Index: if-archive/games/amiga/spanish

This directory contains Spanish Amiga text adventures.

ADF disk images are files in a format suitable for use with the Amiga emulator program UAE. To use these files on a real Amiga, it is necessary to unpack the archive with Unzip (in the download-tools/amiga directory) and then write the ADF disk image back to a real Amiga disk with Adf2Amiga (available from any of the Aminet mirror sites).

7 Files

anillos1.dms [29-Aug-1996]
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El señor de los Anillos, a Spanish text adventure by Dimas Caparrós Gómez. Disk 1 of 2. These 2 disks represent the shareware version of the game; the full version has one disk more.

anillos2.dms [29-Aug-1996]
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El señor de los Anillos, a Spanish text adventure by Dimas Caparrós Gómez. Disk 2 of 2. [09-Mar-1998]
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Chichen Itza; book three (in two parts) of the trilogy Leyendas de Ci-U-Than, an illustrated Spanish text adventure by Aventuras AD. You enter the Mayan city of Chichen Itza, meet with their old spirits, and travel to the Mayan underworld to break free Kukulkan, the good Mayan god. Archive contains ADF Amiga disk image. (A DOS version of this game is in games/pc/spanish/chichen.exe, and a Spectrum version is in games/spectrum/spanish/ [09-Mar-1998]
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La Diosa de Cozumel; book one (in two parts) of the trilogy Leyendas de Ci-U-Than, an illustrated Spanish text adventure by Aventuras AD. You are an archeologist, shipwrecked near the island of Cozumel, and you must defeat its evil goddess Ix-Chell. Archive contains ADF Amiga disk image. (An Amstrad version is in games/amstrad/spanish/, a C64 version is in games/c64/spanish/, and a DOS version is in games/pc/spanish/cozumel.exe)

El [04-Apr-2020]
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El pacto (1992). Role Team Design: Eduardo Solans Mares (programación); Antonio Casares Rodríguez (guión); José Antonio Caracuel y Carlos Solans (gráficos); Sonia Melero Hueso (música). [09-Mar-1998]
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El Jabato, an illustrated Spanish text adventure by Manuel González, Paco Zarco, Juan Antonio Darder, and Carlos Marqués, published by Aventuras AD. Archive contains ADF Amiga disk image. (an Amstrad version is in games/amstrad/spanish/, an Atari ST version is in games/atari-ST/spanish/jabato.exe, a C64 version is in games/c64/spanish/, DOS versions are in games/pc/spanish/jabato.exe and games/pc/spanish/, Spectrum versions are in games/spectrum/spanish/ and games/spectrum/spanish/, and MSX versions are in games/msx/spanish/ and games/msx/spanish/ [09-Mar-1998]
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La Aventura Original, an illustrated Spanish text adventure by Andrés Samudio, Manuel González, and Carlos Marqués, based on Colossal Cave. Archive contains ADF Amiga disk image. (A DOS version of this game is in games/pc/spanish/original.exe, and a Spectrum version is in games/spectrum/spanish/, and an MSX version is in games/msx/spanish/