Material related to the IntroComp, an event run approximately yearly since
2002, for the introductory parts of new IF works, with deferred
cash prizes for then completing the work within a certain time period.
- games02.txt
Neil's list of the 2002 games and voting rules.
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2002, Artifiction, At Wit's End Again, Death By Monkey, Fellowship of the Ring, ...from the Files of Sigmund Praxis, Guerrilla Therapist, Genie, Hey, Jingo!, Private Cyborg, Madrigals of War and Love, TimeTrap, The Maintenance Man, Virus, The Waterhouse Women
All of the entries in Neil deMause's 2002 IntroComp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Artifiction, by Mikko Vuorinen (Alan)
- At Wit's End Again, by Mike Sousa (TADS)
- Death By Monkey, by R. Rawson-Tetley (IAGE)
- Fellowship of the Ring, by One of the Bruces (Atari 2600)
An emulator is available at
- From the Files of Sigmund Sigmund Praxis,
Guerrilla Therapist, by Mark Silcox (ADRIFT)
- Genie, by Stark Springs (Glulx)
- Hey, Jingo!, by Caleb Wilson (Glulx)
- Private Cyborg, by Tony Ash (TADS)
- Madrigals of War and Love, by Jason Dyer (Hugo)
- Timetrap, by D.R. Porterfield (Inform)
- The Maintenance Man, by Philip Dearmore (TADS)
- Virus, by Philip Dearmore (TADS)
- The Waterhouse Women, by Jacqueline Lott (Inform)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2003, Agency (game), Harlequin Girl, Harrington House, Ophelia, Reality's End, The Mage Wars: Statue
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2003 IntroComp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Agency, by Ricardo Signes (Inform)
- Harlequin Girl, by Sean M. Elliott (Inform)
- Harrington House, by Gayla Bassham (Inform)
- Ophelia, by Benjamin Fan (Java)
- Reality's End, by Harry Hol (Inform)
- The Mage Wars: Statue, by Jim Fisher (Inform)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2004, A Bet's A Bet, Auden's Eden, Intro to Jabberwocky, On The Cross, Passenger, Runes, The Homework of Little Carl Gauss
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2004 IntroComp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- A Bet's A Bet, by Santa's Helper (Tads)
- Auden's Eden, by Tommy Herbert (Inform)
- Intro to Jabberwocky, by Gregory Weir (Inform)
- On the Cross, by Ian Caleb (Inform)
- Passenger, by Niall Richard Murphy (Inform)
- Runes, by Deane Saunders (Inform)
- The Homework of Little Carl Gauss, by Stefano Gaburri (Glulx)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2005, The Amazing Uncle Griswold, Deadsville, The Fox, The Dragon, and The Stale Loaf of Bread, The Hobbit (by Makarov), Negotis: Book 1, Somewhen, Weishaupt Scholars
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2005 IntroComp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- The Amazing Uncle Griswold, by David Whyld (Adrift)
- Deadsville, by William McDuff (Inform)
(a newer version is in games/zcode/
- The Fox, The Dragon, and The Stale Loaf of Bread,
by David Welbourn (Inform)
- The Hobbit, by Serhei Makarov (Inform)
- Negotis, by Robert DeFord (TADS 3)
- Somewhen, by Bryce J. Rhaiz (Inform)
- Weishaupt Scholars: Prologue, by Michael C. Martin (Inform)
(the completed version is at games/zcode/wscholars.zblorb)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2006, The Art of Deception, Child's Play, Mechs, Nothing But Mazes, Sabotage!, Southern Gothic, Unyielding Fury
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2006 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- The Art of Deception, by she's long gone (Z-Code)
- Child's Play, by Stephen Granade (Z-Code)
(the completed version is at games/zcode/ChildsPlay.zblorb)
- Mechs, by Allan Crain (Z-Code)
- Nothing But Mazes, by Greg Boettcher (TADS 3 packaged
as a Windows executable)
(the completed version is at games/tads/mazes.t3)
- Sabotage!, by Felix Pleșoianu (Z-Code)
- Southern Gothic, by Mordechai Shinefield (Z-Code)
- Unyielding Fury, by Michael Pruitt (Z-Code)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2007, Folkar Station, Jack in the box, Jacob's Travels, The King of Shreds and Patches, Three Princes, Tin, Trainstopping
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2007 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Folkar Station, by Doug Jones (TADS 3)
