A Note on Mime Types

IF systems have used a lot of file suffixes over the years. The torrent has slowed down; people aren't creating new formats with quite the enthusiasm that they did in the 1990s. But we still have a pretty large list to keep track of. We want to make sure that binary formats aren't served as text/plain.

Here is the Apache configuration file that is used by this web server. It covers all the file suffixes I could find in the archive. If you're configuring a modern Apache setup, just drop it into your Apache config directory (see here for more information). If you want to use these settings on a shared virtual host where you do not have administrative access, you can rename the file to .htaccess and put it in your top-level web directory.

Most of the wacky file formats are just application/octet-stream. There's special handling for Z-code, Glulx, Blorb, and TADS 2 and 3 game files, since they're so common. These are application/x-zmachine, application/x-glulx, application/x-blorb, application/x-tads, and application/x-t3vm-image respectively.

Note that .zblorb and .gblorb files don't have their own MIME types; they are served as "profiles" of application/x-blorb. I'm not sure any software understands profiles in this sense, but I like to think that it'll make something magically work right someday.

If you have any comments, complaints, or suggestions, please send them to <tech .at. ifarchive .dot. org>.