This directory contains games in Infocom Z-Machine format, NOT games published by the company Infocom.
The games here can be played with an Infocom game interpreter; look in infocom/interpreters for a version for your system. Source code of the games, if available, can be found in games/source/inform.
Older versions of some of the games in this directory.
404- Life not found, by Evan Derby. Release 1 / Serial number 110524.
69,105 Keys, a one room game by David Welbourn. Release 1 / Serial number 090302. (source code is in games/source/inform/69105Keys.inf)
The Seven Doctors, an Interactive Fiction Adventure based on the BBC TV show Doctor Who, by David Burke. Release 1 / Serial number 981219.
9:05 by Adam Cadre, Version 1.1 (2012.0724). (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/905.exe)
Brief notes on 9:05, by Adam Cadre
The Nine Dancers (Larsoft Adventure number 4). Originally written by G.H. Larsen (1986) and converted to Inform by William Stott. Release 2 / Serial number 040718. (the original BBC version is in games/bbc/
A1RL0CK, a Puny Interactive Science Fiction, by Marco Innocenti. Release 3 / Serial number 230402.
A Cock and Bull Story, by Theodore "Ted" C. Lim. Release 1 / Serial number 170401. (glulx version is in games/glulx/A_Cock_and_Bull_Story.gblorb)
AAS Masters, in which all is revealed, by "David Banner." (Actually by Stephen Granade.) Ported by Adam Biltcliffe. (the original AAS version of this game is in games/aas/aasmasters.aas)
Accuse, a small replayable puzzle by David A. Wheeler. Release 4 / Serial number 070321.
Acheton, by David Seal, Jonathan Thackray and Jonathan Partington (Cambridge University, 1978-80). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
The Acorn Court, An Interactive Text Adventure by Todd S. Murchison Release 3 / Serial number 970904.
The Mysterious Case of the Acrobat and His Peers, an Interactive Mystery, by Amanda Tien. Release 2 / Serial number 090111.
Across the Stars, a Science Fiction Adventure, by Infodarkness Productions. Release 4 / Serial number 100329. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/zcode/across/across.z8, and source code is in games/source/inform/
17 Scott Adams adventures and a sample mini-adventure, all converted from ScottFree to Inform (.z5):
Flawed Addendum, by Jalbum. Release 1 / Serial number 080611.
Adventure II, the 44 point version of Adventure aka Colossal Cave, by Jack Pike and Peter Luckett, from 1978, converted to C99 and compiled as Z-code with a modified vbccz compiler by Arthur O'Dwyer.
Adventure 3, the 550 point version of Adventure aka Colossal Cave, by Dave Platt, from 1979, converted to C99 and compiled as Z-code with a modified vbccz compiler by Arthur O'Dwyer.
Adventure 6, aka Colossal Cave, extended to ~500 points (David Long, 1979-1980) and then to 551 points (Doug McDonald, 1985-1990), converted to C99 and compiled as Z-code with a modified vbccz compiler by Arthur O'Dwyer (2014-2017).
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to ZIL by Jesse McGrew, based on ealier work by Graham Nelson and Dave Baggett, with some elements of the original Fortran version restored. Release 1 / Serial number 151001. (source code is in infocom/compilers/zilf/old/
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". Release 9 / Serial number 060321. [NELS0350]
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction "Colossal Cave Revisited". This version (based on Graham's release 5) has been recompiled as a Version 6 game by Jason Penney, using his V6Lib Inform library. Release 10 / Serial number 011123.
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, the original 350 points version. This is Don Knuth's CWEB implementation, converted to C99 and compiled as Z-code with a modified vbccz compiler by Arthur O'Dwyer.
Adventure aka Colossal Cave, by William Crowther. This is Will Crowther's original, pre-Woods 1976 game, ported to Inform 7 by Chris Conley. Release 4 / Serial number 150118. (source code is in games/source/inform/Advent_Crowther_source.txt)
PunyInform version of 350 point Adventure by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Release 1 / Serial number 241124. z3 and z5 versions. Adapted by Fredrik Ramsberg from the original Inform 6 version by Graham Nelson et al. (source code is at games/source/inform/advent_punyinform.inf)
Adventure Time, by Derek O'Neill. Release 1 / Serial number 110111.
