Index: if-archive/games/adrift

This directory contains games created with ADRIFT. Interpreters are in programming/adrift/.

4 Subdirectories

competitions [link to if-archive/games/mini-comps/adrift]

A symbolic link to games entered into various Adrift mini-competitions.


Older versions of some of the games in this directory.


193 Files

3monkeys.taf [22-Oct-2003]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Three Monkeys, One Cage

Three Monkeys, One Cage, by Robert Goodwin. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.42 or later.

A_Morning_with_a_Headache.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Morning With A Headache

A Morning With A Headache, by Ole Olsen.

A_Spot_of_Bother.taf [18-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Spot Of Bother

A Spot of Bother, by David Whyld. [22-May-2002]
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IFDB entry

Abyss, by Tony Ash, written using TAG, the precursor to Adrift. Archive includes game and interpreter executable. [22-Feb-2023]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Fine Day for Reaping

A Fine Day for Reaping, version 1.2, by James Webb (aka revgiblet). (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/adrift/afdfr/)

akron.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Akron

Akron, by Markus Kolic. [13-Jul-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Albridge Manor

Albridge Manor, by Woody Ross.

Alive.taf [09-Jan-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Buried Alive

Buried Alive, version 3, by David Whyld. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.45 or later.

All_Through_the_Night.blorb [12-Jan-2014]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: All Through the Night

All Through the Night, by Daniel Saults.

An_Adventurers_Backyard.blorb [23-Feb-2015]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: An Adventurer's Backyard

An Adventurer's Backyard, by lyricasylum.

ASDFA.taf [01-Apr-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Short Damn Fantasy Adventure

A Short Damn Fantasy Adventure, by David Whyld.

bariscebik.taf [30-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Bariscebik

Bariscebik, by Bahri Gordebak.

BarneysProblem.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Barney's_Problem

Barney's Problem, by David Whyld.

Beanstalk.taf [24-Apr-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Beanstalk_the_and_Jack

"Beanstalk the and Jack", version 1.0, by David Welbourn. Winner of "The Comp With No Name".

beer.taf [28-Apr-2003]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: When Beer Isn't Enough

When Beer Isn't Enough, version 2, by Matt.

blast.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Blast

Blast, by Richard Otter.

blood.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Fire in the Blood

Fire in the Blood, by Richard Otter.

Blood_Relatives.taf [05-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Blood Relatives

Blood Relatives, by David Whyld. [26-Feb-2023]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Camelot

Camelot, version 1.05, by Finn Rosenløv.

cave.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cave of Wonders

Cave of Wonders, by Campbell Wild.

CBN1.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Revenge_Of_Clueless_Bob_Newbie!

The Revenge Of Clueless Bob Newbie! by David Whyld.

CBN2.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Revenge_Of_Clueless_Bob_Newbie,_Part_2:_This_Time_It's_Personal

The Revenge Of Clueless Bob Newbie, Part 2: This Time It's Personal, by David Whyld.

Choices.taf [05-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Choices (game)

Choices, by David Whyld.

Choose_Your_Own_Three_Hour_Adventure.taf [05-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure

Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure, by David Whyld.

ChooseYourOwn.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Choose Your Own...

Choose Your Own..., by David Whyld. [14-Apr-2001]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Menagerie

Menagerie!, by David Good. Winner of the ADRIFT Spring 2001 MiniComp. "You are an animal lover who works for PETA. Your goal is to get videotape of the animals at the circus, whom you suspect are mistreated."

CityInFear.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry

City in Fear, by David Whyld.

coloromc.taf [30-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Color of Milk Coffee

Color of Milk Coffee, by Bahri Gordebak. [02-May-2004]
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IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
IFWiki: The Game To End All Games, Forum, Forum 2, Saffire, Topaz

The Woodfish Compendium, a collection of all Woodfish's games:

  • The Game to End All Games
  • Forum
  • Forum 2
  • ImagiDroids
  • Saffire
  • Topaz
CowboyBlues.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cowboy Blues

Cowboy Blues, by David Whyld.

