(For best results, use landscape orientation and a Courier font when printing.) # = normal block (stacked indicates walls) _ = pit w = water v = spikes * = crumbling ground I = ice S = Sylenius (start) C = creature E = end of level (boss) ^ = "Continue" pointer (game picks up here when you lose a life) Level 1: C ## # vvvv S # C # # C C C C C # ## C# C CC ###################_###__###wwwwwwwww#############__#######E ^ Level 2: # vvvv # ## vvvvv S ### # # # ## # ## # ##################www#wwww__ww##########www###_########*****##_#__###wwwww#E ^ Level 3: ### ### # # vvvv # # # ### ####### # # # # # # ###__#######_##***#__######_#__wwwIIII_III_II__II_I__I__II#I__IIIIII__#__I_****__I_IwwwwIII___I#IIE ^ ^ Level 4: ### # vvvvvv # #### v ## ## ###### ## #### ******___###################ww_w__ww_w__IIIIII___I_____#___*_*_*__*__*___*___*######__###*#___####____#E ^