Index: if-archive/games/springthing/2012

This directory contains files relating to Greg Boettcher's 2012 Interactive Fiction Spring Thing.

7 Files

readme.txt [08-Apr-2012]

Information about the competition. [06-Apr-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sleuth

Sleuth, by Scott Greig. (Quest) [08-Apr-2012]
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All of the entered games, available in one archive. [08-Apr-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Egg and the Newbie

The Egg and the Newbie, by Robert DeFord. (Glulx) Version 2.00.

TheEggAndTheNewbieWalkthrough.txt [12-Apr-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Egg and the Newbie

Walkthrough to The Egg and the Newbie, by Robert DeFord. [06-Apr-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Rocket Man from the Sea

The Rocket Man from the Sea, by Janos Honkonen. (Z-code) Release 1 / Serial number 120405. (a newer version is in games/glulx/TheRocketManFromTheSea.gblorb) [06-Apr-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The White Bull

The White Bull, by Jim Aikin. (TADS 3) Version 1.0.0.