ifwiki: TADS

This directory contains TADS game files, which can be used on any
machine that runs the TADS interpreter (version 2 or later).  To get
a TADS 2 interpreter for your favorite system, look in
and for a TADS 3 interpreter, look in

# old

Older versions of some of the games in this directory.

# 00ReadMeFirst-TADS

An instruction sheet describing how to play TADS
games on many computer systems, by Neil K. Guy.
[file is linked from

# 1893.gam
tuid: 00e0t7swrris5pg6
ifwiki: 1893: A World's Fair Mystery

1893: A World's Fair Mystery, version 2.05,
written by Peter Nepstad.
A diamond theft leads to kidnapping and murder on the
grounds of the 1893 Columbian Exposition.

# 1893_guide.pdf
tuid: 00e0t7swrris5pg6
ifwiki: 1893: A World's Fair Mystery

Visitor's Guide for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery,
written by Peter Nepstad.

# 1893_manual.pdf
tuid: 00e0t7swrris5pg6
ifwiki: 1893: A World's Fair Mystery

Instruction Manual for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery,
written by Peter Nepstad.

# 1893_map.pdf
tuid: 00e0t7swrris5pg6
ifwiki: 1893: A World's Fair Mystery

Map for 1893: A World's Fair Mystery,
written by Peter Nepstad.

# 2044.gam
tuid: 9et9r5f6lp9wjot0

2044: Space Troopers, release 1.0
A science fiction adventure by Angus R. McLaren

# 3.gam
ifwiki: Increment_by_Three
tuid: 1z2lxiqua980sedk

+= 3: A Logical Adventure, v1.2
by Carl de Marcken and Dave Baggett
(source code is in games/source/tads/3.gam)

# AccordingToCain.zip
tuid: 6qp3g7te26h3rb5u
ifwiki: According to Cain

According to Cain, by Jim Nelson.
Release 6 / Serial Number 230911
(the original competition entry is in
 games/competition2022/Games/According to Cain.zip)

# AllHope.zip
ifwiki: All_Hope_Abandon
tuid: 4l33jjysofp3very

All Hope Abandon, version 2, by Eric Eve.
(source code is in games/source/tads/AllHopeAbandonSource.zip)

# AllHopeWebUI.t3
ifwiki: All_Hope_Abandon
tuid: 4l33jjysofp3very

All Hope Abandon, version 4, by Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Babel31.gam
ifwiki: Babel
tuid: z5xgyw0jbt9r3ah1

Babel, release 3.1, by Ian Finley.
(a DOS executable is in games/pc/Babel.exe,
a Mac version is in games/mac/babel-31.hqx, and
the original competition entry is in

# BattleSimDemo.zip
tuid: 4lp8uz3swxupi8c9

A TADS 3 demonstration of various forms of combat.
Version 1.06, by James Mallette.

# Blighted.zip
ifwiki: Blighted_Isle
tuid: 9s66qxkt22kq5wv9

Blighted Isle, version 2, by Eric Eve.

# BlightedIsleWebUI.t3
ifwiki: Blighted_Isle
tuid: 9s66qxkt22kq5wv9

Blighted Isle, version 2, by Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Castle_of_Doom.gam
tuid: cpo9f66vvnb4hgsx

Castle of Doom, by Bad Dog Studios.

# Cook-Off.t3
tuid: mazeowrifm1okldu

Cook Off, version 2, by Steven Miracle.

# Darkness.zip
ifwiki: In Darkness
tuid: 9525yy9pr4wix7y8

In Darkness, version 1.0, by GoblinBoy.
WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit
sexual nature.

# Dead_Mans_Party.t3
ifwiki: Dead_Man's_Party
tuid: 50n2v8hyyqd55dya

Dead Mans Party by Royce "Gerynar" Odle (AKA Morrissey).

# Dead_Mans_Party_Web.t3
ifwiki: Dead_Man's_Party
tuid: 50n2v8hyyqd55dya

Dead Mans Party by Royce "Gerynar" Odle (AKA Morrissey).
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Deanna.zip
ifwiki: Deanna
tuid: 823vfbsjcyc6pnl2

Deanna version 1.1, by Optimus
WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit
sexual nature.

# Drool.zip
tuid: 38jq7kkhadzq6sz0

Drool, version 1.2. A puzzle solving tour of 1994
Cambridge MA, as a dog on a quest for a stick. TADS
version by John Huebner, ported from the original HTML
game by Jeff Breidenbach.

# Elysium.zip
ifwiki: The_Elysium_Enigma
tuid: qpecxgjpxnvw50xq

The Elysium Enigma, version 2.03, by Eric Eve.
(the original competition entry is in

# ElysiumWebUI.t3
ifwiki: The Elysium Enigma
tuid: qpecxgjpxnvw50xq

The Elysium Enigma, version 2.04, by Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Enhanced.tar.Z
tuid: wrkyc6e7xdfi5mvp

Enhanced release 3/941004, the first (and so far the only)
part of the Cyberventure trilogy; a cyberpunk SF adventure
by Hans Persson and Dominik Zemmler

# Epilogue.t3

Undertale: Epilogue, by Anonymous. Written for Yuletide
2015, and based on the game Undertale.

# Escape.zip
ifwiki: Escape_from_the_Crazy_Place
tuid: ny5d87fqbeh3pnuz

Escape from the Crazy Place, a Choose-Your-Own-Nightmare,
by J. J. Guest. Version 1. An illustrated choose your own
adventure type game written over 22 years.
(a Twine version is in games/twine/Escape_from_the_Crazy_Place.zip)

# Fake_News.t3
ifwiki: Fake News
tuid: pjvpa5u0sej5enyf

Fake News, release 1.1, by Mike Sousa.
(the original competition entry is in
 games/competition2017/Fake News/)

# Fake_News_WebUI.t3
ifwiki: Fake News
tuid: pjvpa5u0sej5enyf

Fake News, release 1.1, by Mike Sousa.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Ghosts_Within.t3
tuid: iaumjhvhbs0c8ini

Ghosts Within, version 1.2, by Kyriakos Athanasopoulos.
(the original competition entry is in
 games/competition2021/Games/Ghosts Within/)

# Ground.gam
ifwiki: Common_Ground
tuid: gdy6gaia4nm66km2

Common Ground, Version 1 (17jan2000),
written by Stephen Granade. From the introduction:
"Great, just great. First you oversleep, end up
being late for school. Then the whole day sucks so
bad you can barely wait until seventh period's over
and you're free. Now you've wasted so much time
watching TV that you've gotta rush through your
makeup or you won't be ready for tonight before
April gets here with her wheels. Mississippi may
say you're old enough to drive, but Frank sure
doesn't agree."
(source code is in games/source/tads/Ground_src.zip)

# GunMute.t3
ifwiki: Gun Mute
tuid: xwedbibfksczn7eq

Gun Mute, version 6. An IF shoot-em-up by C.E.J. Pacian.

# Hero1r3.gam
tuid: fu9e102btvigqwpc

HERO, INC Part One: "Calling All Heroes",
an Interactive Fantasy by Nate Cull.
Release 3 / February 1997

# House.zip
tuid: 2tifxpo30ncld09z
ifwiki: House (by Karona)

House, by Karona.
Version 1.0.

# I-Am-Prey.zip
tuid: 1vaafzgrqf4m8yvr

I Am Prey, version 0.9.6 beta (Patch 6), by Joey Cramsey.
(the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2023/IAmPrey.zip)

# Korenvliet.t3
tuid: zfqs5vtsao8wrpba

Korenvliet, version 1.2. A short adventure by
Alexander van Oostenrijk, based on the original
korenvl.bas (author unknown).

# LydiasHeart.zip
ifwiki: Lydia's Heart
tuid: 7t22wbllftv7nuiw

Lydia's Heart, version 2.0.06, by Jim Aikin. An extensive
reworking of the author's previous game, "Last Resort."
About 18 new puzzles, an expanded map area, and more
conversation with NPCs. The most recent update is
available from the author's website at
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/LydiasHeart.zip)

# Macrocosm.zip
tuid: c8qs0xgkkfp5u6u4

Macrocosm, version 1.0.0, by Shaun W. Donaldson.

# MeanStreets.gam
ifwiki: Mean Streets
tuid: icu2c9o7e1r8z0i

Mean Streets, version 1.01, by Bad Dog Studios.
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/MeanStreets.zip)

# Moist.zip
ifwiki: Moist
tuid: ooffjk684gtrsq6v

Moist version 1.06, by Scarlet Herring
WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual
(Source code is in games/source/tads/MoistSrc.zip)

# MrsPepper.t3
ifwiki: Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret
tuid: dcvk7bgbqeb0a71s

Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret, version 1.03, by Jim Aikin
and Eric Eve.
(the original IF Beginners competition entry is in
a Windows executable is in games/pc/MrsPepper.zip, and
source code is in games/source/tads/MrsPepperSrc.zip)

# MrsPepperWebUI.t3
ifwiki: Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret
tuid: dcvk7bgbqeb0a71s

Mrs. Pepper's Nasty Secret, version 1.1, by Jim Aikin
and Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Murmel2.zip
ifwiki: Murmellius II
tuid: cwazq2fnif833jhd

Murmellius 2, by VDSB. Archive includes game
file and source code.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/Murmel2.zip]

# Museum.zip
ifwiki: A Night At The Museum Forever
tuid: 93bin082aybyd5zx

A Night at the Museum Forever, version 1.0,
by Chris Angelini. Includes a walkthrough.
[file is linked to games/competition95/Museum.zip]

# My_last_rodeo.t3
tuid: 6q3326w6hh3y58em

My Last Rodeo, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 . 20160305

# My_last_rodeo_WebUI.t3
tuid: 6q3326w6hh3y58em

My Last Rodeo, by Mike Sousa. Release: 2 . 20170920
Online enabled version of the original SpeedIF entry.