- Jack in the Box, by Marius Muller (Z-code)
- Jacob's Travels, by Anssi Raisanen (Z-code)
- The King of Shreds and Patches, by Jimmy Maher (Z-code)
(the completed version is at games/glulx/King_of_Shreds_and_Patches.gblorb)
- Three Princes, by Alex Godofsky (Glulx)
- Tin, by Jim Aikin (TADS 3)
- Trainstopping, by Ben Collins-Sussman (Z-code)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2008, Fiendish Zoo, Bedtime story, Nine-tenths of the Law
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2008 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- The Bloody Guns, by Stuart Allen (JACL)
- Fiendish Zoo, by Elizabeth Heller (Z-code)
- Storm Cellar, by P. F. Sheckarski (Z-code)
(a later version is at games/zcode/StormCellar0.zblorb)
- Bedtime story, by Taleslinger (Z-code)
- Phoenix's Landing: Destiny, by Carolyn VanEseltine (Glulx)
- Nine-Tenths of the Law, by Jack Welch (Z-code)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2009, Gossip, Obituary, Selves
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2009 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Gossip, by Hugo Labrande (Z-code)
- Obituary, by Drew and Johnny (Z-code)
- Selves, by J'onn Roger (Z-code)
- View contents
- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2010, Tourist Trap, Cryptozookeeper, A Fleeting Case of Self-Possession, Closed Circles, Fang Vs. Claw, For the Love Of Ornery Blue Yaks, Peanut Orchestra, Plan 6 from Inner Earth, Waker
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2010 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Tourist Trap, by Iain Merrick (Z-code)
- Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin (Hugo)
- A Fleeting Case of Self-Possession, or, Memento Moratori,
by Lea Albaugh (Z-code)
- Closed Circles, by M.M. Kathrel (TADS 3)
- Fang Vs. Claw a.k.a. The Duel That Spanned the Ages Episode 2,
by Oliver Ullmann (Glulx)
- For the Love Of Ornery Blue Yaks, by Doug Jones (TADS 2)
- Peanut Orchestra, by Mikhail Fiadotau and Evgeny Bychkov (Windows)
- Plan 6 from Inner Earth, by Adrien Saurat (Z-code)
- Waker, by Kevin Jackson-Mead (Z-code)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2011, Bender, Choice of the Petal Throne, Choice of Zombies, Chunky Blues, The Despondency Index, Exile, Gargoyle (game), Of Pots and Mushrooms, Parthenon, Seasons, Speculative Fiction, Stalling for Time, The Z-Machine Matter
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2011 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Bender, by Colleen Boye (Z-code)
- Choice of the Petal Throne, by Danielle Goudeau (Choicescript)
- Choice of Zombies, by Heather Albano (Choicescript)
- Chunky Blues, by Scott Hammack and Jessamin Yu (Glulx)
- The Despondency Index, by Ed Blair (Z-code)
- Exile, by Simon (Choicescript)
- Gargoyle, by Simon (Choicescript)
- Of Pots and Mushrooms, by Devi and Maya (Choicescript)
- Parthenon, by Charles Wickersham (Z-code)
- Seasons, by Poster (Glulx)
- Speculative Fiction, by Diane Christoforo and Thomas Mack (Z-code)
(the completed version is at games/zcode/sfiction.z8)
- Stalling for Time, by Dominic Delabruere (Z-code)
- The Z-Machine Matter, by Zack Urlocker (Glulx)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2012, The Bafflingly Casual Adventures of No One of Significant Import, Belief, Compliance, Genesis, Resonance (Nereida Scales game), Wasteland
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2012 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- The Bafflingly Casual Adventures of No One of Significant Import,
by Robb Kinnison (Quest)
- Belief, by Justin de Vesine (Glulx)
- Compliance, by Chris Conley (Glulx)
- Genesis, by I.B. (Glulx)
- Resonance, by Nereida Scales (ChoiceScript)
- Wasteland, by Taylor Melton and Alex Tocco (ChoiceScript)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2013, Akkoteaque, Best Laid Plans, The Example of the Chicken Sexer, First, The Vanishing Conjurer, Werewolves Rising, What happened in 1984
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2013 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Akkoteaque, by A.C. (Glulx)
- Best Laid Plans, by David Whyld (Glulx)
- The Example of the Chicken Sexer, by Simon Christiansen (Z-code)
