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To Whom It May Concern, by ParadoxRogue.
Medieval Pits, by Janos Biro. Version 1.0.
An extension that provides a means of defining and manipulating scenes in a way similar to the scenes mechanism available in Inform 7. Version 1.1, by Eric Eve.
Vein, by The Second Moon.
Demon Hunter: Legacy, by RetroVem. Version 1.26.
Passerine Hills: Just a Bite, by Naarel. (Amare Fest Version)
if you died tomorrow, by Naarel. Part of Passerine Hills.
A collection of articles about interactive fiction, written between 2011 and 2020 by Felix Pleșoianu. Free Art License.
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
Version 2.2 of adv3Lite, an alternative library for use with TADS 3, by Eric Eve. Freeware.
The Hundredth Floor, by TechnoBen. Version 0.1.15.
Isolated, by Torment Of Gloom. Release 1. - Version 1.0 / Serial Number 250225. Copyright (C) 2025 Cosmic Halo Records. All rights reserved. Story file, bundled web interpreter, and solution.
Inform all-in-one Unix source package, put together by David Griffith. The package includes the following: