The entries to the 22nd Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2016). (As they stood when voting closed.)
16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds, by Abigail Corfman. Twine.
500 Apocalypses, by Phantom Williams. Twine.
A Time of Tungsten, by Devin Raposo. Twine. (relies on external resources; a version including sounds is at games/twine/
Aether Apeiron: The Zephyra Chronicles, Book I: The Departure, Part I: Prelude to Our Final Days on Kyzikos, by Hippodamus & Company. Twine.
All I Do is Dream, by Megan Stevens. Twine.
Ariadne in Aeaea, by Víctor Ojuel. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 160928. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is in games/glulx/Ariadne_in_Aeaea.gblorb)
Black Rock City, by Jim Munroe. Texture.
Cactus Blue Motel, by Astrid Dalmady. Twine.
Cinnamon Tea, by Daffs O'Dill. Twine.
Color the Truth, a variegated verity by Brian Rushton. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 160923. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/glulx/Color the Truth.gblorb)
Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 2: Journey to Hell, by Marco Vallarino. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 161001. Story file and walkthrough.
Detectiveland, by Robin Johnson. HTML. Game and walkthrough.
Eight characters, a number, and a happy ending, by K.G. Orphanides. Quest. (game not included; link to play online or download, and walkthrough)
Evermore, by Adam Whybray and Edgar Allan Poe. Twine.
Fair, an extra-curricular activity by Hanon Ondricek. Glulx. Release 2 / Serial number 161113. Story file, feelie, and spoilers. (a newer version is in games/glulx/
Fallen 落葉 Leaves, by Adam Bredenberg and Danial Mohammed Khan-Yousufzai. Twine.
Hill Ridge Lost & Found, by Jeremy Pflasterer. TADS 3. Version 1.15. Story file and walkthrough.
How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors, by Brian Kwak. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161003. Story file and walkthrough.
Inside the Facility, by Arthur DiBianca. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 160925. Story file, map template, and walkthrough.
Labyrinth of Loci, by anbrewk. Unity. Windows executable (Intel 32-bit).
Letters, by Madison Evans. Twine.
Manlandia, by Rob Chateau. Twine.
Mirror and Queen, a reflection by Chandler Groover. Glulx. Release 3 / Serial number 161113.
Moonland, by BillyJaden. Twine.
Night House, by Bitter Karella. Quest. Story file, link to play online, and walkthrough.
Not Another Hero, by Cecilia Rosewood. ChoiceScript.
Pogoman GO!, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman. Glulx. Release 15 / Serial number 161004. Story file, maps/diagrams, help, and walkthrough.
Quest for the Traitor Saint, by Owlor. Twine.
Riot, by Taylor Johnson. Twine.
Rite of Passage, by Arno von Borries. Twine. Version 1.1.
SCREW YOU, BEAR DAD!, by Xalavier Nelson Jr. Twine.
Sigil Reader (Field), by verityvirtue. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161007. Story file and walkthrough.
Slicker City, Bit Two of the Alec Smart saga, by Andrew Schultz. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 161114. Story file, map, hints, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code.
Snake's Game, by Nahian Nasir. Inklewriter. (game not included; redirect to play online)
Steam and Sacrilege, by Phil McGrail. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161007. Story file and walkthrough.
Stone Harbor, by Liza Daly. Windrift.
Stuff and Nonsense, by Felicity Banks. Twine.
TAKE: one joke, until expiration, by Katherine Morayati (as Amelia Pinnolla). Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161012. Story file and notes.
Take Over the World - or at least Cleveland, by Marie L. Vibbert. Twine.
Tentaculon, by Ned Vole. Twine.
Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat, by Andrew Brown. Twine.
The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT!, an intergalactic strategy card game by Ade McT. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161011.
The God Device, by Andy Joel. Twine.
The Little Lifeform That Could, by Fade Manley. ChoiceScript.
The Mouse, by Norbez. Twine.
The Queen's Menagerie, by Chandler Groover. Texture.
The Shoe Dept., by Aquanet. Game and walkthrough.
The Skull Embroidery, by Jeron Paraiso. Ruby. Executables for Windows (Intel 32-bit), Mac OS X (Intel 64-bit), and Linux (Ruby gem), and hints/installation notes.
The Skyscraper and the Scar, by Diego Freire and Ruber Eaglenest. Twine.
Theatre People, by Michael Kielstra. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 160922.
This is My Memory of First Heartbreak, Which I Can't Quite Piece Back Together, by Jenny Goldstick (story, art, and UX design) and Stephen Betts and Owen Roberts (development). (game not included; link to play online, and walkthrough)
To The Wolves, by Els White. Twine.
Toiletworld: World Of Toilets, by Chet Rocketfrak. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 161009.
Ventilator, by Peregrine Wade. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 161020.
Yes, my mother is..., by Skarn. Twine. Game and walkthrough.
You are standing in a cave..., by Caroline Berg. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 160926. (the forum thread that inspired this game is at solutions/YouAreStandingInACaveWalkthrough.docx)
Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus, by Marco Vallarino. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 161005. Story file and walkthrough.
All of the entries in the 2016 competition in one package, as released at the start of the competition.
Notes on these files from the organizer, Jason McIntosh.