Crime_Adventure.taf [21-Aug-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Crime Adventure

Crime Adventure, by Mark Whitmore. [18-Sep-2012]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cursed

Cursed v2.1.10, post-IFComp2011-release, by Nick Rogers. Story file, hints, and map. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/adrift/cursed)

Cut_the_Red_Wire_No_the_Blue_Wire.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cut the Red Wire! No, the Blue Wire!

Cut the Red Wire! No, the Blue Wire! by David Whyld. [27-Jun-2009]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Cyber Warp

Cyber Warp 1 and 2, by Robby L. [07-Feb-2017]
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IFDB entry

The Dark Hour, by Alexandra Koslowska. [29-Nov-2017]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Darkness (game)

Darkness, V1.21, by Richard Otter. 6th place in InsideADRIFT Game of the Year Comp 2004. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.45 or later. (an Inform port is in games/glulx/Darkness.gblorb)

DayAtTheOffice.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Day At The Office

A Day at the Office, by David Whyld.

DeadReckoning.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning, by David Whyld.

delight.taf [03-Aug-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Crawler's Delight

Crawler's Delight, by Atrios Troll. WARNING: Contains adult content.

dontgo.taf [30-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Don't Go

Don't Go, by Bahri Gordebak.

door.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Door (game)

Door, by Richard Otter. [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Door To Utopia

The Door to Utopia, by David Whyld. [05-Jul-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Doctor_Who_and_the_Vortex_of_Lust

Doctor Who and The Vortex of Lust, by Christopher Cole. WARNING: Contains adult content. [10-Jun-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Curse of DragonShrine

The Curse of DragonShrine, by Mystery.

dusk.taf [18-Jul-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Walk At Dusk

A Walk At Dusk, version 2. An interactive essay by Eric Mayer.

edithscats.taf [08-Dec-2016]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Edith's Cats

Edith's Cats, by roboman. [06-Jun-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Encounter_1_:_Tim's_Mom

Encounter 1 : Tim's Mom, by Christopher Cole. WARNING: Contains adult content. [23-Jun-2005]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Encounter_2_:_The_Study_Group

Encounter 2 : The Study Group, by Christopher Cole. WARNING: Contains adult content. [29-Nov-2017]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Escape to New York

Escape to New York, Post-Comp version, by Richard Otter. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/adrift/escape/escape.taf)

exercise.taf [11-Apr-2006]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Too_Much_Exercise

Too Much Exercise, by Robert Street. [27-Jul-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Far_From_Home

Far From Home, version 1.2, by The Mad Monk.

For_Love_of_Digby.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: For Love Of Digby

For Love of Digby, by David Whyld. [16-Jun-2005]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Escape to Freedom

Escape to Freedom (revisited), version 1.00. Originally written for the C64 by Mario Moeller, and ported to ADRIFT by Richard Otter. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.46 or later. (the original C64 game is in games/c64/mario-moeller/

frustrated.taf [07-May-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Frustrated Interviewee

Frustrated Interviewee, version 2.0, by Robert Rafgon.

Full_Circle.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Full Circle

Full Circle, by David Whyld. [20-Jun-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Gamma_Gals

The Gamma Gals, by Christopher Cole. Version 1.2. WARNING: Contains adult content.

gateway.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Gateway: Guardian Child, by Michael R. Grice. [03-Nov-2009]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ghost Town (by Cowboy)

Ghost Town, version 1.05, by Finn Rosenloev.

Glum_Fiddle.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Glum Fiddle

Glum Fiddle, by C. Henshaw. [09-Oct-2010]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Give Me Your Lunch Money

Give Me Your Lunch Money, a Tale of the Exploits of an 8 Year-Old Inventor, by DCBSupafly.

