Index: if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform5/library/contributions

This directory contains library extensions for various purposes contributed by members of the IF community

1 Subdirectory


a subdirectory with the Adaptive Hints library by Mike Phillips

24 Files

adname.h [15-Dec-1995]

Adname Library release 1, by Andrew Clover. Provides adnames, i.e. words that refer to an object but don't imply it.

attrtest.h [29-Aug-1996]

AttrTest release 2, by Julian Arnold. Provides a new debugging verb which allows you to list or change the attributes of any object in your game whilst you play it.

daemons.h [05-Oct-1995]

Priority Daemons Library by Andrew Plotkin, release 1. Support for daemons that execute in a determined order.

date.h [21-Jun-1996]

An Inform 5.5 library extension to print the date. Recognises 30 and 31 day months and leap years. Written by L. Ross Raszewski.

floating_contents.h [09-Oct-1995]

Floating Contents Library by Julian Arnold, release 2. A new system for handling floating objects in Inform; either complements or replaces `found_in'.

follower.h [15-Dec-1995]

Follower Library release 3, by Gareth Rees and Andrew Clover. Support for creatures that can be followed by the player.

footnote.h [20-Jul-1996]

An Inform Library extension for Inform 5.5 or greater to produce sequentially numbered footnotes, by L. Ross Raszewski

hints.h [20-Jul-1996]

Invisiclues-style Help menu "tool kit" for Inform 5.5 or later by L. Ross Raszewski

locktest.h [20-Jul-1996]

An Inform library to choose default keys to open locks, by L. Ross Raszewski

mapdemo.inf [16-Aug-1998]

A demonstration of an auto-mapping implementation for Inform 5.5, by Nathan Eady

mapdemo.z5 [18-Jul-1998]

A compiled version of mapdemo.inf

newlock.h [20-Jul-1996]

A replacement for Lock and Unlock to implement multiple keys and key-side definition, by L. Ross Raszewski

NewMenu.h [31-Jan-1996]

A replacement for the default menu code in Inform, particularly for the 5/12 version of the libraries, by Mike Phillips. [file is linked from infocom/compilers/inform5/library/contributions/adhints/NewMenu.h]

ordinal.h [21-Jun-1996]

An Inform 5.5 library extension to print an ordinal number ("first", "second", etc.) Written by L. Ross Raszewski.

physics.h [04-Jan-1996]

A complex weight/size system to replace the 'capacity' property, version 1.1, by Sam Hulick.

pluralobj.h [15-Dec-1995]

Plural Objects Library release 2, by Andrew Clover. Changes to the library messages to make them plural-aware and use plural forms appropriately.

scenery.tar.Z [07-Mar-1996]
View contents

Scenery non-objects to provide verbose descriptions, by Joe Mason, 9/95. Includable header in two parts, reworked from Richard Barnett's "A Scenic View" example (release 1; release 2 is now available as infocom/compilers/inform5/examples/AScenicView.inf)

senses.h [15-Sep-1996]

An Inform library to handle sensory perception, by L. Ross Raszewski. Supports recursive senses, sense muting, invisible objects, and sense-specific opacity.

showobj.h [08-Nov-1995]

Show Objects Library by David Wagner, version 3 (07nov95) for library 5/12. Debugging tool that reconstructs an object's definition as it would appear in the Inform source code.

smartcantgo.h [08-Nov-1995]

Smart "Can't Go" Library by David Wagner, version 3 (08nov95). A routine that lists the exits of rooms instead of just "You can't go that way.".

timewait.h [15-Dec-1995]

Time/Wait Library release 3, by Andrew Clover. Support for parsing times of day and "wait until three o'clock" commands.

use.h [21-Jun-1996]

An Inform 5.5 library extension to add a handy "use" verb. Written by L. Ross Raszewski.

waittime.h [21-Jun-1996]

An Inform library to provide understanding of English time strings, to give an enhanced "wait" command. Written by L. Ross Raszewski.

whatis.h [20-Jul-1996]

An improvement upon "What is" commands such as the Zork-like "What is a Grue" and "Who am I", by By L. Ross Raszewski