drills to use. The system of escapes may very well be the most important weapon in your Jiu-Jitsu arsenal. Having confidence in your escapes allows for freedom to attack, safe in the knowledge that if things go wrong you will be able to survive and regain position.]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Arm & Leg Locks')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Arm & Leg Locks]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Chokes')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rj to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Chokes]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Bodyweight & Grip Strength Exercises')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Bodyweight & Grip Strength Exercises]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Interval Sprints')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Interval Sprints]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Roll')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Roll]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
**- Wrestling -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Stance')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Stance]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Shooting')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rj to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sp to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sp to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Shooting]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Lifting')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ht to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ht to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Lifting]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Takedown')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Takedown]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Reversals')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Reversals]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Skullcrushers & Plyometrics')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Skullcrushers & Plyometrics]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Level Change')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)(set:$train to $train + 1)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Level Change]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Pin||Fall')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(set:_padwork to (random: 1,2))(if:_padwork is 1)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$ms to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$ms to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(else-if:_padwork is 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]]
(set:$train to $train + 1)Pin||Fall]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 3s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
**- Combat Sambo -**(click: "Combat Sambo")[<br /><br />**Sambo** is a relatively new martial art created in the early twentieth century by the Soviet government for the kickass (colour: red)[ red ] army. While its base is mostly ground game centered, **Combat Sambo** also introduces punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and even the occasional headbutt. Think of it as MMA with a killer Russian twist.]<br />
(link: 'Knee Bar, Toe Hold, and Heel Hook')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Knee Bar, Toe Hold, and Heel Hook**: Trademarks of **Sambo**. If the opponent doesn´t tap, serious injury for sure. This is brutal stuff.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Casting Punch')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Casting Punch**: This unconventional punch is used to strike an opponent while also enabling grappling if the punch misses.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Sandbag')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rt to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rt to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Sandbag**: The sandbag is a rudimentary but rather excellent tool for developing functional strength and endurance.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Trail Running')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$sta to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$sta to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Trail Running**: Every trail run creates new neuro-pathways and boosts your technical skills by challenging coordination, strength, endurance, agility and balance, more so than running on roads.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Kettlebells')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Kettlebells**: In sambo, sport in which strength represents the essential success factor, it is important to increase the muscle strength level for arms, legs and trunk flexors and extensors. Luckily enough, kettlebell exercises encompass all of the above.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Choke Holds & Neck Cranks')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$gra to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$gra to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Choke Holds & Neck Cranks**: Choke holds critically reduce or prevent either air or blood from passing through the neck, while neck cranks generate a multiple joint lock to the spinal column by forcing it beyond its normal ranges of motion. Both can result in spinal cord injury or death if the opponent denies surrender.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Battle Ropes')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Battle Ropes**: A low-impact high intensity interval full-body workout that accomplishes effective muscle-building with emphasis on improving stability in a shorter ammount of time.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Goblet Squats')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Goblet Squats**: Effectively work your quads, calves, glutes, core, arms, and grip strength while developing a strong and stable back to protect the spine.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Swimming')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$pu to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$pu to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Swimming**: One of the most intense sports activities, period. A full-body workout that exponentially improves the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of your lungs, and your heart rate variability.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Bear Crawls')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$rj to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$rj to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Bear Crawls**: Use your weight to work the upper body while crawling on all fours. Simple, effective, rigorous.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
(link: 'Sauna')[(if:$train <= 2)[
(if:$og is 5)[(set:$str to it + 10)]
(if:$og is 4)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,15))]
(if:$og is 3)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,20))]
(if:$og is 2)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,25))]
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$str to it + (random: 10,30))]
(set:$train to $train + 1)
<br />**Banya**: Pamper your heart, relax your muscles, and detoxify. Do remember, a day spent in the bayna, is a day you don´t age.<br />]
(if:$train is 3)[(live: 5s)[(go-to:'Train End')](stop:)]]<br />
sauna is missing argh
Double-click this passage to edit it.Randori technique (set:$name to 'Pako')(set:$stud to 'Iron Mickey')
**$name** is succesfully
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "rumble")[
(set:_fuck to (random: 1,32))
(if:_fuck is 1)[**fucking** ]
(if:_fuck is 2)[**breeding** ]
(if:_fuck is 3)[**mating** ]
(if:_fuck is 4)[**procreating** ]
(if:_fuck is 5)[**having sexual intercourse** ]
(if:_fuck is 6)[**doggy-ing style** ]
(if:_fuck is 7)[**plowing poking getting some booty** ]
(if:_fuck is 8)[**diddling** ]
(if:_fuck is 9)[**shagging** ]
(if:_fuck is 10)[**hitting a home run** ]
(if:_fuck is 11)[**sealing the deal** ]
(if:_fuck is 12)[**sexy timing** ]
(if:_fuck is 13)[**porking** ]
(if:_fuck is 14)[**getting it on** ]
(if:_fuck is 15)[**sucky-ing fucky-ing** ]
(if:_fuck is 16)[**pulling a train** ]
(if:_fuck is 17)[**doing the horizontal bop** ]
(if:_fuck is 18)[**playing hide the salami** ]
(if:_fuck is 19)[**skronking** ]
(if:_fuck is 20)[**slapping and tickling** ]
(if:_fuck is 21)[**hitting it** ]
(if:_fuck is 22)[**making babies** ]
(if:_fuck is 23)[**getting laid** ]
(if:_fuck is 24)[**making woopie** ]
(if:_fuck is 25)[**scoring** ]
(if:_fuck is 26)[**pounding the punanni pavement** ]
(if:_fuck is 27)[**tapping that ass** ]
(if:_fuck is 28)[**getting lucky** ]
(if:_fuck is 29)[**getting some stank on the hang down** ]
(if:_fuck is 30)[**doinking** ]
(if:_fuck is 31)[**bangging** ]
(if:_fuck is 32)[**enraging the cave** ](stop:)]]
with **$stud**, and viceversa.
<!- TEST -->
**- (either: 'Essential', 'Crucial', 'Key', 'Vital', 'Indispensable', 'Burning') Training -**<br /><br /><br />
(set:$strike to ($pu + $ki))
(set:$grapple to ($gra))
(set:$elbows to ($pu + $rt))
(set:$knees to ($ki + $sp))
(set:$mosdef to ($ms + $str))
(set:$cattack to ($rj + $rt))
(set:$clinch to ($gra + $str))
(set:$takedown to ($gra + $sp))
(either: 'Well done kiddo.', 'That´s enough kiddo, well done.', 'Good effort.', 'Proper training, well done.', 'Brilliant training.')<br /><br />
(if:$grade >= 1)[
(set:_trainshow to (random: 1,10))
(if:_trainshow is 1)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') striking level is **$strike**.]
(if:_trainshow is 2)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') ground-game level is **$grapple**.]
(if:_trainshow is 3)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') boxing level is **$pu**.]
(if:_trainshow is 4)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') elbows level is **$elbows**.]
(if:_trainshow is 5)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') kicking level is **$ki**.]
(if:_trainshow is 6)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') knees level is **$knees**.]
(if:_trainshow is 7)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') defense level is **$mosdef**.]
(if:_trainshow is 8)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') counter-attack level is **$cattack**.]
(if:_trainshow is 9)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') clinch level is **$clinch**.]
(if:_trainshow is 10)[Your (either: 'overall', 'all-around', 'average', 'medium', 'aprox', 'basic', 'measurable', 'perceived') takedown level is **$tdown**.]]
<!- Combos -->
(if:$grade > 1)[<br /><br />
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
I (either: 'want', 'need', 'urge') you to (either: 'learn', 'master', 'note') a (either: 'combo:', 'combination:')<br /><br />
(link: 'Alpha')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Bravo')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Jab, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Charlie')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Cross, Lead Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Delta')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Echo')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Cross, Lead Uppercut, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Foxtrot')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Rear Uppercut, Lead Hook, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Golf')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Cross, Lead Hook, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Hotel')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Body Jab, Cross.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'India')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Body Rear Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Juliett')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Jab, Rear Uppercut, Lead Uppercut.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Kilo')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Body Cross, Lead Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Lima')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Body Lead Hook, Lead Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Mike')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Body Lead Hook, Lead Uppercut.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'November')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Lead Hook, Body Lead Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]<br />
(link: 'Oscar')[(if:$learncombo is 0)[(set:$learncombo to 1)
Rear Uppercut, Lead Hook.
<br />](else:)[]]
<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
**- Save -** (set:$name to 'Pako')
{(link:"Save Game")[
Fight Forever!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]{
(set:$wangari to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
I never knew my dad was a bad man until I read how he died.
Childhood memories? Happy memories. Gorgeous, pristine African landscape right out the window: horses, dogs, apple trees, and large green fields during the day, the sounds of a million creatures at night.
<br /><br />
It happened in London. After everything burned, after the get-away and the refugeeing, after the gargantuan suffering. I read it on a tabloid: ‘African dictator linked to infamous genocide is found dead in Monaco. Apparent suicide.’ <br /><br />
There he was, the very first familiar face I’d seen in years: my dad.
The sweet, sweet man that loved us, so much, according to that story, was a monster.<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Wangari]]]]
(set:$julio to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
My father told me there are two very consequential ‘Julio Cesar’'s in history. One was the emperor of a mighty empire, the other one a Mexican boxer. The latter being the man I owe my name to. <br /><br />
Seven tries it took my father; walked himself up that fucking dessert. Now that I got myself deported, I must fight to get back to my family. <br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Julio Cesar]]]]
(set:$shaka to 1)
<br />Southern Africa(click: "Southern Africa")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />The way of the Zulu warrior: It's not about ego, it's about survival.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been strengthened.<br />]]
<br />Senegal(click: "Senegal")[(set:$gra to it + 10)<br />Although traditional wrestling exists in various forms throughout West Africa, the version in Senegal, known as laamb, has reached unparalleled heights. Unlike other forms of wrestling, laamb allows furious punches. Those matches are the ones upon which wrestlers, spectators, sponsors, promoters, shamans, musicians and journalists descend.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **grappling** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Nigeria(click: "Nigeria")[(set:$str to it + 10)<br />If we are going to get statistical about it, the number of purebred assassins at the highest levels of MMA coming out of Nigeria, it's a bit stratospheric. [There are stories of a fighter that bends styles like tides bend foams.] <br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **strenght** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br />
(if:$jackie is 0)[(set:$jackie to 1)
<br />Dublin(click: "Dublin")[(set:$rj to it + 10)<br />
I'm taking you to train with the most notorious one of them all. You must absorb all there is to know about MMA from a true rock and rolla.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />London(click: "London")[(set:$pu to it + 10)<br />
Prizefighting runs in the veins of this city. Several bare-knuckle sparring session will kickstart your boxing ability.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **punching** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Amsterdam(click: "Amsterdam")[(set:$ki to it + 10)<br />
A bit of kickboxing from some of the wittiest out there. This place is a hub of dutch strikers that will teach you the hard way.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **kicking** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
[[Back->Jackie O'Brian]]
<!- TEST (18s)-->
(set:$money to 1000)
<!- Gambling -->
(if:$money > 0)[
(live: 2s)[(stop:)
(set:$bet to (random: 1,10))[
(if:$bet is 1 or 9)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 2 or 10)[(stop:)
**4.20%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * (4.20/100)))
(if:$bet is 3)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 4)[(stop:)
**69%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * .69))
(if:$bet is 5)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 6)[(stop:)
**100%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to $money)
(if:$bet is 7)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **losing** the fight.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(if:$bet is 8)[(stop:)
**200%** of your (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'sratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips') is on you **winning** the fight by **KO** or **Submission**.
(set:$trueplayaz to ($money * 2))
(set:$gley to 1)
**- Gleycianne -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
I started early, I guess, but I never hated it. After all, it's what my mum did, and her mother before her. The oldest profession of them all, they say. I don't know about that. I do know that I was great at it. Up until that day...<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Gley]]]]
(if:$beristain is 0)[(set:$beristain to 1)
<br />North Mexico(click: "North Mexico")[(set:$sta to it + 10)<br />
Since the 16th century, Tarahumaras have inhabited the deepest areas of the Sierra Madre. Renowned for their long-distance running superhuman ability. No better place to kickstart your endurance training.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **stamina** level has been strengthened.<br />]]
<br />Mexico City(click: "Mexico City")[(set:$pu to it + 10)<br />
The great Tenochtitlan has produced forceful warriors for millennia. These days it's a hub of a seemingly infinite pool of boxers of the highest grade, and many, many World Champions. An ideal spot to learn how to land a punch.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **punching** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Southeastern Mexico(click: "Southeastern Mexico")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />
The most sophisticated and highly developed ancient civilizations inhabited these lands. Wanderers of the mind and masters of the elements. Here you'll exercise your fighter mentality.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
**- Kainourgís -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Kain')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Set Init Reward -->
(if:$kain is 1)[(set:$ms to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,1144))
(if:$kain is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Kain Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
**- Frankie -**<br /><br />
(set: $name to 'Frankie')
(set: $rj to 0)(set: $ht to 0)(set: $ms to 0)
(set: $rt to 0)(set: $str to 0)(set: $sp to 0)(set: $sta to 0)(set: $pu to 0)(set: $ki to 0)(set: $gra to 0)(set:$balance to 0)(set:$rythm to 0)
(set: $win to 0)(set: $loss to 0)(set:$fights to 0)(set:$ko to 0)(set:$sub to 0)
(set: $money to 0)
(set:$trophy to 0)
(set:$grade to 0)
(set:$retire to 0)
(set:$og to (random: 1,5))
<!- Set Init Reward -->
(if:$frankie is 1)[(set:$rj to it +1)]
(set:$week to (random: 780,936))
(if:$frankie is 0)[
Fighting is all that matters now (t8n: 'pulse')[(link: '$name')[(go-to: 'Frankie Init')]]
<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
You must choose your **sensei**:<br /><br />
[[Shaka]]<br />
[[Beristain]]<br />
[[Agatha Gracie]]<br />
[[Viktor Oschepkov]]<br />
[[Miya Musa]]<br />
[[Jackie O'Brian]]<br />
[[Ariella Yanilov]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Kahungunu]<br />
(colour: gray)[Master Ken]<br />
(colour: gray)[Payakaroon]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yong-Kil]<br />
(colour: gray)[Bodhidharma]<br />
}If you win in the Shangai Series of fighting you get to embrace a chinese as a honkongonian.
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **10000**(set:$money to it + 10000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **15000**(set:$money to it + 15000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **20000**(set:$money to it + 20000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **50000**(set:$money to it + 50000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **100000**(set:$money to it + 100000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **50000**(set:$money to it + 50000)]
]<br /><br />
}(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$og to 5)
(if:$og is 5)[
(set:$rj to (random: 1,3))
(set:$ht to (random: 1,3))
(set:$ms to (random: 1,3))
(set:$rt to (random: 1,3))
(set:$str to (random: 1,3))
(set:$sp to (random: 1,3))
(set:$sta to (random: 1,3))
(set:$pu to (random: 1,3))
(set:$ki to (random: 1,3))
(set:$gra to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og is 4)[
(set:$rj to (random: 2,4))
(set:$ht to (random: 2,4))
(set:$ms to (random: 2,4))
(set:$rt to (random: 2,4))
(set:$str to (random: 2,4))
(set:$sp to (random: 2,4))
(set:$sta to (random: 2,4))
(set:$pu to (random: 2,4))
(set:$ki to (random: 2,4))
(set:$gra to (random: 2,4))
(if:$og is 3)[
(set:$rj to (random: 3,5))
(set:$ht to (random: 3,5))
(set:$ms to (random: 3,5))
(set:$rt to (random: 3,5))
(set:$str to (random: 3,5))
(set:$sp to (random: 3,5))
(set:$sta to (random: 3,5))
(set:$pu to (random: 3,5))
(set:$ki to (random: 3,5))
(set:$gra to (random: 3,5))
(if:$og is 2)[
(set:$rj to (random: 4,7))
(set:$ht to (random: 4,7))
(set:$ms to (random: 4,7))
(set:$rt to (random: 4,7))
(set:$str to (random: 4,7))
(set:$sp to (random: 4,7))
(set:$sta to (random: 4,7))
(set:$pu to (random: 4,7))
(set:$ki to (random: 4,7))
(set:$gra to (random: 4,7))
(if:$og is 1)[
(set:$rj to (random: 7,13))
(set:$ht to (random: 7,13))
(set:$ms to (random: 7,13))
(set:$rt to (random: 7,13))
(set:$str to (random: 7,13))
(set:$sp to (random: 7,13))
(set:$sta to (random: 7,13))
(set:$pu to (random: 7,13))
(set:$ki to (random: 7,13))
(set:$gra to (random: 7,13))
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Hyper Sambadrome - Rio de Janeiro -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Gran Coliseo de São Paulo -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Estádio da Rivera - Rio de Janeiro -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Arena Belo Horizonte -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Belo Casino de Fortaleza -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Centro de Convenções de Manau -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Ginásio Central - Foz do Iguaçu -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways WTF? LOL -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **CBVT Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- Gotcha mate. Let's keep it going. A beautiful castle indeed. -->
<!- TEST -->
<!- Setting Professional Experience -->
<!- Set difaux -->
(set:$difaux to $dif)
<!- Set Proper Win -->
(set:$prowin to $win)
<!- Upgrade -->
(set:$grade to 2)
<!- Pro Exp Allocation -->
(set:$prorj to $rj)
(set:$proht to $ht)
(set:$proms to $ms)
(set:$prort to $rt)
(set:$prostr to $str)
(set:$prosp to $sp)
(set:$prosta to $sta)
(set:$propu to $pu)
(set:$proki to $ki)
(set:$progra to $gra)
(set:$probal to $bal)
(set:$promind to ($prorj + $proht +$proms))
(set:$probody to ($prort + $prostr + $prosp + $prosta + $propu + $proki + $progra))
(set:$proexp to ($probody + $promind))
(set:$dif to 0)
<!- THE BIG GAME -->
(t8n: 'rumble')[**- Grade-1 Fighter -**<br /><br />]
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'slide-left')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
You've reached the highest level of competition $name.<br /><br />
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
Job well done kiddo, you've become a highly talented, world class, martial artist.<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
Never forget were you came from.<br /><br />
(live: 18s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
You are in the big game now. ]]
(live: 26s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
Are you scared? ]]
(live: 33s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
The big game is fucking terrifying.<br /><br />]]
(live: 44s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(link: 'Let´s go to work.')[I'm bad like Jesse James.