# Ninjaburger.gam
ifwiki: Ninja_Burger
tuid: 9nlqdr8tvpc0vz6j

Ninja Burger, by Andrew Drazkowski.
"You are a lowly delivery Ninja working for Ninja
Burger, the most prestigious fast food burger chain
of all time. Use your wits and Ninja skill to reclaim
the Golden Ninja Warrior Statue, defeat the evil White
Ninja, and crush the sadistic Samurai Burger once and
for all!"

# Parade.gam
ifwiki: Everybody Loves a Parade
tuid: wmk9ipzv1qmgspor

Everybody Loves a Parade release 2.3, by Cody Sandifer
(a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/Parade.sit.hqx,
a DOS executable is in games/pc/paradeDOS.zip, and
a Windows executable is in games/pc/paradeWin95.zip)

# PekoStory.t3
tuid: c47mg7t9b3nub4iv

Peko's Story, by Jane Clearwater.

# Prom_Dress.t3
tuid: u4u57v2ggfcqvll7

The Only Possible Prom Dress, version 1.1 (post-comp release), by Jim Aikin.
(the original competition entry is in
 games/competition2022/Games/The Only Possible Prom Dress.zip,
 and source code is in games/source/tads/Prom_Dress_source.zip)

# Recluse.zip
ifwiki: Recluse
tuid: nv4pezgf17ma9me6

Recluse v1.0, by Stephen Gorrell.
"All you have to do is knock on the door and deliver
the package...".
Archive includes game file, a walkthrough and maps.

# ReeferIsland.gam
ifwiki: Reefer Island
tuid: ixtbz0r4bfarzdtm

Reefer Island, a Joneser's Odyssey.
Version 1.0, written by Steve Barrera.

# Rematch.gam
ifwiki: Rematch
tuid: 22oqimzgf8snv002

Rematch, release 1.0.4.
An interactive repetition by Andrew Pontious.

# RogueOfTheMultiverse.zip
ifwiki: Rogue of the Multiverse
tuid: clrttol4iw7juc0k

Rogue of the Multiverse, version 2, by C.E.J. Pacian.
Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable,
PDF feelie, walkthrough and cover art.
(the original competition entry is in
and the file is linked to games/pc/RogueOfTheMultiverse.zip)

# SAwesome.t3
tuid: s91th7qdy0w25hz

Hide and Seek - Cindy's Something Awesome Project.
Version 1.0, by Cindy Sun.

# School.gam
ifwiki: Ballymun Adventure
tuid: 32bzvcb971zmtf23

Ballymun Adventure, by Brendan Cribbin.
(the original competition entry is in
and a Windows installer is in games/pc/School.exe)

# SeahopIF.t3

The Writing on the Wall, version 1, by Jim Howes.
Written for the SEAHOP 2013 competition (<http://www.seahop.net/>),
where it was used as a puzzle in round 1.

# SecondPit.zip
tuid: coro5pdl8hi2ul62

The Second Pit, version 1.0, by Andrew Craig, Tom Craig
and Sue Medley.

# Sex.Artist.zip
ifwiki: The Sex Artist
tuid: o5u7eqvers8w9wvf

The Sex Artist, version 1.1, by A. Ninny.
Adult interactive fiction (erotica/porn).

# Six_Chamber_Champion.t3
tuid: 51cecsp6oqvyxmvn

Six-Chamber Champion, version 3. A game of chance, by C.E.J. Pacian.

# SmallW3.gam
ifwiki: Small World
tuid: z6r8cv8lkaw5mp9w

Small World release 3, a Miniature Text Adventure
by Andrew D. Pontious
(a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/SmallW3.sit;
the original competition entry is in

# SnowblindAces.t3
ifwiki: Snowblind Aces
tuid: tw7i5gwojecm904

Snowblind Aces, version 5.
An adventure/romance in the snow, by C.E.J. Pacian.

# SpecialDetectiveAgent.zip
tuid: pmii7vx5c74zioqh

Special Detective Agent, version 1.0, by Pradeep Baral.

# SquareCircle.zip
ifwiki: Square Circle
tuid: 003iydfj1747amj8

Square Circle version 1.1, by Eric Eve.
(the original competition entry is in
and source code is in

# SquareCircleWebUI.t3
ifwiki: Square Circle
tuid: 003iydfj1747amj8

Square Circle version 1.3, by Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# Stowaway.gam
ifwiki: Cerulean Stowaway
tuid: 06dmledwx1js25ya

Cerulean Stowaway, version 1.1, by Roger Descheneaux.
(the original competition entry is in

# The_Reveal.t3
tuid: 77l2woe0joyv4ouj

The Reveal, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 . 20161202

# The_Reveal_WebUI.t3
tuid: 77l2woe0joyv4ouj

The Reveal, by Mike Sousa. Release: 2 . 20170928
Online enabled version of original SpeedIF entry.

# The_Ribos_Operation.t3
ifwiki: Dr Who and the Ribos Operation
tuid: kamwbxiu3d1shgiy

Dr Who and the Ribos Operation, by Kelsey Lewis.

# TheApprentice.gam
ifwiki: The Apprentice (by Benjaminsson)
tuid: hxb9w8nsowgom8qw

The Apprentice, by Saevar Benjaminsson.
(an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/TheApprentice.exe)

# TheLittlestGriffinWeb.t3
tuid: 2jo1pxmy5h7ebfzc

The Littlest Griffin, by Jeff Creswell.
Version 1.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.
(a standalone TADS version is in games/tads/TheLittlestGriffin.t3)

# TheSleepingPrincess.t3
ifwiki: The_Sleeping_Princess
tuid: bxio01ferbyxr4rk

The Sleeping Princess, version 2.0,
by Molly, Alex, and Mark Engelberg.
(the original IF Beginners competition entry is in

# TheSleepingPrincessWebUI.t3
ifwiki: The Sleeping Princess
tuid: bxio01ferbyxr4rk

The Sleeping Princess, version 2.0,
by Molly, Alex, and Mark Engelberg.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# ThreeDaysOfNight.t3
ifwiki: Three Days of Night
tuid: gxsm46ai2z5xrb3x

Three Days of Night, an Interactive Tale of First
Contact, by spaceflounder.

# ThreeDaysOfNightWebUI.t3
ifwiki: Three Days of Night
tuid: gxsm46ai2z5xrb3x

Three Days of Night, an Interactive Tale of First
Contact, by spaceflounder.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# WalkerSilhouette.zip
ifwiki: Walker & Silhouette
tuid: u0fzm0lxlt9vb4fi

Walker and Silhouette, a keyword only adventure.
Version 9, written by C.E.J. Pacian.
Archive contains TADS game file, Windows executable,
HTML manual and cover art.
(file is linked to games/pc/WalkerSilhouette.zip)

# Ward_Z.t3
tuid: ash3i1pabcr6mk7l

Ward Z, by Otto Condliffe.

# Wilderness.t3
tuid: yuh8gnzhre5ms7eg

In the Wilderness, by Bits.

# Wilderness_web.t3
tuid: yuh8gnzhre5ms7eg

In the Wilderness, by Bits. WebUI version.

# WutheringHeights.t3
tuid: n58yvwb6nbsy8g5q

Wuthering Heights, version 1.0, adapted from
Emily Brontë's novel by Jonah Siegel.

# You_Matched.t3
tuid: rvm4bofrypjntrtp

It's a Match!, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1 - 20160206.

# You_Matched_WebUI.t3
tuid: rvm4bofrypjntrtp

It's a Match!, by Mike Sousa. Release: 1.1 - 20170928.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# aayela.gam
ifwiki: Aayela
tuid: p5aumfiwlv23qgfg

Aayela, an Interactive Vision, Release 1.2
by Magnus Olsson.
(the original competition entry is in
games/competition96/aayela/aayela.gam, and
source code is in games/source/tads/aayelasrc.zip)

# abductv2.gam
ifwiki: Alien Abduction?
tuid: ipnwfkphg30la1ml

Alien Abduction? version 1.2, by Charles Gerlach.
(the original competition entry is in

# above.gam
ifwiki: Above and Beyond!
tuid: c7rwyz7ma51wi1oa

Above and Beyond! version 1.22, by Mike Sousa.

# alone1.gam
tuid: djxktpw8m6rph2iy

All Alone, by Ian Finley.

# amissville.gam
tuid: 9hhil3l5ngw7956j

Amissville version 1.0, by Tilli Productions.

# amoi.gam
ifwiki: A Matter of Importance
tuid: xktfkqzdlk63kelo

A Matter of Importance, version 1.1,
by Valentine Kopteltsev.
(the original competition entry is in

# arrival.zip
ifwiki: Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés
tuid: b7zs6ocxlntb1u7c

Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés,
version 2, by Stephen Granade.
HTML TADS game and resource files. For sound
a HTML TADS 2.2.7 interpreter is required.
(source code is in games/source/tads/arrsrc.zip
and the original competition entry is in

# awe.gam
ifwiki: At Wit's End
tuid: ytls18by86w67qr8

At Wit's End version 1.2, by Mike Sousa.
(the original competition entry is in

# banana.zip
tuid: t0fqtq0u3uc327nq

The Quest of the Golden Banana, version 1.7, by Eric Eve.
(This game is part of the TADS 3 Tour Guide, which is in

# barometer.gam
ifwiki: Spyder and Jeb
tuid: 4c95azoxjqsuusem

Spyder and Jeb, Version 1.0, an interactive puzzle
by Neil deMause. A parody of Andrew Plotkin's game
"Spider and Web".