GoblinHunt.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Goblin Hunt

Goblin Hunt, by David Whyld. [21-Oct-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Goldilocks Is A Fox!

Goldilocks is a FOX!, by J.J. Guest. Archive includes Adrift game and a walkthrough. (an Inform port is in games/zcode/gold.z5)

HalloweenHijinks.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry

Halloween Hijinks, by David Whyld.

haunt.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry

House of the Damned, by Campbell Wild. [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Haunted House of Hideous Horror

The Haunted House of Hideous Horror, by David Whyld. [24-May-2014]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: How to Conquer the World

How to Conquer the World, version 2.0, by Jason Mac Innes.

howitstarted.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: How It All Started

How It All Started, by Kevin Treadway.

hungry.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Hungry

Hungry, by Richard Otter.

i.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: I...

I, by Christopher Cole.

igor.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Igor (2010)

Igor, by Ian Thomson.

In_the_Claws_of_Clueless_Bob.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: In The Claws of Clueless Bob

In The Claws of Clueless Bob, by David Whyld.

inverness.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Inverness Castle, by David Good.

JACD.blorb [30-Aug-2014]
IFDB entry

Just Another Christmas Day, by Zachary Worcester.

JGrim.taf [06-Jul-2009]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Jonathan Grimshaw: Space Tourist

Jonathan Grimshaw: Space Tourist, Version 1.3, by Ren. Winner of the ADRIFT Writing Challenge Comp 2006.

jim.blorb [15-Aug-2011]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Jacaranda Jim

Jacaranda Jim, originally written by Graham Cluley, and ported to ADRIFT 5 by Campbell Wild. This is version 1 of Campbell's port.

JimPond.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Jim Pond & The Agents Of F.A.R.T.

Jim Pond 1, by David Whyld. [04-Jul-2001]
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IFDB entry

The Long Journey Home, by Danny Chabino.

labyrinth.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Leviathan Labyrinth

The Leviathan Labyrinth, by Cheryl Howard. [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Lair Of The Vampire

Lair of the Vampire, by David Whyld. [25-Jan-2004]
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IFDB entry

Legacy of a Princess, by Red Jett. An adventure set in the world of the Zelda games.

life.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Life (by Echo)

Life, by Steingrimur Jonsson.

lifesimulation.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Life Simulation, by Chris Tyson.

Lights_Camera_Action.taf [08-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action! by David Whyld.

Locked_door_with_water_trap.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Locked Door With Water Trap

Locked Door With Water Trap, by Daniel Buckley. [30-Mar-2001]
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IFDB entry

Lost, an interactive short story by Eric Mayer. Archive includes the game, a readme and a walkthrough.

LoveForReal.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Love For Real, by Renata Burianova. [30-Jan-2005]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Magic Show

The Magic Show, version 1.9g, by Jason MacInnes.

makeshift-magician.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Makeshift Magician

The Makeshift Magician, by C. Henshaw. [22-Feb-2023]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Marika the Offering

Marika the Offering, version 1.1, by James Webb (aka revgiblet). (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/oneroom/

marlin_affair.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Marlin Affair: Prologue

The Marlin Affair: Prologue, by Lumin.

marooned.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Marooned

Marooned, by Bruce Davis.

Merry_Murders.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Merry Murders, by Mel S.

ML256_Blender.taf [31-May-2012]
IFDB entry

Makers Local and the Transdimensional Margarita Blender, version 10, by Jeff Cotten.

Monster_Age_I.taf [08-Dec-2017]
IFDB entry

Monster Age: Trials of Dustorn, by Moonheart Games. Demo version. (an executable for Windows is in games/pc/Monster_Age_I.exe) [03-May-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Monsters

Monsters, Release 2, by Daniel Hiebert.

Montahue_Scott_and_the_Mobius_Belt.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Montahue Scott & The Mobius Belt

Montahue Scott and The Mobius Belt, by The Mad Monk.