(live: 1.5s)[(go-to: 'PICK A MANAGER')]
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100 and ($ht - $proht) >= 100)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) >= 100 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a hard headed straight up cholo brawler', 'is a tough, violent homie', 'goes forward relentlessly', 'is a crazy blood-thirsty Mexican')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu + $sta)-($proht + $propu + $prosta)) < 100 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0 or ($sta - $prosta) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- OFF: Undercards -->
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Tasmania Combat Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Cairns Casino -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Ningaloo Coast Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Port Jackson Bay Dome -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Rugby Colosseum - Melbourne -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Sydney Mega Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **AFD Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Coliseo Dinamita - Mexico City -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Ring Playa Sandía - Tulúm -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Estadio del Noreste - Monterrey -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Arena del Desierto - Chihuahua -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Casino del Pacífico - Mazatlán -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Gran Arena Maya - Cancún -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Super Estadio de los Muertos - Mexico City -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next **champ**?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **CMC Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
(if:$miya is 0)[(set:$miya to 1)
<br />Tokyo(click: "Tokyo")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />
Welcome to Japan, the flagship of martial arts, the cradle of mindful warriors. You shall forever fight yourself, your opponent is an ally. The true fight is between you and yourself.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Ozaka(click: "Ozaka")[(set:$pu to it + 10)<br />
You'll be training at the most appreciated dojos in the region. You shall absorb the beauty and eloquence of karate striking and adhere it to your fighter soul.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **striking** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Saitama(click: "Saitama")[(set:$gra to it + 10)<br />
Some full-contact wrestling will kickstart your grappling profile. What better way to do it than training and facing some elite rikishis. Sumo is much more than the eye can see.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **grappling** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
[[Back->Miya Musa]]
<!- TEST -->
<!- TEST BMF -->
**$name**<br />
(if:$grade is 0)[Amateur](if:$grade is 1)[(either: 'Professional', 'Pro', 'Prize')](if:$grade is 2)[(either: 'Elite', 'Top-level', 'Top-grade', 'Rockstar', 'True Rock and Rolla')]
Fighter<br />
<!- BMF -->
(set:$bmf to ((($win + $awin)-($loss + $aloss))+($ko + $ako)+($sub + $asub)+$trophy+$legacy+$love)/$age)
(if:$bmf > 0)[(colour: 'gray')[P4P: **$bmf**%]<br /><br />]
<!- Olympian -->
(if:$boxgold is 1)[Olympic (colour: yellow + black)[**GOLD**] Medalist<br /><br />]
(if:$boxsilver is 1)[Olympic (colour: gray)[**SILVER**] Medalist<br /><br />]
(if:$boxbronze is 1)[Olympic (colour: orange + black)[**BRONZE**] Medalist<br /><br />]
<!- Family Tree -->
(if:$gamebred is 1)[A (colour: red)[**- Gamebred -**] prodigee of **$stud** and **$daddy**.<br /><br />]
<!- Love $ Legacy -->
Love: $love | Legacy: $legacy<br /><br />
<!- Pro Record -->
Boxing Pro Record: <br />
Wins: **$win** || Losses: **$loss** || Fights: **$fights** (if:$loss is 0 and $win is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO: **$ko** <br /><br />
<!- Amateur Record -->
Boxing Amateur Record: <br />
**$awin** Wins || **$aloss** Losses || **$afights** Fights (if:$aloss is 0 and $awin is not 0) [|| **Undefeated**]<br />
KO's: **$ako** <br /><br />
<!- Pro Record -->
<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
}(set:$art to 'Boxing')
(set:$foundation to $art)
(set:$art to 'MMA')
(set:$foundation to it + ' || ' + $art)
(set:$art to 'BJJ')
(set:$foundation to it + ' || ' + $art)
(set:$mma to 1)
(set:$boxing to 1)
(set:$bjj to 1)
(set:$lethwei to 1)
(set:$kungfu to 1)
(set:$wrestling to 1)
(set:$sambo to 1)
(set:$karate to 1)
(set:$sumo to 1)
(set:$muaythai to 1)
(set:$taekwondo to 1)
(set:$kravmaga to 1)
(set:$laamb to 1)
(set:$judo to 1)
(set:$kickboxing to 1)
(if:$mma and
$boxing and
$bjj and
$lethwei and
$kungfu and
$wrestling and
$sambo and
$karate and
$sumo and
$muaythai and
$taekwondo and
$kravmaga and
$laamb and
$judo and
$kickboxing is 1)[(set:$allarts to 1)]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Yangtze River Combat Ground - Chongqing -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- The Peak Casino - Hong Kong -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Jade Dragon Stadium - Lijiang -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Xi'an Sports Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Proudest Monkey Shaolin Temple - Henan Province -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Hua Tuo Ultra Dome - Beijing -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Shanghai Super Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **SSF Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Lake Baikal Resort & Casino -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Fighters Mansion - Rublyovka -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Kazan Sports Palace -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Stadium in the Mountains - Dajastan -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Sochi MMA Center -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Fontanka River Fighting Complex - Saint Petersburg -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Extreme Arena - Moscow -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **RCE Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Lagos Fight Club -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Yankari Micro Eco-Arena -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Victoria Island Casino - Lagos -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Zuma Rock Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Abuja MMA Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Lagos Mega Sports Park -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Castle of Nigeria Super Stadium -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **NAF Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- The Den at Vauxhall Gardens - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Manchester Combat Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Liverpool City Centre -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Cardiff Bay Dome - Wales -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Putney Bridge Hall - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Chelsea Place Casino - London -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- London Storm Fighting Arena -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **LPF Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Type o' Fight Allocation -->
(if:$dif is 7)[**- KA Championship Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- KA Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- KA Co-Main Event Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- KA Main Card Fight -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif <= 3)[**- KA Undercard Fight -**<br /><br />]
<!- Death -->
(if: $exp - $proexp <= 0)[(go-to: 'Death')](else:)[
<!- Undercards -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Win -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ht to $ht + 10)
Your **heart** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Next -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) >= 50 and $dif >= 3)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Card Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a strategist rather than a brawler', 'is a counter-puncher rather than a bully', 'has a solid game plan')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Fail -->
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />](stop:)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **heart** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ht to $ht - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)](stop:)]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:(($ht + $pu)-($proht + $propu)) < 50 and ($ht - $proht) <= 0 or ($pu - $propu) <= 0)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->KAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Undercard 1 -->
<!- Main Card -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($mind > $probody) and ($pu - $propu) >= 50)[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:$mind <= $probody)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($mind <= $probody) and ($mind - $promind) < 50)[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($mind > $probody))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Co-Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is a purist boxer', 'is a very traditional boxer', 'is an orthodox boxer')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->KAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Card -->
<!- Co-Main Event -->
<!- Fighting -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$sta to $sta + 10)
Your **stamina** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100 and ($mind > $body))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100)[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **stamina** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$sta to $sta - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)- ($proms + $prosta + $propu) < 100 and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms + $sta + $pu)-($proms + $prosta + $propu) >= 100)[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Main Event Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'has a solid gameplan', 'knows his stuff', 'is very cerebral', 'is good at chess', 'is a smart and calculated boxer', 'is a great strategist')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->KAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Co-Main Event -->
<!- Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 10)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618) and ($ht - $proht) >= (100*1.618) )[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms - $proms) < (100*1.618) and ($mind <= $body))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms - $proms) >= (100*1.618))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[Next fight: **- Boxing Championship Fight -**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your next opponent (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'is an ice-cold mother fucker', 'is calm and steady', 'puts thoughts ahead of feelings', 'keeps feelings at bay', 'is a calm and calculated boxer', 'is very dispassionate yet effective')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 14s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->KAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Main Event -->
<!- cHAMPIONSHIP Baby -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Win -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
(set:$win to $win + 1)<!- Champ -->(set:$ssfbox to 1)
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
(set:_won to (random: 1,12))
(if:_won is >= 1 and _won is <= 4)[You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 5)[Good job kiddo. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 6)[You did it, you **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 7)[That's a **W** kiddo. Well done!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 8)[Killer instincts. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 9)[Awesome. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 10)[Brilliant. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 11)[That was funky. You **won** the fight!<br /><br />]
(else-if:_won is 12)[Massive victory! That's a **W** kiddo.<br /><br />]
<!- Exp -->
(live: 4s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(set:$ms to $ms + 2)
Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br />(stop:)]
<!- KO -->
(live: 6s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[
(if:($ms >= $ht) and ($rj >= $ht))[
(set:$ko to $ko + 1)(set:$pu to $pu + 2)(set:$fatality to 1)
(set:_puko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_puko is 1)[Beautiful hook, right in the kisser. Nite, nite. Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 2)[You scored a knockout!]
(if:_puko is 3)[Left uppercut to the body, you savage. That's a knockout kiddo!]
(if:_puko is 4)[Power-hand cross to the button. You scored a knockout kiddo.]
(if:_puko is 5)[A well executed one-two combo never fails. KO!]
(if:_puko is 6)[Your opponent walked right into your uppercut. Good read. KO!]
(if:_puko is 7)[Hook to the liver. Brutal. KO!]
(if:_puko is 8)[Overhead power punch. Lights out! Knockout!]
(if:_puko is 9)[Hook to the temple. KO!]
(if:_puko is 10)[A violent fury of strikes. Good nite. KO!]
<br /><br />(stop:)]]]
<!- Fail -->
(if:($ms < $ht))[
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")
[You **lost** the fight.<br /><br />(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[Your **mindset** level has been decreased.<br /><br />(set:$ms to $ms - 10)(set:$loss to $loss + 1)(stop:)]]
<!- Injury -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: "pulse")[
(if:($ms < $ht) and ($str > $sta))[
(set:_fail to (random:1,5))
(if:_fail is 1)[You got knocked the fuck out.]
(if:_fail is 2)[Got yourself a broken nose. It took 4 weeks to heal. (set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_fail is 3)[You broke your hand. It took 2 months to heal.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_fail is 4)[You were overwhelmed by punches. Lost by KO.]
(if:_fail is 5)[Got yourself a really bad concussion. It took 2 months to get cleared by the doctor.(set:$week to it + 8)]
(stop:)<br /><br />]]
<!- Next -->
(if:($ms >= $ht))[
<br /><br />
(live: 10s)[(t8n: "pulse")[**You are the new Hokori 전사 Championship Champion of The World**](stop:)]
<br /><br />
(live: 12s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[You (text-style: "fade-in-out")[**(either: 'absolute unit', 'cold-blooded killa', 'bad mother fucker', 'rock and rolla', 'are an original gangsta', 'absolutely rock')**.]](stop:)]<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 12s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->KAPAY]](stop:)]
<!- OFF: Championship -->
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Detroit -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Philly -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Boston -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- New York -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Los Angeles -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Chicago -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Las Vegas -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **NFA Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- MMA Haus - Berlin -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Stolz Boxing Ground - Munich -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Stuttgart Sportkuppel -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Dresdenpark -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Cologne Kampfarena -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Munich Sportpark -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Egohalle - Berlin -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **DLF Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
(if:$allarts is 0)[(link: 'LEARN A NEW MARTIAL ART')[(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]I don't think that is a good idea at this point $name.]<br />]
[[SIGN WITH A GRADE-1 $art FIGHTING ORGANISM->Go One]]<br /><br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue Allocation -->
(if:$dif <= 1)[**- Osaka Senshi Forum -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 2)[**- Yokohama Martial Arts Academy Fighting Ground -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 3)[**- Casino in the Sky - Seoul -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 4)[**- Pyongyang Hyper Plaza -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 5)[**- Saitama Fighting Stadium -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 6)[**- Expo Gwahakgongwon Park Gymnasium - Daejeon -**<br /><br />]
(if:$dif is 7)[**- Otaku Super Dome - Tokyo -**<br /><br />]
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Undercard -->
(if:$dif <= 3)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000**(set:$money to it + 1000)]
<!- $ Main Card -->
(if:$dif is 4)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **2,000**(set:$money to it + 2000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **3,000**(set:$money to it + 3000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- $ Co-Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 5)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **5,000**(set:$money to it + 5000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **10,000**(set:$money to it + 10000)]
<!- $ Main Event -->
(if:$dif is 6)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **150,000**(set:$money to it + 150000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$dif is 7)[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$dif < 7)[(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
(if:$dif >= 7)[
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
(if:$win > $twin)[What's next champ?<br /><br />]
(if:$win is $twin)[You only get one shot at **KA Boxing** gold. What's next?<br /><br />]
[[Sign with a Grade-1 $art organism.->Go One]]<br /><br />
[[Learn a new martial art.->Learn Art]]
}(set:$bmf to ((($win + $awin)-($loss + $aloss))+$trophy-$og+$exp+$love)/$age){
<!- Banner -->
**- Travel the Fight Forever Universe | $name -**<br /><br />
(colour: gray)[Campeonato Brasilero de Valetudo]<br />
(colour: gray)[Consejo Mexicano de Combate]<br />
(colour: gray)[Deutschland League of Fighters]<br />
(colour: gray)[National Fighter Association]<br />
(colour: gray)[London Prize Fighters]<br />
(colour: gray)[Prize India]<br />
(colour: gray)[Hokori 전사 Championship]<br />
(colour: gray)[Eastern Boxing Comission]<br />
(colour: gray)[European Boxing Union]<br />
(colour: gray)[United Boxers Association]<br />
(colour: gray)[All American Fighters]<br />
(colour: gray)[Hanzo Fighting Championship]<br />
(colour: gray)[Blunt Force]<br />
(colour: gray)[Muay Thai International]<br />
(colour: gray)[Alavanca Invitational]<br />
(colour: gray)[Submission Masters Series]<br />
<br />
(if:$age >= 40)[
(else-if:$age >= 40 and $age < 45)
(set:_aging to (random: 1,5))
(if:_aging is 5)
[(set:$sta to it - 50)]
(else-if:$age >= 45 and $age < 50)
(set:_aging to (random: 1,3))
(if:_aging is 3)
(set:$sta to it - 50)
(set:$str to it - 50)
(else-if:$age >= 50 and $age < 55)
(set:_aging to (random: 1,2))
(if:_aging is 2)
(set:$sta to it - 50)
(set:$str to it - 50)
(set:$pu to it - 50)
(set:$ki to it - 50)
(set:$sp to it - 50)
(set:$rt to it - 50)
(else-if:$age >= 55)
(set:_aging to (random: 1,2))
(if:_aging is 1)
(set:$sta to 0)
(set:$str to 0)
(set:$pu to 0)
(set:$ki to 0)
(set:$sp to 0)
(set:$gra 0)
(set:$rt to 0)
(if:_aging is 2)
(if:($win - $loss) <= -7)
(set:$fired to (random: 1,3))
(if:$fired is 3)
'Enough pain; it is time for pleasure $name.',
'No more bleeding; time to settle.',
'Life is beautiful kiddo, go breed.',
'Fighting is done. Up to the next step $name.',
'Pain was weakness leaving the body. No more pain, physical pain that is. It is up to you to keep it that way kiddo. Be happy, therefore, win and win again. Forever.',
'The story of our lives is a story of change. It is time for changes.',
'The purpose of today´s training is to forget yesterday´s understading.',
'When sunset is, the fighter falls, but the team resists. $name is $gym, hence $gym is $name.'
(if: ($defenses >= 10) or ($dogfightchamp is 1)) [
(set:$legend to 1)
(if: $hfc and $aaf
and $uba and $ebu and $ebc
and $ff and $mti
and $sms and $ai
is 1
)[(set:$fightforever to 1)(set:$retired to 1)(set:$og to 1)
(set:_goathumps to (random: 1,21))[
(if:_goathumps is 1)[GO HUMP.]
(if:_goathumps is 2)[Get some **thicc** in your life, mate.]
(if:_goathumps is 3)[Humpy, humpy broda.]
(if:_goathumps is 4)[Clap em alien cheeks.]
(if:_goathumps is 5)[Go put the cherry on top of that sausage sunday, honey.]
(if:_goathumps is 6)[GO HUMP.]
(if:_goathumps is 7)[GO HUMP.]
(if:$foundation is not $art)[
(if:$mma is 1)[
(set:_dogfight to (random: 1,2))[
(if:_dogfight is 1)[
(set:$dogfight to 'Hanzo Fighting Championship')
**Hanzo Fighting Championship** is offering you:
(if:$og is 5)[]
(if:$og is 4)[]
(if:$og is 3)[]
(if:$og is 2)[]
(if:$og is 1)[]
For a **MMA** fight against their champion(either: '. Belt included, naturally.', ', for the $dogfight Championship of The World', ', like the bad mother fucker that you are.', ', if you dare.')
[[(either: 'Fuck yeah', 'Lego', 'Bring it', 'Fuck it.', 'Let it roll.')->DOGFIGHT]]
(if:_dogfight is 2)[AAF]
(if:$boxing is 1)[]
(if:$mma is 1)[]
(if:$striker is 1)[]
(if:$grappler is 1)[]
United Boxers Association
European Boxing Comission
Eastern Boxing Union ?
1. You're swimming in very deep waters kiddo. Odds are violently against you. (either: 'Jumping', 'Switching') from one martial art to the other, at this level, is like charging soldiers uphill; extremely dangerous, certainly brutal, and most of the time, disappointing. You're really gonna have to put your shit together for this one mate, starting right now. <br /><br />
2. Flow, feel, all angles, different dimension. At all turns, be steady, like a beat, put a beatdown, at an alien rythm, dance through this. The fighter's dance is in you, it's most of you, like water.<br /><br />
3. You have to go for the kill. Bring that gore home kiddo. No mercy. No other way. You're sailing on ancient, unknown, fucking dangerous, top-level waters. What once was may not be there this time; you must go back to basics. Train smart, train hard, real fucking hard, non-stop, but most importantly, train efficiently, basically, naturally. Then go and take that fucking head off.<br /><br />
4. Takes pure courage, galantry, class, vocation, transition and style isolation, to take one of these fucking fights. You know your toolset to be at a complete disadvantage; outreageous performance needed to succeed, to compete at least, with a strange specialist, the very top one, the dean of it's trade. Yet, you, wanting to fight, wanting to munch that huge challenge. Urging to face a complete meanace. Like a life devourer, like a champion of champions. Like the motherfucking killer that you are.<br /><br />
5. Forge yourself in fire for this one. A great wave is coming our way. Surf and kill.<br /><br />
6. Love. It has to be love. It must be love. For fighting. For the fight. To exist will never be enough without a good grapple with yourself. A tussle. A good old fight with good old you. Must really, heartly, bluntly, wholesomely, absolutely, violently, painfully, love the fight, a fight, to take this one; like the bad motherfucker that you are. Go scrape that bone of glory, you crazy voulture. <br /><br />
7. Haters gonna hate champ. You've taken this challenge and that must be enough for you. You've always blown the wind on the parachute of your life as a fighter. A wanderer of emotions, intense fucking emotions, like glory, like pride, like being ultimate. Keep on wandering, with your guard up, and your fury ready to unleash. **Fight forever**.<br /><br />
What about Grade-1 Champ wins?
