HOTEL HELL - USER'S MANUAL: INTRODUCTION It's winter out at the hotel. You're the caretaker and are responsible for keeping the hotel and surrounding grounds clean and tidy. Throughout the whole period of your employment with the hotel you have never experienced a winter as bad as this. The whole place has been completely covered with a thick blanket of snow; so bad that the entire hotel staff and occupants have left the hotel for the winter. As usual, you've been given the short end of the stick, and have been asked to stay behind, to perform your duties. Fine, not a problem, you told yourself....until the strange occurences started; objects started moving, things came to life. It all started when you were in the lounge, and glanced up at the clock - you heard an eerie laugh somewhere from below, and the clock suddenly stopped. Then, there was silence. Starting to feel scared, all on your own in the middle of nowhere, you decide that the safest thing to do would be to try and escape, before you fall victim to the horrors of the hotel. Hotel Hell; Not a nice place to die. YOUR GOAL Your goal is simple; get out of the place as quick as possible..... alive. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Insert your "HOTEL HELL" disk label face up into the disk drive. Type: LOAD "*",8,1 and press the RETURN key. Hotel Hell will load automatically. Press any key to bypass the graphic title screen. When prompted to do so, insert side 2 of the game and press any key to continue. MOVEMENT To wander around the hotel and its surrounding gardens you must tell the computer in which direction you wish to travel. It understands the four compass points: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, as well as UP and DOWN, which can be abbreviated to N, S, E, W, U and D. ACTIONS Hotel Hell allows you to use many and various commands. The simplest form of command consists of a verb (eg. GET) and a noun (eg. KEY). Therefore: GET KEY will pick up the key (if it is present). If any other objects are present the computer will ask you if you would like to pick these up as well. Adjectives and prepositions may also be used in your sentences, as long as they are kept between the verb and the noun. For example, Hotel Hell will understand the following (all will be treated as the same action): OPEN TOOLBOX OPEN BLUE TOOLBOX OPEN THE TOOLBOX OPEN THE BLUE TOOLBOX SPECIAL COMMANDS There are a few special commands which will aid you in your escape from the horrors of the hotel: INVENTORY: This gives you a list of all the objects that you are carrying or wearing. Note that you can only carry up to a maximum of 5 items. The computer will tell you that you have reached your limit if you attempt to pick up more than 5 items. Inventory may be abbreviated to simply "I". SCORE: This displays the number of turns that you have taken, as well as your current score out of the maximum score possible (100). Your current score and turns taken are displayed as part of the status line at the top of the screen. Score may be abbreviated to "T". VERBOSE: In verbose mode, room descriptions are given when you enter a room for the first time and, thereafter, the room name is only shown in the status line. The default mode setting is verbose. BRIEF: In brief mode, room descriptions are not given. You will only get the room description if you request it by typing LOOK, rather than automatically when you enter the room. GRAPHICS/PICTURES: In graphics mode, graphics are displayed the first time you enter a room containing a picture. After viewing the picture you will not see it again in the same session of playing Hotel Hell. This is so that the repetitive loading of a picture will not detract from gameplay. TEXT/WORDS: In text mode, graphics will not be loaded or displayed at all. Use this command to turn the graphics completely off. DRAW/DISPLAY: This shows the last graphic screen loaded. LOAD/RESTORE: This command allows you to restore a previously saved game. You did save the game before you picked up the landmine, didn't you? SAVE: This command save allows you to save your current position to disk. Saving is strongly advised before attempting something dangerous. Hotel Hell will save directly to the game disk, so you will not need to change disks. WAIT: This will leave you waiting for ten moves. Who knows what might happen in ten moves? HELP/HINT/CLUE: If you're stuck, information on how to receive help. LOOK/L/REDESCRIBE/R: This command will redescribe the current location (only if in verbose mode) and also display the list of any objects present. QUIT: Have you had enough? This command will end your current game. PAUSE: As several puzzles are timed, this command will allow you to pause the game to decide your next move. CREDITS/VERSION: This command displays the full credits and copyright notices. TEXT SCREEN LAYOUT The text display is divided into two sections. The top line displays your status. Reading from left to right the information is: CURRENT ROOM NAME SCORE / MOVES TAKEN A SPECIAL NOTE ON TEXT The computer will often need to refer to the disk to read in room descriptions. If you would like to pause text loading, then press any key (except Run/Stop). The text should pause. Pressing any key again will resume loading. If you would like to terminate text loading from disk, then press the RUN/STOP key once during the middle of a paragraph. Loading should terminate, taking you straight back to the game. HOTEL HELL Programmed by: Mario Moeller Designed by: Mario Moeller Written in 100% machine code Features digitized graphics Hotel Hell Copyright (c) 1991 Mario Moeller User's Guide (c) 1991 Mario Moeller