ifwiki: Speed-IF

This directory contains entries to the various Speed IF events.

# SpeedApocalypse.zip
ifwiki: SpeedApocalypse
tuid: k5v98kzct1vzy1w0
ifwiki: Untitled (apocalypse)

The single (untitled, anonymous) game entered in the Speed Apocalypse

# SpeedIF01.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 1
tuid: du3nrz53qjw2cx0j
ifwiki: Coffins

The single game entered in the first SpeedIF Competition:

- Coffins, by Christopher Huang.

# SpeedIF02.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 2
tuid: ba1b5asqbjgvy54w
tuid: z83vnbuya68liwbt
tuid: 1bw4vfchmpztmb7t
tuid: o4aewhygsdax7fwe
ifwiki: Kids,_don't_eat_your_Halloween_candy
ifwiki: The_Pumpkin
ifwiki: Speed_IF_2_(game)
ifwiki: The_Hand_That_Rocks_The_Pumpkin

Games entered in the SpeedIF 2 Competition.

# SpeedIF03.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 3
tuid: zh9iakbsnk9tab0j
tuid: 861zb69c0eofo3ye
tuid: meqlzyiilf18spix
tuid: b7h4i30za9rd4hq8
tuid: ucsem758qia1dwjt
tuid: z9eepw8uxafh1nvg
ifwiki: A_Boy_and_his_Goat
ifwiki: Untitled_(Moral_Me_This)
ifwiki: The_Devil_Made_Me_Do_It
ifwiki: Pryde_And_The_Pink_Flamingo
ifwiki: Three_Steps_to_the_Left

Games entered in Jason Dyer's SpeedIF 3

# SpeedIF04.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 4
tuid: tlyk69fz5pmbwhbp
tuid: 1ugd7bxtrg2457y1
tuid: 4poj7n7j7wtphju8
tuid: 2j4y45dbfdqvfru7
tuid: 39aonvkrzc0kmie2
tuid: et60g5yvv1cob3sp
tuid: jrlj3y9zgmxulzci
tuid: 2l8rc0c5ncu3ddeg
tuid: cic260su6jmkpjt3
tuid: qgz3f290qxbp1k85
ifwiki: Tears_May_Fall

Games entered in the SpeedIF 4 Competition.
All the games had to be written within 90
minutes, on the following premise:
"Write a game with 3 rooms and a bathroom, an
onion, on top of the Eiffel Tower, with

# SpeedIF05.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 5
tuid: 600lvxkowqxuybdc
tuid: j2b4zq833rpnc1yy
tuid: ovun34wzmcgbua1c
tuid: uedis82y8lmbgglb
tuid: 96wguzzgxlz4iqsp
tuid: dp5ve3wb20xhmmbh
tuid: fsawry3lnp2yn04e
ifwiki: Spy_in_the_Snow
ifwiki: Revenge_of_the_Chalupa
ifwiki: The_Spy_Who_Always_Wears_Gloves_Now
ifwiki: The_Courier_Who_Missed_Me
ifwiki: SLUDGE
ifwiki: Doomsday
ifwiki: Untitled_(speed5.gam)

Games entered in the SpeedIF 5 Competition.

# SpeedIF05.5.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 5.5
tuid: a9b443qraib5mz7b
tuid: tq10z4gcz6u5rtn0
tuid: rxwyc4ropu89bfud
tuid: 87ai0ip72zhd0lm2
tuid: 12juh3zezv0j0tih
tuid: bs0dmmo9585615vt
tuid: rjpiclh0l4dssvl8
tuid: rfjcrb01hckrgffr
ifwiki: Blue_Head_Yurt
ifwiki: The_Lake
ifwiki: A_Rock_and_a_Hard_Place
ifwiki: Carnival
ifwiki: Planet_Y

Games entered in the SpeedIF 5.5 Competition.

# SpeedIF06.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 6
tuid: 98i732gbb6igseoc
tuid: i6qwjami3es2sx09
tuid: 7qh1pq8a39hlxoa3
tuid: b1al99nvikllzy2y
tuid: r93wnqjc44juw85g
tuid: via9hvv89gfcucnf
ifwiki: Kids_Shouldn't_Have_to_Save_The_World
ifwiki: Titanic:_Leo's_Revenge
ifwiki: One_Night_In_The_North_Atlantic
ifwiki: TRUDGE
ifwiki: When_I_Grow_Up_I_Want_To_Be_A_Firetruck
ifwiki: A_Top_Hat_for_Eddie

Games entered in the SpeedIF 6 Competition.

# SpeedIF07.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 7
tuid: sbtxacglhpr3dxnb
tuid: 14bs7ru8t0r4d60j
tuid: s3ufsiaj5rpmquts
tuid: c3kat8jmjgckx09v
tuid: jwwys4s6tap8ijtg
ifwiki: Sinking_the_Lily_Jane
ifwiki: Tanker_and_Webb
ifwiki: Tears_Keep_Getting_In_My_Dr._Pepper
ifwiki: The_Bloody_Mess
ifwiki: The_Oily_Deeps

Games entered in the SpeedIF 7 Competition.
All the games had to be written within 90
minutes, on the following premise:
"You're a stowaway on an oil tanker in the
North Atlantic.

# SpeedIF08.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 8
tuid: f2oyetp93zdpg4k4
tuid: 7h96z0tk66m5b0cy
tuid: h4uwyctp4rtlmo64
tuid: pw5icj8mnlqszk68
tuid: i0pm45fnkxt8totr
ifwiki: Pantsless_in_Seattle
ifwiki: A_Freak_Accident_Leaves_Seattle_Pantsless
ifwiki: A_Freak_Accident_Leaves_Seattle_Pantsless_III:_Endgame
ifwiki: I_Went_to_the_WTO_Ministerial_Conference
ifwiki: You_are_a_Chef!

Games entered in the SpeedIF 8 Competition.

