[Transcribed by Arthur DiBianca. This is the calligraphic text from the front and back covers of the manual of the original "folio" edition of Enchanter. The original text is a little difficult to read because of the heavy calligraphy. The punctuation has been altered slightly for clarity.] [The original may be seen here: https://mocagh.org/infocom/enchanterfolio-manual.pdf] [Front cover] Be it declared by the Guild Masters of this land -- That those who unseal this capsule -- be they our descendants or born of a civilization that has succeeded our own -- should know of the skills and craftsmanship we have achieved. Our works represent the best our hands and minds can create. Our learning is the fruit of many seasons. Our Guilds are many, so only a few will speak here. Friend or foe, mark well our words. Although there flourish many powerful Guilds, in our land the mighty and humble stand together in mutual respect. Therefore, heed the wisdom of all Guild Masters. Let their words serve as your trusted guide... Belboz for the Enchanters ??? for the Thaumaturgists Longnir for the Cartographers Frith for the Orators Screed for the Scriveners ??? for the Physicians ??? for the Fletchers Guild Masters, All. [Back cover] Prepared with the Patience, Craft, and Perseverance of the Printers Guild Journeyman Marc Blank has been hailed throughout the land as an Artist of movable type. The son of a woodcutter, Blank early in life turned his talents to woodblocks. He apprenticed to a xylographer but had the foresight to venture boldly into the new art of parchment printing. In addition to his renown in the craft of printing, he has also gained wealth from his share of a distant antimony mine. Dave Lebling, wandering journeyman printer, was born of a noble family. Sadly, he was cast out by a wicked step-brother who was jealous of his fair appearance. Lebling was taken in by kindly Guild Master Koberger and apprenticed to him. At the age of maturity, this stout-hearted lad sought his own fortune. Arriving at our town, he won the respect of all with his skill and the concealed deed to his betrayer's antimony mine. Now, their mighty labors accomplished for the nonce, Blank and Lebling heed the call of Mistress Quickly and rejuvenate their weary frames in local games of skill every Tuesday night at the Guild Hall.