Index: if-archive/games/source/java

3 Files [19-Aug-2010] [link to if-archive/games/java/]
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Bork: The Great Abortion of A Coherent Narrative. Includes Java class files and source code. [file is linked to games/java/] [24-Oct-2005] [link to if-archive/games/java/]
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JMines version 2.4, a randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. Archive contains Java source code and compile class files. (a C version is in games/pc/, and a Javascript/PDF version is in games/pdf/Mines.pdf) [file is linked to games/java/] [09-Oct-2005] [link to if-archive/games/java/]
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Palace of Shadows, version 1.0, by Christos Stogiannopoulos. Archive contains Java executables (HTML and console versions), game file, documentation and Java source code. [file is linked to games/java/]