# SpeedIF09.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 9
tuid: i5zsretaa91gqsw7
tuid: a3oyllfupt2l8lvi
ifwiki: Under_Cover_of_Darkness
ifwiki: LegBreaker_3k!

Games entered in the SpeedIF 9 Competition.

# SpeedIF10.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 10
tuid: f9sydfatib2kady1
tuid: 48h5xf5bnu6cn20g
tuid: lhhf1b0brec3wbg4
ifwiki: Freedom_(by_Berman)
ifwiki: Taxes

Games entered in the SpeedIF 10 Competition.

# SpeedIF10-9.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 10^-9
tuid: 1yog2s0zb1il24gi
tuid: 8mwv5zkvt4o3pl8e
tuid: b6fz0awms527hja0
ifwiki: Underground_Compound
ifwiki: Krakatoa_Tuna_Melt
ifwiki: The_Road_to_Destruction_(featuring_Bob_Hope)

Games entered in the SpeedIF 10^-9 Competition.

# SpeedIF11.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 11
tuid: pbb43k2b4z2mbz5x
tuid: 4b05hyk9ycbx2tc0
tuid: mv72u7es48wzw04s
tuid: 1zsxds2vm1vqg20a
tuid: qfy5yg9hsvjqsv86
tuid: an8l1mskve07ispa
ifwiki: EPISODE_2:_Revenge_of_the_Mutant_Spiders
ifwiki: Living_Room_(game)
ifwiki: SpeedIF_11,_part_six
ifwiki: Stairs_(game)
ifwiki: Fido_and_The_Dead_Body
ifwiki: Fun_and_Games

Games entered in the SpeedIF 11 Competition.

# SpeedIF12.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 12
tuid: 8b4m9vkft3qmuazd
tuid: mlngu7kjq3uvm1yy
tuid: 13k4dtxnuksufg8h
tuid: d47ggt0sp9qotqwd
ifwiki: Pantheon,_Party_On
ifwiki: A_scurvy_gift_for_Bosn_Chuck
ifwiki: The_Hose
ifwiki: Plaque

Games entered in the SpeedIF 12 Competition.

# SpeedIF13.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 13
tuid: k33sud8fhm0crwds
tuid: xwmvgjxla20hrkze
tuid: ovpw2r459umw15qc
tuid: 5wmixcr4p6m9w90o
tuid: hhd85eqt2bs0p7up
ifwiki: Garden_of_the_Dragon
ifwiki: Service_With_a_Smile
ifwiki: Elephants_and_the_Afterlife
ifwiki: Potsticker
ifwiki: Health_Inspector

Games entered in the SpeedIF 13 Competition.

# SpeedIF14.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 14
tuid: 2mbhpd08j9hjtkfh
tuid: 8gax2mzliangyo35
tuid: on4dniu7o3jdaj3j
tuid: 9n2ep3rbby520xjr
tuid: ztuq8vgplpgcmox6
ifwiki: The_Pumpkin_Context
ifwiki: The_Blair_Bee_Project
ifwiki: Hallowe'en_(game)
ifwiki: Death_Waif
ifwiki: Untitled_(worm)

Games entered in the SpeedIF 14 Competition.

# SpeedIF15.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 15
tuid: 2gtmtipbp4ubygtr
tuid: 755aehgukt6v8t80
tuid: oaskp9o0zwn56hql
tuid: v14iv84rqbwwiayc
tuid: ceu605apdq2utrq4
tuid: tcqyq1jxi1zl9exh
tuid: c0gb9dob40jnuz4t
tuid: c732j851vvxopz3s
tuid: x8e5w2bahwy5j22x
ifwiki: The_Relentless_Adventures_of_Captain_Speedo_Episode_14_-_Victim_of_the_Vacuum!
ifwiki: Assignment
ifwiki: Help!_My_Vacuum_Cleaner_Is_Broken!
ifwiki: The_Five_Tutors
ifwiki: Danger_School
ifwiki: Basket_of_Destiny
ifwiki: The_Unfortunate_Training_of_Frank_Lee,_Monkey_Butler_to_Be
ifwiki: Ralph_(by_Jones)
ifwiki: Weaving_a_Basket_(or_Something)

Games entered in the SpeedIF 15 Competition.

# SpeedIF16.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 16
tuid: ptgdgv61nhygqio1
tuid: ha328h0t4322r2kz
tuid: drcgmnc2ayb3bgtd
ifwiki: The_Last_Sonnet_of_Marie_Antoinette
ifwiki: Secret_Agent
ifwiki: The_Relentless_Adventures_of_Captain_Speedo_Episode_16_-_Let_them_"heat"_cake!

Games entered in the SpeedIF 16 Competition.

# SpeedIF17.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 17
tuid: qp0i457yr5v4t74k
tuid: cax9oo2leu5yw8bt
tuid: bn6ouxsb2dcpzw99
tuid: shpvofikzubh8o3b
tuid: wve169z977ih7o9f
tuid: e9vf72qxjk48rlat
ifwiki: Tooth_Ow_Zunden_Too
ifwiki: December_31,_2002
ifwiki: 2604
ifwiki: Untitled_(stupidgame)
ifwiki: Why_does_my_New_Year's_Eve_always_crash_and_burn?
ifwiki: A_Stroll_on_the_Roof

Games entered in the SpeedIF 17 Competition.

# SpeedIF18.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 18
tuid: 7l9a2sljit7vdo7f
tuid: wqknebimxd7u447p
tuid: e0fk84f68z5pw9rl
tuid: 4pte94z2fzfjv5ah
tuid: 3dffyc96swn7hjgo
ifwiki: Zymurgy
ifwiki: Fish_And_Spaceships
ifwiki: Glossary_(game)
ifwiki: Manna
ifwiki: The_Suffering_Supplicant

Games entered in the SpeedIF 18 Competition.