I. Can you taste it? Never forget it. The nurturing flavour of winning. The enhancement. You just won a fight. A big fucking fight. A historic fight. You're right there; right were you wanted. You are a **true rock and rolla.**
II. You've just agreed with yourself. You just reconciliated. Your strength and your honor, your war and your peace. You won. You came to terms with your own treaty. Beautifuly, masterfuly. Conquered here and there, now and then, strange and present. Ballistically. You're a **legend** of the sport $name.
III. Deep in your bones. Glory, victory, emmancipation, ultimation, fucking wonderful, you are wonderland. You are it, you did it, you mastered, you persevered, you overcame, you wrote your name on the everpresent stone. The one the greats scribbled, the one that tempts greatness and ultimate satisfaction. You are at the top of the mountain kiddo, you did it, you fought your way up. How does the universe look from up there? How great is life? Winning. Overcoming. Dropping the mic post defining legendary. A legend.
You are a legend $name.
Be admired.
IV. Worth it. All of it. The pain for starters, and the fame as an appetizer. You are all over the place, you are peachly omnipresent. Almost like a god. A god of fighting. A god of overcoming. A god of reconciliation, of reconfiguration, a **god of war**.
V. For those that you love the most. For the love in you that they hold. For our love. For letting it be known that love is in here. Love is in glory, glory is in love. Pride for yours, pride for mine, pride for the present, pride for the fight, the challenge, surpassed, aknowledged, beaten, confronted, nullified, acquired, like luvely pain, like rock and roll, like fighting for a cause, that cause, the cause, success, meausurable success. You just got that. You won, publicly, stratospherically, uniformly, absolutely. You won. Like the fucking champion of champions that you are. You won.
VI. How great is this victory? Will it shine over time? Will you live for it? Will you live forever? Fight forever? Love forever? Live. Extract. Punch. Kick. Submit. Realize. Immortalize. Will this win be legendary to the greatest of tomorrow? Will they be standing on your shoulders? You fucking **giant**.
VII. Ride. Into completion, into greatness, into peace. Peace that boils in winning, excelling, calculating, performing, for admiration, for meaning, for strenght, for a way, a way of life, a construct that fits, fits a fight, a challenge, in the fruition of vantage. You came and went like the wind, and took that soul. Overwhelmed, delivered, bull's eye, as a bull, charge of fury, sharp, undisputed, furious. You are **glorious**.
(set:$fightforever to 1)[**GOAT**]
(set:_jumpygoat to (random: 1,6))[
(if:_jumpygoat is 1)[
A. (set:$goat to 1)You are the mountain. And the sky. You are it. This is it. You have achieved forever. Forever aknowledged. You are the absolute greatest version of yourself. You are the absolute greatest. The only one. Unbreakable. Undisputed. Fucking amazing. Gorgeous. Valiant. Rowdy. The most fierce; the deadliest. The pinnacle of combat you have reached and taken. Forever.
B. (set:$goat to 2)There has never been a fighter as great as you; you are the greatest fighter there has ever been. You took them all. You took their souls and found yours in the process. You won.
C. (set:$goat to 3)Can you hear the music? It's playing for you. For your immaculation, your triumph. You won all there is to win. There might be more to come. But now, you have won everything. Respect. Ultimate aknowledgement. Furious admiration. You will be the one to beat until the time comes. Will you step aside? Can you step aside? Not anymore. You are written in blood, on everlasting pages, of courage, sacrifice, victory, and treasure.
D. (set:$goat to 4)You are **god**.
Curiosity is DNA
(if:$mind >= $body)[
(if:$mind < $body)[
(set:_dogdamage to (random: 1,6))[]
(set:$art to 'Boxing')
(set:$foundation to $art)
(set:$art to 'MMA')
(set:$foundation to it + ' || ' + $art)
(set:$art to 'BJJ')
(set:$foundation to it + ' || ' + $art)
(if:)I. Manager proposes opponents.
- Based on $dif
- You can check opps out.
II. Training Regime
- Nutrition + Weight Cut
- Pick a Coach and corner (including cutman) from $gym
- Psych
III. Sparring Partner
IV: Fight Camp
- Many more variables. (Geo variables!)
V. Press Conference
VI. Walk-out
V. Last Words
$flow CAN ONLY BE 1
$flow and $attendace have a close relationship
note: you already have levels in attendance
algo mate....
obviously the **right decision** ($opp is out of the question) + probability according to soul
training, spar, camp, social, all matter
(if:$flow >= 7)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
Styles make fights:
(Sensei tells on $soul b4 da Fight)
(set:$pure to (($ms * 5) + ($rt * 4) + ($sta * 3) + ($pu * 2) + $balance))
(set:$counter to (($ms * 5) + ($rj * 4) + ($pu * 3) + ($sp * 2) + $rythm))
(set:$brawl to (($ht * 5) + ($rj * 4) + ($sta * 3) + ($str * 2) + $rythm))
(set:$bomb to (($rj * 5) + ($ms * 4) + ($str * 3) + ($rt * 2) + $balance))
(if:$pure >= $counter and $pure >= $brawl and $pure >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Pure') Pure]
(else-if:$counter >= $pure and $counter >= $brawl and $counter >= $bomb)[(set:$soul to 'Counter') Counter]
(else-if:$brawl >= $pure and $brawl >= $counter and $brawl >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Brawl') Brawl]
(else-if:$bomb >= $pure and $bomb >= $counter and $bomb >= $brawl)[(set:$soul to 'Bomb') Bomb]
Purist vs Purist (set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Pure')
- brawl - brawl - brawl
Purist vs Counter $pvc
- counter - pure - pure
Purist vs Brawler $pvb
- pure - pure - pure
Purist vs Bomber $pvb
- pure - pure - counter
Counter vs Purist
- pure - brawl - counter
Counter vs Counter
- pure - counter - bomb
Counter vs Brawler
- counter - counter - pure
Counter vs Bomber
- pure - counter - pure
Brawler vs Purist
- pure - counter - brawl
Brawler vs Counter
- pure - counter - brawl
Brawler vs Brawler
- pure - pure - counter
Brawler vs Bomber
- pure - pure - brawl
Bomber vs Purist
- counter - pure - bomb
Bomber vs Counter
- pure - brawl - bomb
Bomber vs Brawler
- pure - bomb - bomb
Bomber vs Bomber
- pure - pure - counter
- pure - counter
- counter - bomb
- brawl - bomb
- bomb - pure
- Early Pure -
I. That mother fucker is taking it easy kiddo. Pacing.
II. Fucker is running away from you mate.
III. Don´t let (either: 'him', 'her') take it to the distance. Fuck the judges, do your job, finish this.
- Middle Pure -
I. That mother fucker is taking it easy kiddo. Pacing.
- Late Pure -
(set:$early to 'Pure')
I will:
(either: 'Take it easy.', 'Be technical, steady.', 'Stay true to form.', 'El arte de pegar sin que te peguen.')
(either: '', '', '', '')
(either: '', '', '', '')
(either: '', '', '', '')
(if:$opp is 'Purist')[
(set:_pure to (random: 1,3))[
(if:_pure is 1 or 2)[Pure]
(if:_pure is 2)[Counter]
(if:($soul is 'Purist') and ($opp is 'Purist'))[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Pure')]
- ding ding ding
- Touch gloves / bow / middle finger? (related to $soul?)
Reset Leonard:
(set:$leonard to 0)
Set OG Flow:
(if:$og is 1)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
early (before fight)
(set:$round to (random: 1,4))[
Round: $round
Corner (before fight): ''
Take your shot.
KO - this means you need to know if it's the right decision.
(set:$round to (random: 2,6))[]
(set:$round to (random: 7,11))[]
Purist vs Purist (set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Pure')
- brawl - brawl - brawl
Purist vs Counter $pvc
- counter - pure - pure
Purist vs Brawler $pvb
- pure - pure - pure
Purist vs Bomber $pvb
- pure - pure - counter
Purist vs Purist
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Pure')[
(if:$early is 'Brawl' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$middle is 'Brawl' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$late is 'Brawl' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Counter')[
(if:$early is 'Counter' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$middle is 'Pure' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$late is 'Pure' )[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
(if:$dif < 3)[
(if:$leonard >=2)[**GRADE-1 WIN**]
(if:$leonard < 2)[**GRADE-1 LOSS**]
(if:$dif >=3)[
(if:$leonard >=3)[**GRADE-1 WIN**]
(if:$leonard < 2)[**GRADE-1 LOSS**]
Per round
Right decison: (if:($balance > $rythm) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,12))
(if:_maybeko is 12)[**KO**]
Right decison: (if:($balance > $rythm) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_maybeko is 10)[**KO**]
Right decison: (if:($balance > $rythm) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,8))
(if:_maybeko is 8)[**KO**]
- KO: Rejoice / Bow / Love
That was a round $round knockout, killer.
<!- Choose -->
<!- Early -->
<!- Pure -->
(set:$choose to 1)<!- You dont need it if Early is a passage -->
(set:$early to 1)<!- You dont need it if Early is a passage -->
(if: $fightswag is
'Purist vs Counter' or
'Purist vs Brawler' or
'Purist vs Bomber' or
'Counter vs Purist' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Bomber' or
'Brawler vs Brawler' or
'Bomber vs Counter' or
'Bomber vs Brawler' or
'Bomber vs Bomber ' or
)[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard is 1)[
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:($balance > $rythm) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,10))
(if:_maybeko is 10)[**KO**]
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:($rythm > $balance) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:_maybeko is 7)[**KO**]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:($rythm > $balance) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:_maybeko is 3)[**KO**]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:($balance > $rythm) and $flow is 'ON')[
(set:_maybeko to (random: 1,8))
(if:_maybeko is 8)[**KO**]
<!- Got Knocked the Fuck Out Early -->
(if:$leonard is 0 and $flow is '')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,10))
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$byebye is 10)[GET FUCKED]
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$byebye is 10)[GET FUCKED]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$byebye is 10 or 8 or 6)[GET FUCKED]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$byebye is 10 or 8)[GET FUCKED]
<!- Counter -->
(set:$choose to 1)
(set:$early to 2)
(if: $fightswag is
'Counter vs Brawler' or
'Brawler vs Bomber' or
'Purist vs Bomber' or
'Bomber vs Purist' or
)[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard is 1)[]
<!- Brawl -->
(set:$choose to 1)
(set:$early to 3)
(if: $fightswag is
'Purist vs Purist' or
'Brawler vs Purist' or
'Brawler vs Counter' or
)[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard is 1)[]
<!- Bomb -->
(set:$choose to 1)
(set:$early to 4)
(if: $fightswag is
'Bomber vs Bomber' or
)[(set:$leonard to it + 1)]
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard is 1)[]
<!- Mid -->
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard >= 1)
<!- Got Knocked the Fuck Out Early -->
(if:$leonard is 0)
<!- Result -->
<!- Late -->
<!- Result -->
<!- KO -->
(if:$leonard >= 2)
<!- Got Knocked the Fuck Out Early -->
(if:$leonard <= 1)
<!- Decision -->
<!- Non-champ or Phony Belts -->
(if:$leonard >= 2)[W]
(if:$leonard < 2)[L]
<!- World Championship Fights -->
(if:$leonard >= 3)[W]
(if:$leonard < 3)[L]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Early Round Allocation -->
(set:$round to (random: 2,4))
<!- Early Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Early Leonard Reset -->
(set:$leonard to '')
<!- Early Combo Reset ¿? -->
(set:$combo to 0)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
$venue<br />
<!- Banner & Attendance Display -->
Attendance: **$attendance** <br />
(set:$gate to ($attendance * 125))
Gate: **$gate $**<br />
(set:$ppv to ($attendance * 1500))
PPV: **$ppv Viewers**<br /><br />
<!- Call -->
<!- Announcer -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
(if:$ftype is 'Unranked Fight')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ] Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts! Ten rounds of **$organics** boxing. Introducing first, an interesting prospect, **$name**. And the opponent, a veteran of the organization, **$opponent**. **Fighters, get ready!**<br /><br />]
(if:$ftype is 'Ranked Fight')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ]Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for boxing! Ten rounds of **$organics** boxing. Introducing first, a rising star, **$name**. And the opponent, a veteran of the organization, **$opponent**. **Athletes, steadfast!**<br /><br />]
(if:$ftype is 'Top 10 Fight')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ]Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a good tussle! Ten rounds of **$organics** boxing. Introducing first, a rising star, **$name**. And the opponent, an established fighter of the organization, **$opponent**. **Warriors, it's your time to shine!**<br /><br />]
(if:$ftype is 'Contender Fight')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ]Ladies and gentleman in attendance, and millions watching around the globe, **this is it.** Ten rounds of boxing for the **$organics** top contender spot. Introducing first, fighting out of **$team**, a vicious propsect, **$name**. And the opponent, a seasoned veteran of the organisation, **$opponent**. **Boxers, start your egos, dull your emotions!** <br /><br />]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ] Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to shudder! To the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world: Twelve rounds of championship boxing of the highest class. Introducing first, a stellar **$organics** contender, **$name**. And the opponent, The Champion, **$opponent**. **Athletes, start your engines!**<br /><br />]
<!- Analyst -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
<!- Fight Swag -->
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Pure')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]The art of damaging without reciprocity; that is boxing. We have a classic on our hands, ladies and gentlemen. A couple of purists, strategists, trying to take each other's head off.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Counter')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A snappy deer versus a witty hunter. A favorite of boxing scholars. Let's have a taste of a pugilism banquet.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Brawl')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A style bending dancer versus a fury of strikes. An instantaneous blockbuster. Seat belts on.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Pure vs Bomb')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]The greatest of all times took the recipe with him. But, trust me, there is a way, in this sweet science, to dodge bombs while placing a sniper in the nest.]
(if:$fightswag is 'Counter vs Pure')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]Bitty immunity versus class. Bite against constriction. Floating and stinging versus capturing and squeezing.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Counter vs Counter')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]Mirroring yourself, take a hit at that, a time to shine if there was any. Let's crown the wittiest counter striker.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Counter vs Brawl')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]If ever there was a time to fly like a butterfly and sting like a be.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Counter vs Bomb')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]Bring the anti-aircraft guns out. It's time to aim while dodging, a David versus Goliath strategy is a must.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Brawl vs Pure')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]One will bite that mouthpiece and throw while the other one will be a purist. Let the best one win.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Brawl vs Counter')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A madding kind of boxer versus a calculated, snappy striker. Fury against wit. Let's have it.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Brawl vs Brawl')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A dogfight in our hand's ladies and gentlemen. Pure violence, a treat of strikes, a recipe of blood and lights-out.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Brawl vs Bomb')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A volume striker against a one-hit-wonder. Who will it be? Volume versus a touch of death.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Bomb vs Pure')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]Power versus class, lightning versus flooding. A fortified bomber faces a scrambling stinger. Bring it.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Bomb vs Counter')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]Big power meets the ability to use its strength against them. That is the principle of martial arts and a classic of boxing.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Bomb vs Brawl')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]A cannon versus a machinegun. A bear against a hive of bees. A touch of death meets lasting torture. Who will prevail? You may have to fight forever to find out ladies and gentlemen.<br /><br />]
(if:$fightswag is 'Bomb vs Bomb')[
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]This is a fan's dream fight right here. Both these fighters can throw bombs. They take their time though, they do it like the sweet science this game is. It'll be an interesting chess match to witness.<br /><br />]
<!- Referee -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(colour: gray)[Referee: ]Are you ready to fight? You ready?<br /><br />
<!- Fight -->
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
(live: 0s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**FIGHT!**]]]<br /><br />]
<!- Ding Ding Ding -->
<!- Answer NEXT -->
(live: 10s)[(stop:)
**I will**:<br /><br />
'Take my time.',
'Touch, and not get touched.',
'Find my rhythm.',
'Establish the rhythm.',
'Surf a little.',
'Force the switch.',
'Archive these rounds.',
'Play a little, smoothly.',
'Bounce around, stoutly.',
'Pegar sin que me peguen.',
'Take it easy, do it smoothly.',
'Fly a little.'
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Pure Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'EARLY')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,10))
(if:$maybeko is 10 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result FIXED!-->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))<!- Should be random: 1,7 -->
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,8))
(if:$maybeko is 8 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Pure Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,10))
(if:$byebye is 10 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,10))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 10)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
]<br />
'Turn sniper-mode on.',
'Deer hunt.',
'Plan the kill meticulously.',
'Measure my opponent before committing.',
'Look for the perfect counter.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure'
<!- Counter Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'EARLY')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- COUNTER Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,10))
(if:$byebye is 10 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,10))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 10)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
]<br />
'Annihilate this mother fucker.',
'Beast-mode this shit.',
'Make it dirty.',
'Apply pressure.',
'Turn destruction mode on.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
<!- Brawl Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'EARLY')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- BRAWL Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,2))
(if:$byebye is 2 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$byebye is 3 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
]<br />
'Take his head off.',
'Swing for the fences.',
'Throw big.',
'Bite on mouthguard and bomb.',
'Look for that one, big punch.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Bomb vs Bomb' or
<!- Bomb Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'EARLY')
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- BOMB Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,2))
(if:$byebye is 2 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$byebye is 3 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
]<br />
<!- TEST -->
<!- Mid Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Flow Set -->
(if:$leonard is 'EARLY')[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Mid Combo Reset (Necessary?) -->
(set:$combo to 0)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Mid Round Allocation -->
(set:$round to (random: 5,7))
<!- Round Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
Round: **$round**<br /><br />]
<!- Mid Call -->
<!- Analyst -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
<!- Leonard -->
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]
(if:$leonard is not 'EARLY')[(either: 'Not a great', 'Awful', 'Poor') performance by $name during the early rounds.]
(if:$leonard is 'EARLY')[I like how $name is (either: 'handling', 'facing', 'managing') this (either: 'fight so far.', 'early rounds.')]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n:'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(if:$leonard is not 'EARLY')[C'on (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), you've got to (either: 'stick', 'adhere') to the plan!]
(if:$leonard is 'EARLY')[(either: 'Great', 'Awesome', 'Fine') work there kiddo, (either: 'keep it up!', 'let´s go!', 'bring it!')]
<br /><br /> ]]
<!- Fight -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(live: 0s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**Ding!**]]]<br /><br />]
<!- Ding Ding Ding -->
<!- Answer NEXT -->
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
**I will**:<br /><br />
'Take my time.',
'Touch, and not get touched.',
'Find my rhythm.',
'Establish the rhythm.',
'Surf a little.',
'Force the switch.',
'Archive these rounds.',
'Play a little, smoothly.',
'Bounce around, stoutly.',
'Pegar sin que me peguen.',
'Take it easy, do it smoothly.',
'Fly a little.'
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure'
<!- Pure Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'MID')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,8))
(if:$maybeko is 8 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Pure Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON MID Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$byebye is 7 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 8)[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
]<br />
'Turn sniper-mode on.',
'Deer hunt.',
'Plan the kill meticulously.',
'Measure my opponent before committing.',
'Look for the perfect counter.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Counter Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'MID')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- COUNTER Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Flow ON MID Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,6))
(if:$byebye is 6 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 7)[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
]<br />
'Annihilate this mother fucker.',
'Beast-mode this shit.',
'Make it dirty.',
'Apply pressure.',
'Turn destruction mode on.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
<!- Brawl Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'MID')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,7))
(if:$maybeko is 7 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- BRAWL Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
]<br />
'Take his head off.',
'Swing for the fences.',
'Throw big.',
'Bite on mouthguard and bomb.',
'Look for that one, big punch.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Bomb Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'MID')
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og is 1 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- BOMB Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON Early Auto Safe -->
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,2))
(if:$byebye is 2 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$byebye is 3 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow is 'OFF')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'MID BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
]]<br />
Corner vs Crowd vs Announcer vs Commentator
**I will**:
'Take my time.',
'Touch, and not get touched.',
'Find my rythm.',
'Establish the rythm.',
'Surf a little.',
'Force the switch.',
'Archive these rounds.',
'Play a little, smoothly.',
'Bounce around, scoutly.',
'Pegar sin que me peguen.',
'Take it easy, do it smoothly.',
'Measure my opponent before commiting.',
'Fly a little.'
**Fly like a fly, kill like a killer whale.** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a fly, kill like a fucking killer whale.** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a killer whale, kill like a fly .** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a killer whale, kill like a fucking fly .** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a fucking killer whale, kill like a fly.** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a fucking killer whale, kill like a fucking fly.** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a fucking fly, kill like a killer whale.** (OG1 ???)
**Fly like a fucking fly, kill like a fucking killer whale.** (OG1 ???)
and so on... and thios is PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**Kill like a whale, fly like a fly.**
(i luv it please dont change)
II. Counter
'Turn sniper-mode on.',
'Deer hunt.',
'Plan the kill meticulously.',
'Measure my opponent before committing.')
Taxi-drive the fuck out of this bitch.
Tarantinofor good measure
III. Brawl
'Annihilate this mother fucker.',
'Beast-mode this shit.',
'Make it dirty.',
'Apply pressure.',
'Turn destruction mode on.')
IV. Bomb
'Take his head off.',
'Swing for the fences.',
'Throw big.',
'Bite on mouthguard and bomb.')
II. Brawl
(either: 'Kill', 'Own', 'Destroy', 'Anihilate', 'Smash', 'Fuck-up', 'Dominate' ) that little cunt.
(either: 'Go for it.', 'Attack', 'Mangle', 'Destruct', 'Anihilate', 'Brawl!', 'Make it dirty, make it nasty.')
then counter
then brawl
<!- Time Allocation -->
(set:$week to $week + 8)(set:$camp to 1)
sort of a test...
- Not Crowded - balance
- Altitude - Let's go to the mountain
- Crowded - - rythm
- As usual - Stay in the gym
- Feel like home - Home DIY gym
- str
- sp
- sta
Early - Mid - Late Rounds Decision, nah, strategy.
What kind of fight would you like to prepare for? <- this is cool.
Choose a good strategy:
Fight Swag
Purist vs Purist
- brawl - brawl - brawl
- kill all the way
Purist vs Counter
- pure - counter - pure
- dance, snipe, dance again
Purist vs Brawler
- pure - pure - pure
- dance all the way through
- orthodox and calculated, all the way
- box, box, box
Purist vs Bomber
- pure - pure - counter
- technical early, counter later
- box, box, snap
- fly early, counter later
Counter vs Purist
- pure - brawl - counter
- start slow, then brawl, then counter
Counter vs Counter
- pure - counter - bomb
Counter vs Brawler
- counter - counter - pure
Counter vs Bomber
- pure - counter - pure
Brawler vs Purist
- brawl - counter - brawl
Brawler vs Counter
- brawl - counter - brawl
Brawler vs Brawler
- pure - counter - brawl
Brawler vs Bomber
- counter- pure - brawl
Bomber vs Purist
- counter - pure - bomb
Bomber vs Counter
- pure - brawl - bomb
Bomber vs Brawler
- pure - bomb - bomb
Bomber vs Bomber
- bomb - counter - pure
(set:$rj to 13)
(set:$ht to 5)
(set:$ms to 4)
(set:$rt to 2)
(set:$str to 7)
(set:$sta to 1)
(set:$sp to 5)
(set:$pu to 6)
(set:$balance to 1)
(set:$rythm to 1)
Styles make fights:
(set:$pure to ($ms + $rt + $sta + $pu + $balance))
(set:$counter to ($ms + $rj + $pu + $sp + $rythm))
(set:$brawl to ($ht + $rj + $sta + $str + $rythm))
(set:$bomb to ($rt + $ms + $str + $pu + $balance))
(if:$pure >= $counter and $pure >= $brawl and $pure >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Pure') Pure]
(else-if:$counter >= $pure and $counter >= $brawl and $counter >= $bomb)[(set:$soul to 'Counter') Counter]
(else-if:$brawl >= $pure and $brawl >= $counter and $brawl >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Brawl') Brawl]
(else-if:$bomb >= $pure and $bomb >= $counter and $bomb >= $brawl)[(set:$soul to 'Bomb') Bomb]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Bomb')]
this is awesome
pool 7
contender 5
champ 3
Right after signing assign opponents:
name and demon (ooponent's soul) are random, this makes cheat page a bit more difficult, A BIT
(if:$dif <= 3)[Pool]
(if:$dif > 3 and $dif < 7)[Contenders]
(if:$dif = 7)[Champ]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Pool already made -->
<!- No Way -->
(set:$noway to (either: 'Almost there buddy.', 'Maybe one more win kiddo, be patient.', 'That fight is just around the corner mate. Keep fighting.', 'Not yet kiddo, keep fighting.', 'Could not get us that fight, keep winning.'))
<!- Banner -->
**- Pick a Fight -**<br />
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(colour: gray)[$organics]<br /><br />(stop:)]]
<!- Manager Salute -->
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]**$name**, pick a fight:<br /><br />(stop:)]]
<!- Special Salute for CHAMP opportunity -->
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[
<!- No need for PICK BOX? No need for MGMT set? No need for pick set? Just set the ftype when you set opponent and demon. -->
<!- CHAMP -->
(if:$boxchamp is 0)[
[(if:$properwin >= 10 and $dif >= 5)[
(live: .5s)[(t8n: "rumble")[(colour: yellow + black)[**Champ**<br />(stop:)
(else:)[(colour: yellow + black)[**Champ**<br />]]]
<!- Champ ON -->(if:$f1 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 10 and $dif >= 5)[
(link: '$fighter1')[(set:$f1 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter1)
(set:$demon to $demon1)
(set:$ftype to 'Championship of The World')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /><br /> ]
<!- Champ OFF -->
(if:$properwin < 10 or $dif < 5)[
(link: '$fighter1' )[
<br /><br /> ]]
[(if:$properwin >= 8 and $dif >= 3)[
(live: .5s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**Contenders**<br />(stop:)
(else:)[**Contenders**<br />]
<!- F2 ON-->(if:$f2 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 8 and $dif >= 3)[
(link: '$fighter2')[(set:$f2 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter2)
(set:$demon to $demon2)
(set:$ftype to 'Contender Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F2 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 8 or $dif < 3)[
(link: '$fighter2' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F3 ON-->(if:$f3 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 8 and $dif >= 3)[
(link: '$fighter3')[(set:$f3 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter3)
(set:$demon to $demon3)
(set:$ftype to 'Contender Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F3 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 8 or $dif < 3)[
(link: '$fighter3' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F4 -->(if:$f4 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 8 and $dif >= 3)[
(link: '$fighter4')[(set:$f4 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter4)
(set:$demon to $demon4)
(set:$ftype to 'Contender Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F4 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 8 or $dif < 3)[
(link: '$fighter4' )[
<br /> ]]
<br />
<!- TOP 10 -->
[(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(live: .5s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**Top 10**<br />(stop:)
(else:)[**Top 10**<br />]
<!- F5 ON-->(if:$f5 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter5')[(set:$f5 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter5)
(set:$demon to $demon5)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F5 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter5' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F6 ON-->(if:$f6 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter6')[(set:$f6 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter6)
(set:$demon to $demon6)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F6 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter6' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F7 -->(if:$f7 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter7')[(set:$f7 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter7)
(set:$demon to $demon7)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F7 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter7' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F8 -->(if:$f8 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter8')[(set:$f8 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter8)
(set:$demon to $demon7)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F8 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter8' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F9 -->(if:$f9 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter9')[(set:$f9 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter9)
(set:$demon to $demon9)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F9 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter9' )[
<br /> ]]
<!- F10 -->(if:$f10 is 0)[
(if:$properwin >= 6 and $dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter10')[(set:$f10 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter10)
(set:$demon to $demon10)
(set:$ftype to 'Top 10 Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]
<br /> ]
<!- F10 OFF-->
(if:$properwin < 6 or $dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter10' )[
<br /> ]]
<br />
<!- TOP 10 OFF-->
<!- RANKED -->
[(if:$dif >= 2)[
(live: .5s)[(t8n: "rumble")[**Ranked Fighters**<br />(stop:)
(else:)[**Ranked Fighters**<br />]
<!- F11 ON-->(if:$f11 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter11')[(set:$f11 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter11)
(set:$demon to $demon11)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F11 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter11' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F12 ON-->(if:$f12 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter12')[(set:$f12 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter12)
(set:$demon to $demon12)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F12 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter12' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F13 ON-->(if:$f13 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter13')[(set:$f13 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter13)
(set:$demon to $demon13)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F13 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter13' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F14 ON -->(if:$f14 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter14')[(set:$f14 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter14)
(set:$demon to $demon14)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F14 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter14' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F15 ON -->(if:$f15 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter15')[(set:$f15 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter15)
(set:$demon to $demon15)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F15 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter15' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F16 ON -->(if:$f16 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter16')[(set:$f16 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter16)
(set:$demon to $demon16)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F16 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter16' )[$noway]<br />]]
<!- F17 ON -->(if:$f17 is 0)[
(if:$dif >= 2)[
(link: '$fighter17')[(set:$f17 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter17)
(set:$demon to $demon17)
(set:$ftype to 'Ranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F17 OFF-->
(if:$dif < 2)[
(link: '$fighter17' )[$noway]<br />]]
<br />
<!- UNRANKED -->
**Unranked Fighters**<br />
<!- F18 ON-->(if:$f18 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter18')[(set:$f18 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter18)
(set:$demon to $demon18)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F19 ON-->(if:$f19 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter19')[(set:$f19 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter19)
(set:$demon to $demon19)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F20 ON-->(if:$f20 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter20')[(set:$f20 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter20)
(set:$demon to $demon20)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F21 ON -->(if:$f21 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter21')[(set:$f21 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter21)
(set:$demon to $demon21)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F22 ON -->(if:$f22 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter22')[(set:$f22 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter22)
(set:$demon to $demon22)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F23 ON -->(if:$f23 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter23')[(set:$f23 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter23)
(set:$demon to $demon23)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F24 ON -->(if:$f24 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter24')[(set:$f24 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter24)
(set:$demon to $demon24)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<!- F25 ON -->(if:$f25 is 0)[
(link: '$fighter25')[(set:$f25 to 1)
(set:$mgmt to 1)
(set:$pick to it +1)
(set:$opponent to $fighter25)
(set:$demon to $demon25)
(set:$ftype to 'Unranked Fight')
(go-to: 'PICK BOX')]<br />]
<br />
}oracle tells on flow, obviously
you get the flow on with the right strategy
depends on soul, opponent, therefore fightswag
all activities must affect flow tho
spar and training will add flow if you choose stuff that sums on your current soul
that is why is better to focus on fightin and not social b4 a fight, maybe?
btw... FF may not be an open world entirely but it surely is open timing || aging
This right here is supposed to even things up:
Pure Flow
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow >= 3)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $flow < 3)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
Counter Flow
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow >= 3)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $flow < 3)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
Brawl Flow
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow >= 4)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $flow < 4)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
Bomb flow
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow >= 5)[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $flow < 5)[(set:$flow to 'OFF')]
Don´t forget to (set:$flow to 0) after every fight. @PAY ME!
Grade 0 - oh, but you get fuck o cause amateurs cant make a living out of their trade and that is fucked up
- Rockstar Kids Foundation
Grade 1
- Medal Donkey Condoms
- Cervecería 'La Espantosa'
- Panther Khan Zoo
- Lucky Mad Lad
- Vie de Vapeur
- Beardy Barbers
Grade 2
Grade 3
Mexican Power Right Here, let's make it universal.
A single ONE opp name allocaton. Massive.
(set:$first to
(set:$nick to
'Parte Madres',
'Needle Dick',
'Manitas de Cuerno de Chivo',
'Manitas de Nokia 5120',
'Beef Torpedo',
'Piped Piper',
'Dig Deep',
'Does Not Give a Flying Fuck',
'Locked, loaded, and a big fucking smoking barrel.',
'Fucking Genius',
'Guitar Solo',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
<!- Lastname -->
(set:$last to
(set:$whatevername to '$first' + ' ' + '**//$nick//**' + ' ' + '$last')
... until complete roster
[[VS SOUL]]{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Late Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Flow Set -->
(if:$leonard contains 'MID')[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Late Combo Reset (Necessary?) -->
(set:$combo to 0)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Late Round Allocation -->
(set:$round to (random: 8,10))
<!- Round Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
Round: **$round**<br /><br />]
<!- Late Call -->
<!- Analyst -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
<!- Leonard -->
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]
(if:$leonard contains 'MID')[I (either: 'like', 'dig') how $name is (either: 'handling', 'managing', 'fighting') this later rounds.]
(else:)[(either: 'Not a great', 'Awful', 'Poor') performance by $name during (either: 'these later rounds.', 'these last rounds.')]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(if:$leonard contains 'MID')[(either: 'Great', 'Awesome', 'Fine') work there (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), (either: 'keep it up!', 'let´s go!', 'bring it!')]
(else:)[(either: 'C´on', 'Let´s go', 'Godammit') (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), you've got to (either: 'stick', 'adhere') to the (either: 'plan', 'strategy')!]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Fight -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(live: 0s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**Ding!**]]]<br /><br />]
<!- Ding Ding Ding -->
<!- Answer NEXT -->
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
**I will**:<br /><br />
'Take my time.',
'Touch, and not get touched.',
'Find my rhythm.',
'Establish the rhythm.',
'Surf a little.',
'Force the switch.',
'Archive these rounds.',
'Play a little, smoothly.',
'Bounce around, stoutly.',
'Pegar sin que me peguen.',
'Take it easy, do it smoothly.',
'Fly a little.'
