Colossal Cave Revisited v1.0. A remake of Crowther and Woods' original adventure with a full sentence parser, with complete TADS source. TADS version by Dave Baggett. Freeware. Macbinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/ccr.sit.bin and from games/source/tads/ccr.sit.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/ccr.sit.hqx and from games/source/tads/ccr.sit.hqx]
The Legend Lives! v1.0 An Unnkulian Universe Unventure by Dave Baggett. Self-extracting archive in MacBinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/legend.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/legend.hqx]
The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary. Playable DEMO v1.0, Macbinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/rylvania.sea.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/rylvania.sea.hqx]
Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure version 3.0.1 by D. A. Leary. Macbinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnk1v301.sit.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnk1v301.sit.hqx]
Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme version 3.0 by David M. Baggett. Macbinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnk2v30.sit.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnk2v30.sit.hqx]
Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant version 1.0 Includes a playable demo of Unnkulia Zero! both games by D. A. Leary. Macbinary format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnkhz10.sit.bin]
Same as above, but BinHex format. [file is linked from games/mac/unnkhz10.sit.hqx]