# SpeedIF19.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 19
tuid: rvgl3zto9wbo3pd0
tuid: 89jx8elud9uqilqj
tuid: xqg8xyjzdwgxgnvd
tuid: ad33fom6nxqqvfa3
tuid: wuw8ag487i3vr4dr
tuid: aunxx2vihq2isf1f
tuid: eu4wiii5kc01q54j
tuid: ak40klis5cy2erje
ifwiki: Falling_Angel
ifwiki: Dark_Soul
ifwiki: Untitled_(Hallway)
ifwiki: The_Angel_Curse
ifwiki: Upwards_and_Onwards
ifwiki: Cheer_Up
ifwiki: SpeedIF_19_(game)
ifwiki: 98769765

Games entered in the SpeedIF 19 Competition.

# SpeedIF20.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 20
tuid: f9l40w4tsbnkwply
tuid: v585s10uh18kkswb
tuid: sou1wyn2aay360e9
tuid: gu7s5f0e3yqlqrnb
tuid: j5f8bmtnd3cih7un
ifwiki: Oh_Miranda!
ifwiki: Llangollen_Rock_City
ifwiki: 21_Points
ifwiki: Sell-Out
ifwiki: Great_Zimbabwe

Games entered in the SpeedIF 20 Competition.

# SpeedIF_-1.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF -1
tuid: kqj9zdnubfmfu1cp
tuid: 59xa3rxg0lu5bo6e
tuid: 99hicyvv3hnaa1gs
tuid: 4hmgcwho6v19weyw
tuid: twwcuwa12h89djec
tuid: 271fmvmfdomv79ei
ifwiki: Literacy
ifwiki: Hank_Buzzcrack_Has_A_Job_To_Do,_God_Damn_It
ifwiki: Generic_Title
ifwiki: Discord
ifwiki: Screw_the_Boston_Tea_Party

Games entered in the SpeedIF -1 Competition.

# SpeedIF_18thAnniversary.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 18th Anniversary
tuid: s5o4sp68ytqotdwa
tuid: a8lmfdn2s385mxg

Games entered in the 18th Anniversary SpeedIF,
organized by David Cornelson:

- Far-Out Space Freaks, by J. Robinson Wheeler
- Interstellar Pizza Brigade, by Peregrine Wade

# SpeedIF_2000.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 2000
tuid: 7vced6ujtrekmoib
tuid: 7sr1v9vb9r4ansq5
tuid: krlb7jc547nsz40y
ifwiki: The_Great_Ritual
ifwiki: Diorama
ifwiki: The_Lion_in_Winter

Games entered in the SpeedIF 2000 Competition.

# SpeedIF_2001.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 2001
tuid: ld1l0p3sz2t46ywe
tuid: 7bptvi6o2p9de3li
tuid: dsvzan5uim8460bt
tuid: sufyz4k4tohxt73j
tuid: 2n6vrsmrn310mucc
tuid: 492lcn0sjg591szu
tuid: zahn0ux2vkkvnu45
tuid: bhipn1557th408kd
tuid: 0gsf65fa0ox4838v
ifwiki: Inspiration
ifwiki: Tall_Tales_in_the_Big_Easy
ifwiki: Tooth_Ow_Zunden_Won!
ifwiki: Battle_of_the_Planets
ifwiki: Moon_Over_Jupiter
ifwiki: The_Crouton_Caper
ifwiki: Infiltration_on_Io
ifwiki: Destiny_of_the_Chihuahua

Games entered in the SpeedIF 2001 Competition.

# SpeedIF_11A.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 11th Anniversary
tuidcomp: 2cwphzdshrnduxu0

Games entered in the Eleventh Anniversary SpeedIF

# SpeedIF_3A.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Third Anniversary
tuid: r1ydpbnko04kilj9
tuid: a62pc618qtrx9kpp
tuid: k0t3wq9f0o3awns9
tuid: ztxh0dxd609vg95h
ifwiki: The_Carthage_Corn_Maze
ifwiki: Leather
ifwiki: Finding_Henry
ifwiki: Leatherworld

Games entered in the Third Aniversary SpeedIF

# SpeedIF_5A.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF 5th Anniversary
tuid: or362l4tugg19ae2
tuid: lucpekxbt54t0loq
tuid: ua3ivof4tv28ephg
tuid: 2qq2xdnq8rrz59zx
tuid: 02npov4c6gxghlyu

Games entered in the Fifth Aniversary SpeedIF

# SpeedIF_Argonaut.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Argonaut
tuid: g4bppjzcsezfuwah
tuid: opn5cybh92j0599t
tuid: 1abt2lr5s834iwky
tuid: gr0f9vad94p0uyaw
ifwiki: ASCII_and_the_Argonauts:_Astral_Plane
ifwiki: Jason_finds_fleece
ifwiki: ASCII_and_the_Argonauts
ifwiki: The_Invisible_Argonaut

Games entered in the SpeedIF Argonaut

# SpeedIF_Autocrat.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Autocratic Fist
tuid: tb7j3ct61toznbjy
tuid: l29tpws3utzm65js
tuid: 85mcun0sz31q21ld

Games entered in the SpeedIF Autocratic Fist

# SpeedIF_Century.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Century
tuid: sl6aa8c5bs4vsxzb
tuid: l7zojsfo4lnp8wlo
tuid: 1qie1vk17usv2rkr
ifwiki: Yay_Games
ifwiki: Fade_to_Black
ifwiki: Mission_From_Short

Games entered in the SpeedIF Century
Competition, based on the XYZZY ceremonies.

# SpeedIF_Copyright.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Copyright
tuid: zkpn8rw1sr6hhy5i
tuid: rj1q360xkyejqemx
tuid: y1e8gfzr0w5ji4el
ifwiki: Sharing_All_The_Way_To_The_Bank
ifwiki: Pirates_of_the_Caribou

Games entered in the SpeedIF Copyright Competition.