- First, by Shannon Prickett (Glulx)
- The Vanishing Conjurer, by Marshal Tenner Winter (Glulx)
- Werewolves Rising, by Jimmy Ronald (ChoiceScript)
- What happened in 1984, by Hunter Hoke (Glulx)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2014, Going Down, The Scroll Thief: A Tribute to the Enchanter Trilogy
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2014 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- 1st and the Last of the Ninja, by nmelssx (ChooseYourStory)
- Bridges and Balloons, by Molly Greene (Twine)
- The Cuckold's Egg, by Veronica Devon (Glulx)
- The Devil in the Details, by Jerry Ford (TADS 3)
- Going Down, by Hanon Ondricek (Inklewriter)
- Hornets' Nest, by Jason Lautzenheiser (Glulx)
- Mount Imperius, by kaleidofish (Twine)
- The Scroll Thief, by Daniel M. Stelzer (Glulx)
(the completed version is at games/glulx/Scroll_Thief.gblorb)
- Tales of the Soul Thief, by David Whyld (Z-code)
- The Terrible Doubt of Appearances, by Buster Hudson (Glulx)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2015
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2015 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Beyond Division, by Joseph Geipel (Glulx)
- Deprivation, by Michael Coorlim (TADS 3)
- Lair of the Gorgonanth, Part 1, by Andrew Watt (Twine)
- Meld, by David Whyld (Glulx)
- Voltage Cafe: Writing a dissertation is no dessert, by anjchang (Glulx)
- Walker's Rift, by Hope Chow (ChoiceScript)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2016, Grubbyville, Spellbound
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2016 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Astronomical Territories, by G_G (Squiffy)
- BestieFone, by Mark C Marino and Rob Wittig (Unity)
- Deviled Kegs, by Moira (Twine)
- Grubbyville, by Andrew Schultz (Z-code)
- Narrows, by G_G (Squiffy)
- Some Exceptions for Reasons Unknown, by Thomas Mack (Glulx)
- Spellbound, by Adam Perry (Glulx)
(the story file is also at games/glulx/Spellbound.gblorb)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2017, Sherlock Indomitable, The Adam and Eve Project, Duckman
All of the entries in Jacqueline Lott's 2017 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Sherlock Indomitable, by mathbrush (Glulx)
(the completed version is at games/springthing/2018/SherlockIndomitable.gblorb)
- Onna Kabuki, by Victor Ojuel (Glulx)
- The Adam and Eve Project, by Brian Kwak (Glulx)
- Duckman, by Wade (Glulx)
- Yukon Yelena, by Wing (Twine)
- Prizon, by Wes Lesley, writing as "Jason Gamble" (Glulx)
- Playing with the White Dog, by Elizabeth Bernhardt (Twine)
- Good For Nothing, by Katalina (Twine)
- The Wishing Wood, by Elizabeth Bernhardt (Twine)
- The Sentence Editor, by fishandbeer (Twine)
- You Just Might Feel Something, by Devin Raposo (Twine)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2018
All of the entries in Xalavier Nelson Jr.'s 2018 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Intro to Implements of the Arcane, by Oliver Frank (Glulx)
- The Missing Ring, by Felicity Drake (Twine)
(the completed version is in games/springthing/2019/
- Retrocession, by Paul Paterson
- An Unexpected Visitor, by Clive Gerard (Twine)
- Draw Nine, by Damon L. Wakes (Twine)
- Magnitude Operation, by Lynda Clark (Inklewriter)
- Mothership, by Strand Games
- Napier's Cache, by Vivienne Dunstan (Z-code)
(the completed version is in games/springthing/2020/
- Space Ferrets, by Rhianon P. Brown (Twine)
- The Royal Mystery Shopper, by Katie Benson (Twine)
- The Scholar, by C.G. Smith
- Undone, by Davis G. See (Twine)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFDB comp
- IFWiki:
IntroComp 2019, Imprisoned
All of the entries in Xalavier Nelson Jr.'s 2019 Introcomp,
archived in a single file. Included are:
- Intro to the Devil's Music, by Harkness Munt (Glulx)
- Dungeon Alive!, by Brittany Hague
- Neurocracy, by Joannes Truyens
- Memorosa, by Enrique Henestroza Anguiano (Twine)
- Gallery Gal's Architectural Adventure, by Damon L. Wakes (Twine)
- Sunder, by K.G. Orphanides (Twine)
- Imprisoned, by Richard Otter (Glulx)
- hide and seek, by manaal (Twine)
- Homeland, by Jason Self (Z-code)
- DEADLINE, by Jeff Schomay
- Steamed Hams, but It's a Twine Game, by Damon L. Wakes (Twine)