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Pure Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'LATE')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomber Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Pure Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$byebye is 7 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
]<br />
'Turn sniper-mode on.',
'Deer hunt.',
'Plan the kill meticulously.',
'Measure my opponent before committing.',
'Look for the perfect counter.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Brawl'
<!- Counter Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'LATE')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- COUNTER Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked -->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,6))
(if:$byebye is 6 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 7)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
]<br />
'Annihilate this mother fucker.',
'Beast-mode this shit.',
'Make it dirty.',
'Apply pressure.',
'Turn destruction mode on.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb'
<!- Brawl Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'LATE')
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- BRAWL Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
]<br />
'Take his head off.',
'Swing for the fences.',
'Throw big.',
'Bite on mouthguard and bomb.',
'Look for that one, big punch.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl'
<!- Bomb Likely Decision - Needs Test -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'LATE')
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX KO')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- BOMB Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,2))
(if:$byebye is 2 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$byebye is 3 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 2 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX GET FUCKED')]
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
]]<br />
}would you like the 'cunty' oracle to give ya a nickname?
nah?, else:
(either: 'Anoint', 'Name', 'Immerse', 'Sprinkle', 'Initiate', 'Designate', 'Entitle', 'Denominate', 'Submerse') your **(either:
'swag denomination',
'game-on call',
<br />
<input type="text" data-varname="pussyname">\
<script>processInputElements();</script><br />
(link-goto: "(either: 'Anoint', 'Name', 'Immerse', 'Sprinkle', 'Initiate', 'Designate', 'Entitle', 'Denominate', 'Submerse')", "NicknameGranted")**$pussyname**exorcist chooses the soul
a demon takes that soul
hard to say that just there
fight forever is forever mate, we are on a very very good track
(set:$exorcist to (random: 1,4))[
(if:$exorcist is 1)[(set:$demon to 1) **Pure**]
(if:$exorcist is 2)[(set:$demon to 2) **Counter**]
(if:$exorcist is 3)[(set:$demon to 3) **Brawl**]
(if:$exorcist is 4)[(set:$demon to 4) **Bomb**]
this is very pretty
(if:$demon is 1)[(either: 'Money Mayweather', '', '')]
(if:$demon is 2)[Touch of Death]
(if:$demon is 3)[Caín]
(if:$demon is 4)[Foreman]{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Venue & Ftype Allocation -->
- $organics -<br /><br />
$venue<br />
$ftype<br /><br />
<!- Grade & Art Allocation does not apply anyways -->
(if:$grade is 1)[**$name** - Grade-2 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 2)[**$name** - Grade-1 $art Fighter]
(if:$grade is 3)[**$name** - Rockstar $art Fighter]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: "shudder")[
<!- $ Unranked -->
(if:$ftype is 'Unranked Fight')[
<!- Show -->
Show: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **100,000**(set:$money to it + 100000)]
<!- $ Ranked -->
(if:$ftype is 'Ranked Fight')[
<!- Show -->
Show: **200,000**(set:$money to it + 200000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **300,000**(set:$money to it + 300000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
<!- $ Top 10 -->
(if:$ftype is 'Top 10 Fight')[
<!- Show -->
Show: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **500,000**(set:$money to it + 500000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)]
<!- $ Contender -->
(if:$ftype is 'Contender Fight')[
<!- Show -->
Show: **1,000,000**(set:$money to it + 1000000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **1,500,000**(set:$money to it + 1500000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **2,000,000**(set:$money to it + 2000000)]
<!- $ Championship Yeyo -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
<!- Show -->
Show: **50,000,000**(set:$money to it + 50000000)
<!- Win -->
(if:$win > $tpw)[ Win: **100,000,000**(set:$money to it + 100000000)]
<!- KO || SUB -->
(if:$fatality is 1)[ KO: **50,000,000**(set:$money to it + 50000000)]
]<br /><br />
<!- Gamblers Avenue -->
(if:$bet is not 0)[(live: 4s)[(stop:)
Your **bet** results:<br /><br />
<!- L -->
(if:$bet is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9)[
(if:$loss > $tpl)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
(if:$loss is $tpl)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**<br /><br />
<!- W -->
(if:$bet is 2 or 4 or 6 or 10)[
(if:$win > $tpw)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(if:$lwin is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
<!- W + KO -->
(if:$bet is 8)[
(if:$fatality is 0)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**]
(else-if:$win > $tpw and $fatality is 1)[(set:$money to it + $trueplayaz)
You **won** $: **$trueplayaz**
(else-if:$win is $tpw)[(set:$money to it - $trueplayaz)
You **lost** $: **$trueplayaz**
(live: 6s)[(stop:)<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
}(set:$flow to 'OFF')
(if:$og > 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,3))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
(if:$og <= 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,4))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'EARLY BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
<!- TEST -->
<!- AutoKO -->
(if:$og < 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,3))]
(if:$og >= 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,4))]
(if:$autoko is 1)[(set:$combo to (random 1,15))(live: 0s)[(stop:)(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]]
<br />
<!- Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br />
<!- Round Display -->
**Round: $round** <br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $opponent is down! $opponent is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Set Combo -->
(set:$combo to (random: 1,15))
<!- TEST Alfa Combo -->
<!- Combo Call -->
(if:$combo is 1)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Alpha** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 2)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Bravo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 3)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Charlie** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Delta** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 5)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Echo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 6)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Foxtrot** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 7)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Golf** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 8)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Hotel** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 9)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **India** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 10)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Juliett** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 11)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Kilo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 12)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Lima** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 13)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Mike** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 14)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **November** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 15)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Oscar** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
<!- Combo Input -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(link: "Jab")[**Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')](link: " | Jab")[ | **Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')]<br />
(link: "Cross")[**Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')](link: " | Cross")[ | **Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')]<br />
(link: "Lead Hook")[**Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'three')]<br />
(link: "Rear Hook")[**Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'four')]<br />
(link: "Lead Uppercut")[**Lead Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'five')]<br />
(link: "Rear Uppercut")[**Rear Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'six')]<br />
(link: "Body Jab")[**Body Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'seven')]<br />
(link: "Body Cross")[**Body Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'eight')]<br />
(link: "Body Lead Hook")[**Body Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'nine')]<br />
(link: "Body Rear Hook")[**Body Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'ten')]<br />
<!- Combo Result -->
<br />
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
(link: 'THROW')[
<!- Alfa -->
(if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is not 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Bravo -->
(if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is not 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Charlie -->
(if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is not 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Delta -->
(if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is not 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Echo -->
(if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is not 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Foxtrot -->
(if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is not 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Golf -->
(if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is not 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Hotel -->
(if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is not 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- India -->
(if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is 'oneten')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is not 'oneten')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Juliett -->
(if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is not 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Kilo -->
(if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is not 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Lima -->
(if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is not 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Mike -->
(if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is not 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- November -->
(if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is 'threenine')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is not 'threenine')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- Oscar -->
(if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is not 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Champ Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Flow Set -->
(if:$leonard contains 'LATE')[(set:$flow to 'ON')]
<!- Late Combo Reset (Necessary?) -->
(set:$combo to 0)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | Contender Fight -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Champ Round Allocation -->
(set:$round to (random: 11,12))
<!- Round Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
Round: **$round**<br /><br />]
<!- Champ Call -->
<!- Analyst -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
<!- Leonard -->
(colour: gray)[Analyst: ]
(if:$leonard contains 'LATE')[I (either: 'like', 'dig', 'love') how $name is (either: 'facing', 'managing', 'fighting') these Championship rounds.]
(else:)[(either: 'Not a great', 'Awful', 'Poor') performance by $name in these Championship rounds.]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(if:$leonard contains 'LATE')[(either: 'Great', 'Awesome', 'Fine') work there (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), (either: 'keep it up!', 'let´s go!', 'bring it!')]
(else:)[C'on kiddo, you've got to (either: 'stick', 'adhere', 'cling') to the (either: 'plan', 'strategy')!]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Fight -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(live: 0s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**Ding!**]]]<br /><br />]
<!- Ding Ding Ding -->
<!- Answer NEXT -->
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
**I will**:<br /><br />
'Take my time.',
'Touch, and not get touched.',
'Find my rhythm.',
'Establish the rhythm.',
'Surf a little.',
'Force the switch.',
'Archive these rounds.',
'Play a little, smoothly.',
'Bounce around, stoutly.',
'Pegar sin que me peguen.',
'Take it easy, do it smoothly.',
'Fly a little.'
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Pure'
<!- Pure Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'CHAMP')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og <= 3 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Pure Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$byebye is 7 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8)[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
]<br />
'Turn sniper-mode on.',
'Deer hunt.',
'Plan the kill meticulously.',
'Measure my opponent before committing.',
'Look for the perfect counter.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter'
<!- Counter Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'CHAMP')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- COUNTER Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked -->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,6))
(if:$byebye is 6 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,5))
(if:$byebye is 5 or
($og > 2 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,7))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 7)[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
]<br />
'Annihilate this mother fucker.',
'Beast-mode this shit.',
'Make it dirty.',
'Apply pressure.',
'Turn destruction mode: ON.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Counter'
<!- Brawl Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'CHAMP')
<!- Pure Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,6))
(if:$maybeko is 6 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,5))
(if:$maybeko is 5 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- BRAWL Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Flow OFF Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 1 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,4))
(if:$byebye is 4 or
($og > 1 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
]<br />
'Take his head off.',
'Swing for the fences.',
'Throw big.',
'Bite on mouthguard and bomb.',
'Look for that one, big punch.')
(if: $fightswag is
'Counter vs Bomb' or
'Brawl vs Counter' or
'Bomb vs Pure' or
'Bomb vs Brawl' or
'Bomb vs Bomb'
<!- Bomb Likely Decision -->
(set:$leonard to it + 'CHAMP')
<!- Counter Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawl Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomb Soul Likely Result -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(if:$flow is 'ON')[
(set:$maybeko to (random: 1,3))
(if:$maybeko is 3 or
($og <= 2 and $maybeko is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX KO')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- BOMB Fatalist Decision -->
(if:$fightswag is
'Pure vs Pure' or
'Pure vs Counter' or
'Pure vs Brawl' or
'Pure vs Bomb' or
'Counter vs Pure' or
'Counter vs Counter' or
'Counter vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Pure' or
'Brawl vs Brawl' or
'Brawl vs Bomb' or
'Bomb vs Counter'
<!- Flow ON LATE Auto Safe -->
<!- Probably Getting Fucked-->
<!- Pure Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,2))
(if:$byebye is 2 or
($og > 1 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Counter Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$byebye is 3 or
($og > 1 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Brawler Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,8))
(if:$byebye is 8 or
($og > 1 and $byebye is 1))[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(else:)[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bomber Soul Fatalist KO? -->
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[
(set:$byebye to (random: 1,3))
(if:$og > 1 and $byebye is 3)[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOX GET FUCKED')]
(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')
]]<br />
<!- No banner. Any ideas? It only takes a sec... -->
<!- Pool Counter -->
(set:$pool to it + 1)
<!- Loading -->
(if:$pool is 1)[(set:$loading to '')]
(set:$loading to it + '|')
<!- Full Pool -->
(set:$fullpool to 1)
<!- Name Randomization -->
<!- First -->
(set:$first to
'Pancho','Guadalupe','Julio','Abel','Diego','Pako','Billy','Saúl','Jeremy','Sage','Curtis','Frankie','Manny','Charles','Marcelus','Ronald','Sonny','Muhammad','Islam','George','Joe','Teddy','Johnny','Mike','Larry','Rocky','Roy','Floyd','Oscar','Lennox','Bernard','Érik','Juan Manuel','Miguel','Andre','Marco Antonio','Julio César','Tyson','Nonito','Félix','Shane','Anthony','Ricky','Sergio','Terence','Román','Carl','Deontay','Guillermo','Timothy','Marcos','Gustavo','Danny','Brian','Kelly','David','Billy Joe','Paul','Jermain','Paquito','Arthur','Chris','Andy','Robert','Bob','Orlando','Paulie','Chad','Jesús','Jorge Luis','Jaime','Sergio','Juan José','Juan','José','Ray','Alex','Charlie','Miguel Ángel','Francisco','Ricardo',
<!- Nick -->
(set:$nick to
'Parte Madres',
'Needle Dick',
'Manitas de Cuerno de Chivo',
'Manitas de Nokia 5120',
'Beef Torpedo',
'Piped Piper',
'Dig Deep',
'Does Not Give a Flying Fuck',
'Locked and Loaded',
'Fucking Genius',
'Guitar Solo',
'Sugar','Canelo','Maromero','Manitas de Piedra','Hands of Stone','The Greatest','Bleeder','The Mongoose','Smokin´','The Living Death','Iron','Butterbean','Boom Boom','Bonecrusher','Sweet Pea','Little Pea','Marvelous','Maravilla','The Hitman','The Italian Stallion','The Beast','Raging Bull','Blood','Sangre','Macho','The Body Snatcher','Lights Out','The Executioner','Taz','Devil','Sweet Devil','The Count of Monte Fisto','Six Heads','Thunder','Hispanic Panic','Atomic Bull','Cobra','Touch of Sleep','Touch of Death','Merciless','What the Heck','Too Sharp','Nun','Nightmare','Golden Boy','Chop Chop','Hurricane','Assassin','Blade','Explosive','The Real Deal','Chespirito','Big Daddy','The Quiet One','Winky','Prince','Flash','Flushing','The Duke','Bazooka','Razor','Ferocious','Give ´Em Hell','Mister','Made in Hell','Bad Intentions','Road Warrior','Pacman','The Baby-Faced Assassin','The Mexican Stallion','Finito','Dinamita',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
<!- Last -->
(set:$last to
'Moctezuma','Pintor','Chávez','Márquez','Maya','Moreno','Rodriguez','Ramirez','Cabrera','Pérez','Ruíz','Fernandez','Slim','Mayweather','Juárez','Fonseca','Prieto','Jordan','Smith','Jones','Gillard','Willard','Cockell','Moore','Patterson','Frazier','Ali','Foreman','Wick','Marciano','La Motta','Morales','Márquez','Cotto','Álvarez','Cerati','Malignaggi','Pacquiáo','Lewis','de la Hoya','de la Cola','Hopkins','Tyson','Ward','Barrera','Fury','Trinidad','Mosley','Joshua','Hatton','Martínez','Crawford','González','Wilder','Wild','Rigondeaux','Bradley','Hamed','Maidana','Khan','Tyson','Kessler','García','Saunders','Stevenson','Williams','Taylor','Abraham','Lemieux','Huck','Lee','Brähmer','Salido','Dawson','Moreno','Davis','Charlo','Estrada','Fedier','Spence','Toney','Wright','López','Whitaker','Jones Jr','Foreman Jr','Chávez Jr','Leonard','Cabañas',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' '
<!- Name Formation and Demon Allocation -->
(if:$pool is 1)[
(set:$first1 to $first)(set:$nick1 to $nick)(set:$last1 to $last)
(set:$fighter1 to '$first1' + ' ' + '**//$nick1//**' + ' ' + '$last1')
(set:$demon1 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 2)[
(set:$first2 to $first)(set:$nick2 to $nick)(set:$last2 to $last)
(set:$fighter2 to '$first2' + ' ' + '**//$nick2//**' + ' ' + '$last2')
(set:$demon2 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 3)[
(set:$first3 to $first)(set:$nick3 to $nick)(set:$last3 to $last)
(set:$fighter3 to '$first3' + ' ' + '**//$nick3//**' + ' ' + '$last3')
(set:$demon3 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 4)[
(set:$first4 to $first)(set:$nick4 to $nick)(set:$last4 to $last)
(set:$fighter4 to '$first4' + ' ' + '**//$nick4//**' + ' ' + '$last4')
(set:$demon4 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 5)[
(set:$first5 to $first)(set:$nick5 to $nick)(set:$last5 to $last)
(set:$fighter5 to '$first5' + ' ' + '**//$nick5//**' + ' ' + '$last5')
(set:$demon5 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 6)[
(set:$first6 to $first)(set:$nick6 to $nick)(set:$last6 to $last)
(set:$fighter6 to '$first6' + ' ' + '**//$nick6//**' + ' ' + '$last6')
(set:$demon6 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 7)[
(set:$first7 to $first)(set:$nick7 to $nick)(set:$last7 to $last)
(set:$fighter7 to '$first7' + ' ' + '**//$nick7//**' + ' ' + '$last7')
(set:$demon7 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 8)[
(set:$first8 to $first)(set:$nick8 to $nick)(set:$last8 to $last)
(set:$fighter8 to '$first8' + ' ' + '**//$nick8//**' + ' ' + '$last8')
(set:$demon8 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 9)[
(set:$first9 to $first)(set:$nick9 to $nick)(set:$last9 to $last)
(set:$fighter9 to '$first9' + ' ' + '**//$nick9//**' + ' ' + '$last9')
(set:$demon9 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 10)[
(set:$first10 to $first)(set:$nick10 to $nick)(set:$last10 to $last)
(set:$fighter10 to '$first10' + ' ' + '**//$nick10//**' + ' ' + '$last10')
(set:$demon10 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 11)[
(set:$first11 to $first)(set:$nick11 to $nick)(set:$last11 to $last)
(set:$fighter11 to '$first11' + ' ' + '**//$nick11//**' + ' ' + '$last11')
(set:$demon11 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 12)[
(set:$first12 to $first)(set:$nick12 to $nick)(set:$last12 to $last)
(set:$fighter12 to '$first12' + ' ' + '**//$nick12//**' + ' ' + '$last12')
(set:$demon12 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 13)[
(set:$first13 to $first)(set:$nick13 to $nick)(set:$last13 to $last)
(set:$fighter13 to '$first13' + ' ' + '**//$nick13//**' + ' ' + '$last13')
(set:$demon13 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 14)[
(set:$first14 to $first)(set:$nick14 to $nick)(set:$last14 to $last)
(set:$fighter14 to '$first14' + ' ' + '**//$nick14//**' + ' ' + '$last14')
(set:$demon14 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 15)[
(set:$first15 to $first)(set:$nick15 to $nick)(set:$last15 to $last)
(set:$fighter15 to '$first15' + ' ' + '**//$nick15//**' + ' ' + '$last15')
(set:$demon15 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 16)[
(set:$first16 to $first)(set:$nick16 to $nick)(set:$last16 to $last)
(set:$fighter16 to '$first16' + ' ' + '**//$nick16//**' + ' ' + '$last16')
(set:$demon16 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 17)[
(set:$first17 to $first)(set:$nick17 to $nick)(set:$last17 to $last)
(set:$fighter17 to '$first17' + ' ' + '**//$nick17//**' + ' ' + '$last17')
(set:$demon17 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 18)[
(set:$first18 to $first)(set:$nick18 to $nick)(set:$last18 to $last)
(set:$fighter18 to '$first18' + ' ' + '**//$nick18//**' + ' ' + '$last18')
(set:$demon18 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 19)[
(set:$first19 to $first)(set:$nick19 to $nick)(set:$last19 to $last)
(set:$fighter19 to '$first19' + ' ' + '**//$nick19//**' + ' ' + '$last19')
(set:$demon19 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 20)[
(set:$first20 to $first)(set:$nick20 to $nick)(set:$last20 to $last)
(set:$fighter20 to '$first20' + ' ' + '**//$nick20//**' + ' ' + '$last20')
(set:$demon20 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 21)[
(set:$first21 to $first)(set:$nick21 to $nick)(set:$last21 to $last)
(set:$fighter21 to '$first21' + ' ' + '**//$nick21//**' + ' ' + '$last21')
(set:$demon21 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 22)[
(set:$first22 to $first)(set:$nick22 to $nick)(set:$last22 to $last)
(set:$fighter22 to '$first22' + ' ' + '**//$nick22//**' + ' ' + '$last22')
(set:$demon22 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 23)[
(set:$first23 to $first)(set:$nick23 to $nick)(set:$last23 to $last)
(set:$fighter23 to '$first23' + ' ' + '**//$nick23//**' + ' ' + '$last23')
(set:$demon23 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 24)[
(set:$first24 to $first)(set:$nick24 to $nick)(set:$last24 to $last)
(set:$fighter24 to '$first24' + ' ' + '**//$nick24//**' + ' ' + '$last24')
(set:$demon24 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
(if:$pool is 25)[
(set:$first25 to $first)(set:$nick25 to $nick)(set:$last25 to $last)
(set:$fighter25 to '$first25' + ' ' + '**//$nick25//**' + ' ' + '$last25')
(set:$demon25 to (either: 'Pure', 'Counter', 'Brawl', 'Bomb'))
<!- Loop -->
(if:$pool < 25)[(go-to: 'POOL')]
<!- End Loop -->
(if:$pool >= 25)[<br /><br />
<!- Loading Reset -->
(set:$loading to '')
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]]
}<!- Test Display -->
$fighter1 (colour: 'red')[- $demon1]<br />
$fighter2 (colour: 'red')[- $demon2]<br />
$fighter3 (colour: 'red')[- $demon3]<br />
$fighter4 (colour: 'red')[- $demon4]<br />
$fighter5 (colour: 'red')[- $demon5]<br />
$fighter6 (colour: 'red')[- $demon6]<br />
$fighter7 (colour: 'red')[- $demon7]<br />
$fighter8 (colour: 'red')[- $demon8]<br />
$fighter9 (colour: 'red')[- $demon9]<br />
$fighter10 (colour: 'red')[- $demon10]<br />
[[EXOTIC POOL]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- $organics -** | $ftype <br />
(live: 1s)[(t8n: "pulse")[(stop:) **$name** vs $opponent<br /><br />]]
<!- Set Soul -->
(set:$pure to ($ms + $rt + $sta + $pu + $balance))
(set:$counter to ($ms + $rj + $pu + $sp + $rythm))
(set:$brawl to ($ht + $rj + $sta + $str + $rythm))
(set:$bomb to ($rt + $ms + $str + $pu + $balance))
(if:$pure >= $counter and $pure >= $brawl and $pure >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Pure')]
(else-if:$counter >= $pure and $counter >= $brawl and $counter >= $bomb)[(set:$soul to 'Counter')]
(else-if:$brawl >= $pure and $brawl >= $counter and $brawl >= $bomb)
[(set:$soul to 'Brawl')]
(else-if:$bomb >= $pure and $bomb >= $counter and $bomb >= $brawl)[(set:$soul to 'Bomb')]
<!- Demon Description Allocation -->
(set:$puredemon to (either: 'is a purist', 'is very orthodox'))
(set:$counterdemon to (either: 'is a sniper', 'masters the counter-attack'))
(set:$brawldemon to (either: 'is a brawler', 'is a dirty fighter'))
(set:$bombdemon to (either: 'throws bombs', 'is a one-shot, one-kill kind of boxer'))
<!- Sensei Tells on Demon -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ](either:
'Listen **$name**,',
'Take note **$name**,',
'Pay attention **$name**,'
(if:$demon is 'Pure')[**$puredemon**.]