Scott Adams' Adventureland, ported to Inform by Graham Nelson. Release 4 / Serial number 970902. (source code is in infocom/compilers/inform6/examples/Adventureland.inf)
Ad Verbum, written by Nick Montfort. Release 11 / Serial number 060905. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/adverbum/adverbum.z5)
Annoyotron IV: Affrontotron, by Joe Mason. Release 1 / Serial number 040226.
Aisle, an instant in the life of a man, by Sam Barlow. Release 1 / Serial number 990528.
Alice Through the Looking Glass, version 3, the first room of a game based on the Lewis Carroll book. Written by Gareth Rees, and updated for Inform 6 by David Cornelson. Release 1 / Serial number 030501.
All Roads, by Jon Ingold. Winner of the 2001 IF Competition. Release 1 / Serial number 011119. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/AllRoads/AllRoads.z5; a Russian translation is in games/zcode/russian/AllRoadsR.z5)
Along the River, an unlikely slice of life, by Matthew Alger. Release 1 / Serial number 100630.
Journey to Alpha Centauri (In Real Time), an Interactive Waste of Time, by Julian Fleetwood. Release 3 / Serial number 981017.
The Ambassador's Daughter, a Brief Romance, by Stormchild. Release 2 / Serial number 150525.
Amishville, a plain adventure. A parody of Amissville, by Jacob Amman. Release 1 / Serial number 020603.
Amissville, by "A.P. Hill". Release 1 / Serial number 020409. (This is a parody of the actual Amissville)
Anchorhead: an Interactive Tale of Lovecraftian Horror, by Michael S. Gentry Release 5 / Serial number 990206.
And A Hippo New Year, an interactive holiday tale, by Adri. Release 2 / Serial number 130210.
Andromeda Genesis, a Space Afterpiece, by Joey Jones. Release 1 / Serial number 130701.
Animals 1.1, a logic and observation word puzzle, written for the C-40 ZCode competition by David Fisher.
Annoyotron, The Most Annoying Game of All Time, by Ben Parrish Release 1 / Serial number 990127.
Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, by Oyvind Thorsby. Release 0 / Serial number 060825.
Aphasia Quest, by Kat, Nick, and Jonah. Release 1 / Serial number 150426.
Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album, honouring the 1992 album Apollo 18, by They Might be Giants. Each game represents one of the tracks on the album.
Appallatron: Annoyotron 3, by Sean Barrett. An unofficial sequel to Annoyotron and Aggravatron. Release 1 / Serial number 020422.
Arid and Pale, version 2, by Michael R. Bacon. (source code is in games/source/inform/Arid_and_Pale.txt)
Asylum, by cpuguy. Release 1 / Serial number 090721.
Atrocitron, An Interactive Puzzlebox, by Michael C. Martin. Release 1 / Serial number 161215. (source code is in games/source/inform/
A Tight Spot, A Z-machine Sokoban by Quim K. Holland. Release 1 / Serial number 000001. (source code is in games/source/inform/atssrc.tar.gz)
Danger! Adventurer At Work! originally written by Simon Avery using The Quill. Ported to Inform by Duncan Cross. Release 1 / Serial number 000705.
Augmented Fourth, an Interactive Performance, written by Brian Uri. Release 4 / Serial number 200401. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Avon, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1982). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
The Awakening, by Dennis Matheson. A horror game based loosely on the work of H.P. Lovecraft. Release 1 / Serial number 980726. (source code is in games/source/inform/awaken.inf)
A Week In The Life, An Interactive Self, by Neil James Brown. Release 3 / Serial number 980215.
Are You A Chef? An interactive ifMUD-saving, by Adam Biltcliffe. Release 1 / Serial number 010107.
