"Indistinguishable" by Prismatik Abouting is an action out of world. Understand "about" or "help" or "credits" as abouting. The release number is 2. Carry out abouting: say "Clarke's 3rd law. Commands: E, W, Z" Rule for printing a parser error when player is not offstage: say "The only commands needed are E, W, and WAIT. LOOK works as well, as do SAVE/RESTORE, but they aren't necessary." When play begins: say "A zoo with three exhibits? This will be quick." Use verbose room descriptions. The Aviary is a room. Instead of examining an undescribed object: say "This isn't that kind of game. Just relax and take a walk, or wait around." West of the Aviary is the Insect Room. East of the Aviary is the Feline Room. East of the Feline Room is the Insect Room. FantasyCounter is a number that varies. FantasyCounter is 5. [1,2,3,4, 5 is neutral, 6 , 7 ,8 ,9=1] Before going east from Feline Room: now FantasyCounter is FantasyCounter plus one; if FantasyCounter is 9: now FantasyCounter is 1; Before going west from Insect Room: now FantasyCounter is FantasyCounter minus one; if FantasyCounter is 0: now FantasyCounter is 8; Table of RoomDescs FantasyNum InsectDesc AviaryDesc FelineDesc 1 "All around you is chaos and madness. Insects burst into being and disappear with loud bangs. Grotesque flowers swell up and disappear in an instant." "You are in an endless world of air with nothing solid in sight except for the doors floating near you. Wind pushes you about and responds intuitively to your thoughts and feelings." "These dark caverns are filled with the distant crys and howls of cats victorious in the hunt. Gems embedded in the walls reveal the dreams of all cats, and you can't help but look." 2 "A transparent bubble surrounds you as you float through a field of identical flower clones." "Genetic experiments have produced a vast and twisted forest. Your personal jet pack takes you from one end to another with ease." "Hedron-pairing topology actuators have linked all sides of this cubic room, creating an infinite 3-dimensional grid for the cats to leap around in. You see little copies of yourself reflected everywhere throughout the non-simply connected spacetime." 3 "A suspended walkway leads from one end of the room to another. To either side are row upon row of gleaming metal boxes with transparent aluminum windows looking in." "Holographic trees are on display here, projected over duranium pillars with suitable roosts. Recorded jungle noises play throughout the room." "This room contains a path leading right through and around the feline's sleeping, eating, and drinking spaces. They say its protected by an invisible forcefield, but it's difficult to tell if they're correct." 4 "This technologically advanced insect room is lush and full of vegetation. Water trickles from chrome spouts in the ceiling and a carbon fiber net protects the walkway from various bugs and critter." "This gleaming aviary is outfitted with the latest in translucent solar roofing and custom polymer-made rocks." "The future is now. Photoreactive filters provide the perfect lighting in this room, and a selection of titanium alloy bars and poles provide entertainment for the cats." 5 "The insect room is lush and full of vegetation. Water trickles down from the ceiling and a net protects the walkway from the various bugs and critters." "The aviary is tall and roofed with glass. A variety of trees and outcroppings are sprinkled throughout." "A large rock is in the middle of the room, with little caves and a waterfall." 6 "This room feels enchanted somehow. The sun beaming through the natural skylights illuminates the drifting seeds and pollen. You could swear you saw a fairy flitting from flower to flower, but it's hard to tell." "Interesting. The walls here are made of braided branches and vines, and the trees are tall and powerful." "The walls of the feline cave entrance in this room are scored with deep, deep gouges. What is powerful enough to make those?" 7 "A stream floats hapharzadly in mid-air here, and you can hear the flowers whispering and giggling to each other." "This aviary is filled with walking trees, bowing and discussing with each other in thin, reedy voices, and completely ignoring the birds settled on their branches and roots." "A gentle rock giant holds out a hand here and there, allowing the cats to leap from palm to shoulder and head and back again." 8 "Giant crystals send a deep but pleasant thrum throughout the room. Pollen grows on the surface of the crystals only to be consumed by the insects." "You find yourself between two portals standing on a high mountainous crag. Far below you are the clouds of the sky giants, with castles and villages and ruins." "This room is the interior of a tower filled with moving paintings of cats. There are no stairs or floors above you, only beams and posts. You notice some of the cats are wearing wizard robes." The description of the Insect Room is the "[InsectDesc in row FantasyCounter of The Table of RoomDescs] Exits are to the east and west." The description of the Aviary is the "[AviaryDesc in row FantasyCounter of The Table of RoomDescs] Exits are to the east and west." The description of the Feline Room is "[FelineDesc in row FantasyCounter of The Table of RoomDescs] Exits are to the east and west." DayTime is a number that varies. DayTime is 0. Every turn: now Daytime is Daytime plus one; if Daytime is 6: now Daytime is 0; Every turn when Daytime is 0: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message0 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message0 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message0 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is dawn."; Every turn when Daytime is 1: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message1 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message1 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message1 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is noon."; Every turn when Daytime is 2: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message2 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message2 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message2 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is the afternoon."; Every turn when Daytime is 3: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message3 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message3 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message3 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is evening."; Every turn when Daytime is 4: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message4 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message4 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message4 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is the first watch of the night."; Every turn when Daytime is 5: if the player is in Insect Room: say "[message5 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of insectText]"; if the player is in Aviary: say "[message5 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of avianText]"; if the player is in Feline Room: say "[message5 in row FantasyCounter of the Table of felineText]"; say "[paragraph break]It is the second watch of the night."; [dawn dullnoon butterfliesafternoon butterfliesevening firefliesfirst watch beetlessecond watch beetles] Table of insectText FantasyNum message0 message1 message2 message3 message4 message5 1 "The insect room is loud in the morning light. Too much is happening." "A butterfly the size of a house screams through the air towards you before exploding in a shower of goo." "Butterflies are spawning out of nectar and demanifesting into more nectar." "The fireflies are out. They blink in and out of sight and you blink in and out of existence." "The beetles are flying loudly, drowning out the voice of creation." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark. Dead worlds and burnt-out stars are devoured and repurposed." 2 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Nothing much is happening, except for new clones being deposited by drone." "The mecha-butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the path. They beat their foil wings in unison." "The butterflies harvest all the nectar simultaneously, depositing it in the special nectar tubes in the floor." "The fireflies are out. They blink in and out of sight, bathing the room in Cherenkov radiation." "The beetles are flying loudly and firing missiles at each other. The debris covers your skin no matter how frequently you wipe it off." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark, eating the cast-off clones from tomorrow. The beetles then decompose into the soil." 3 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Nothing much is happening, except that some of the boxes appear to be have burst open from the inside." "The butterflies are active now, fluttering close to the front of their boxes. You look down and see a million laser pointers aimed at your heart." "The butterflies are fed nectar from their feeding tubes." "The fireflies are awake in their boxes. They beep in morse code at each other." "The beetles are flying loudly, hovering in the middle of their boxes. A blue light pulses like a heartbeat in time with their wings." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark. Occasionally one explodes, releasing dozens of nanobeetles. These are harvested by tube and distributed to new cubes." 4 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Nothing much is happening, except for the blinking red light on a sleeping caterpillar." "The butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the net. You can hear a modem dialing from inside of one of them." "The butterflies are gathering nectar. The nectar is phosphorescent." "The fireflies are out. They blink in and out of sight in the dark in red, green and blue." "The beetles are flying loudly, buzzing like tesla coils." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark. One has malfunctioned, sparks shooting out of its rear." 5 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Not much is happening." "The butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the net." "The butterflies are gathering nectar." "The fireflies are out. They blink in and out of sight in the dark." "The beetles are flying loudly." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark." 6 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Not much is happening, except for the occasional quiet laughter." "The butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the net. One has a rider, but its too small to see." "The butterflies are gathering nectar. Tinkering voices and splashes can be heard from inside the flowers." "The fireflies are out. They blink in and out of sight in the dark. Other lights don't blink out, but move swiftly around the room." "The beetles are flying loudly, covering up the sound of jousting with tiny lances." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark while quiet voices reassure them and cluck at them." 7 "The insect room is quiet in the morning light. Not much is happening, except for a hushed argument between two daisies." "The butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the path. The shadow of their wings blots out the sun, and the wind they make makes it hard to move." "The butterflies are gathering nectar. Their ambassador is negotiating with the Lily Empire." "The fireflies are out. A few flowers send out tendrils to gather them into lampposts, feeding them for their labor." "The beetles are flying loudly. The flowers hush them." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark at the flower cemetery." 8 "The insect room is mostly quiet in the morning light. Not much is happening, except for the occasional crack of electricity from the crystals." "The butterflies are out now, fluttering close to the path. They're holding spears. They're watching you closely. No one's saying anything." "The butterflies are gathering nectar while the taxfly gathers from the butterflies." "The fireflies are out. They suck in electricity from the crystals and have lightning battles with each other. Your hair stands on end." "The beetles are flying loudly, their massive wings swinging like windmills." "The beetles are munching contentedly in the dark, engorging themselves on the crystal's bounty. The largest beetle could crush a city." Table of avianText FantasyNum message0 message1 message2 message3 message4 message5 1 "A bird-shaped swell of sound comes towards you and over you, filling your ears with blackbird song." "Robins peck at floating, globular plants which release bursts of seeds." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls borne on the wind." "The aviary is eerily silent. You are in the hollow of a spherical hurricane." "Owls are hooting in the darkness, offering their secrets for a price." "Owls are swooping down, hunting for desperate souls to bargain with." 2 "Human voices shouting 'Blackbird! Blackbird!' come from every corner." "A robin-hydra with seven beaks peaks at mounds of seed." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls. You realize they’re coming from an egg on the ground." "The aviary is eerily silent. Something is hunting." "Owlbats are hooting in the darkness, using echolocation to find their vagile homes." "Flying rats are swooping down, hunting burrowing owls." 3 "Elaborate choral pieces written in blackbird notes play throughout the room." "Holographic robins peck at holographic seed." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls." "The aviary is eerily silent. The software is updating." "Owls are hooting in the darkness to a sick techno beat." "Owls are swooping down, hunting prey. One is stuck in a loop due to a glitch in the program." 