(if:$demon is 'Counter')[**$counterdemon**.]
(if:$demon is 'Brawl')[**$brawldemon**.]
(if:$demon is 'Bomb')[**$bombdemon**.]
<br /><br />
<!- Sensei Tells on Soul -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your are fighting as a:
(if:$soul is 'Pure')[**(either: 'purist.', 'orthodox.')**]
(if:$soul is 'Counter')[**(either: 'counter-attacker.', 'sniper.')**]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl')[**(either: 'brawler.', 'bully.')**]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb')[**(either: 'bomber.', 'one-punch-wonder.')**]]]
<br /><br />
<!- Set Fight Swag -->
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Pure' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Pure vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Counter' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Brawl' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Brawl vs Bomb')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Pure')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Pure')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Counter')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Counter')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Brawl')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Brawl')]
(if:$soul is 'Bomb' and $demon is 'Bomb')
[(set:$fightswag to 'Bomb vs Bomb')]
<!- gOgOgO -->
(live: 7s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(set:_gogogo to (random:1,26))
(if:_gogogo is 1)[**$name**, fighting is all that matters.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 2)[**$name**, do what you do.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 3)[**$name**, here we are.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 4)[**$name**, it's time to fight.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 5)[Breathe **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 6)[Steady **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 7)[Time to go **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 8)[It's go time **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 9)[Get set **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 10)[It's time to rumble **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 11)[Ready yourself **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 12)[Time to shine **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 13)[**$name**, the fight is on.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 14)[**$name**, it's your time to shine.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 15)[**$name**, it's for real now.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 16)[Let's go **$name**!<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 17)[Kickass time **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 18)[Focus **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 19)[Relax **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 20)[It's for real now **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 21)[Time to grow up **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 22)[Nothing else matters **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 23)[**$name**, it's all in.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 24)[**$name**, put yourself together.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 25)[Rock on **$name**.<br /><br />]
(if:_gogogo is 26)[영원히 싸우다 **$name**.<br /><br />]
<!- FIGHT -->
(live: 9s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'AI')[**[[Let's go to work->AI]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'SMS')[**[[Let's go to work->SMS]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'FFF')[**[[Let's go to work->FFF]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'UBA')[**[[Let's go to work->UBA]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'EBU')[**[[Let's go to work->EBU]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'EBC')[**[[Let's go to work->EBC]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'HFC')[**[[Let's go to work->HFC]]**]
(if:$grade is 2 and $organism is 'AAF')[**[[Let's go to work->AAF]]**]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Go To MGMT Pool -->
(if:$mgmtfullpool is 0)[(go-to: 'MANAGER POOL')]
<!- Banner -->
**- Pick-A-Manager -**<br /><br />
<!- Sensei MGMT Intro -->
(live: 2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]Listen carefully $name. At this level of the game you must have a manager. (either: 'Picking','Hiring','Selecting','Choosing') a (either: 'good','proper','rad') manager is (either: 'highly critical','cornerstone','keystone'). The (either: 'better','smarter','swifter') the manager the (either: 'wealthier','fatter','tastier') the contracts and (either: 'greater','more substancial','more sizeable') the amount of fights to (either: 'pick','choose','take') from. This is definitely money well spent.
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Pick a Manager -->
(live: 3s)[(t8n: "slide-left")[(stop:)
**- (either: 'Top-shelf Managers','Legendary Managers','Elite Managers','Proper Managers') -**
<br />
<!- M1 -->
(link: '$mgmtname1')[<br />**$mgmtname1** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice1**] <br />
<!- M1 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class1 to (either:
'One hell of a manager though. Pure class.',
'An excellent manager though, that is for sure.',
'A top-pick anyway, definitely. Proper good prize fighters manager.'))
<!- M1 Vibe -->
<!- M1 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe1 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname1 uses foul language compulsively. $class1',
'Be advised: $mgmtname1 curses impulsively. $class1',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname1, granted. $class1')]
<!- M1 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe1 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class1',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class1',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class1')]
<!- M1 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe1 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class1',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class1',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class1')]
<!- M1 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe1 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class1',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class1',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class1')]
<br /><br />
<!- M1 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname1**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice1)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname1)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice1)
(set:$class to 1)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe1)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname1]
<br />]
<!- M1 OFF -->
<!- M2 -->
<br />
(link: '$mgmtname2')[<br />**$mgmtname2** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice2**] <br />
<!- M2 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class2 to (either:
'One hell of a manager though. Pure class.',
'An excellent manager though, that is for sure.',
'A top-pick anyway, definitely. Proper good prize fighters manager.'))
<!- M2 Vibe -->
<!- M2 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe2 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname2 uses foul language compulsively. $class2',
'Be advised: $mgmtname2 curses impulsively. $class2',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname2, granted. $class2')]
<!- M2 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe2 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class2',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class2',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class2')]
<!- M2 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe2 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class2',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class2',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class2')]
<!- M2 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe2 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class2',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class2',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class2')]
<br /><br />
<!- M2 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname2**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice2)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname2)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice2)
(set:$class to 1)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe2)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname2]
<br />]
<!- M2 OFF -->
<br /><br />
**- (either: 'Decent Managers','Good Managers','Respectable Managers') -**
<br />
<!- M3 -->
(link: '$mgmtname3')[<br />**$mgmtname3** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice3**] <br />
<!- M3 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class3 to (either:
'A good manager though.',
'But is a respectable manager, must be said.',
'Good management skills.'))
<!- M3 Vibe -->
<!- M3 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe3 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname3 uses foul language compulsively. $class3',
'Be advised: $mgmtname3 curses impulsively. $class3',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname3, granted. $class3')]
<!- M3 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe3 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class3',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class3',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class3')]
<!- M3 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe3 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class3',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class3',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class3')]
<!- M3 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe3 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class3',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class3',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class3')]
<br /><br />
<!- M3 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname3**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice3)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname3)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice3)
(set:$class to 2)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe3)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname3]
<br />]
<!- M3 OFF -->
<br />
<!- M4 -->
(link: '$mgmtname4')[<br />**$mgmtname4** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice4**] <br />
<!- M4 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class4 to (either:
'A good manager though.',
'But is a respectable manager, must be said.',
'Good management skills.'))
<!- M4 Vibe -->
<!- M4 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe4 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname4 uses foul language compulsively. $class4',
'Be advised: $mgmtname4 curses impulsively. $class4',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname4, granted. $class4')]
<!- M4 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe4 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class4',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class4',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class4')]
<!- M4 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe4 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class4',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class4',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class4')]
<!- M4 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe4 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class4',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class4',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class4')]
<br /><br />
<!- M4 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname4**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice4)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname4)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice4)
(set:$class to 2)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe4)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname4]
<br />]
<!- M4 OFF -->
<br /><br />
**- (either: 'Regular Managers','Midfield Managers','Ordinary Managers') -**
<br />
<!- M5 -->
(link: '$mgmtname5')[<br />**$mgmtname5** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice5**] <br />
<!- M5 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class5 to (either:
'An almost decent manager though.',
'But a regular manager at least.',
'Mediocre management skills.'))
<!- M5 Vibe -->
<!- M5 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe5 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname5 uses foul language compulsively. $class5',
'Be advised: $mgmtname5 curses impulsively. $class5',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname5, granted. $class5')]
<!- M5 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe5 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class5',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class5',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class5')]
<!- M5 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe5 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class5',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class5',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class5')]
<!- M5 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe5 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class5',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class5',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class5')]
<br /><br />
<!- M5 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname5**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice5)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname5)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice5)
(set:$class to 3)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe5)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname5]
<br />]
<!- M5 OFF -->
<br />
<!- M6 -->
(link: '$mgmtname6')[<br />**$mgmtname6** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice6**] <br />
<!- M6 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class6 to (either:
'An almost decent manager though.',
'But a regular manager at least.',
'Mediocre management skills.'))
<!- M6 Vibe -->
<!- M6 Curse -->
(if:$mgmtvibe6 is 'Curse')[(either:
'$mgmtname6 uses foul language compulsively. $class6',
'Be advised: $mgmtname6 curses impulsively. $class6',
'A very potty mouth on $mgmtname6, granted. $class6')]
<!- M6 Proper -->
(if:$mgmtvibe6 is 'Proper')[(either:
'Way too proper really. $class6',
'Extremely well mannered. Mum must be proud. $class6',
'A boringly politically correct manager. $class6')]
<!- M6 Zen -->
(if:$mgmtvibe6 is 'Zen')[(either:
'A peaceful warrior kind of attitude. Bit of a stoner. $class6',
'A //be like water// mentality to this manager. Bit of a hippie. $class6',
'Peace and love kind of manager. A bit stuck in 1969. $class6')]
<!- M6 Crack -->
(if:$mgmtvibe6 is 'Crack')[(either:
'Way too intense. Scarily intense person. Shady reputation. $class6',
'Passion is second to none. Out the roof really. A bit scary. $class6',
'Very high-voltage. A lot of energy to this manager. Too much maybe. $class6')]
<br /><br />
<!- M6 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname6**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(if:$money >= $mgmtprice6)[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname6)
(set:$money to it - $mgmtprice6)
(set:$class to 3)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe6)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
(else:)[You cannot afford $mgmtname6]
<br />]
<!- M6 OFF -->
<br /><br />
**- (either: 'Shit Managers','Shitty Managers','Bad Managers') -**
<br />
<!- M7 -->
(link: '$mgmtname7')[<br />**$mgmtname7** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice7**] <br />
<!- M5 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class7 to (either:
'$mgmtname7 is a disgrace.',
'$mgmtname7 is dirty.',
'$mgmtname7 is a corrupt mother fucker. '))
<!- M7 Vibe -->
<!- M7 Shit -->
(if:$mgmtvibe7 is 'Shit')[(either:
'This person does not give a flying fuck about you or fighting. $class7',
'A parasite with intentions to bleed you dry. $class7',
'It is an absolute shame that this person is allowed to manage fighters. Do not pick this garbage. $class7')
<br /><br />
<!- M7 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname7**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname7)
(set:$class to 4)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe7)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
<br />]]
<!- M7 OFF -->
<br />
<!- M8 -->
(link: '$mgmtname8')[<br />**$mgmtname8** $: (t8n: "slide-left")[**$mgmtprice8**] <br />
<!- M5 Class Description Set -->
(set:$class8 to (either:
'$mgmtname8 is a disgrace.',
'$mgmtname8 is dirty.',
'$mgmtname8 is a corrupt mother fucker. '))
<!- M8 Vibe -->
<!- M8 Shit -->
(if:$mgmtvibe8 is 'Shit')[(either:
'This person does not give a flying fuck about you or fighting. $class8',
'A parasite with intentions to bleed you dry. $class8',
'It is an absolute shame that this person is allowed to manage fighters. Do not pick this garbage. $class8')
<br /><br />
<!- M8 Hire -->
Would you like to hire **$mgmtname8**?<br />
(t8n: "rumble")[(link: 'Yes')[
(set:$manager to $mgmtname8)
(set:$class to 4)
(set:$vibe to $mgmtvibe8)
(go-to: 'MANAGER INIT')
<br />]]
<!- M8 OFF -->
<br />
(set:$fighton to 'It's on **$name**.')
(set:$pickcontender to it +1)
(if:$pickcontender > 2)[Trade? Release? Deny?]
**- $organics Title Contender Fight -**<br /><br />
(t8n: "pulse")[(stop:)$opponent vs **$name**]
(colour: gray)[<br /><br />$manager: ]**$fighton**<br /><br />
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ](either:
'Listen **$name**,',
'Take note:',
(if:$demon is 'Pure')[$puredemon.]
(if:$demon is 'Counter')[$counterdemon.]
(if:$demon is 'Brawl')[$brawldemon.]
(if:$demon is 'Bomb')[$bombdemon.]
<br /><br /><br />
<!- Pool Counter -->
(set:$mgmtpool to it + 1)
<!- MGMT Full Pool -->
(set:$mgmtfullpool to 1)
<!- MGMT Name Allocation -->
(set:$mgmtfirst to (either:
'Cus','Nasty','Teddy','Don','Dick','Sandy','Tex','Rex','Lord','Black Widow','Kellie','Jackie','Al','Kathy','Swagger','Frank','Bill','Jack','Rock','Big Ung','Sahasombhop','Alexander King','Butch','Sylvester'
(set:$mgmtlast to (either:
<!- MGMT Creation -->
(if:$mgmtpool is 1)[
(set:$mgmtfirst1 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast1 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname1 to '$mgmtfirst1' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast1')
(set:$mgmtvibe1 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclass1 to 1)
(set:$mgmtprice1 to (random: 750000,1000000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 2)[
(set:$mgmtfirst2 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast2 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname2 to '$mgmtfirst2' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast2')
(set:$mgmtvibe2 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclass2 to 1)
(set:$mgmtprice2 to (random: 500000,1000000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 3)[
(set:$mgmtfirst3 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast3 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname3 to '$mgmtfirst3' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast3')
(set:$mgmtvibe3 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclass3 to 2)
(set:$mgmtprice3 to (random: 100000,750000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 4)[
(set:$mgmtfirst4 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast4 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname4 to '$mgmtfirst4' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast4')
(set:$mgmtvibe4 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclass4 to 2)
(set:$mgmtprice4 to (random: 50000,250000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 5)[
(set:$mgmtfirst5 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast5 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname5 to '$mgmtfirst5' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast5')
(set:$mgmtvibe5 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclass5 to 3)
(set:$mgmtprice5 to (random: 1000,25000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 6)[
(set:$mgmtfirst6 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast6 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname6 to '$mgmtfirst6' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast6')
(set:$mgmtvibe6 to (either: 'Curse','Proper','Zen','Crack'))
(set:$mgmtclas6 to 3)
(set:$mgmtprice6 to (random: 1000,25000))
(if:$mgmtpool is 7)[
(set:$mgmtfirst7 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast7 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname7 to '$mgmtfirst7' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast7')
(set:$mgmtvibe7 to 'Shit')
(set:$mgmtclass7 to 4)
(set:$mgmtprice7 to 0)
(if:$mgmtpool is 8)[
(set:$mgmtfirst8 to $mgmtfirst)(set:$mgmtlast8 to $mgmtlast)
(set:$mgmtname8 to '$mgmtfirst8' + ' ' + '$mgmtlast8')
(set:$mgmtvibe8 to 'Shit')
(set:$mgmtclass8 to 4)
(set:$mgmtprice8 to 0)
(if:$mgmtpool < 8)[(go-to: 'MANAGER POOL')]
(if:$mgmtpool >= 8)[(go-to: 'PICK A MANAGER')]{
<!- TEST -->
**Pick-A-Contract**<br /><br />
<!- Vibe -->
<!- Introduction by Vibe -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)
<!- Curse -->
(if:$vibe is 'Curse')[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]](t8n: 'dissolve')[What the (t8n: 'shudder')[proper fuck] is going on $name? You sure as fuck took the right decision. I'm a bad mother fucker. Get ready to fuck people up and make some fucking money in the process. Let's get this party started.<br /><br />
I've negotiated these offers. Welcome to big money baby. Take a look, make your move, and for fuck's sake's, take a good decision there mate yeah?<br /><br />]
<!- Proper -
(if:$vibe is 'Proper')[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]](t8n: 'dissolve')[Allow me to (t8n: 'shudder')[introduce] myself $name. I shall provide you with exceptional guidance while you strike away the paths of combat.