Mr_Fluffykins_Most_Harrowing_Misadventure.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Mr. Fluffykin's Most Harrowing Misadventure

Mr. Fluffykin's Most Harrowing Misadventure, by Justahack.

murderer.taf [30-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: What the Murderer Had Left

What The Murderer Had Left, by Bahri Gordebak.

mustescape.taf [02-Sep-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Must Escape!

Must Escape! version 2.0, by Robert Rafgon.

MysteryOfDarkhavenCaves.taf [15-Aug-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_Mystery_Of_The_Darkhaven_Caves

The Mystery Of The Darkhaven Caves, by David Whyld.

NeighboursFromHell.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Neighbours From Hell

Neighbours From Hell, by David Whyld.

newbie.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Newbie

Newbie, by Alex Kingsbury.

Noble_crook_episode_1.blorb [07-Jan-2018]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Noble Crook

Noble Crook, episode 1, by Karmo Talts.

Noble_crook_episode_2.blorb [07-Jan-2018]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Noble Crook

Noble Crook, episode 2, by Karmo Talts.

Noble_crook_episode_3.blorb [07-Jan-2018]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Noble Crook

Noble Crook, episode 3, by Karmo Talts.

Noble_crook_episode_4.blorb [07-Jan-2018]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Noble Crook

Noble Crook, episode 4, by Karmo Talts.

Oh_Human.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Oh, Human

Oh, Human, by Abbi Park. [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry

Oh No, Not Another Fantasy Adventure, by David Whyld.

Orient_Express.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Orient Express

Orient Express, by Dana Crane. [22-Oct-2006]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Over the Edge

Over the Edge, version 1.1, by Ren. Placed 11th in the 2006 Hourglass Competition.

Paint.taf [29-Aug-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Paint!!!

Paint!!!, version 2, by David Whyld. [22-Oct-2005]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pathway to Destruction

Pathway to Destruction, by Richard Otter. Winner of the Adrift 2005 'Finish the Game' competition. (a Z-code version by the game's author is in games/zcode/ [02-Aug-2002]
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IFDB entry

Pick Up the Phone Booth and Cry, by Danny Miok.

PercyTheViking.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Saga Of Percy The Viking

The Saga Of Percy The Viking, by David Whyld. [29-Nov-2017]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pestilence

Pestilence, V1.1, by Richard Otter. Placed 2nd in the 2006 ADRIFT Summer Competition. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.46 or later. (the original competition entry is in games/adrift/old/

Phoenix_Destiny.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Phoenix Destiny, by Chris Tyson.

Pilfers.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pilfers

Pilfers, by Daniel Budle. [25-Feb-2023]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pirate's Plunder!

Pirate's Plunder! by Tiberius Thingamus (aka Duncan Bowsman). [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Princess In The Tower

The Princess in the Tower, by David Whyld.

Private_Eye.taf [08-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Private Eye

Private Eye, by David Whyld. [25-Aug-2002]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Professor Von Witt's Fabulous Flying Machine

Professor von Witt's Fabulous Flying Machine, by Mystery. Winner of the ADRIFT Summer Minicomp 2002. [11-Feb-2006]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Provenance

Provenance, version 1.12.16, by Corey W. Arnett. [28-Mar-2007]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Rachel's Bad Day

Rachel has a bad day, by Sly. WARNING: Contains adult content. (an Inform port is in games/zcode/RBD.z8)

reading.taf [30-Jan-2012]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: A Reading in May

A Reading in May, by Bahri Gordebak.

Regrets.taf [08-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Regrets

Regrets, by David Whyld.

rollingthedough.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Rolling the Dough

Rolling The Dough, by Richard Otter.

S_Tar_Dus.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: S Tar Dus T

S Tar Dus T, by Amzie. [28-Jan-2003]
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IFDB entry

Scene of the Crime, by David Whyld.

SecretOfLostWorld.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Secret Of The Lost World, by Renata Burianova. [21-Jan-2004]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Selma's Will

Selma's Will, by Mystery.