# beet.zip
ifwiki: The Beetmonger's Journal
tuid: afh45yknmlx26x54

The Beetmonger's Journal, an Archaeological Epiphany,
Version 1.1, written by Aubrey Foil (Scott W. Starkey).
Archive includes the game, hints and a walkthrough.
(the original competition entry is in

# bmch.zip
ifwiki: Bad Machine
tuid: 3a9rb059miw9fc9h

Bad Machine, Release 1.2, by Dan Shiovitz.
Archive includes a machine independent TADS .gam file
and a text readme.

# bmiss.gam
tuid: hookf1op2nlhpaps

Bmissfille, by "Tilli Productions".
Serial Number 20020410, Release 1.

# broken.zip
tuid: yadkaswxreexpoty

The Broken String, a Punk-Rock Adventure version 1.1
by Harel Malka and Ran Kramer.
TADS .gam file, TADS runtime for DOS, and a walkthrough
[file is linked to games/pc/broken.zip]

# ccr.tar.Z
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Colossal Cave Revisited
A remake of Crowther and Woods' original
adventure, with complete TADS source code.
Version 1.0, TADS version by David M. Baggett.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/ccr.tar.Z and to

# ccr.oldtr.tar.Z
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

Colossal Cave Revisited
A remake of Crowther and Woods' original
adventure, with complete TADS source code.
Version 1.0, TADS version by David M. Baggett.
Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1)
versions of the TADS run-time.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/ccr.oldtr.tar.Z and
to games/adventions/others/ccr.oldtr.tar.Z]

# choice.gam
tuid: a6h7yi34zhka5q94

Your Choice, by J. Robinson Wheeler.

# coast.zip
ifwiki: The_Coast_House
tuid: 1x7s63j46xov6dns

The Coast House version 1.1, by Stephen and Dan Newton.
The zip file contains the game, a walkthrough, and a
map of the game
(the original competition entry is in

# comp02tr.t3
tuid: p721klqqd71hcdzo

Comp02ter Game version 1.0, by Austin Thorvald,
aka Brendan Barnwell.

# cquest.zip
ifwiki: Coffee Quest II
tuid: 5oxejp8ksydfe8x8

CoffeeQuest 2, by Dog Solitude.
Archive includes TADS .gam file and a walkthrough.
(the original competition entry is in

# cruise.gam
ifwiki: The Cruise
tuid: txr79z0wfmrn2hhq

The Cruise version 1.1, by Normal Perlmutter
(the original competition entry is in

# cube.gam
tuid: uy7t31fmpwbxe682

Tyler's Great Cube Game v1.1,
by Tyler Bindon and Steven Taschuk.
Not really a full adventure, more of a deviously
fiendish puzzle.

# curse.zip
tuid: d820qos9xtgcjs8b

Curse of Vengeance, release 1.3, by Scott C. McNab.
This is the TADS game file extracted from the files in games/mac/curse.sea.
It requires a TADS 1.04 interpreter, which we do not currently have (except
for the old Mac binary in that archive) but should such an interpreter ever
be recovered, hopefully this game will be playable.

# dampcamp.gam
tuid: 6cnarkjjf26zuiif

The Damp Camp release 1.2, a TADS adventure
by JAMJAR Software (James Dean and Jarvist Frost)

# dark_angel.t3
tuid: phcor2pn4blso3ri

Dark Angel, a detective story.
Version 2.0, by Jerry Ford.
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/dark_angel.exe)

# dark_angel_web_ui.t3
tuid: phcor2pn4blso3ri

Dark Angel, a detective story.
Version 2.0, by Jerry Ford.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# dearbrian.zip
ifwiki: Dear_Brian
tuid: 5ej0jiw99wqhzxsh

Dear Brian, version 1.10, a work of adult interactive
fiction by Choices.

# deepspace.zip
tuid: k82q3libhff6ks8l

Deep Space Drifter 1.0, by Michael J. Roberts and
Steve McAdams (now freeware)

# depravityBITES.zip
ifwiki: Depravity Bites
tuid: lrjgf3ym8ydzfa0f

Depravity Bites Release 1.4, by Samantha Jones.
The archive includes the game, its source code, and
WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit
sexual nature.

# devil_in_details.zip
tuid: fsa1bze0pnwqmm4z

The Devil in the Details, by Jerry Ford.
The archive includes the .t3 game file as well as a Windows
executable. Also includes a PDF game map.

# diabolical.t3
tuid: p5393tjhwyvdtp7c

Diabolical, version 2.00, by Cleo Kraft.
(source code is in games/source/tads/diabolicalSource.zip)

# diemasse.gam
tuid: vldd8mzuj3kgvu3f

Die Vollkommene Masse, by Alice Merridew, aka Omega.
WARNING: Contains adult content.

# ditchday.zip
ifwiki: Ditch Day Drifter
tuid: 2ungxx2lyy5sob4g

Ditch Day Drifter, by Michael J. Roberts
This is the example TADS game referred to in the
TADS documentation files. TADS source code and .gam
[file is linked to games/source/tads/ditchday.zip]

# e14s.gam
ifwiki: Exactly_14_syllables..._er,_gulps!
tuid: i8foq0z7ko6lk20h

Exactly 14 syllables... er, gulps!, version 1.1ee,
by Valentine Kopteltsev. An English translation of the
entry in the Vzhzh-Vzhzh! competition from February 2013.

# ecdysis.zip
ifwiki: Ecdysis
tuid: aqtol7ejlzadgnsz

Ecdysis, version 1.6, by Peter Nepstad. Based on an
entry in H.P. Lovecraft's Commonplace Book.

# edgarhuntly.gam
tuid: mvcmir46w8n6htx1

An adaptation of Charles Brockden Brown's 1799 novel
"Edgar Huntly, Or, Memoirs of a Sleepwalker".
Version 1.0, created by Carrie Shanafelt.

# eterna.zip
ifwiki: Eterna_Corp
tuid: p64d9xglfdy1n9q8

Eterna Corp, by Christopher Cole.
WARNING: Contains adult content.

# excuse.zip
tuid: 51km0aox1m5jtsdq

Excuse Me, Do You Have The Time? by Jean Childs.

# exhibit21.gam
ifwiki: Exhibition
tuid: ruaersctvvr7t6vh

Exhibition, version 2.1, by Ian Finley.
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/exhibit.exe;
the original competition entry is in

# firebird.gam
ifwiki: Firebird
tuid: d9h1r3d920ap8ajf

Firebird, version 1.01 (2nd November 1998), by
Bonnie Montgomery.
"Firebird is an interactive retelling of a
Russian folk tale."

# firwitch.zip
ifwiki: John's Fire Witch
tuid: zywbjqch3w9elp79

John's Fire Witch version 1.01 (02/04/95),
by John T Baker II.
DOS executable and machine-independent TADS .gam file
[file is linked to games/pc/firwitch.zip]

# flames.zip
tuid: 9pirdetlvv55uaob

Perdition's Flames, by Michael J. Roberts.
Release 930912

# flames_manual.dvi
tuid: 9pirdetlvv55uaob

Manual for Perdition's Flames in DVI format, converted
by Hugh Allen.

# flames_manual.pdf
tuid: 9pirdetlvv55uaob

Manual for Perdition's Flames in PDF format, converted
by Hugh Allen.

# flames_manual.ps
tuid: 9pirdetlvv55uaob

Manual for Perdition's Flames in Postscript format,
converted by Hugh Allen.

# fm.gam
ifwiki: Finding_Martin
tuid: tmf83w8qcbeiibeq

Finding Martin, version 1.12, by Gayla Wennstrom.

# fmsr4.gam
ifwiki: Frobozz Magic Support
tuid: jk6dlgkrh7zn5r9d

Frobozz Magic Support. An Interactive Short Fantasy,
set in the Zork universe, by Nate Cull.
Release 4, February 1997

# foom.tar.gz
ifwiki: FooM
tuid: u6noh99uu6ck57bg

FooM - the shoot-'em up text adventure, by dI software
(Piers Johnson). TADS source and .gam file.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/foom.tar.gz]

# forever.zip
ifwiki: Forever Always
tuid: ko02mwv9oi52qsmm

Elizabeth Hawk's Forever Always: a Romance Novel Game,
written by Iain Merrick.
(the original entry to the RomanceNovelComp is in
games/mini-comps/rncomp/, and a Macintosh executable
is in games/mac/forever.sit)

# fourin1.gam
ifwiki: Four in One
tuid: 1dg2yp15g6tm6izy

Four in One, an Interactive Marx Brothers Comedy
by J. Robinson Wheeler.
Release Version 1.1.7 20000710.
(the original competition entry is in
an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/fourin1.zip,
a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/fourin1.sit,
and source code is in games/source/tads/4in1_src.zip)

# frenfive.gam
tuid: 4lyivfptn0eed4a1

The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang version 1.1,
interactive fiction by Neil deMause
(a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/frenfive.sit.hqx,
a Windows executable in games/pc/frenfive.zip, and
the original competition entry is in

# fren5-2.gam
ifwiki: The Frenetic Five vs. Mr. Redundancy Man
tuid: lax9p102k6irr1x8

The Frenetic Five vs. Mr. Redundancy Man
(The Frenetic Five Epsiode 2), version 1.2,
interactive fiction by Neil deMause
(a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/fren5-2.hqx)

# fren5-3.gam
ifwiki: The Frenetic Five vs. the Seven Deadly Dwarves
tuid: jvgcipf8g5v88nis

The Frenetic Five vs. The Seven Deadly Dwarves
(The Frenetic Five Epsiode 3), version 1.0,
by Neil deMause

# friendly.gam
ifwiki: Friendly_Foe
tuid: 3vjy918gbf0s4cpd

Friendly Foe, release 2, by Mike J. Sousa.