<br /><br />
I've negotiated these offers on your behalf. At your commodity, let me know your result.
<br /><br />]
<!- Zen -->
(if:$vibe is 'Zen')[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]](t8n: 'dissolve')[Very (t8n: 'shudder')[groovy] mate. Good fucking vibrations $name. Let me show you some luv. We're some peaceful warriors $name.
<br /><br />
I've stoked these offers. Bring those tight big bowls baby. Take a toke, make your move, and land a good decision there mate yeah?
<br /><br />]
<!- Crack -->
(if:$vibe is 'Crack')[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]](t8n: 'dissolve')[Fantastic $name. (t8n: 'shudder')[Freaking awesome.] Let's do this. Here we go. Woo fuckin' woo. We're going to win, win, win. Rock and roll baby. Hell yeah. Freaking awesome. Fucking insane. Here we go. You're a bad, baaaaaad mother fucker. Let's do this shit. Let's get some mother fucking knockouts!
<br /><br />
I've negotiated these awesome offers. Welcome to big money baby. Take a look, make your move, and for fuck's sake's, make a good decision there mate yeah?
<br /><br />]
<!- Shit -->
(if:$vibe is 'Shit')[
(t8n: 'pulse')[(colour: gray)[$manager: ]](t8n: 'dissolve')[(t8n: 'shudder')[Whatever...] I don´t really care.
<br /><br />
Pick a contract, or whatever.
<br /><br />]
<!- I gotcha these contracts: -->
<!- BOX Organism Allocation -->
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'slide-left')[
<!- UBA -->
<!- OFFER -->
(if:($og + $class) <= 3)[(set:$ubaoffer to (random: 10,100))]
(if:($og + $class) > 3 and ($og + $mgmtclass) <= 5)[(set:$ubaoffer to (random: 1,10))]
(if:($og + $class) > 5)[(set:$ubaoffer to (random: 1,3))]
(link: 'United Boxing Association')[**- United Boxers Association -**
<br /><br />
(t8n: 'rumble')[$: **$ubaoffer Million**] signing bonus. -
(if:$ubaoffer is 69)[**//nice//** ]
<!- SIGN -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[(link: 'Sign')[
(set:$organism to 'UBA')(set:$organics to 'United Boxers Association')
(set:$money to it + ($ubaoffer * 1000000))
(go-to: 'ORGANISM INIT')
]]<br />
]<br />
<!- EBU -->
<!- OFFER -->
(if:($og + $class) <= 3)[(set:$ebuoffer to (random: 10,100))]
(if:($og + $class) > 3 and ($og + $mgmtclass) <= 5)[(set:$ebuoffer to (random: 1,10))]
(if:($og + $class) > 5)[(set:$ebuoffer to (random: 1,3))]
(link: 'European Boxing Union')[**- European Boxers Union -**
<br /><br />
(t8n: 'rumble')[$: **$ebuoffer Million**] signing bonus. -
(if:$ebuoffer is 69)[**//nice//** ]
<!- SIGN -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[(link: 'Sign')[
(set:$organism to 'EBU')(set:$organics to 'European Boxing Union')
(set:$money to it + ($ebuoffer * 1000000))
(go-to: 'ORGANISM INIT')
]]<br />
]<br />
<!- EBC -->
<!- OFFER -->
(if:($og + $class) <= 3)[(set:$ebcoffer to (random: 10,100))]
(if:($og + $class) > 3 and ($og + $mgmtclass) <= 5)[(set:$ebcoffer to (random: 1,10))]
(if:($og + $class) > 5)[(set:$ebcoffer to (random: 1,3))]
(link: 'Eastern Boxing Comission')[**- Eastern Boxing Comission -**
<br /><br />
(t8n: 'rumble')[$: **$ebcoffer Million**] signing bonus. -
(if:$ebcoffer is 69)[**//nice//** ]
<!- SIGN -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[(link: 'Sign')[
(set:$organism to 'EBC')(set:$organics to 'Eastern Boxing Comission')
(set:$money to it + $ebcoffer)
(go-to: 'ORGANISM INIT')
]]<br />
]<br />
<!- Clear uneeded Variables! Kindly (NOPE! You will need the pool forever!) -->
<!- Class ON but lets not get into hiring another one later, better save -->
<!- Class OFF -->
(if:$class is 2)[
(set:$f4 to 1)
(set:$f10 to 1)
(set:$f17 to 1)
(set:$f25 to 1)]
(if:$class is 3)[
(set:$f4 to 1)
(set:$f9 to 1)
(set:$f10 to 1)
(set:$f16 to 1)
(set:$f17 to 1)
(set:$f24 to 1)
(set:$f25 to 1)]
(if:$class is 4)[
(set:$f4 to 1)
(set:$f8 to 1)
(set:$f9 to 1)
(set:$f10 to 1)
(set:$f15 to 1)
(set:$f16 to 1)
(set:$f17 to 1)
(set:$f23 to 1)
(set:$f24 to 1)
(set:$f25 to 1)]
}??????????(set: $foundation to
(dm: "MMA", 'MMA',
"Boxing", 'Boxing',
"Kung Fu", 'Kung Fu') )
(either: 'Creating', 'Constructing', 'Developing', 'Manufacturing', 'Loading' ) a fight forever universe...
<!- Pool -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(go-to: 'POOL')]
<!- This is EARLY so delta-times are more relaxed, later it has to be almost instantanous. -->
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Round Display -->
Round: **$round**<br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $name is down! $name is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(t8n: 'shudder')[**GET UP!**
(live: 3s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP $name!**]]
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP kiddo!**]]
<br /><br />
(set:_up to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_up is 1)[(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 3)[(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 5)[(live: 5s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 6)[(live: 6s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 7)[(live: 7s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 8)[(live: 8s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 9)[(live: 9s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 10)[(live: 10s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'MID BOXING')]]
(live: 4s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(colour: red)[**Hello World**](live: 2s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(colour: red + black)[**Hello World**](live: 3s)[(t8n: 'slide-left')[(colour: red + orange)[**Hello World**]]
figure it out... a fun algo to the story, a visual effct, rock on baby
<!- TEST -->
(set:$ht to 9)
(set:$proht to 0)
(set:$pu to 13)
(set:$propu to 0)
(set:$exp to 1)
(set:$dif to 5)
(set:$grade to 1)
(set:$mind to 350)
(set:$probody to 60)
(set:$promind to 0)
(set:$ms to 80)
(set:$sta to 32)
(set:$body to 51)
(set:$prosta to 0)
(set:$proms to 0)
(set:$str to 10)
(set:$sp to 33)
(set:$prosp to 0)
(set:$name to 'Pako')
(set:$fightforever to 1)
(set:$win to 1)
(set:$legend to 1)
(set:$age to 1)
(set:$dif to 0)
(set:$rj to 1)
(set:$soul to 'Counter')
(set:$fightswag to 'Counter vs Brawl')
(set:$flow to 'OFF')
(set:$og to 4)
(set:$team to 'Proudest Monkey Fighting')
(set:$name to 'Gley')
(set:$opponent to 'Ricky Manitas Grand')
(set:$sensei to 'Shaka')
(set:$organics to 'United Boxers Association')
(set:$organism to 'UBA')
(set:$ftype to 'Championship of The World')
(set:$venue to '**Hyper Lotus Arena** - Las Vegas'){
<!- Banner -->
**- Life | $name -**<br /><br />
[[Travel]]<br />
[[Social]]<br />
[[Sports]]<br />
[[Stuff]]<br />
[[Master Class]]<br /><br />
[[Back to $gym->$gym]]
<!- Win Sets -->
(set:$win to it +1)
(set:$ko to it +1)
<!- Proper Win Sets -->
(set:$properwin to it + 1)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br />
<!- Round Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
**Round: $round** <br /><br />]
<!- KO! -->
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[Commentator: ]
(live: 0s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(either: '**Knockout!**', '**KO!**')]]]<br /><br />]
<!- Set Exp & Fatality -->
(set:$pu to $pu + 10)(set:$fatality to 1)
<!- Combo Fatality -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(if:$combo is 1)[A well executed one-two combo. A classic. Beautiful finish kiddo!]
(if:$combo is 2)[That power-hand to the button behind those jabs was fabulous to watch. Sneaky yet elegant combo. What a knockout.]
(if:$combo is 3)[Beautiful lead hook to the jaw. Lights out! You beast.]
(if:$combo is 4)[That hook opened up the guard and the cross finished the job. Beautiful combo kiddo.]
(if:$combo is 5)[The uppercut did the most damage and the power-hand closed the show. Proper combo $name. You natural born killer.]
(if:$combo is 6)[That beautiful uppercut was the beginning of the end. Neat little combo. You are on fire $name.]
(if:$combo is 7)[Cross, hook, cross. Basic yet lethal. Tremendous power on that combo! Nite, nite!]
(if:$combo is 8)[Jab to the body, power-hand to the head. Killer move. Smart combo. Chop the body and the head shall fall. Well done kiddo.]
(if:$combo is 9)[Punishing hook to the body. Brutal. That would do it. Fight is over. Knockout! You absolute beast.]
(if:$combo is 10)[Double uppercut! Massive! Brutal! Demolishing!]
(if:$combo is 11)[Power-hand to the body, hook upstairs. The violence! Smart, beautiful knockout. You absolute killer.]
(if:$combo is 12)[Hook to the body, hook upstairs. Lightning fast! Pure class! Gorgeous knockout kiddo.]
(if:$combo is 13)[The hook paved the way for that killer uppercut. Punishing, swift knockout!]
(if:$combo is 14)[Hook to the liver! Pain deliberance at it's best. What a punishing, raw, brutal knockout $name.]
(if:$combo is 15)[The uppercut did the damage, the hook turned the TV off. Neat combo kiddo. What a knockout!]
<!- Sensei Champ -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[<br /><br />(set:$boxchamp to 1)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]You did it (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), you fucking did it! You truly are now **The Champion of The World**.]
<br /><br />
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 10s)[<br /><br />[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->BOX PAY]](stop:)]
<!- Loss Set -->
(set:$loss to it +1)
<!- Champ Reset -->
(set:$f1 to 0)
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | Contender Fight -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$opponent vs $name(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Round Display -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
Round: **$round**<br /><br />]
(live: 3s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(set:_properfucked to (random: 1,5))[
(if:_properfucked is 1)[You got proper fucked!]
(if:_properfucked is 2)[You got knocked the fuck out!]
(if:_properfucked is 3)[Light-out, you're out! Punishing knockout kiddo. Embarrassing really.]
(if:_properfucked is 4)[You got knocked out, badly. Don't despair, we'll go back to basics.]
(if:_properfucked is 5)[Thunderous fury of strikes. You got knocked the fuck out, badly.]
<br /><br />
<!- Injury depends on leonard -->
(if:$leonard is '')[
(set:_injury to (random: 1,5))[
(if:_injury is 1)[You got a broken nose. It took one month to heal.
(set:$week to it +4)]
(if:_injury is 2)[You got a broken rib. It took two months to heal.
(set:$week to it + 8)]
(if:_injury is 3)[You got a pretty bad concussion. It took one month to get cleared by the doctor.
(set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_injury is 4)[You got a broken orbital. It took two months to heal.
(set:$week to it + 4)]
(if:_injury is 5)[You dislocated your shoulder. It took two weeks to heal.
(set:$week to it + 2)]
<br /><br />]]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 10s)[[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->BOX PAY]](stop:)]
}(set:$flow to 'OFF')
(if:$og > 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,2))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'MID BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
(if:$og <= 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,3))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'MID BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Round Display -->
Round: **$round**<br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $name is down! $name is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(t8n: 'shudder')[**GET UP!**
(live: 3s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP $name!**]]
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP kiddo!**]]
<br /><br />
(set:_up to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_up is 1)[(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 3)[(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 5)[(live: 5s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 6)[(live: 6s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 7)[(live: 7s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 8)[(live: 8s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 9)[(live: 9s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 10)[(live: 10s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(set:$flow to 'OFF')
(if:$og > 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,2))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
(if:$og <= 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,3))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
<!- TEST -->
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Round Display -->
Round: **$round**<br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $name is down! $name is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(t8n: 'shudder')[**GET UP!**
(live: 3s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP $name!**]]
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP kiddo!**]]
<br /><br />
(set:_up to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_up is 1)[(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 3)[(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 5)[(live: 5s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 6)[(live: 6s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 7)[(live: 7s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 8)[(live: 8s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 9)[(live: 9s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 10)[(live: 10s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />{
<!- TEST -->
<!- AutoKO -->
(if:$og < 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,3))]
(if:$og >= 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,4))]
(if:$autoko is 1)[(set:$combo to (random 1,15))(live: 0s)[(stop:)(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]]
<br />
<!- Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br />
<!- Round Display -->
**Round: $round** <br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $opponent is down! $opponent is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Set Combo -->
(set:$combo to (random: 1,15))
<!- TEST Alfa Combo -->
<!- Combo Call -->
(if:$combo is 1)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Alpha** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 2)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Bravo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 3)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Charlie** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Delta** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 5)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Echo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 6)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Foxtrot** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 7)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Golf** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 8)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Hotel** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 9)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **India** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 10)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Juliett** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 11)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Kilo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 12)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Lima** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 13)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Mike** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 14)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **November** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 15)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Oscar** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
<!- Combo Input -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(link: "Jab")[**Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')](link: " | Jab")[ | **Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')]<br />
(link: "Cross")[**Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')](link: " | Cross")[ | **Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')]<br />
(link: "Lead Hook")[**Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'three')]<br />
(link: "Rear Hook")[**Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'four')]<br />
(link: "Lead Uppercut")[**Lead Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'five')]<br />
(link: "Rear Uppercut")[**Rear Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'six')]<br />
(link: "Body Jab")[**Body Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'seven')]<br />
(link: "Body Cross")[**Body Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'eight')]<br />
(link: "Body Lead Hook")[**Body Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'nine')]<br />
(link: "Body Rear Hook")[**Body Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'ten')]<br />
<!- Combo Result -->
<br />
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
(link: 'THROW')[
<!- Alfa -->
(if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is not 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Bravo -->
(if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is not 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Charlie -->
(if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is not 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Delta -->
(if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is not 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Echo -->
(if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is not 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Foxtrot -->
(if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is not 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Golf -->
(if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is not 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Hotel -->
(if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is not 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- India -->
(if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is 'oneten')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is not 'oneten')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Juliett -->
(if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is not 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Kilo -->
(if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is not 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Lima -->
(if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is not 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Mike -->
(if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is not 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- November -->
(if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is 'threenine')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is not 'threenine')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- Oscar -->
(if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is not 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'LATE BOXING')]
<!- TEST -->
<!- AutoKO -->
(if:$og < 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,3))]
(if:$og >= 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,4))]
(if:$autoko is 1)[(set:$combo to (random 1,15))(live: 0s)[(stop:)(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]]
<br />
<!- Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br />
<!- Round Display -->
**Round: $round** <br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $opponent is down! $opponent is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Set Combo -->
(set:$combo to (random: 1,15))
<!- TEST Alfa Combo -->
<!- Combo Call -->
(if:$combo is 1)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Alpha** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 2)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Bravo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 3)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Charlie** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Delta** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 5)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Echo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 6)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Foxtrot** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 7)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Golf** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 8)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Hotel** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 9)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **India** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 10)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Juliett** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 11)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Kilo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 12)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Lima** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 13)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Mike** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 14)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **November** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 15)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Oscar** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
<!- Combo Input -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(link: "Jab")[**Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')](link: " | Jab")[ | **Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')]<br />
(link: "Cross")[**Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')](link: " | Cross")[ | **Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')]<br />
(link: "Lead Hook")[**Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'three')]<br />
(link: "Rear Hook")[**Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'four')]<br />
(link: "Lead Uppercut")[**Lead Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'five')]<br />
(link: "Rear Uppercut")[**Rear Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'six')]<br />
(link: "Body Jab")[**Body Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'seven')]<br />
(link: "Body Cross")[**Body Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'eight')]<br />
(link: "Body Lead Hook")[**Body Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'nine')]<br />
(link: "Body Rear Hook")[**Body Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'ten')]<br />
<!- Combo Result -->
<br />
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
(link: 'THROW')[
<!- Alfa -->
(if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is not 'onetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Bravo -->
(if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is not 'oneonetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Charlie -->
(if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is not 'onetwothree')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Delta -->
(if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is not 'onetwothreetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Echo -->
(if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is not 'onetwofivetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Foxtrot -->
(if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is not 'onesixthreetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Golf -->
(if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is not 'twothreetwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Hotel -->
(if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is not 'seventwo')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- India -->
(if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is 'oneten')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is not 'oneten')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Juliett -->
(if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is not 'onesixfive')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Kilo -->
(if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is not 'eightthree')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Lima -->
(if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is not 'ninethree')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Mike -->
(if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is not 'ninefive')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- November -->
(if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is 'threenine')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is not 'threenine')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
<!- Oscar -->
(if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is not 'sixthree')[
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[(go-to: 'CHAMP BOXING')]]
} {
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br /><br />
<!- Decission -->
(t8n: 'slide-left')[
**Official Decision** <br /><br />]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'rumble')[
<!- No-champ -->
(if:$ftype is not 'Championship of The World')[
<!- Win -->
(if:$leonard is 'EARLYMID' or $leonard is 'MIDLATE' or $leonard is 'EARLYLATE' or $leonard is 'EARLYMIDLATE')[
<!- Set Win -->
(set:$win to it + 1)
(set:$properwin to it + 1)
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ]
Ladies and gentlemen, after ten (either: 'furious', 'hard', 'entertaining', 'exciting') rounds of boxing. The winner, by unanimous decision: $name<br /><br />]
<!- Loss -->
<!- Set Loss -->
(set:$loss to it + 1)
(colour: gray)[Announcer:]
Ladies and gentlemen, after ten (either: 'furious', 'hard', 'entertaining', 'exciting') rounds of boxing. The winner, by unanimous decision: $opponent<br /><br />]]
<!- Champ -->
(if:$ftype is 'Championship of The World')[
<!- Win -->
(if:$leonard is 'EARLYMIDLATE' or $leonard is 'EARLYMIDCHAMP' or $leonard is 'EARLYLATECHAMP' or $leonard is 'MIDLATECHAMP' or $leonard is 'EARLYMIDLATECHAMP')[
<!- Set Win -->
(set:$win to it + 1)
<!- Proper Win Sets -->
(set:$properwin to it + 1)
(set:$boxchamp to 1)
(colour: gray)[Announcer: ]
Ladies and gentlemen, after twelve (either: 'furious', 'hard', 'entertaining', 'exciting') rounds of championship boxing. The winner, by unanimous decision, and **new** $organics Champion of The World: $name<br /><br />
<!- Sensei Champ -->
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]You did it (either: 'kiddo', '$name'), you fucking did it! You truly are now **The Champion of The World**.]