4 "Blackbird chirps are piped through the speaker systems in the trees." "The robins are pecking at their pneumatically delivered seed." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls from the display screens." "The aviary is eerily silent. There seems to be a malfunction in the sound system." "Owls are hooting in the darkness, changing the room temperature with voice commands." "Owls are swooping down, hunting remote-controlled cars covered in meat." 5 "The blackbirds are chirping in the trees." "The robins are pecking at their seed." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls." "The aviary is eerily silent." "Owls are hooting in the darkness." "Owls are swooping down, hunting prey." 6 "The blackbirds are chirping in the trees. Their voices seem deeper than you remember." "The robins are pecking at seed that is scattered from above by the wind, or by an invisible hand" "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls. One sounds near your head, but you see nothing." "The aviary is eerily silent, except for rustling plants. There is no wind." "Owls are hooting in the darkness. They’re singing a lullaby your mother once sang to youz." "Owls are swooping down, hunting prey. The trees part for them as they fly." 7 "The blackbirds are chirping in the trees, who keep trying to shush them." "The robins are pecking at their seed. A few of the trees ruffle their feathers good-naturedly." "You don’t see any birds, but hear distant bird calls. A few of the trees whistle back at them." "The aviary is eerily silent, except for a few loud snores from trees and a muffled conversation." "Owls are hooting in the darkness. The trees hoot back." "Owls are swooping down, hunting prey. One grazes a trees toe, and the tree yelps." 8 "The war-blackbirds are shrieking their battlecries as they battle the giant armies." "The robins are pecking at their seed before the messengers mount them again, speeding them on to deliver urgent missives." "You don’t see any birds, but the mountain hums with their mighty cries." "The aviary is eerily silent. The bonfires are lit. War is coming." "Owls are hooting in the darkness, questioning interlopers from the clouds below." "Owls are swooping down, releasing bombs on the city below." Table of felineText FantasyNum message0 message1 message2 message3 message4 message5 1 "The zoo gods are spawning in meat orbs for the cats to demolish." "The slumber of the Great Lions creates dream universes that pass a billion years of existence in a second. The inhabitants have no idea it will all be gone when they wake." "The Great Lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. You're possessed with the thought that you, and those incarnated in you, are figments of the Lion's imagination." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws on the wall-gems. The dreams inside turn wild and ferocious." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth, licking the most frightened dream gems to sleep." "All cats are sleeping now. Their astral forms are zooming throughout the universe." 2 "The cyborg tigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zookepers have provided." "The sleeping lions look so peaceful. Except for that one falling through an infinite sky in a loop." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. Wherever you go, it follows you, hovering in mid-air." "The snow leopards are tuning their laser claws with precise instruments." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It rockets back and forth thoughtfully." "All cats are sleeping now. They are plugged in to recharge." 3 "The genetically enhanced tigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zookepers have provided." "You can almost touch the sleeping lions on the other side of the forcefield." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has camera attached, watching you." "The snow leopards are sharpening their titanium claws with diamond drills." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth on all six legs." "All cats are sleeping now. They turn and breathe and nuzzle in perfect unison." 4 "The ligers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zookepers have provided." "The lions are sleeping in the filtered sunlight. One yawns, and you see metal teeth." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. You notice that the eye seems artificial." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws at bespoke sharpening stations." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth. Its coat shimmers and flickers." "All cats are sleeping now in their thermal nests." 5 "The tigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zookepers have provided." "The lions are sleeping in the sunlight." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws on the trees." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth." "All cats are sleeping now." 6 "The green tigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zookepers have provided." "The lions are sleeping in the sunlight. They're glittering like crystal." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. The eye is black, spotted with stars and galaxies." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws on the trees. Flakes of ice drift down from their scratches." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth. Its shadow is still asleep with the rest of the pack." "All cats are sleeping now. You can hear them whispering in their sleep." 7 "The dire tigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the giant has provided." "Two lions are asleep on the rock giant's toes." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. The rock giant pets the lion gently, and it closes its eye." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws on the growths on the giant's back." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth on the giant's head." "All cats are sleeping now, and the giant snores." 8 "The weretigers are batting at the puzzle meat ball the zoowizards have provided." "Inside a giant crystal ball is the image of a sleeping lion." "The lions are still sleeping, but one has an eye open, watching you. It yawns, and dozens more eyes open up all over its body." "The snow leopards are sharpening their claws with files as they discuss the latest news from the outlying kingdoms." "One puma is awake while the others sleep. It paces back and forth muttering a list of herbs for its upcoming exam." "All cats are sleeping now, and the tower is silent at last." [dawnnoonafternooneveningfirst watchsecond watch dawn cats activenoon cats sleepingafternoon one eye openevening cats activefirst watch one cat activesecond watch all cats sleeping dawn dullnoon butterfliesafternoon butterfliesevening firefliesfirst watch beetlessecond watch beetles dawn birds activenoon birds activeafternoon dull chirpsevening chirpsfirst watch owls second watch owls]