Compiled executables for (mostly Intel) Linux systems.
Linux x86 and x86_64 binaries of Matthew Russotto's F77 conversion of Crowther's Adventure. The file needs to be placed in the /usr/lib directory (or another directory in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) before playing! (source code is in games/source/
Linux (x86) executable of the 440 point version of Colossal Cave, built by Mike Arnautov. (source code is in games/source/adv440.tgz)
Linux (x86) Glk executable of David Platt's 550 point version (David's PL-6 release of 9/18/84, which contains text and formatting missing from Ken Wellsch's more widely available C version), built by Mike Arnautov. (source code is in games/source/advent_acode.tar.gz)
Linux (x86) Glk executable of Mike Arnatov's 660 point version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.07 (5/9/2001). This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt. (source code is in games/source/advent_acode.tar.gz)
Linux (x86) executable of Mike Arnatov's 770 point version of Colossal Cave, version 2.07 (25mar2013). (source code is in games/source/adv770-2.07-C-src.tgz, a DOS executable is in games/pc/, and a Windows executable is in games/pc/adv770-2.07-win.exe)
A randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. Archive contains Linux (x86) and Windows (32-bit) executables, plus C source code. (a Java version is in games/java/, and a Javascript/PDF version is in games/pdf/Mines.pdf)
Gatefold, version 1.0.1, by Axile Studio, Holly Boson, and Alex McGivern. For x86_64 Linux; statically linked. (a Windows version is in games/pc/
HLA Adventure, version 3.40, written by Paul Panks. For x86 Linux; statically linked. (a Windows version is in games/pc/paul-panks/
Kerkerkruip, an IF roguelike, by Victor Gijsbers. Version 9.0.1. Release 9 / Serial number 140419. Architecture-independent Debian/Ubuntu Linux package. (a machine-independent Glulx game file is in games/glulx/, a Windows installer is in games/pc/kerkerkruip.msi, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/glulx/kerkerkruip/original/)
The New Castle, version 9.0. Written by Dan Gahlinger, based on Castle, written by Barry Wilks on a VAX/VMS circa 1983. For x86_64 Linux; statically linked. (an MS-DOS version is in games/pc/, and a Mac OSX version is in games/mac/newcastle.tgz)
Realm of Obsidian (Preview Edition) v0.63, with sounds and music, by Amy Kerns. This version is packaged to run under Wine on Linux. (a Windows version is in games/pc/
Realm of Obsidian (Preview Edition) v0.63, without sounds or music, by Amy Kerns. This version is packaged to run under Wine on Linux. (a Windows version is in games/pc/
World 1.07a, by J. D. McDonald. Linux binary, compiled by Joan CiberSheep. Linux x86_64 executable.