# SpeedIF_CrinkleCut.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Crinkle-Cut
tuid: lt0mr9kswy38kty8
tuid: bw0obfyooi5s8e9f
tuid: smguzq2slc2oa1wa
tuid: h96reria59cunaa3
ifwiki: The_Travels_of_Fitzwilliam_Pound
ifwiki: Glacial_Rift_of_the_Dick_Cavett
ifwiki: Dining_With_the_Alien

Games entered in the SpeedIF Crinkle Cut

# SpeedIF_DNA.zip
ifwiki: DNA Tribute Speed-IF
tuid: 1fl6ni6b8yucamm0
tuid: gctnbl7y7rjbkvyu
tuid: n7qavgsmxn8pmnlx
tuid: sz8q7j4f02mm7qz4
tuid: gqgurglncygeh4jw
tuid: 381xbl4vr2tlyukg
tuid: npdcwwefdp105cfr
tuid: zg8p9khmmhtqwavu
ifwiki: How_Many_Roads_Must_A_Man_Walk_Down?
ifwiki: The_Sofa_At_The_End_Of_The_Universe
ifwiki: The_Death_of_Two_Great_Minds
ifwiki: Into_That_Good_Night
ifwiki: The_Relentless_Adventures_of_Captain_Speedo_Episode_42_-_So_Long,_and_Thanks_for_All_the_Books
ifwiki: Jeenin_Tonn-nx
ifwiki: A_Night_at_Milliways
ifwiki: Deadline,_or_Being_Douglas_Adams

Games entered in the Douglas Adams Tribute
SpeedIF Competition.

# SpeedIF_Destiny.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF of Destiny
tuid: 2xromutmokvujyiw
tuid: wqr7i8vjr8p1c28i

Games entered in the SpeedIF of Destiny

# SpeedIF_EXTREME.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF EXTREME
tuid: kzlwkkir4kp3it6d
tuid: d3g4ygvj01y24f23
tuid: pwq3ko5bv4mj2fj2
tuid: b1s1g450d4qmq6y8
tuid: bkc9ldw3ub4w9ofc
ifwiki: And_Then_is_Heard_no_More
ifwiki: Tightest
ifwiki: Romeo,_Juliet_and_the_Dog
ifwiki: Oth.
ifwiki: The_Weird_Sister

Games entered in the SpeedIF EXTREME

# SpeedIF_GE_20.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF GE 20
tuid: jv44vefxfo77yfep
tuid: fadlp5v4tx3pqczu
tuid: qiuxwq9hgtkwi15x
tuid: enwyyg6pugbcsdh6
ifwiki: Things

Games entered in the SpeedIF >= 20 Competition.

# SpeedIF_Gruff.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Gruff
tuid: ggdxsqyzos753507
tuid: cq4brf7veenvjfdx
tuid: o0szbgfo63ccuysn
ifwiki: This_is_the_game_that_I_wrote

Games entered in the SpeedIF Gruff Competition.

# SpeedIF_Halloween2002.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Halloween 2002
tuid: 063nxblhu07vizfx
tuid: xi8aor1wtcl7khje
tuid: ppdyrr4bcytc2boj
tuid: cm51y3d4iwcf8fuv
tuid: exkyy9h5x90n0poz
ifwiki: Yellow_Dog_Running
ifwiki: Losing_Your_Step
ifwiki: A_Gummi_Bear's_Night_Out
ifwiki: Rivkin
ifwiki: The_Old_Sherwood_Cemetary

Games entered in the SpeedIF Halloween 2002

# SpeedIF_IndigoNewLanguage.zip
ifwiki: Indigo New Language Speed-IF
tuid: mutbea3u0198gdxl
tuid: 8zgc8sq7gat6hzp1
tuid: pps1ho75c2rannke
tuid: d96xxb5mxq1udmzm
tuid: 2rm73rof6whfmy6
tuid: vva8s4r00b3zli59
tuid: cgns9eche7wuuiwb
tuid: 8x2tb7fivpi52f56
tuid: t83w2pv5komm12fx
tuid: 30avm9ouvb82lwjz
ifwiki: The Blue Death
ifwiki: The Cavity of Time
ifwiki: Haunted House
ifwiki: In Memory
ifwiki: IN-D-I-GO SOUL
ifwiki: Indigo
ifwiki: The Matter of the Monster
ifwiki: The Singular Adventure of the Indigo Violet
ifwiki: Painting the Rainbow
ifwiki: The Price

Games entered into Jacqueline Lott's Indigo New
Language Speed IF competition, in which entrants
had to write a game in a language they had not
used before.

# SpeedIF_Introcomp.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Introcomp
tuid: qtb5hu2huk1w96no
tuid: 1pasgsrjiit7fcid
tuid: myejb4ual3rfi9gj
tuid: i43ytbq9fvab8074
tuid: zmlwdgbkvii201q
tuid: z66uiemcszslw0sg
tuid: 3kb9mycmr3h4ztsk
ifwiki: AFGNCAAP_-_IF_Agent!_Todays_Adventure:_Holy_Goat!
ifwiki: Ze_French_countryside_is_full_of_fresh_air
ifwiki: Djibouti_Dirigible_Discombobulation
ifwiki: In_Search_of_Velocitas_fictus
ifwiki: Fætt_Tiw
ifwiki: Alcohol_solves_everything
ifwiki: The_Twelve_Heads_of_St._John_the_Baptist

Games entered in the SpeedIF Introcomp.

# SpeedIF_Jacket.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Jacket
tuid: e6vqb5qeu25czrq2
tuid: dt7tt5c1avba9oqo
tuid: r6b01060gcw6vrhn
tuid: zc6v3lovr4s6o30z
tuid: 1n277q8255ckj5xz
tuid: 574yp5ttl1jzfrf5
tuid: g5dnuooup5gvp7u0
ifwiki: A_Spliff_in_Time
ifwiki: The_Midsummer_Banquet
ifwiki: Shangri_La
ifwiki: The_Circus_of_Sadness
ifwiki: Soul-Searching
ifwiki: Toxic_Sewage_(A_(Love)_Story)
ifwiki: The_Count_of_Monte_Cristo

Games entered in the SpeedIF Jacket Competition.

