Nitfol - an Infocom interpreter by Evin Robertson, designed to work with the Glk system for I/O.
Patches for Nitfol 0.5 to fix a crash, run V2 games, display accented characters correctly, remove unwanted flickering in XGlk-built nitfol, and fix undo/redo, by Simon Baldwin.
Source code for Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, packaged as a tarred gzipped file.
Linux Glk executables of Nitfol 0.5 compiled with the patches in, compiled by Simon Baldwin.
Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson. Macintosh executable, compiled by Andrew Plotkin.
Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, MS-DOS executable.
Source code for Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, packaged as a zip file.
MS-DOS 32-bit executables of Nitfol 0.5, built with GlkDOS 0.19.1 by L. Ross Raszewski.
A patch to Nitfol 0.5 to cure a bug affecting the use of UNDO and REDO in .z8 games.
Nitfol 0.5, by Evin Robertson, Windows executable.