<!- Set Loss -->
<!- Champ Reset -->
(set:$f1 to 0)
(set:$loss to it + 1)
(colour: gray)[Announcer:]
Ladies and gentlemen, after twelve (either: 'furious', 'hard', 'entertaining', 'exciting') rounds of championship boxing. The winner, by unanimous decision, and **still** $organics Champion of The World: $opponent<br /><br />]
<!- Pay Me -->
(live: 10s)[<br /><br />[[Show me the (either: 'money', 'baro', 'bucks', 'cash', 'loonies', 'shrapnel', 'dough', 'feria', 'ganji', 'bling bling', 'cheese', 'lemons', 'dosh', 'frogskins', 'notes', 'loot', 'paper', 'scratch', 'wonga', 'moolah', 'stash', 'cheddar', 'tamales', 'benjamins', 'chips').->BOX PAY]](stop:)]
<!- TEST -->
<!- AutoKO -->
(if:$og < 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,3))]
(if:$og >= 3)[(set:$autoko to (random: 1,4))]
(if:$autoko is 1)[(set:$combo to (random 1,15))(live: 0s)[(stop:)(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]]
<br />
<!- Sugar Reset -->
(set:$sugar to '')
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism Contender Fight -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Venue Display -->
$venue<br />
<!- Round Display -->
**Round: $round** <br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $opponent is down! $opponent is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Set Combo -->
(set:$combo to (random: 1,15))
<!- TEST Alfa Combo -->
<!- Combo Call -->
(if:$combo is 1)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Alpha** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 2)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Bravo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 3)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Charlie** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Delta** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 5)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Echo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 6)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Foxtrot** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 7)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Golf** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 8)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Hotel** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 9)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **India** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 10)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Juliett** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 11)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Kilo** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 12)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Lima** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 13)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Mike** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 14)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **November** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
(if:$combo is 15)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[
(colour: 'gray')[$sensei:]Throw the **Oscar** combo!
<br /><br />](stop:)]]
<!- Combo Input -->
(live: 6s)[(stop:)
(link: "Jab")[**Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')](link: " | Jab")[ | **Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'one')]<br />
(link: "Cross")[**Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')](link: " | Cross")[ | **Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'two')]<br />
(link: "Lead Hook")[**Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'three')]<br />
(link: "Rear Hook")[**Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'four')]<br />
(link: "Lead Uppercut")[**Lead Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'five')]<br />
(link: "Rear Uppercut")[**Rear Uppercut** (set:$sugar to it + 'six')]<br />
(link: "Body Jab")[**Body Jab** (set:$sugar to it + 'seven')]<br />
(link: "Body Cross")[**Body Cross** (set:$sugar to it + 'eight')]<br />
(link: "Body Lead Hook")[**Body Lead Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'nine')]<br />
(link: "Body Rear Hook")[**Body Rear Hook** (set:$sugar to it + 'ten')]<br />
<!- Combo Result -->
<br />
(live: 8s)[(stop:)
(link: 'THROW')[
<!- Alfa -->
(if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 1 and $sugar is not 'onetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Bravo -->
(if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 2 and $sugar is not 'oneonetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Charlie -->
(if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 3 and $sugar is not 'onetwothree')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Delta -->
(if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 4 and $sugar is not 'onetwothreetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Echo -->
(if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 5 and $sugar is not 'onetwofivetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Foxtrot -->
(if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 6 and $sugar is not 'onesixthreetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Golf -->
(if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 7 and $sugar is not 'twothreetwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Hotel -->
(if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 8 and $sugar is not 'seventwo')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- India -->
(if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is 'oneten')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 9 and $sugar is not 'oneten')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Juliett -->
(if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 10 and $sugar is not 'onesixfive')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Kilo -->
(if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 11 and $sugar is not 'eightthree')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Lima -->
(if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 12 and $sugar is not 'ninethree')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Mike -->
(if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 13 and $sugar is not 'ninefive')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- November -->
(if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is 'threenine')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 14 and $sugar is not 'threenine')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
<!- Oscar -->
(if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'BOX FATALITY')]
(else-if:$combo is 15 and $sugar is not 'sixthree')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]
}(set:$flow to 'OFF')
(if:$og > 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,2))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
(if:$og <= 2)[
(set:_fucked to (random: 1,3))
(if:_fucked is 1)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')]
(else-if:_fucked is not 1)[(go-to: 'LATE BOX MAYBE FUCKED')]
<!- Display -->
<!- Organism and Fight Display -->
(Link:'**- $organism $ftype -**')[
**- $organics** | $ftype -<br />
(live:0s)[(t8n: 'pulse')[$name vs $opponent(stop:)]]
]<br /><br />
<!- Round Display -->
Round: **$round**<br /><br />
<!- Hurt Call -->
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[
(colour: gray)[Commentator:] $name is down! $name is down!
<br /><br />]]
<!- Sensei -->
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[$sensei: ]
(t8n: 'shudder')[**GET UP!**
(live: 3s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP $name!**]]
(live: 6s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'shudder')[ **GET UP kiddo!**]]
<br /><br />
(set:_up to (random: 1,10))[
(if:_up is 1)[(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 2)[(live: 2s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 3)[(live: 3s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 4)[(live: 4s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 5)[(live: 5s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 6)[(live: 6s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 7)[(live: 7s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 8)[(live: 8s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br /><br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 9)[(live: 9s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br /><br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
(if:_up is 10)[(live: 10s)[(t8n: 'rumble')[<br />(link: 'UP')[(go-to: 'DEC BOXING')]]
(live: 2s)[(go-to: 'BOX PROPER FUCKED')](stop:)]]
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />{
<!- Banner -->
(live: 0s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'pulse')[**- Stuff | $name -**<br /><br />]]
(live: 1s)[(t8n: 'dissolve')[(stop:)
(colour: gray)[Watches]<br />
[[Cars]]<br />
(colour: gray)[Yachts]<br />
(colour: gray)[Aircraft]<br />
(colour: gray)[Real State]<br /><br />
(live: 2s)[(stop:)
}(if:$gf is 0)[You don´t have a special one... so, yeah, there's that.(display:'Social')]
(else:)[(set:_date to (random: 1,5))
(if:_date is 1)[You just got friend-zoned, big time. Ouch.(set:$ht to $ht - 1)Your heart level has been decreased.]
(if:_date is 2)[You had a good time. (set:$ht to $ht + 1)Your heart level has been increased.]{
<!- Banner -->
**- Watches -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Paket Francois')[]<br />
(link: 'Morgan & Co.')[]<br />
(link: 'Xelor')[]<br />
(link: 'Vuchon Constanza')[]<br />
(link: 'Höblut')[]<br />
(link: 'Diavlo')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
(live: 0s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'pulse')[**- Cars -**<br /><br />]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
[[Italy]]<br />
(colour: gray)[United Kingdom]<br />
(colour: gray)[Sweden]<br />
(colour: gray)[France]<br />
(colour: gray)[USA]<br />
(colour: gray)[Japan]<br />
(colour: gray)[Germany]<br /><br />
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<!- TEST -->
<!- Banner -->
**- Italy -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Vignelli')[
(link: '**Orco** | 550,000 $')[
(if:$money >= 550000)[(set:$money to it - 550000)
(set:$orco to 1)(t8n: 'pulse')[Congratulations! You just got a
(either: 'beautiful', 'brand new', 'fantastic', 'fucking amazing')
Vignelli | Orco.]<br />(set:$rj to it + 55)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br />]]
(else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this mate.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.', 'That´s cute. You can´t afford this beauty.')]]<br />
(link: '**Gigantessa** | 1M $')[
(if:$money >= 1000000)[(set:$money to it - 1000000)
(set:$gigantessa to 1)(t8n: 'pulse')[Congratulations! You just got a
(either: 'beautiful', 'brand new', 'fantastic', 'fucking amazing')
Vignelli | Gigantessa.]<br />(set:$rj to it + 100)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br />]]
(else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this mate.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.', 'That´s cute. You can´t afford this beauty.')]]<br />
(link: '**Centauro** | 2M $')[
(if:$money >= 2000000)[(set:$money to it - 2000000)
(set:$centauro to 1)(t8n: 'pulse')[Congratulations! You just got a
(either: 'beautiful', 'brand new', 'fantastic', 'fucking amazing')
Vignelli | Centauro.]<br />(set:$rj to it + 200)
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br />]]
(else:)[(either: 'You cannot afford this mate.', 'You flat broke nibba.', 'You ain´t got enough money.', 'You are dirt poor at the moment.', 'You are penurious.', 'You are beggared.', 'You are bust.', 'That´s cute. You can´t afford this beauty.')]]
<br />]<br />
(colour: gray)[Munari]<br />
(colour: gray)[Ferretti]<br />
(colour: gray)[Omega Julietta]<br />
(colour: gray)[Zanotti]<br /><br />
<!- Banner -->
**- United Kingdom -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Beaton Roy')[]<br />
(link: 'Tiger Kingston')[]<br />
(link: 'Brooks Kane')[]<br />
(link: 'Macallan')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- Sweden -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Krønberg')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- France -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Falconet')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- United States of America -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Bell')[]<br />
(link: 'SMC')[]<br />
(link: 'Godwit')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- Japan -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Kusama')[]<br />
(link: 'Murakami')[]<br />
(link: 'Takano')[]<br />
(link: 'Takashi')[]<br />
(link: 'Yoshimoto')[]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- Germany -**<br /><br />
(link: 'KMW')[]<br />
(link: 'Fernweh Auto')[]<br />
(link: 'Motorkopf')[]<br />
(link: 'Stolz')[]<br />
}<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$borregos to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$borregos <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$borregos > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$borregos >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$basketball to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$basketball <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$basketball > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$basketball >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$rugby to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$rugby <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$rugby > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$rugby >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$hockey to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$hockey <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$hockey > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$hockey >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]<!- Set Funky -->
(set:$tennis to it + 1)
<!- Consequences -->
(if:$tennis <= 1)[Waves get you bad or you don't get any.]
(if:$tennis > 1 and $surf <= 6)[Your level.]
(if:$tennis >= 7)[Awesome stuff.]Double-click this passage to edit it.{
(set:$ray to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
It all started as a joke, one that went very, very sour. Nobody thought the gun would go off.<br /><br />
You learn a lot growing up in juvenile detention centers. I focused on one of those things in particular until I was the best at it. Fighting. Now that I'm out, no money, no friends, no family, I'll do just that. I'll fight forever.<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Ray]]]]
(set:$sakura to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
It’s way too late. No going back now. No U-turn. So long school-girl-skirts, ribbons, white socks. <br /><br />
Every other time of despair, I turned to you, and you always said: ‘you're a fighter puppy, what do fighters do?’ ‘They love, for starters.’ I would’ve answered. <br /><br />
I don´t have you anymore. <br /><br />
I’ll do that other thing fighters do. I’ll fight. <br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Sakura]]]]
(set:$nikola to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
I had it easy. Real easy. Still managed to fuck it all up. Proper fucked.<br />
Luxury seems a light year away these days. The needle is just around the corner now. Maybe forever. Dad must be proud. How do you even measure a good family? Do they even mention me in their conversations anymore? Do I even care? <br /><br />
They say fighting is the straightest route out of vice. Fighting it is then.<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Nikola]]]]
(set:$kain to 1)
**- Kainourgís -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
Give me a mechanical keyboard and proper headphones; I'll give you the world.<br />
Add some metal, techno, fuck it, rock and roll to this joint. While I get into everything private to you. Easily. Swiftly. Disturbingly. Unnoticed. Ninja. <br /><br />
I took the red pill a long time ago. You haven´t?<br /><br />
What happens when you crash? I'm not talking about no bicycle on the stop-sign crash. I'm talking about a super crash. A crash of crashes. A reality crash. Who's reality? That becomes the question. You'll want to make it yours. You'll try to make it pretty. It's not. It's fucking insane. It's almost like war. It may just be war. It is.
Reality. Disappearance. Enhancement. Disappearance again.<br /><br />
I'll do that one thing that absolutely feels like reality. That one thing. That one last thing. I'll fight. You have to fight for love. You can't just have love. Fight for love. Forever. No regrets.<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Kain]]]]
(set:$frankie to 1)
**- $name -**<br /><br />
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[
//'Unos platos y una niña.'// [Turntables and a girl.] All you'll ever need. Ever.<br /><br />
You are too smart to be a DJ. Maybe deejays are smarter than you. Maybe not. Breathe 'til the next phrase. Taste the bars. Tap the beat. Swim the breakdown. Catch that buildup. Surf that climax. Dance.<br /><br />
It's all about the music. There's nothing else really. At least I used to think that. For a while. I still do. In a sense. Can't live without it. Just can't live off of it. Or can I? Have I tried hard enough? Do I really care anymore? Am I too tired? Lacking motivation?<br /><br />
Step back. Connect. Abandon. Emancipate. Factorize. Produce. Stabilize. Program. Execute. Happy. Keep on spinning'! And dream the fuck on.<br /><br />
(t8n: 'rumble')[**You have to fight for your right to party.**]
<br /><br />]]
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br /><br /><br />]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(t8n: 'dissolve')[[[Back->Frankie]]]]
(if:$agatha is 0)[(set:$agatha to 1)
<br />Río de Janeiro(click: "Río de Janeiro")[(set:$gra to it + 10)<br />
Brazilian Jiujitsu, an indispensable martial art in today's MMA, teaches us that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger, heavier opponent by using leverage and weight distribution, taking the fight to the ground, and using submissions to defeat them. An unbeatable place to kickstart your grappling ability.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **grappling** level has been strengthened.<br />]]
<br />São Paulo(click: "São Paulo")[(set:$ki to it + 10)<br />
This metropolis is known to produce some of the scariest Muay Thai practitioners in the world. Here you will work on your striking techniques. <br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **kicking** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Paraná(click: "Paraná")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />
A large population of Japanese descent inhabits Paraná. With them, they brought the mindfulness of martial arts.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
[[Back->Agatha Gracie]]
(if:$viktor is 0)[(set:$viktor to 1)
<br />Dagestan(click: "Dagestan")[(set:$gra to it + 10)<br />
Sambo is a relatively new martial art created in the early twentieth century by the Soviet government for the kickass (colour: red)[ red ] army. While its base is mostly ground game centered, **Combat Sambo** also introduces punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and even the occasional headbutt. Think of it as MMA with a killer Russian twist.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **grappling** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Kazan(click: "Kazan")[(set:$pu to it + 10)<br />
Since the 13th century, Russian boxing has been developing into the machining force of pugilist talent that it is today. You will learn from some of the toughest, wittiest, unbreakable boxers in the world. <br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **punching** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Omsk(click: "Omsk")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />
Fighting is in the blood of the Russian people. You will submit to the most gruesome training until becoming as fierce as the top Russian fighters.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
[[Back->Viktor Oschepkov]]
(if:$ariella is 0)[(set:$ariella to 1)
<br />Jerusalem(click: "Jerusalem")[(set:$ms to it + 10)<br />
Between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea exists this holy land that has been strengthened by war and combat all through history. Here you will learn about the deadly martial art of Krav Maga, an art developed with the only purpose of defending and fighting back against horror.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **mindset** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Tel Aviv(click: "Tel Aviv")[(set:$rt to it + 10)<br />
Here at the Tel Aviv Institute of Martial Arts you will nurture your intellect with all there is to know about the history of competitive combat. <br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **technique** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br />Haifa(click: "Haifa")[(set:$rj to it + 10)<br />
In this gorgeous city we will visit all and every MMA gyms. You'll get to experience the scariest of all experiments that is implementing a Krav Maga foundation to modern MMA.<br />
(t8n: 'slide-left')[Your **rockstar juice** level has been increased.<br />]]
<br /><br /><br />
[[Back->Ariella Yanilov]]
<!- TEST -->
**- Retire -**<br /><br />
Are you sure you want to hang the gloves?<br /><br />
(link: 'Yes')[
(set:$retired to 1)Godspeed.(live:2s)[(go-to: 'Oracle')]
]<br />
<!- Banner -->
**- Check-out -**<br /><br />
Are you absolutely sure you want to (either: 'kick the bucket', 'check-out', 'throw the towel', 'rest in peace')?<br /><br />
(link: 'Yes')[(go-to: 'Death')]<br />
<!- TEST -->
**- About Fight Forever -**<br /><br />
(link: 'Aknowledgements')[
Twine and Harlowe for, open-source-ly, by the fucking way, sharing the tools to make this happen.<br /><br />
Carrois Apostrophe for a beautiful font.<br /><br />
The many sources of literary inspiration that I'll be prompt to list.<br /><br />
My dear testers: JC, Donatzianno, and Mr. Kokom.<br /><br />
You, thanks for playing.<br />
]<br />
(link: 'Walkthrough')[
As much as this is a fighting game, it's a word game.
The further you get into it, the more cumbersome it is to take note of opponents' styles, fighter traits, strategies, and techniques. Take notes.<br />
]<br />
(link: 'White Paper')[
This interactive fiction is in itself the white paper. The goal is to grow this project from it's neonatal text-based existence to a console playable open-world that will bring esports to the minds of older audiences. <br /><br />
Think of it as Second Life meets GTA meets Fight Night meets UFC meets Street Fighter.<br /><br />
If you're a game developer and want to get in touch to make this happen, please, by all means: fightforever@pm.me<br /><br />
Note to potential sponsors: I've got a bunch of venues with your name on it.<br /><br />
Cheers and enjoy!<br />
-- Pako
]<br /><br />
↶↷After all failed, now that everything is lost, you will fight.