Shadow_Of_The_Past.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Shadow Of The Past

Shadow Of The Past, by Catharine Post.

shardsofmemory.taf [25-May-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Shards Of Memory

Shards of Memory, by David Whyld.

Showtime_at_the_Gallows.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Showtime at the Gallows

Showtime at the Gallows, by The Dominant Species.

Sigurd_Fafnesbane.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Sigurd Fafnesbane, by Eva Vikstrom.

Snowdrift.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Snowdrift, by Greg W.

SoC.blorb [09-Feb-2013]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Son of Camelot

Son of Camelot, version 3, by Finn Rosenløv. [03-Dec-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sommeril

Sommeril Special Edition 1.0, by H. Lee Parten.

Sophia.blorb [19-Mar-2021]
IFDB entry

Sophia or Wisdom Defined, by damageTXT. [21-Jan-2018]
View contents
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Space Detective

Space Detective, episodes 1-7, by Karmo Talts.

Spooked_The_Wonders_of_Science.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Spooked! The Wonders of Science

Spooked! The Wonders of Science, by The Dominant Species.

Station_XIII.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Station XIII

Station XIII, by Ryan J. Bury. [23-Jul-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Stowaway

Stowaway, version 1.0, by J. Freebase. WARNING: Contains adult content.

Sun_Empire_Quest_For_The_Founders.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Sun Empire: Quest For The Founders

Sun Empire: Quest For The Founders, by Daniel Hiebert.

takeone.taf [11-Apr-2006]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Take One

Take One, by Robert Street. [04-Sep-2005]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Target

Target, by Richard Otter.

Temple_Of_The_Sun.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Temple Of The Sun

Temple Of The Sun, by Dana Crane.

Terrified.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Terrified

Terrified, by Eric T. Dorrath.

Textident_Evil.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Textident Evil

Textident Evil, by Kevin Treadway.

The_Final_Question.taf [07-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Final Question

The Final Question, by David Whyld.

The_Hunter.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Hunter

The Hunter, by Red Assassin.

The_Night_That_Dripped_Blood.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Night That Dripped Blood

The Night That Dripped Blood, by Laurence Moore.

The_Nonsense_Machine_6000.taf [24-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Nonsense Machine 6000, by Chris Tyson.

the_pk_girl.taf [19-Aug-2006]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The PK Girl

The PK Girl, version 4, by Robert Goodwin, with graphics by Nanami Nekono and music by Helen Trevillion and OYA-G. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/adrift/the_pk_girl/the_pk_girl.taf)

The_Reluctant_Vampire.taf [17-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Reluctant Vampire

The Reluctant Vampire, by David Whyld.

The_Seance.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Seance, by Quantum Sheep.

The_Search_For_Mr_Smith.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Search For Mr Smith, by Mike Detwiter and Joe Stryffier.

The_Shetland_Enigma.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Shetland Enigma

The Shetland Enigma, by Ryan J. Bury.

The_Shuffling_Room.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Shuffling Room

The Shuffling Room, by Stewart J. McAbney.

The_Skydiver.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Skydiver

The Skydiver, by Fenris.

The_Spirits_Flight.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Spirit's Flight

The Spirit's Flight, by Andy Ko and Karen Kwan.

The_Stowaway.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Stowaway

The Stowaway, by Benjamin Samuel.

The_Strange_Tale_of_Dr_Wilkins.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The Strange Tale of Dr Wilkins, by N. Bear.

The_Town_Of_Azra.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Town Of Azra

The Town Of Azra, by Stan Tencza.

the_view_is_better_here.taf [29-Sep-2006]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The_View_Is_Better_Here

The View Is Better Here, by Echo.

The_Will.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Will

The Will, by Ambrosine.

The_World_According_to_CBN.taf [18-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The World According To CBN

The World According to Clueless Bob Newbie, by David Whyld.

