SpeedIF Spring Training


SpeedIF Spring Training (2002-03-01) [4c] [Baf's]

The solution below is by David Welbourn and is based on the specified release or version of the game (which in this case, was not specified). See also the SpeedIF pages at FourCoffees and Baf’s Guide.

The Hippo and the Flute

>about. take backpack. x backpack. x toolkit.

>x flute. take flute. play flute.

>x hippo. (the hippo is curious, at first)

>play flute. 2. talk to hippo. 1. talk to hippo. 2. talk to hippo. 3.

>play flute. 4. (the hippo is now angry. Don't continue playing the brash music; if the hippo gets too angry, he'll kill you.)

>talk to hippo. 2. (the hippo tells his story.)

>play flute. 1. (the hippo is now sad.)

>talk to hippo. 3. (the hippo allows you to tell your story and cheers up.)

>play flute. 1. (now the hippo acts crazy.)

>play flute. 2.

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