This directory contains older versions of the Inform 6 Library, which may be of use in compiling source code written for older versions of Inform 6.
Note that Library 6/2 is the last release which can be used to create V3 games.
The Inform 6.12.1 library (June 2016).
The Inform 6.12.2 library (June 2018).
The Inform 6.12.3 library (March 2019).
The Inform 6.12.4 library (July 2020).
The Inform 6.12.5 library (June 2021).
The Inform 6.12.6 library (February 2022).
The Inform 6/1 libraries (April 1996), tarred and gzipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/10 libraries (November 1999), zipped into a single file.
Bi-platform (Glulx and Z-code) version of the Inform 6/10 library, by Andrew Plotkin.
The Inform 6/11 libraries (April 2004), zipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/2 libraries (September 1996), tarred and gzipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/3 libraries (December 1996), zipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/4 libraries (January 1997), tarred and gzipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/5 libraries (April 1997), zipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/6 libraries (August 1997), zipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/7 libraries (September 1997), tarred and gzipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/8 libraries (December 1998), zipped into a single file.
The Inform 6/9 libraries (April 1999), zipped into a single file.