The_X-Files_A_New_Beginning.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

The X-Files: A New Beginning, by Superbone Ali. [20-Feb-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Last Hour

The Last Hour, by Roberto Grassi, written for the 2004 ADRIFT "One Room" Competition. Archive includes game file and documentation. [24-Oct-2004]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Ticket to No Where

Ticket to No Where by Richard Otter, version 1.1.

To_Hell_And_Beyond.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: To Hell And Beyond

To Hell And Beyond, by Steingrimur Jonsson. [13-Sep-2003]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: To Hell in a Hamper

To Hell in a Hamper, by J. J. Guest. Winner of the ADRIFT Spring Competition 2003. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.36 or later. (a TADS version is in games/tads/hamper.gam, and glulx is in games/glulx/To_Hell_in_a_Hamper.gblorb)

topaz.taf [23-May-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Topaz

Topaz, by Woodfish. This is an update to the version of this game in "".

Toxically_Earth.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Toxically Earth

Toxically Earth, by Tobias Schmitt.

twilight.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry

The Twilight, by Patrick Kelly. [29-Nov-2017]
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IFWiki: Unauthorized Termination

Unauthorised Termination, Post-Comp version, by Richard Otter. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/adrift/unauthorized/unauthorized.taf)

Unfortunately.taf [09-Jan-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Back To Life... Unfortunately

Back To Life... Unfortunately, version 3, by David Whyld. Requires ADRIFT 4.00.45 or later. [20-Jun-2003]
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IFWiki: Unraveling God

Unraveling God, version 1.1, by Todd Watson. Archive includes Adrift Runner 4.00.36: Playing the game with later versions may cause problems. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/adrift/unravel/unravel.taf) [29-Nov-2017]
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IFWiki: Vague

Vague, version 1.00, by Richard Otter. (the story file is currently the same as the original Spring Thing 2009 entry in games/springthing/2009/

vetknow.taf [08-May-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Veteran Knowledge

Veteran Knowledge, version 2.0, by Robert Rafgon.

Video_Tape_Decay.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Video.Tape / Decay

Video.Tape / Decay, by The Dominant Species.

Villains_And_Kings.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Villains And Kings, by Neal the Great.

waxworx.taf [18-Jan-2005]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Wax Worx

Wax Worx, version 2, by Eric Mayer.

Whatever_Happened_to_Uncle_Grumble.taf [18-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry

Whatever Happened To Uncle Grumble? by David Whyld. [10-Mar-2024]
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IFDB entry
IFWiki: Where is Richard?

Where Is Richard? by Rich Dersheimer. [20-Jun-2002]
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IFWiki: Camp_Windy_Lake

Camp Windy Lake, by Christopher Cole. Version 1.2. WARNING: Contains adult content.

Witness_Demon_vs_Vampire.taf [25-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Witness: Demon vs Vampire

Witness: Demon vs Vampire, by Robert Street.

Wolves_at_the_Door.taf [18-Mar-2023]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Wolves At The Door

Wolves at the Door, by David Whyld. [21-Sep-2003]
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IFWiki: The Woods Are Dark

The Woods Are Dark, by Cannibal. "An old and abandoned cottage on the outskirts of Black Hill and two of your closest friends are missing. It's time to be very scared."

WorstGameInTheWorld.taf [18-Mar-2004]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: The Worst Game In The World... Ever!!!

The Worst Game In The World... Ever!!! by David Whyld.

wrecked.taf [04-Nov-2000]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Wrecked

Wrecked, by Campbell Wild.

xycanthus.taf [22-Nov-2001]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Doomed Xycanthus

Doomed Xycanthus, by Eric Mayer. [28-Jan-2003]
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Yet Another Damn Fantasy Adventure, by David Whyld.

yonastoundingcastle.taf [08-Jun-2010]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort

Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort, Post-Comp version, by Tiberius Thingamus. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/adrift/astoundingcastle/astoundingcastle.taf)