ALAN interpreters for these games are available in the directory programming/alan/executables/
Bugged, version 1.2, by Anssi Raisanen.
The Chasing, version 1.1, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/alan/chasing/)
City of Dead Leaves, by Felix Pleșoianu. Alan 3 source code, including a minimal standard library 'retrolib.i'.
Closet, release 3, a short one one-location adventure, written by Mikko Vuorinen. Alan 2.8 game file
A Very Hairy Fish-Mess, version 1.2, written with ALAN 3 by Byron Alexander Campbell.
The HeBGB Horror! version 2, by Eric Mayer (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/alan/hebgb/)
The Hollywood Murders, An Interactive Mystery written in ALAN 3 by Michael Zerbo. (An installable Windows version of this game is in games/pc/HollywoodMurders.exe, and a BeOS version is in games/beos/
Lost in New York, written by Mikko Vuorinen
Mis/Guided, a game created as a school project at The Game Assembly. Version 1.01, written by Jari Sarajärvi, Patrik Dekhla, Tara Fkri and Rasmus Gunnarsson.
"Painless Little Stupid Games", a collection of five small Alan games ("Dinnertime", "To Get To The Other Side", "They're After You!", "Mazemapper" and "The Mean Story"), by Bob Reeves. Includes Alan data files and MS-DOS interpreter executable. (Updated Z-code versions are in games/zcode/
Room 206, release 2, written with ALAN 3 by Byron Alexander Campbell.
Sardoria, version 1.1, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/alan/sardoria/)
Out Of The Study, version 1.3, by Anssi Raisanen. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/alan/study/)
The Christmas Party, by OldGrover.
The Wyldkynd Project, version 1.05, by Robert DeFord.