Azteca An Archeological Adventure Copyright (c) 2004 by Howard A. Sherman Release 3 / Serial number 050328 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die, Part 2, an interactive demonstration by R. Noyes. Release 2, Serial number 961017.
Snare, an interactive Blake's 7 adventure, by Andrew Williams. Release 1 / Serial number 150118.
baby tree, version 1, by Lester Galin.
Back to WakeUp, a Backpacker Tale by Daniel Roperto. Release 1 / Serial number 080313. Created as a part of Lab2, Computer Game Design course, UTS, Australia. Archive includes game file, source and a walkthrough.
Back to the Future - Marty Quest: an adventure through time, by George Gipe, Ryan North and Hulk Handsome. Release 3 / Serial number 120430.
Backup, an Interactive System Failure, by Gregory Weir. Release 1 / Serial number 091204.
Balances, An Interactive Short Story by Graham Nelson. Release 5 / Serial number 961216.
Balder's Death, by Wynne Lok. Release 1 / Serial number 111107.
Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, An Interactive Seasonal Shopping Emergency, written by Jim Aikin. Release 1 / Serial number 991128.
Baltimore:24, An Exercise in Interactive Fiction by Howard A. Sherman. Z5 game file and README. Relase 2 / Serial number 970706.
There's a Snake in the Bathtub, a Test of Patience, by Edward Griffiths. Release 1 / Serial number 060409.
baZic version 0.1, an implementation of BASIC for the Z-Machine, by David Given. The Z-Code file includes the interpreter and several example BASIC programs. (source code is in games/source/inform/bazic-0.1.tar.gz)
A Bear's Night Out, an Interactive Children's Story by David Dyte. Release 5 / Serial number 990224. (the original competition entry and a solution are in games/competition97/inform/bear, a C64 port is in games/c64/zcode/, a German translation is in games/zcode/german/bearg.z5, and a Spanish translation is in games/zcode/spanish/osito.z5)
Bedlam, An Interactive Preview by Michael Zey. Release 1 / Serial number 970711.
Bed Time, by Charlie the Spiffy. Release 1 / Serial number 120324.
Being Andrew Plotkin, by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release 2 / Serial number 080423. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/bap/bap.z5)
Being Steve, An Interactive Fiction by Anonymous. Release 1 / Serial number 060519.
Beneath: a Transformation, by Graham Lowther. Release 2 / Serial number 080107. (source code is in games/source/inform/beneath.inf, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/zcode/beneath/Beneath.z5)
Beyond, an IF by Mondi Confinanti. Created by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi and Alessandro Peretti. Text-only version. Release 5 / Serial number 100115. (a graphical version is in games/glulx/, an Italian version is in games/zcode/italian/, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/glulx/beyond/)
The Bible Retold: The Bread and the Fishes, a light-hearted adaptation of favourite Bible stories, by Celestianpower and Justin Morgan. Release 8 / Serial number 102283. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/zcode/bibleretold/BibleRetold.z5)
BiCon, an Interactive Infatuation, by "rach". Release 4 / Serial number 101006.
Biscuit, An Interactive Funeral by Petar Kanuritch. Release 1 / Serial number 010310.
Buried In Shoes, by Kazuki Mishima. Release 4 / Serial number 090513. (source code is in games/source/inform/, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/zcode/bishoes/bishoes.z5)
Blow Job Drifter, An Interactive You Kno What, by Big Al. Release 5 / Serial Number 981103. WARNING: This game is about oral sex.
BLACK'N'WHITE RAG - or, A Study in Something-or-Other, by Jonathan Nowell. Release 1 / Serial number 960730. A runner-up in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition.
Tales From The College Presents A Breath Of Fresh Blair, an Interactive In-Joke by Jesse Burneko. Release 2 / Serial number 971119.
Blue Chairs, by Chris Klimas. Release 2 / Serial number 041229. (source code is in games/source/inform/ and the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/bluechairs/bluechairs.z5; a Russian translation is in games/zcode/russian/
Tinseltown Blues: A quest for success in Hollyweird, by Chip Hayes. Winner of Adam Cadre's 2002 Spring Comp. Version 1.1 / Serial Number 020618.