# SpeedIF_Jacket_2.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Jacket 2
tuid: n1769lbr7bt016fa
tuid: vobqsvl1a2cxikmu
tuid: 6durptkxdbferhg4
tuid: 2sccnsskwtu3jn68
tuid: h1dpowqb07z7y0sr
tuid: w2so59lanzm9tgh4
tuid: x58egcac5q2uwrcw
tuid: 44bos8he8k1bsl5s
tuid: 8o4lnoya4kg6ud7h
tuid: l32mp18nbq23mbcb
tuid: 322cyez8rtuisx2v
tuid: l9aafzj5c16khn8c
ifwiki: The_Body
ifwiki: What_Dreams_May_Come
ifwiki: Pirates_and_Ninjas_and_Aliens,_Oh_My!
ifwiki: Being_The_Little_Guy
ifwiki: Ugly_Chapter
ifwiki: The_President,_the_Democrats,_and_Smelly_Pete
ifwiki: Vacationing_in_Scotland
ifwiki: Wormwood_Days_II:_The_Aftermath
ifwiki: Beyond_The_Blue_Event_Wall
ifwiki: Reality_Show
ifwiki: The_Tenyaka_Memorial_of_Vegreville

Games entered in the SpeedIF Jacket 2 Competition.

# SpeedIF_Jacket_3.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Jacket 3
tuid: 954nt43zwnyvgkbz
tuid: dkf7mx266v3znuhz
tuid: 6iryw3dde7jmvvu8

Games entered in the SpeedIF Jacket 3 Competition.

# SpeedIF_Jacket_4.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Jacket 4
tuid: 23412ve392nz3zpf
tuid: 8kekvt062lefgl2
tuid: t2fhbsa546g11hln
tuid: qdtzzfsauppodqap
tuid: 60nlqgh2iuawafoi
tuid: x4fyoyg69j6dbr2e
tuid: 98edv3t5g2ubu47
tuid: nlb5cxhdabfkn0zz
ifwiki: The_Forests_of_Lachryma
ifwiki: Moondarkling:_Elfboon
ifwiki: Love,_Hate_and_the_Mysterious_Ocean_Tower
ifwiki: Spectrum_(by_Sandel)
ifwiki: The_Dream-Trap_of_Zzar
ifwiki: Light_Of_My_Stomach
ifwiki: The_man-eating,_halitosic_gorilla_of_Brazil
ifwiki: Smoochiepoodle_and_the_Bastion_of_Science

Games entered in the SpeedIF Jacket 4 Competition:

- Moondarkling:Elfboon, by Sam Kabo Ashwell
- The Forests of Lachryma, by Roger Carbol
- Light of my Stomach, by David Fletcher
- The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil, by Marius Müller
- Mysterious Ocean Tower, by C.E.J. Pacian
- The Dream-Trap of Zzar, by S. John Ross
- Spectrum, by Colin Sandel
- Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion, by Carolyn VanEseltine

# SpeedIF_LMAN.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Let's Make A Nightmare
tuid: 3w1jrjvmk4f9gazy
tuid: fwc9pt95wnnxrraf
tuid: wlxcfeipjhtgpt8w

Games entered in the SpeedIF Let's Make A
Nightmare Competition.

# SpeedIF_Late.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Late
tuid: 3lz1s53eij17fi11
tuid: p21izscoaytbbq7z
tuid: kzb35z8hc5w51gcw
ifwiki: The_Canapés_of_Death
ifwiki: The_Lone_Star_Menáçe
ifwiki: Fish-Bot!

Games entered in the SpeedIF Late! Competition.

# SpeedIF_Neologism.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Neologism
tuid: izocnc9ta54msoej
tuid: 6ir7zgxp9337ttal
tuid: 42h356yel4occbjf
tuid: f6o3ur38czzrlfim
tuid: ki5pi6jdn5wvq2uq

Games entered in the SpeedIF Neologism

# SpeedIF_NewYear2007.zip
ifwiki: New Year's Speed
tuid: hpqjj4d36s6427ua
tuid: 6z25yl4e0xfoou38
tuid: v5t42htq1g9n5fxi
tuid: msi8ksprteqcu4wv

Games entered in the 2007 SpeedIF New Year's
Speed Competition.

# SpeedIF_NewYear2008.zip
ifwiki: New New Year's Speed IF
tuid: af5avho6z6u7hgnu
tuid: m6berjjxx1mei0ea
tuid: usdy3xjxvvk9t8yw
ifwiki: Leap_Time
ifwiki: The_Day_I_mauled_...
ifwiki: The_Escapist_(game)

Games entered in the 2008 SpeedIF New Year's
Speed Competition.

# SpeedIF_NewYear2009.zip
ifwiki: Newer New Year's Speed IF
tuid: gv75aryoisbln9bw
tuid: 509vwuo8k9fb63vi
ifwiki: The_Day_I_stabbed_...
ifwiki: Dulle_Griet_and_the_Antenorian_Icebox

Games entered in the 2009 SpeedIF New Year's
Speed Competition.

# SpeedIF_NewYear2013.zip
ifwiki: 7th annual New Year's Minicomp
tuidcomp: asjl337jnw4owqvm
tuid: c6orei162uuq1x3v
tuid: lyzt6jpjzbt87xr
tuid: irkfnb1qbuiek0fk
tuid: bwm5l6dqe3inefds
tuid: p5ad5gtzdlnuf2sq
ifwiki: The Day I came back
ifwiki: Faithful Companion
ifwiki: The Mundane Tale of the Morning After
ifwiki: Storm Over London
ifwiki: You Have to Put the Baby New Year in the Champagne Bottle

Games entered in the 7th annual SpeedIF
New Year's Speed Competition.

# SpeedIF_NewYear2014.zip
ifwiki: 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event
tuidcomp: iikt05ulxmeew4e5
tuid: sj5tq6paj6eogluj
tuid: 294k7xsn8de4qi2e
ifwiki: The Day of the Queen

Games entered in the 8th annual SpeedIF
New Year's Speed Competition.