# frust.zip
tuid: e024d2chlp6pxa6c

Frustration version 1.02 (960115), by Jim MacBrayne.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
(see games/amiga/Frustration.dms for an Amiga version)
[file is linked to games/pc/frust.zip]

# ftf.gam
ifwiki: First Things First
tuid: p4dlfwy4yg6pzdba

First Things First, written by J. Robinson Wheeler.
Version 3.0 20061221

# ftf_manual.pdf
ifwiki: First Things First
tuid: p4dlfwy4yg6pzdba

Manual for First Things First, in Adobe PDF format.

# fusillad111.zip
ifwiki: Fusillade
tuid: viwaoduwqji7t785

Fusillade version 1.11, by Mike Duncan
(the original competition entry is in

# gate.gam
tuid: bq6nncie146ap95p

The Gate, version 1.1. An interactive decision by
Owen Parish.

# gc-gam.zip
tuid: oapi61oln37cs95o

GC: A Thrashing Parity Bit of the Mind,
the 1994 MIT AI Laboratory Olympics text adventure game
by Carl de Marcken, David Baggett, and Pearl Tsai
(source code is in games/source/tads/gc-src.zip)

# gfleece.zip
tuid: zcgjkl8dpeza1yh6

The Golden Fleece version 1.00 (960114), by Jim MacBrayne.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
(see games/amiga/GoldenFleece.dms for an Amiga version and
games/pc/fleece.zip for the 1989 DOS version)
[file is linked to games/pc/gfleece.zip]

# gift3.gam
tuid: c15ciqsemk0opuys

Gifts of Phallius 3: The Valkin War, by GoblinBoy.

# gna.zip
ifwiki: The Generic New York Apartment Building
tuid: w3oa02owtrpx3a4v

Generic New York Apartment Building,
a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid.
In this game you are a New York City apartment
superintendant. You work in a building in which many of the
tenants are parodies of American sit-com characters. Game
makes extensive use of HTML-Tads, but can be played in text
only mode just fine.
This is the main game file; it can be played with a TADS
interpreter version 2.2.4 or later.
WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and
scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.

# gnars.zip
ifwiki: The Generic New York Apartment Building
tuid: w3oa02owtrpx3a4v

Generic New York Apartment Building,
a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid.
This file contains the graphics (gna.rs0) and sound
(gna.rs1) files for the game. Add these files if you play
using HTML-TADS or HyperTADS or another graphics enabled
TADS interpreter.
WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and
scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.

# gna_bundled.gam
ifwiki: The Generic New York Apartment Building
tuid: w3oa02owtrpx3a4v

Generic New York Apartment Building,
a work of adult interactive fiction by NewKid.
This is the game file and resources bundled together.
WARNING: This game (text and graphics) contains themes and
scenes of a sexual nature. It is intended for adults only.

# golddemo.zip
tuid: x33bcsynxsjqlbte

The Golden Skull, a complete working demonstration
game for HTML TADS with images and sounds,
by Neil K. Guy.
Requires the HTML TADS interpreter.
[file is linked to programming/tads2/examples/golddemo.zip]

# gpeace.gam
tuid: q093v5f2rkw3dy45

Galactic Peace, by Jeffrey Rosenthal.
Version 1.0, March 2009.

# grip.gam
ifwiki: Losing Your Grip
tuid: folz7olvvczasp88

Losing Your Grip, a Journey in Five Fits.
Version 5 (Nov 30 2001), by Stephen Granade.
(source code is in games/source/tads/gripsrc.zip)

# gripfeelies.zip
ifwiki: Losing Your Grip
tuid: folz7olvvczasp88

The registration goodies, including a registration key
file, for the game Losing Your Grip, by Stephen Granade.

# hamper.gam
tuid: 6d9dfn2akcrlq1bu
ifwiki: To Hell in a Hamper

To Hell in a Hamper, version 1.0, by J.J. Guest.
(an Adrift version is in games/adrift/ToHellInAHamper.zip,
and glulx is in games/glulx/To_Hell_in_a_Hamper.gblorb)

# helpgam1.zip
tuid: o2we7uevn94xps5u

The Adventures of Helpfulman, a Day in the Life of the
Heroic Mark Dent. An Interactive Comic Adventure,
version 1.0.0, by Philip Dearmore.
Archive includes TADS .gam file and HTML-TADS resource
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/helpwin1.zip)

# hgrail.zip
ifwiki: The Holy Grail
tuid: 1ssyg56mcsnq5kqq

The Holy Grail version 1.01 (960227), by Jim MacBrayne.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
(see games/amiga/HolyGrail.dms for an Amiga version)
[file is linked to games/pc/hgrail.zip]

# homeopen.t3
ifwiki: Home_Open
tuid: 5hcvzgt9kvisgn3h

Home Open, version 1.0, by Emily Boegheim.

# homeopen_web.t3
ifwiki: Home_Open
tuid: 5hcvzgt9kvisgn3h

Home Open, version 1.0, by Emily Boegheim.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# house.gam
ifwiki: The House (by Parish)
tuid: 9jy9rz75b7qdnvrq

The House - a first attempt at Interactive Fiction,
by Owen Parish.

# indigo.t3
ifwiki: Indigo
tuid: vva8s4r00b3zli59

Indigo, version 1, by Emily Short. A somewhat unusual
retelling of the Rapunzel story.

# infinity.zip
ifwiki: The Island of Infinity
tuid: pq9sbaxhw46e7kfh

The Island of Infinity, release 1.1, by Alex Freeman.

# inherit.gam
tuid: 2w5fy271l7jngbjo

Inheritance, by Eric Toth.

# islecult.gam
ifwiki: The_Isle_of_the_Cult
tuid: ieeabzu58e2mzjpq

The Isle of the Cult, release 2, by Rune Berg.

# it.t3
ifwiki: It (game)
tuid: clox1mlffo37xf2z

It, version 2.2, by Emily Boegheim.
(the original competition entry is in
and the source code is in games/source/tads/it_src.zip)

# it_web.t3
ifwiki: It (game)
tuid: clox1mlffo37xf2z

It, version 2.2, by Emily Boegheim.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.
(source code is in games/source/tads/it_src.zip)

# kaged_s.gam
ifwiki: Kaged
tuid: gdl05tnyqjja5vc6

Kaged, by Ian Finley. Winner of the 2000 IF
Competition. Shareware, included are images but
no music.
(a Windows executable is in
games/pc/kaged_s.exe, and
the original competition entry is in

# katana.gam
ifwiki: Katana
tuid: cpjghpdd3q80at2r

Katana, version 2.0, by Matt Rohde.
(Macintosh executables are in games/mac/Katana.bin
and games/mac/Katana.hqx)

# king.zip
ifwiki: The_Journey_of_the_King
tuid: kco834ddtbmrmw9z

The Journey of the King, version 1.1, by Peter Nepstad,
adapted from the short story by Lord Dunsany.

# kissing.zip
ifwiki: Kissing the Buddha's Feet
tuid: n72opv7350erqo4c

Kissing the Buddha's Feet, An Interactive Cramming
by Leon Lin. Version 2.1.
(the original competition entry is in

# kitchen.zip
tuid: acgxov9huue9lba0

Kitchen Encounters, Version 0.2, by Andy Jewell.
To quote the author from his description,
"After re-arranging the kitchen, my wife sent me the
following to let me know where things should go.
Shortly thereafter TADS arrived, and the rest is
Includes machine-independent TADS .gam file and a
description of the origins of the game.

# lambs.gam
tuid: n5vydjyuieoe34qz

Silence of the Lambs, An Interactive Horror.
The author prefers to stay anonymous :-)
(an Inform port is in games/zcode/lambs.z5)

# legend.tar.Z
ifwiki: The Legend Lives!
tuid: bi8rb6cieq8p05wl

The Legend Lives!    v1.0
An Unnkulian Universe Unventure,
by David Baggett.
[file is linked to games/adventions/others/legend.tar.Z]

# lethe.txt
ifwiki: Lethe_Flow_Phoenix
tuid: nwyd2hk2ntmhodlg

Describes the difference between the following two files:

# lethe.zip
ifwiki: Lethe_Flow_Phoenix
tuid: nwyd2hk2ntmhodlg

Lethe Flow Phoenix: A Flight of Fantasy
by Dan Shiovitz. Release 2.1, September 1995.
This version uses the TADS 2.2 file I/O features.

# lethe_noio.zip
ifwiki: Lethe_Flow_Phoenix
tuid: nwyd2hk2ntmhodlg

This version does not use file I/O; use it if the
other version will not work for you.

# lookaroundthecorner.t3
ifwiki: Look Around The Corner
tuid: x4vpxyzi4e07jr7p

Look Around the Corner, by Doug Orleans
(as Robert Whitlock). Release 5 (20140612).

