Index: if-archive/games/competition2012

The entries to the 18th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2012).

The versions in top-level subdirectories may have been updated during or after the competition; if so, the original submission is usually in an original/ subdirectory.

7 Subdirectories


See Also

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea

Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea, by Duncan Bowsman. Version 3. Story file, maps, and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Sealed Room

The Sealed Room, by Robert DeFord. Version 1.2.5. Story files and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Andromeda Apocalypse

Andromeda Apocalypse, by Marco Innocenti. Release 1 / Serial number 120929. Story file and feelies. (a newer version is in games/glulx/

IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Killer Headache

A Killer Headache, a Distasteful Situation, by Mike Ciul. Release 3 / Serial number 121231. Story file and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/glulx/headache.gblorb); see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

IFDB entry
IFWiki: J'dal

J'dal, by Ryan Kinsman. Release 1 / Serial number 120930. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Kicker

Kicker, by Pippin Barr. Release 1 / Serial number 120929. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: In a Manor of Speaking

In a Manor of Speaking, A Punny Adventure, by Hulk Handsome. Release 3 / Serial number 121017. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is in games/zcode/

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Shuffling Around

Shuffling Around, by Andrew Schultz (writing as Ned Yompus). Release 3 / Serial number 140914. Story file and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition; an even newer version is in games/glulx/

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Signos

Signos, by Mauricio Diaz Garcia (writing as M4u).

IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Island (by Brown)

The Island, by Andrew Brown (writing as Old Andy). Version 1.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Guilded Youth

Guilded Youth, by Jim Munroe. Inform/Vorple. Version 2.0. Enhanced browser interpreter, Z-code story file, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: howling dogs

howling dogs, by Porpentine. Twine. Game, link to play online, and spoilers.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Last Minute

Last Minute, by Hulk Handsome (writing as Ruderbager Doppelganger). Twine. Game and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release, also in games/twine/; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Living Will

Living Will, by Mark Marino. Undum.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Lift

The Lift, by Colin Capurso. Twine. Game and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Transit

Transit, by Shaye. Twine.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Valkyrie

Valkyrie, by Emily Forand et al. Twine.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Body Bargain

Body Bargain, A Tale of Transhumanism by Amanda Lange. Release 3 / Serial number 121021. Story file and walkthroughs.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Castle Adventure (by Chenoweth)

Castle Adventure!, An Interactive Fiction for the not-quite-beginning adventurer - old-school style! by Ben Chenoweth. Release 2 / Serial number 121207. Story file, hints, and walkthrough transcript. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/zcode/castle.z8; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Changes

Changes, by David Given. Release 8 / Serial number 120930.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Escape From Summerland

Escape From Summerland, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy (writing as Jenny Roomy and Jasmine Lavages). Release 2 / Serial number 121011. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Eurydice

Eurydice, by Anonymous. Release 1 / Serial number 121206. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/zcode/Eurydice.zblorb; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Fish Bowl

Fish Bowl, by Ethan Rupp and Joshua Rupp. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Lunar Base 1

Lunar Base 1, a work of Interactive Science Fiction by Michael Wayne Phipps Jr. Release 1 / Serial number 120929. Story file (in z8 and zblorb formats) and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law, An Interactive Fiasco by Scott Hammack. Release 1 / Serial number 120929. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Spiral

Spiral, by Justin Morgan. Release 2 / Serial number 121106. Story file and walkthrough.

IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Afternoon, by Christopher Huang (writing as Virgil Hilts). Release 3 / Serial number 121213. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/zcode/SundayAfternoon.z8; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Test is Now READY

The Test is Now READY, by Jim Warrenfeltz. Release 1 / Serial number 121004. Story file and walkthrough.

6 Files

Comp12.z5 [02-Oct-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: CompXX

The unofficial "front-end" game for the 2012 competition, providing information on all the games and systems used to run them, plus the ability to sort the games you can play into a random list. Written by Lucian Paul Smith. Release 1 / Serial number 121001. [01-Oct-2012]
View contents

All of the entries in the 2012 competition in one package. Unzip into a directory with the -d option to preserve the original subdirectory structure. This file is around 35MB in size.

IFComp2012.exe [01-Oct-2012]

All of the entries in the 2012 competition in one Windows self extracting archive. This file is around 32MB in size.

readme.txt [30-Sep-2012]

Stephen Granade's note about the 2012 competition. Read this to find out where to get more information.

results.txt [16-Nov-2012]

The results of the 2012 competition.

WinInterpreters.exe [01-Oct-2012]

All of the Windows interpreters needed to play the competition games.