# SpeedIF_O.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF O
tuid: zn4vo1bdjesa1ph0
tuid: xkbs28fxks78fjcu
tuid: 4qt2oryeon42t7z1
tuid: y82h0tvixm54283d
ifwiki: Practical_Astrology
ifwiki: Getting_to_know_the_General
ifwiki: Armario_De_Auga
ifwiki: Eschew_as_if_you_were_She
ifwiki: A_speedIF_O_entry

Games entered in the SpeedIF O Competition.

# SpeedIF_PAX_East_2010.zip
ifwiki: PAX Speed-IF
tuidcomp: x05ceq5mld7hfgf3
tuid: xvhyzcol9t0e9bx
tuid: s6uduk5gw5kru7gi
tuid: lftpihxay7siqg0g
tuid: kon1t0ie6ffzmjrw
tuid: rbz9kl3nhstq20p3
tuid: y49j52jxdi5b3nbn
tuid: 45bx8jg85ujj5g5q
tuid: eyatu2rvzjr14yj0
tuid: 8e1v6jfzud5exkjg
tuid: iu84n55jfm2q803
tuid: ud0ihoxc3jfstt50

Games entered in the SpeedIF event run by
David Cornelson at PAX East 2010 in Boston.

# SpeedIF_PAX_East_2011.zip
ifwiki: PAX East 2011 Speed-IF
tuidcomp: s1fv5jujmmo216hg
tuid: 2ilagc1c9xm9migo
tuid: 5iztuxwskbjiktqu
tuid: moqusle826dnpj0e
tuid: 6mncn610cyw5ig73
tuid: uyqf32uc3f6alrpp
tuid: bcfzgcptagp2p2zw
tuid: it44h0ftah562k9z
tuid: jd79rqenllnxny3
tuid: rpvhmln4tve5wmww
ifwiki: Merk_(game)
ifwiki: Digging_Time!
ifwiki: The_Right_Tool
ifwiki: Bored_Ladders
ifwiki: Delusions_Again
ifwiki: A_Scurvy_of_Wonders
ifwiki: Brain_of_the_Night_Guest
ifwiki: Vault_of_Hugo_II:_Electric_Boogaloo
ifwiki: A_Shadow_of_Helpfulman

Games entered in the SpeedIF event run by
David Cornelson at PAX East 2011 in Boston.

# SpeedIF_Orange.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Orange
tuid: 7h6o7vcranfncy52
tuid: fdspaurq4w5hhtwd
tuid: 3olpnfygoj5tfttf
ifwiki: Appallatron
ifwiki: Kiss_Chase
ifwiki: Descent_of_Man

Games entered in the SpeedIF Orange Competition.

# SpeedIF_PTAP.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax
tuid: ipe61nlesmkutn6y
tuid: p4g3v0e31gpk0cg0
tuid: af9uszi0e50k06mc
tuid: 01x9vn9a3qpcz07e
tuid: bl6ofv1g86vw2hgt
tuid: fwb597ih79a7w33a
tuid: t7sqpwsj4xtgrn35
tuid: kvz1qgaspmsn35zy
ifwiki: Squeaky_on_the_Moon
ifwiki: Peter_Theta_Fixes_the_Holodeck
ifwiki: The_Grade_3_Parallax
ifwiki: A_Parallax_Dream
ifwiki: The_Relentless_Adventures_of_Captain_Speedo_Episode_112_-_Alert_on_Aleph_V!
ifwiki: The_Theta_Point
ifwiki: Pick_Up_the_IF-Archive_and_Pi
ifwiki: The_Parallax_Moon_Bar_Conspiracy

Games entered in the Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax
SpeedIF Competition.

# SpeedIF_Penultimate.zip
ifwiki: The penultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF
tuidcomp: 9a0tl3svrg3txfle
tuid: ht6lb6z7qnklrv4q
tuid: pvhcdsvpf29gdr9s
tuid: g6h1glu4zeds6sec
tuid: hql7lozn6l9rmdhj
tuid: r6p8jra09jzg13t5
tuid: sb2ynig6ia3mx66o
tuid: w4pkrecmrf1wpyg2
tuid: y7gdf3671h662253
tuid: mziqfn78iaytu5uf
tuid: 8ff0n6c5kt5hcs7
tuid: ppsrh9i9i76zg186
tuid: gjvqzy2pjuwxru2
ifwiki: Danse_Nocturne
ifwiki: Ragnarok:_Twilight_of_the_Gods
ifwiki: Dash_Slapney,_Patrol_Leader
ifwiki: Three_More_Visitors
ifwiki: Mammoth_Vacuum_Button_of_Death
ifwiki: Party_Arty,_Man_of_La_Munchies
ifwiki: The_Silence_of_the_Gods
ifwiki: The_Day_I_saved_Elvis
ifwiki: Being_the_Ending_of_the_Beginning
ifwiki: Birth_of_Mind
ifwiki: Post-Christmas_Letdown
ifwiki: Stupid_Creek._Stupid_Christmas.

Games entered in the "2011 New Year's Speed IF -
The penultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF"

# SpeedIF_Potato_Peeler.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Potato Peeler
tuid: b1zu4mfrt4k0r6
tuid: wa5kt48vwbvi4jrg
tuid: pr8ihnu7390x8uqd

Games entered in the Speed-IF Potato Peeler event.

# SpeedIF_RaifSpam.zip
ifwiki: R*if spam Speed-IF
ifwiki: HTP

Game entered in the `R*IF` Spam SpeedIF Competition.