# lookaroundthecorner-web.t3
ifwiki: Look Around The Corner
tuid: x4vpxyzi4e07jr7p

Look Around the Corner, by Doug Orleans
(as Robert Whitlock). Release 5 (20140612).
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# lost202g.zip
tuid: hoeipcc1cv04buu1

Lost, a science fiction text adventure, version 2.0.2.
Shareware by Jeffrey Hersh; his rating: hard.
(TADS source code is in games/source/tads/lost202s.zip,
executables are in games/mac/LostAdv2.0.2.sit.hqx
and in games/pc/lost202.zip)

# lostny.egg
ifwiki: Lost_New_York
tuid: ptd5vgjvr089dpzr

Some Easter eggs from Lost New York (see below) and what
you can win if you find them, by Neil deMause
[file is linked to games/mac/lostny.egg and to

# lostny14.gam
ifwiki: Lost_New_York
tuid: ptd5vgjvr089dpzr

Lost New York version 1.4, April 1997.
a time-travel TADS adventure by Neil deMause.
The built-in hint system is disabled in this freeware
version; type REGISTER to see how to get the full version.
Machine-independent TADS .gam file
(a PC executable is in games/pc/lostny14.zip, and
a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/lostny14.sit)

# lostny.pdf
ifwiki: Lost_New_York
tuid: ptd5vgjvr089dpzr

High resolution scans of the booklet that came with the registered
version of Lost New York, distributed with permission from the game's
author, Neil deMause.

# lostny_regcode.lny
ifwiki: Lost_New_York
tuid: ptd5vgjvr089dpzr

Registration code for Lost New York that enables the built-in hint
system. Rename this file to "regcode.lny" and put it in the same
directory as the "lostny.gam" game file. Distributed with permission
from the game's author, Neil deMause.

# maiden.zip
ifwiki: Maiden_of_the_Moonlight
tuid: fb6glir6bmonljyq

Maiden of the Moonlight version 1.4, by Brian P. Dean
(the original competition entry is in

# mansion.gam
tuid: 8ukp85rvc18q7e7f

The Mansion or The Tale of the Adventurous Thief
release 4, by The Wildman
(loosely based on The Miser's House by M. J. Lansing)

# mazes.t3
ifwiki: Nothing But Mazes
tuid: ovbxika0f1e03g6i

Nothing but Mazes, by Greg Boettcher.
Version 2.01: Full version

# meine.gam
tuid: 04lyu2hginrbiscp

Meine Dalix, by Alice Merridew, aka Omega.
WARNING: Contains adult content.

# metroid.gam
ifwiki: Metroid
tuid: 5aoeis6lt44sex7p

Metroid (v0.5 Release 1), a text version of Metroid
by Retro Studios and Billy Rawls.
(source code is in games/source/tads/tadsmetsrc.zip)

# mission.zip
ifwiki: The Mission
tuid: qk4811x45g1hfbd2

The Mission version 1.02 (960331), by Jim MacBrayne.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
(see games/amiga/Mission.zip for an Amiga version)
[file is linked to games/pc/mission.zip]

# modern.gam
tuid: 20akruitzbk12lv4

Modernism version 1.0, by Jacob Solomon Weinstein,
includes both "Waiting for Godot" and "No Exit"
(a Mac executable is in games/mac/Modernism.sit.hqx)

# mrsk.zip
tuid: pgy94vsib747kyir

Magic Realms: The Sword of Kasza, by James Mallette.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
[file is linked to games/pc/mrsk.zip]

# museum.gam
tuid: 7if80tf1uuu903y3

Museum of TADS, an interactive translation of the
Museum of Inform. Inform version originally written
by Graham Nelson; ported to TADS by Kevin Forchione.
Release 2 / Serial number 991214
(TADS source code is included in
and the original Inform source code is in

# myth.zip
tuid: 9hyb9oe6g90gzv1y

Myth, an adventure based on Greek and Roman mythology,
by Barry Volain.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
[file is linked to games/pc/myth.zip]

# nbdemo.gam
tuid: jnen956ddeoepghy

The Singular, and Historically Inaccurate, Misadventures
of Nobeard: Would-be Scourge of the Carribbean,
Quest Adventure #4 by Colm McCarthy.
Playable demo of a game in development.

# ng.gam
ifwiki: A Night Guest
tuid: k2oi1p21c3zyii55

A Night Guest,  Version 1.1, by Valentine Kopteltsev.
(the original competition entry is in

# ntts.gam
ifwiki: No Time To Squeal
tuid: x7lnh94mmylkk6ng

No Time To Squeal, by Mike Sousa and Robb Sherwin.
Release 1.3 / Serial number 031603
(source code for this version is in
and the original competition entry is in

# oaf.zip
ifwiki: Once and Future
tuid: vlsvsfinckq930o5

Once and Future, Release 2.1 (Freeware, January 2001),
written by G. Kevin Wilson. Zip archive.

# oaf.sit.hqx
ifwiki: Once and Future
tuid: vlsvsfinckq930o5

Once and Future, Release 2.1 (Freeware, January 2001),
written by G. Kevin Wilson. Macintosh format archive.

# ofd.gam
tuid: b9h5ka57q4oevoee

One Foot Down, an experiment in hopelessly unfunny sarcasm,
by Jason Reigstad. Version 2.

# pastense.zip
tuid: t2q0c5885qqean3m

Past Tense, An Interactive Intrigue by Dave Nault.
TADS source code and compiled game file.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/pastense.zip]

# pastpresent.t3
ifwiki: Past_Present
tuid: ucer7vadqe24jnf

Past Present, an interactive short story by Jim Nelson.
Written for Winter TADS Jam 2021/2022.
Release 1 / Serial Number 220116

# pcu10.zip
tuid: m80jfuxzhsaanewf

PC University: An Everyday Nightmare, version 1.0,
a TADS adventure by Neil deMause.
Machine independent .gam file and TADS runtime for DOS
[file is linked to games/pc/pcu10.zip]
(MacWesleyan, the Macintosh version, is in

# pesach.zip
tuid: joeaxl8k39kx5dkd

The Pesach Adventure, by Avi Gobbler Productions.
A simple game for Jewish children about the search
for chametz on the night before the Seder night.

# pill.gam
ifwiki: A_Sugared_Pill
tuid: 92r2r4jp050uhzcm

A Sugared Pill, version 1.2, by Colin Borland.
(a Windows installer is in games/pc/pill.exe)

# plant_2.zip
ifwiki: The_Plant
tuid: 77rsl9mezn5iogto

The Plant, Release 2 (Special Edition),
by Mike Roberts.
(source code for this version is in
and the original competition entry is in

# polyadv.gam
ifwiki: Adventure
tuid: fft6pu91j85y4acv

PolyAdv 3.21a, a TADS version of the original
Adventure / Colossal Cave text adventure, including:

- The original 350 point game by Crowther and Woods,
ported by David Baggett.
- The 550 point extended version by David Platt,
ported by Bennett Standeven.
- The 580 point extended version by Mike Goetz,
ported by Bennett Standeven.
- The 551 point version by David Long and an anonymous
author, ported by David Picton.
- A 701 point version by David Picton, combining the 550
point and 551 point versions.
- A 701+ point version by David Picton, based on the 701
point version but with new extensions.

(source code is in games/source/tads/polyadv_321a.zip)

# ptbad4.gam
tuid: dz9fsqadol6r5i9c

PTBAD4: How the Record Got its Groove Back.
Version 1.0, by Xorax, aka Jonathan Berman.

# ptbad5.gam
tuid: 0vwenn9r4chbb4b7

PTBAD5: Jesus Attack of Jesus Christ and the Church
of the Seventeenth day Robots.
Version 1.003, by Xorax, aka Jonathan Berman.

# quick.gam
tuid: zi08x51hddcswt8w

A Simple Theft, an interactive larceny
by Mark J. Musante.
Serial No. 20000810, Release 3

# return-to-ditch-day.zip
ifwiki: Return_to_Ditch_Day
tuid: sicva377zqygxcq2

Return to Ditch Day, release 2, by Michael J. Roberts.

# rylvania.tar.Z
ifwiki: The Horror of Rylvania
tuid: pgklownuffqn25nh

The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary
Playable DEMO v1.0
(for the full version see games/adventions/adventions.zip)
[file is linked to games/adventions/others/rylvania.tar.z]

# sabotage.gam
ifwiki: Sabotage_on_the_Century_Cauldron
tuid: 5jp4nepsurm2aacf

Sabotage on the Century Cauldron, release 1.1,
by Thomas de Graaff.
(the original competition entry is in
and a DOS executable is in games/pc/sabotage.exe)

# sanecube.gam
tuid: ugegqt3s743rf101

Insanity Cubed, by Simmon Keith Barney.
Development version 0.98

# saturns_child.zip
tuid: 2o4zo6m9yawgrmk0

Saturn's Child, release 1.0, by Jerry Ford.
Machine independent .gam file and Windows executable.
[file is linked to games/pc/saturns_child.zip]

# saturns_child_web_ui.t3
tuid: 2o4zo6m9yawgrmk0

Saturn's Child, release 1.0, by Jerry Ford.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# savannah.gam
ifwiki: Sunset Over Savannah
tuid: pwyjp54iubdq70p0

Sunset Over Savannah, An Existential Vacation,
by Ivan Cockrum. Version 1.0.3, 3/5/98.
(the original competition entry is in

# saveprinceton20.gam
tuid: x8ai96w31jkizy4n

Save Princeton version 2.0
by Jacob Solomon Weinstein and Karine Schaefer.