# SpeedIF_Scenario1.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Scenario 1
tuid: dqklf0b4j4m05960

Games entered in the SpeedIF Scenario 1

# SpeedIF_SchmeedIF.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Schmeed-IF
ifwiki: Floyd_(game)
tuid: b8y15ull1q1hdcme

Games entered in the SpeedIF SchmeedIF

# SpeedIF_Spring.zip
ifwiki: Spring Speed-IF 2008
tuid: 4ygzc9qcj6rxhh1

Games entered in the Spring SpeedIF Competition.
"Ah, spring. Flowers blossom, allergies resurface.
The world awakes, and so does Speed IF. Club Floyd,
consuming games insatiably, is looking for some
games. Your games should be short and enjoyable (of
course), and spring themed in any way you could
think of. Incorporation of resurrection would be
nice (though don't tell Marvin.) Please write in of
the common IF languages and keep out the fancy
stuff, as Floyd doesn't support it. Games should be
emailed to Taleslinger by March 29th. Please sign
if you want to participate. Games will be played on
Sunday, April 6th on Clubfloyd."

# SpeedIF_SpringTraining.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Spring Training
tuid: 5dpmk9zg8y71gaww
ifwiki: The_Hippo_and_the_Flute

Games entered in the SpeedIF Spring Training

# SpeedIF_TDNSIN.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF That Dare Not Speak Its Number
tuid: k4wgf9wqz1pk3fvu
tuid: 9bn7pkna93ct7r8s
tuid: 9wn0d2414996labv
tuid: k235may8cvejhgg2

Games entered in the SpeedIF That Dare Not Speak
Its Number Competition.

# SpeedIF_Thanksgiving.zip
ifwiki: Thanksgiving Speed-IF
tuidcomp: 21lor4q3acyzhef4
ifwiki: The_Crystal_Palace
ifwiki: To_Catch_A_Dragonfly
ifwiki: Dragon_Flies_Like_Labradorite
ifwiki: You_are_a_Turkey!
ifwiki: The_extraordinary_events_of_the_last_day_of_Professor_Mangleworth
ifwiki: Yours_is_the_Earth_and_everything_that's_in_it

Games entered in the SpeedIF Thanksgiving

# SpeedIF_ToasterComp_II.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF ToasterComp II
tuid: yal7mklv8lc4cglc
tuid: c61pczikwgn5cpyq
tuid: j233niwbwbcna8c0
tuid: sshanopxskbpccm4
ifwiki: The_Epitome_of_Toastlessness
ifwiki: A_Monkey_Stole_Your_Toast!
ifwiki: Need!_More!_Toast!
ifwiki: Samurai_Tea_Room

Games entered in the SpeedIF ToasterComp II

# SpeedIF_U.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF U
tuid: hx8538przft6g0uj
tuid: 9mhpwzpljyifgw5v
tuid: 39wyzsxaba5yeybi
ifwiki: Cheating_Death
ifwiki: Reality_Railroad
ifwiki: Death's_Scavenger_Hunt

Games entered in the SpeedIF U Competition.

# SpeedIF_Ultimate.zip
ifwiki: The ultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF
tuidcomp: xfhei8k92h80ssgm

Games entered in the "Ultimate not numbered
New Year's Speed IF" Competition: Disenchantment
Bay, by Jacqueline A Lott; Short of Sushi, by
Paul Stanley; Emma II, by David Fletcher; and
The Day I Died, by Marius Müller.

# SpeedIF_WON.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Without Number
tuidcomp: 5hio20rf1mxkon1e
tuid: u2uyjoccrl3awz2v
tuid: 7yiyxcnrlwejoffd
tuid: drsi3d1e0yz0nls0
tuid: 5c0aqpcpbe37c5yx
tuid: 9qbja52m0h9dnfsk
ifwiki: Another_Day,_Another_Sea_Monster
ifwiki: A_Day_for_Fresh_Sushi
ifwiki: Zumpf_and_Fumping
ifwiki: The_Lobster
ifwiki: Triumphant_Return_of_the_Evil_Sea_Grape

Games entered in the SpeedIF Without Number

# SpeedIF_XYZZY.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF XYZZY
tuid: jg21py29vp32f9uo
tuid: irzhe88d72p2ky06
tuid: bbywumouctsr5oku
tuid: mjuv7t96iuaz47vz
tuid: 7ig0kv8t4mdidt1n
ifwiki: A_Night_At_The_XYZZYies
ifwiki: Tragedy_strikes_at_the_XYZZY_awards!
ifwiki: Behold!
ifwiki: Doom,_Death,_Destruction_and_All_That
ifwiki: Zig-zy

Games entered in the SpeedIF XYZZY Competition.

# SpeedIF_Y.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Y
tuid: akz0ydrzpp4pp1ag
tuid: 71k08wjqtltl03gn
tuid: v3fbrr6q0jb4o12l
tuid: ip5icl7u62xc7tjr
tuid: qpd3rf8p0memzoil
tuid: bup6t8xr4inqhb67
ifwiki: Pants_on_the_Run
ifwiki: Flexible_Pants
ifwiki: Banana_Apocalypse_and_the_Rocket_Pants_of_Destiny
ifwiki: Triple_Bear_Beer
ifwiki: Bears,_Bears,_Bears
ifwiki: Barton

Games entered in the SpeedIF Y Competition.

# SpeedIF_YIs1OverX.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF y=1/x
tuid: f9lgeek9vcyivh5r
tuid: vkq2m2wnpza4u08v
tuid: j768t3mb3xikxh2b
tuid: 7c7iuhyg0mb49gs0
ifwiki: Apocolyptica
ifwiki: Captain_Speedo_-_The_New_Generation_SERIES_PREMIERE_:_Missed_by_a_hair_-_but_not_forgotten!
ifwiki: A_Perfect_Day_for_Candiru

Games entered in the SpeedIF y=1/x Competition.

# SpeedIF_Zombie.zip
ifwiki: Speed-IF Zombie
tuid: 3tnulswz4pu7r5qr

Games entered in the SpeedIF Zombie Competition.

# bouchercomp.zip
ifwiki: Bouchercomp
tuid: ms67a2hds1t2swti
tuid: 5meth6b5imxzleu
tuid: casmrq2x2yct71m0
tuid: v07htx7abi08hb73
tuid: d8t6uzsd8hjov2ag
tuid: czai0qjnsjffx5c1
ifwiki: The_Wide-Open_Gate
ifwiki: Seeking_Solace
ifwiki: Escape_from_Lowell_Prison
ifwiki: Lowell's_Paradise
ifwiki: Pick_up_the_pine_box_and_die
ifwiki: Lowell_Prison

Games entered in the bouchercomp SpeedIF Competition.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
Index2024-03-27 21:36 27K
SpeedIF_Potato_Peeler.zip2017-07-08 21:22 628K
SpeedIF_PAX_East_2010.zip2016-11-03 09:05 1.1M
SpeedIF_18thAnniversary.zip2016-10-17 15:02 380K
SpeedIF_PAX_East_2011.zip2016-06-12 20:17 964K
SpeedIF_Ultimate.zip2016-02-29 15:43 847K
SpeedIF_NewYear2014.zip2015-01-29 08:41 1.0M
SpeedIF_NewYear2013.zip2014-01-05 21:09 574K
SpeedIF_Penultimate.zip2012-01-09 20:14 1.4M
SpeedIF_IndigoNewLanguage.zip2011-12-06 04:44 3.4M
SpeedIF_Thanksgiving.zip2011-11-27 23:41 1.1M
SpeedIF_Jacket_4.zip2011-04-17 05:06 1.0M
SpeedIF_NewYear2009.zip2010-04-05 14:01 173K
SpeedIF_RaifSpam.zip2010-04-05 14:00 72K
SpeedIF_11A.zip2010-04-05 13:58 729K
SpeedIF_CrinkleCut.zip2009-04-21 07:31 276K
SpeedIF_NewYear2008.zip2008-12-28 22:15 258K
bouchercomp.zip2008-06-09 05:52 679K
SpeedIF_Spring.zip2008-04-08 17:37 385K
SpeedIF_NewYear2007.zip2007-12-31 00:58 326K
SpeedIF_Introcomp.zip2007-09-04 02:55 672K
SpeedIF_Copyright.zip2006-11-03 07:38 126K
SpeedIF_Neologism.zip2006-05-25 20:43 399K
SpeedIF_Gruff.zip2006-05-25 20:40 173K
SpeedIF_Zombie.zip2005-11-18 21:29 37K
SpeedIF_Jacket_3.zip2005-11-18 21:29 136K
SpeedIF_TDNSIN.zip2005-01-28 22:53 153K
SpeedIF_Scenario1.zip2005-01-28 22:52 34K
SpeedIF_GE_20.zip2005-01-28 22:52 106K
SpeedIF_Century.zip2005-01-28 22:51 103K
SpeedIF_Autocrat.zip2005-01-28 22:50 108K
SpeedIF_LMAN.zip2004-01-28 03:53 626K
SpeedIF_U.zip2004-01-25 14:06 199K
SpeedIF_Jacket_2.zip2004-01-25 14:04 569K
SpeedIF_Destiny.zip2004-01-25 14:02 191K
SpeedIF20.zip2004-01-25 13:59 466K
SpeedIF_5A.zip2004-01-23 17:54 320K
SpeedIF_ToasterComp_II.zip2003-05-30 15:26 142K
SpeedIF_Late.zip2003-05-24 21:17 211K
SpeedIF_Halloween2002.zip2003-03-30 23:40 178K
SpeedIF_Argonaut.zip2003-03-30 23:39 113K
SpeedIF19.zip2003-03-30 23:38 304K
SpeedIF10-9.zip2003-03-30 23:36 109K
SpeedIF_YIs1OverX.zip2002-08-16 12:40 171K
SpeedIF_SpringTraining.zip2002-08-16 12:39 31K
SpeedIF_Orange.zip2002-08-16 12:39 99K
SpeedIF_Jacket.zip2002-08-16 12:39 316K
SpeedIF_EXTREME.zip2002-08-16 12:37 166K
SpeedIF18.zip2002-08-16 12:35 167K
SpeedIF_O.zip2002-01-21 19:51 134K
SpeedIF17.zip2001-11-21 02:06 205K
SpeedIF16.zip2001-11-21 02:06 97K
SpeedIF15.zip2001-11-21 02:06 300K
SpeedIF_-1.zip2001-11-21 02:06 284K
SpeedIF_Y.zip2001-11-21 02:05 225K
SpeedIF_XYZZY.zip2001-11-21 02:04 167K
SpeedIF_WON.zip2001-11-21 02:04 167K
SpeedIF_SchmeedIF.zip2001-11-21 02:04 33K
SpeedIF_PTAP.zip2001-11-21 02:04 317K
SpeedIF_DNA.zip2001-11-21 02:04 286K
SpeedIF_3A.zip2001-11-21 02:03 119K
SpeedIF14.zip2001-01-22 03:59 172K
SpeedIF_2001.zip2001-01-22 03:57 317K
SpeedIF13.zip2000-07-30 04:00 219K
SpeedIF10.zip2000-07-30 04:00 114K
SpeedIF12.zip2000-07-12 04:00 165K
SpeedIF_2000.zip2000-06-16 04:00 114K
SpeedIF11.zip2000-06-16 04:00 194K
SpeedIF09.zip2000-06-16 04:00 58K
SpeedIF08.zip2000-06-16 04:00 149K
SpeedIF07.zip2000-06-16 04:00 181K
SpeedIF06.zip2000-06-16 04:00 221K
SpeedIF05.zip2000-06-16 04:00 236K
SpeedIF05.5.zip2000-06-16 04:00 270K
SpeedIF04.zip2000-06-16 04:00 488K
SpeedIF03.zip2000-06-16 04:00 151K
SpeedIF02.zip2000-06-16 04:00 122K
SpeedIF01.zip2000-06-16 04:00 29K
SpeedApocalypse.zip2000-06-16 04:00 45K

The IF Archive is a public service of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.

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