# scavenger.zip
ifwiki: Scavenger
tuid: ii7j0kliujc4k8wf

Scavenger: Night's Edge interactive fiction,
by Quintin Stone. Version 1.2.
(the original competition entry is in
and a Windows executable of this game is in

# shadow.gam
tuid: h8rprc4xohdppd45

Shadowland I: The Tower of Iron, Interactive
Role-Playing System, Release 1.0, by Tom Claburn.
(source code is in games/source/tads/shadow.zip)

# shelby.zip
ifwiki: The Light: Shelby's Addendum
tuid: ehgrdmftq2kj7cci

The Light: Shelby's Addendum. Quest Adventure #3,
by Colm A. McCarthy. Version 2.1, release 19960901.
Number #1 of the series, Manor of Madness, is in
(a PC executable of this game is in games/pc/shelbypc.zip;
a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/Shelby.sit.bin and
in games/mac/Shelby.sit.hqx)

# slapthatfish.zip
ifwiki: Slap_That_Fish
tuid: pthqyajy75yym4yi

Slap That Fish, Version 1.1, by Peter Nepstad.
This time, those fishy bastards are finally going to get
what's coming to them.
(the original competition entry is in

# son0.gam
tuid: 20sehzcholdghoia

Prelude to Night, the epilogue to an unfinished
prequel to Gerry Kevin Wilson's "Sea of Night",
written by Ivan Cockrum.

# son1.gam
ifwiki: The Sea of Night
tuid: 8uxkgjfo3vzzt8d9

The Sea of Night release 2, by Gerry Kevin Wilson.
A short TADS adventure in which you are a sort of
'interplanetary trucker' making a run with a load of
bananas. Bad things happen, and you wind up on an odd
spaceship that seems to be organic.

# space.t3
tuid: ryqfgfeifdo0bpif

Space Shooter: A TADS 3 abuse.
Version 3, by Krister Fundin.

# spatial.t3
ifwiki: Rat_In_Control
tuid: gakwspx3ip7xo7kk

Rat In Control, version 1.0, written by Mike Roberts.
An experimental game supporting both conventional
compass directions and relative directions ("in front
of you," etc.).
(source code is in games/source/tads/spatial_source.zip)

# storm.zip
ifwiki: Shelter_from_the_Storm
tuid: t6lk8c2wktxjnod6

Shelter from the Storm, version 1, by Eric Eve.

# stormWebUI.t3
ifwiki: Shelter_from_the_Storm
tuid: t6lk8c2wktxjnod6

Shelter from the Storm, version 1.1, by Eric Eve.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# stranded.gam
tuid: v3yjv68j45i3apr3

Stranded version 1.0, written by Jim Bayers.
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/stranded.zip)

# suprematism.zip
ifwiki: Suprematism_in_IF
tuid: dg0i078bvta0uw9g

An experimental work exploring interactivity in IF, by
Andrey Grankin. It consists of two pieces: an 'absolutely
non-interactive' piece, and an 'absolutely interactive'
one. According to the author, the idea for this came from
the influence of Kazimir Malevich's work.

# tads-gamelist1.txt

The Complete, Unofficial List of TADS Games v3.00 (jan93),
by Alan Mead
[file is linked to info/tads-gamelist1.txt]

# tads-gamelist2.txt

The (Other) TADS Game List, version 1.2 (20aug96),
by Gerry Kevin Wilson and Paul David Doherty
[file is linked to info/tads-gamelist2.txt]

# tads_dungeon.zip
ifwiki: Zork (game)
tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j

Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the
original MIT Zork,
ported to TADS by Darin Johnson (v0.3 beta).
Based on the FORTRAN version 3.1A, 1-Feb-94.
Compiled .GAM file and complete TADS source code.
[file is linked to games/source/tads/tads_dungeon.zip]

# the_one.zip
ifwiki: The One That Got Away
tuid: d7f5xs90i6ys2ite

The One That Got Away, version 1.2 (release 3),
by Leon Lin.
(the original competition entry including a walkthrough
is in games/competition95/TheOne.zip)

# theoracle.zip
ifwiki: The_Oracle
tuid: mylly2aq8vih1j2k

The Oracle, version 1.5 by Brandon Allen.
Archive includes TADS game file and a map.

# tide.zip
ifwiki: The Ebb and Flow of the Tide
tuid: yqyg7ktxrt53wrfa

The Ebb and Flow of the Tide, version 1.1, by
Peter Nepstad, adapted from the short story by
Lord Dunsany.

# tildeath.gam
ifwiki: Till_Death_Makes_a_Monk-Fish_Out_of_Me
tuid: 48sc0ktuskuy0cay

Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me,
by Michael J. Sousa and Jon Ingold.
Release 1.1 / Serial number 021103
(the original competition entry is in

# tnc.zip
ifwiki: Tomorrow Never Comes
tuid: tb4zcnikdtbxstf

Tomorrow Never Comes, version 2.21, by A. Bomire.
A James Bond parody with adult content.

# toonesia.gam
ifwiki: Toonesia
tuid: a1w0vji75vccanab

Toonesia, A Mini Text-Adventure Game, version 1.1,
by Jacob Weinstein
(the original competition entry is in

# tortoise.gam
ifwiki: The Lesson of the Tortoise
tuid: h6yue7liyshi27rp

The Lesson of the Tortoise, release 2,
by G. Kevin Wilson. A game based on some aspects of
Chinese folklore. Some adult content.

# tow11.gam
ifwiki: Undertow
tuid: g0b7u3xlo585dt5y

Undertow v1.1 (05sep95), by Stephen Granade.
TADS game file only.
(the original competition entry with instructions is in

# trenchline.t3
tuid: 8i2u1igsze6tewx3

Trenchline, version 0.9, by JJ Mc.

# underoos.gam
ifwiki: The Underoos that ate New York!
tuid: 055wty792vfyamss

The Underoos that ate New York! by Gerry Kevin Wilson,
version 2.0.
(a DOS executable is in games/pc/underoos.zip,
a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/underoos.sit;
both these are version 1.0)

# undo.gam
ifwiki: Undo (game)
tuid: 7aggx56jw5331v1c

Undo, version 1.0.1, by Neil deMause
[file is linked to games/competition95/undo.gam]

# unease.gam
ifwiki: Unease
tuid: hm7l2rgqpbabtmxq

Unease, Release 2.0 [020909], by Brendan J. O'Brien.
(Note from the author: this game contains a walkthrough
which can be viewed using the undocumented command
WALKMETHRU whenever a standard command prompt is

# unnkhz10.tar.Z
tuid: u73rmw1qfiu62etl
tuid: g3qv8rgscg4vqkni

Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant, plus
a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda.
Both games are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary.
[file is linked to games/adventions/others/unnkhz10.tar.z]

# unnkhz10.oldtr.tar.Z
tuid: u73rmw1qfiu62etl
tuid: g3qv8rgscg4vqkni

Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant, plus
a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda.
Both games are version 1.0, by D. A. Leary.
Contains .GAM files that work with older (< 2.1)
versions of the TADS run-time.
[file is linked to

# urban1.zip
tuid: ddj73b8bnhevgy9e

Urban Cleanup, a TADS Sci-Fi adventure by Philip Dearmore.
Machine independent .gam file and DOS executable.
[file is linked to games/pc/urban1.zip]

# uu1v301.tar.Z
tuid: tyu4zalevqkvujk4

Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure, Version 3.01
by D. A. Leary.
[file is linked to games/adventions/others/uu1v301.tar.z]

# uu1v301.oldtr.tar.Z
tuid: tyu4zalevqkvujk4

Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure, Version 3.01
by D. A. Leary.
Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1)
versions of the TADS run-time.
[file is linked to

# uu2v30.tar.Z
tuid: 5t1frgm954xg9s8a

Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme, Version 3.0
by David M. Baggett.
[file is linked to games/adventions/others/uu2v30.tar.z]

# uu2v30.oldtr.tar.Z
tuid: 5t1frgm954xg9s8a

Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme, Version 3.0
by David M. Baggett.
Contains a .GAM file that works with older (< 2.1)
versions of the TADS run-time.
[file is linked to

# uux.gam
ifwiki: Unnkulia X
tuid: 53nen8arznl9bstx

Unnkulia X: Escape of the Sacrificed, Version 1.1,
by Valentine Kopteltsev.
(the original competition entry is in

# venice.zip
ifwiki: A Lady in Waiting
tuid: 3a2hle932ml26m1

A Lady in Waiting, version 1.1, by Knight Errant.
WARNING: Contains adult content.

# venice_web.t3
ifwiki: A Lady in Waiting
tuid: 3a2hle932ml26m1

A Lady in Waiting, version 1.1, by Knight Errant.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.
WARNING: Contains adult content.

# veritas22.gam
tuid: phnv25a48no14tja

VERITAS: A Harvard Game of Interactive Fiction,
version 2.2, by James T. Reese
(see games/mac for a stand-alone Macintosh version)

# videobar.zip
tuid: ndsp2xjj2aifh30h

I'm Gonna Take You To The Video Bar!
Version 1.1, by James Mitchelhill.

# vividity.t3
tuid: dtu2877dvz5x30ue

Vividity, by Ben Scott.

# vividity_web.t3
tuid: dtu2877dvz5x30ue

Vividity, by Ben Scott.
This has been compiled with the WebUI interface, making
it playable over the Internet.

# waterbrd.gam
ifwiki: The Water Bird
tuid: s2sf6bgb1u5yojib

The Water Bird, release 1.1, by Athan Skelley
(the original competition entry is in

# way.zip
tuid: 8l439jfvmltj4oih

Waystation v1.1 (19dec95), by Stephen Granade.

# wolfenschtein_WebUI.t3
tuid: 9pp2nh5axfys4qsa

Wolfenschtein: The Text Adventure! version 1.011,
by Shaokang Yuan.

# worlds.zip
ifwiki: Worlds_Apart
tuid: 1aliwzro4e48mdlt

Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue,
Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton.
(a Windows version is in games/pc/worlds.exe)

# wormhole.zip
tuid: e1n9yoa5smzjtvpt

Wormhole: The Beginning release 1.0, a TADS (and
WorldClass) introductory adventure by Philip Dearmore
(introductory meaning promotional, I think).
Machine independent .gam file and DOS executable
[file is linked to games/pc/wormhole.zip]

# xarbo.zip
ifwiki: Escape from the Arboretum
tuid: kufk96j21llgevfy

Escape from the Arboretum, by Robbies Dog. The archive
contains the game and a walkthrough.

# xxxmen1.zip
tuid: 6ohqprhv2n592s17

XXX-Men, Chapter 1: The Sinful and the Sinister, version 1.0.1, by Alec Roberts.
WARNING: This game contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature.

# yet_another_experiment.t3
tuid: rsssdo3anjpwnt6e

Yet Another Experiment, version 2020.03.27, by He4eT.

# zebulon3.zip
ifwiki: Uncle_Zebulon's_Will
tuid: q1gts4stibzdzy69

Uncle Zebulon's Will, an Interactive Inheritance.
Release 3.0 / 030115, by Magnus Olsson.
Winner of the TADS category of the 1995 IF competition.
(the original competition entry is in
games/competition95/zebulon.gam, and
TADS source is in games/source/tads/zeb3src.zip)

# zero.gam
ifwiki: Zero Sum Game
tuid: nzydrfu1rl2qkuop

Zero Sum Game, an Exercise in Fantastic Futility,
Release 2, by Cody Sandifer.
(a Mac version is in games/mac/zero.sit.hqx,
a DOS version is in games/pc/zeroDOS.zip,
a Win95 version is in games/pc/zeroWin95.zip,
and the original competition entry is in

# PQ.zip
tuid: wfms4lves15ao642

How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title, by John Ziegler.
Post-competition release (2024-01-02).
(original IFComp release is at `games/competition2023/Games/How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title.zip`)

# TheLittlestGriffin.t3
tuid: 2jo1pxmy5h7ebfzc

The Littlest Griffin, by Jeff Creswell.
Version 1.
Standalone TADS version.
(a WebUI version is in games/tads/TheLittlestGriffinWeb.t3)

# MarthasBigDate.t3
tuid: j4tux07hmgd36cid

Martha's Big Date, version 3.0 (February 2024 update), by Mary Potts,
based on a fan-fiction series written for Lois and Clark: The New
Adventures of Superman.
(a Windows executable is in games/pc/MarthasBigDate.exe)

# Parade.comment.txt
ifwiki: Everybody Loves a Parade
tuid: wmk9ipzv1qmgspor

Solution to Everybody Loves a Parade, a commentary on the
genesis and development of the game, and some programming
tips for TADS beginners, by Cody Sandifer
[file is linked to </if-archive/solutions/>Parade.comment.txt]

# legend386.zip
tuid: bi8rb6cieq8p05wl
ifwiki: The Legend Lives!

The Legend Lives!    v1.0
An Unnkulian Universe Unventure
by David Baggett.
386SX or later CPU required.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/adventions/pc/>legend386.zip]

# Get-Corn.t3
tuid: twut15k3ph984ej

GET CORN, a game of longing by Joey Tanden.
Version 0.9.8 BETA (Patch 8).
Licensed under GPLv3.0.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
czech/2019-12-22 23:16 -
german/2019-12-22 23:16 -
italian/2019-12-22 23:16 -
russian/2019-12-22 23:16 -
adventions/2019-12-22 23:16 -
spanish/2024-03-08 04:00 -
old/2024-07-24 13:25 -
tads-gamelist1.txt1993-01-14 05:00 10K
modern.gam1993-03-22 05:00 45K
unnkhz10.tar.Z1993-04-20 04:00 185K
uu1v301.tar.Z1993-04-20 04:00 164K
uu2v30.tar.Z1993-04-20 04:00 187K
ccr.tar.Z1993-07-10 04:00 262K
ccr.oldtr.tar.Z1993-07-25 04:00 349K
unnkhz10.oldtr.tar.Z1993-07-25 04:00 287K
uu1v301.oldtr.tar.Z1993-07-25 04:00 266K
uu2v30.oldtr.tar.Z1993-07-25 04:00 284K
rylvania.tar.Z1993-11-01 05:00 162K
gc-gam.zip1994-02-01 05:00 180K
pesach.zip1994-07-28 04:00 51K
3.gam1994-11-27 05:00 105K
Enhanced.tar.Z1995-01-23 05:00 142K
firwitch.zip1995-02-06 05:00 241K
saveprinceton20.gam1995-03-21 05:00 267K
pcu10.zip1995-04-11 04:00 228K
legend386.zip1995-05-04 04:00 463K
legend.tar.Z1995-05-04 04:00 409K
Museum.zip1995-08-30 04:00 50K
lethe.txt1995-08-31 04:00 1.3K
undo.gam1995-08-31 04:00 57K
tow11.gam1995-09-06 04:00 156K
lethe.zip1995-09-20 04:00 141K
lethe_noio.zip1995-09-20 04:00 141K
cube.gam1995-11-06 05:00 38K
toonesia.gam1995-12-06 05:00 124K
way.zip1995-12-20 05:00 155K
broken.zip1996-02-13 05:00 194K
gfleece.zip1996-02-21 05:00 172K
pastense.zip1996-03-27 05:00 263K
lambs.gam1996-03-28 05:00 44K
frust.zip1996-03-31 05:00 195K
hgrail.zip1996-03-31 05:00 185K
mission.zip1996-03-31 05:00 194K
lost202g.zip1996-04-23 04:00 138K
tads_dungeon.zip1996-06-06 04:00 313K
urban1.zip1996-06-14 04:00 222K
foom.tar.gz1996-07-05 04:00 162K
lostny.egg1996-08-16 04:00 1.9K
wormhole.zip1996-08-16 04:00 236K
tads-gamelist2.txt1996-08-22 04:00 61K
nbdemo.gam1996-08-29 04:00 110K
shelby.zip1996-09-01 04:00 194K
mrsk.zip1997-01-05 05:00 313K
underoos.gam1997-01-17 05:00 67K
Hero1r3.gam1997-02-20 05:00 145K
fmsr4.gam1997-03-01 05:00 161K
maiden.zip1997-04-12 04:00 113K
lostny14.gam1997-04-29 04:00 424K
myth.zip1997-05-02 04:00 172K
Parade.comment.txt1997-08-03 04:00 19K
2044.gam1998-01-12 05:00 47K
veritas22.gam1998-01-23 05:00 315K
frenfive.gam1998-02-01 05:00 245K
son1.gam1998-02-02 05:00 94K
tortoise.gam1998-02-02 05:00 90K
shadow.gam1998-02-17 05:00 154K
kitchen.zip1998-02-18 05:00 37K
savannah.gam1998-03-05 05:00 535K
golddemo.zip1998-04-13 04:00 711K
abductv2.gam1998-06-04 04:00 188K
zero.gam1998-08-29 04:00 290K
barometer.gam1998-09-25 04:00 89K
firebird.gam1998-11-04 05:00 341K
SmallW3.gam1998-11-29 05:00 256K
bmch.zip1998-12-13 05:00 170K
dampcamp.gam1999-02-06 05:00 86K
mansion.gam1999-02-12 05:00 93K
ofd.gam1999-02-12 05:00 205K
gna.zip1999-03-19 05:00 384K
gnars.zip1999-03-19 05:00 818K
Moist.zip1999-06-17 04:00 182K
sanecube.gam1999-06-19 04:00 114K
Parade.gam1999-10-04 04:00 264K
00ReadMeFirst-TADS1999-10-24 04:00 11K
Deanna.zip1999-11-07 05:00 115K
inherit.gam1999-11-20 05:00 104K
museum.gam1999-12-14 05:00 247K
waterbrd.gam2000-01-01 05:00 274K
fren5-2.gam2000-01-02 12:27 197K
Ground.gam2000-01-18 05:00 256K
Babel31.gam2000-02-11 05:00 455K
exhibit21.gam2000-02-11 05:00 4.2M
son0.gam2000-03-26 05:00 86K
choice.gam2000-04-14 04:00 82K
alone1.gam2000-07-03 04:00 150K
fourin1.gam2000-07-10 04:00 297K
quick.gam2000-08-15 04:00 73K
Rematch.gam2000-08-22 04:00 238K
the_one.zip2000-10-16 04:00 59K
kissing.zip2000-10-22 04:00 114K
kaged_s.gam2000-12-24 05:00 1.0M
metroid.gam2001-03-14 20:20 55K
oaf.sit.hqx2001-04-01 13:05 636K
oaf.zip2001-04-01 13:05 465K
above.gam2001-04-23 06:58 536K
awe.gam2001-04-23 06:58 438K
stranded.gam2001-06-20 17:46 367K
aayela.gam2001-08-16 19:54 108K
cruise.gam2001-11-29 22:47 188K
grip.gam2001-12-01 02:06 696K
gripfeelies.zip2001-12-05 02:35 9.7M
coast.zip2002-01-05 20:36 86K
depravityBITES.zip2002-01-24 03:28 134K
ftf_manual.pdf2002-02-20 02:38 107K
bmiss.gam2002-04-10 19:34 119K
theoracle.zip2002-04-21 04:14 201K
beet.zip2002-04-24 11:28 320K
katana.gam2002-05-08 16:45 809K
deepspace.zip2002-06-02 03:13 122K
flames.zip2002-06-02 03:21 194K
plant_2.zip2002-06-02 03:23 193K
ditchday.zip2002-06-02 03:32 110K
SecondPit.zip2002-07-21 18:04 157K
unease.gam2002-09-09 15:35 403K
xarbo.zip2002-10-02 09:57 136K
eterna.zip2002-10-08 18:04 72K
cquest.zip2002-12-08 16:57 93K
fren5-3.gam2002-12-31 04:16 372K
comp02tr.t32002-12-31 21:54 938K
infinity.zip2003-01-02 21:40 94K
zebulon3.zip2003-01-16 09:27 85K
tildeath.gam2003-02-12 01:48 553K
forever.zip2003-03-11 08:58 230K
ntts.gam2003-03-18 03:16 587K
spatial.t32003-04-10 05:13 392K
dearbrian.zip2003-04-19 21:59 347K
friendly.gam2003-05-26 01:48 232K
uux.gam2003-08-13 20:40 865K
Ninjaburger.gam2003-08-14 15:11 92K
house.gam2003-10-24 14:42 82K
amissville.gam2003-10-27 23:34 1.0M
Stowaway.gam2003-11-27 03:26 239K
gate.gam2004-01-19 22:17 67K
hamper.gam2004-03-18 00:16 246K
ReeferIsland.gam2004-04-21 00:24 356K
videobar.zip2004-06-17 04:53 515K
SquareCircle.zip2004-11-27 17:57 382K
ptbad4.gam2004-12-19 23:10 57K
islecult.gam2005-01-21 19:04 401K
ptbad5.gam2005-02-22 00:08 58K
diemasse.gam2005-02-27 20:54 206K
meine.gam2005-02-27 20:54 224K
scavenger.zip2005-04-11 13:18 252K
flames_manual.dvi2005-07-03 01:41 97K
flames_manual.ps2005-07-03 01:42 305K
flames_manual.pdf2005-07-03 01:43 214K
fm.gam2005-08-13 19:55 1.5M
banana.zip2005-10-15 18:52 274K
excuse.zip2005-10-29 13:01 145K
sabotage.gam2005-11-16 20:25 317K
pill.gam2006-01-12 15:34 639K
AllHope.zip2006-02-25 10:36 661K
Escape.zip2006-07-24 20:43 1.8M
king.zip2006-12-08 08:46 266K
tide.zip2006-12-20 04:37 89K
ftf.gam2006-12-21 08:02 1.2M
suprematism.zip2007-01-30 18:13 55K
Elysium.zip2007-03-08 14:34 1.0M
space.t32007-10-10 14:44 78K
School.gam2007-11-14 17:50 336K
slapthatfish.zip2007-11-21 21:09 127K
amoi.gam2008-03-01 14:33 459K
MrsPepper.t32008-03-16 21:53 1.1M
Recluse.zip2008-03-19 01:31 439K
TheSleepingPrincess.t32008-03-28 20:06 719K
GunMute.t32008-07-20 19:00 697K
gpeace.gam2009-03-03 13:34 108K
Macrocosm.zip2009-05-26 13:03 28M
storm.zip2009-05-31 08:15 770K
Darkness.zip2009-07-15 01:21 305K
WalkerSilhouette.zip2009-12-19 16:21 1.6M
LydiasHeart.zip2010-05-30 23:02 2.0M
TheApprentice.gam2010-08-25 00:24 174K
RogueOfTheMultiverse.zip2010-12-15 19:22 1.6M
Murmel2.zip2011-06-23 04:45 84K
indigo.t32011-07-11 23:25 523K
ng.gam2012-01-15 16:15 255K
WutheringHeights.t32012-03-26 07:41 1.0M
AllHopeWebUI.t32012-05-12 14:30 2.3M
stormWebUI.t32012-05-15 18:53 2.2M
ElysiumWebUI.t32012-05-16 18:01 2.0M
SquareCircleWebUI.t32012-05-16 19:15 1.6M
MrsPepperWebUI.t32012-05-20 11:05 1.6M
BlightedIsleWebUI.t32012-05-20 13:25 3.8M
Blighted.zip2012-05-20 13:37 1.2M
Cook-Off.t32012-07-09 06:45 1.1M
edgarhuntly.gam2012-08-06 01:55 155K
TheSleepingPrincessWebUI.t32013-01-04 06:13 1.3M
return-to-ditch-day.zip2013-04-26 07:01 884K
SeahopIF.t32013-06-22 06:02 1.1M
e14s.gam2013-08-20 19:55 160K
polyadv.gam2013-10-23 16:55 864K
it.t32014-03-30 14:07 1.1M
it_web.t32014-03-30 14:09 1.5M
Dead_Mans_Party.t32014-06-09 15:52 1.6M
Dead_Mans_Party_Web.t32014-06-09 15:52 2.0M
lookaroundthecorner.t32014-06-12 07:41 649K
lookaroundthecorner-web.t32014-06-13 20:54 1.0M
saturns_child.zip2014-07-15 19:14 3.0M
venice.zip2014-09-15 08:14 306K
venice_web.t32014-10-03 18:50 1.2M
PekoStory.t32015-01-02 20:24 1.0M
Castle_of_Doom.gam2015-01-16 04:07 51K
MeanStreets.gam2015-02-23 19:38 124K
ThreeDaysOfNight.t32015-02-23 19:38 1.6M
ThreeDaysOfNightWebUI.t32015-02-23 19:38 2.0M
saturns_child_web_ui.t32015-03-27 20:52 2.7M
1893.gam2015-04-14 13:00 68M
1893_guide.pdf2015-04-14 13:00 347K
1893_manual.pdf2015-04-14 13:00 188K
1893_map.pdf2015-04-14 13:00 493K
vividity.t32015-06-07 07:12 676K
vividity_web.t32015-06-07 07:12 1.1M
gna_bundled.gam2015-08-17 10:05 1.9M
arrival.zip2015-08-30 11:58 1.6M
helpgam1.zip2015-08-30 12:00 1.4M
tnc.zip2015-10-12 18:30 1.0M
fusillad111.zip2015-10-12 18:30 297K
Drool.zip2015-10-14 14:32 3.6M
SpecialDetectiveAgent.zip2015-10-14 14:34 1.0M
ecdysis.zip2015-10-14 14:35 163K
BattleSimDemo.zip2015-11-07 20:25 538K
wolfenschtein_WebUI.t32015-11-30 08:56 1.1M
Epilogue.t32015-12-22 09:28 1.1M
My_last_rodeo.t32016-03-06 16:16 1.5M
The_Reveal.t32016-03-06 16:16 1.5M
You_Matched.t32016-03-06 16:16 1.5M
homeopen.t32016-04-04 11:44 1.8M
homeopen_web.t32016-04-04 11:44 2.2M
SAwesome.t32016-06-03 06:45 1.2M
dark_angel.t32016-08-25 15:10 2.7M
dark_angel_web_ui.t32016-08-25 15:10 2.7M
gift3.gam2016-12-07 04:50 31M
Korenvliet.t32017-02-16 13:40 703K
devil_in_details.zip2017-04-19 00:33 3.6M
The_Ribos_Operation.t32017-06-16 16:16 701K
Ward_Z.t32017-07-05 05:01 1.1M
Sex.Artist.zip2017-07-31 23:31 409K
You_Matched_WebUI.t32017-09-28 23:58 2.0M
The_Reveal_WebUI.t32017-09-30 19:20 1.9M
My_last_rodeo_WebUI.t32017-09-30 19:22 1.9M
Wilderness.t32017-10-28 19:22 648K
Wilderness_web.t32017-10-29 00:35 1.0M
House.zip2018-04-02 17:48 475K
diabolical.t32019-07-05 07:31 1.5M
TheLittlestGriffinWeb.t32019-10-01 19:33 1.0M
Fake_News_WebUI.t32020-04-26 03:01 2.3M
Fake_News.t32020-04-26 03:02 1.8M
mazes.t32020-06-11 12:12 8.1M
lostny.pdf2021-04-10 18:35 8.9M
lostny_regcode.lny2021-04-11 19:39 46
yet_another_experiment.t32021-07-20 16:49 670K
Ghosts_Within.t32021-11-22 22:40 1.7M
pastpresent.t32022-02-18 12:27 1.9M
worlds.zip2022-06-02 00:55 601K
curse.zip2022-11-27 17:13 60K
trenchline.t32022-12-04 07:16 795K
I-Am-Prey.zip2023-06-04 01:17 14M
Prom_Dress.t32023-07-30 19:41 3.3M
SnowblindAces.t32023-08-07 17:25 626K
Six_Chamber_Champion.t32023-08-07 18:21 490K
xxxmen1.zip2023-08-23 21:01 2.0M
AccordingToCain.zip2023-09-12 22:25 15M
PQ.zip2024-01-02 05:35 13M
TheLittlestGriffin.t32024-01-18 02:40 669K
MarthasBigDate.t32024-02-28 22:01 812K
Get-Corn.t32024-07-24 13:12 1.8M
Index2024-07-24 13:26 53K

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