The Bastard Operator from Hell, written by Howard A. Sherman, based on the characters created by Simon Travaglia. Release 8 / Serial number 030202. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/zcode/bofh/bofh.z5)
The Mad Bomber - a Z-Machine version of the classic Bomber game, by Neil James Brown. Needs an interpreter that supports timed input, and an interpreter supporting colour is recommended. Release 3 / Serial number 971123. (source code is in games/source/inform/bomber.inf)
Book and Volume by Nick Montfort, Release 8, 2005-12-25. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License 2.5.
Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die, a NyQuil nightmare by R. Noyes. Release 619, Serial number 960409.
Pick up the Phone Booth and Dye, by Eric Schmidt. Release 2 / Serial number 345678. (source code is in games/source/inform/boothdye.inf)
Brain of the Night Guest, by Colin Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine. Release 1 / Serial number 110312.
BrandX, by Peter Killworth and Jonathan Mestel (Cambridge University, 1983). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson, David Kinder and Richard Bos. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04 This game was later released for 1980s home computers as "Philosopher's Quest".
Break-In, an Interactive Burglary, by Jon Ingold. Release 9 / Serial number 000926.
Bronze, the demonstration game that accompanies Inform 7, by Emily Short. Release 11 / Serial number 060503.
The Bryant Collection, an Interactive Anthology, by Gregory Weir. Release 1.
BSE, An Interactive Epidemic by Chris Smith. Release 3 / Serial number 970110. Winner of the Acorn User 1996 IF Competition
Buccaneer's Cache, a PunyJam #1 game, by Wilfried Elmenreich. Release 2 / Serial number 210522.
Building, by Intaligo Productions. Release 17 / Serial number 030706.
The Night of the Vampire Bunnies by Jason Dyer, somewhat a cross between a black comedy and a B-movie, ported from QBASIC to Inform by Patrick Kellum. Release 4 / Serial number 971205. (source code of this version is in games/source/inform/; the original BASIC program is in games/source/basic/
Bureaucrocy, a frustrating tale about paperwork, by Adri. Release 4 / Serial number 141113.
Burglar! A Learning Experience in Inform, by Doug Roberts. Release 3 / Serial number 010925.
Burns Night Supper, by Robert Rothman. Release 1 / Serial number 120124.
Burn The Koran and Die, a political satire by Poster. Release 1 / Serial number 101128.
Busted! A game of high cunning and low humor, by Jon Drukman, ported from AdvSys to Inform by the author. Release 4 / Serial number 941223.
BYOD, by n-n. Release 2 / Serial number 230325. Story file, ancillary material, solution, and Inform 7 source code. (the original Spanish version is in games/zcode/spanish/byod.z8, and the original English IFComp entry is in games/competition2020/Games/BYOD)
Byzantine Perspective, a Straightforward Burglary, by Lea. Release 1 / Serial number 091119. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/byzantine/byzantine_perspective.zblorb)
The Cabal: The Interactive Illuminati, by Stephen Bond. Release 3 / Serial number 041127.
Cacophony, an interactive stumbling by Owen Parish. Release 4 / Serial number 091209.
Calendar, an Inform 7 abuse by Robert Lozyniak. Release 1 / Serial number 070805.
'Calm, Mute, Moving', an interactive interview, by Sonny Rae Tempest. Release 1 / Serial number 110712.
Calypso, by Dave Footitt. Release 5 / Serial number 140421.
Candy, An Attempt at Reliving Childhood, by Rybread Celsius. Beta One. Release 1 / Serial number 970621.
ASCII Cars!!! A game of racing with the imagination by Jorge Arroyo. Includes two versions for different interpreters. Release 1 / Serial numbers 980923 and 981010.
Casting, version 2.1, by 'Trix. Release 2 / Serial number 050707. WARNING: Contains adult content.
Castle Adventure! An Interactive Fiction for the not-quite-beginning adventurer - old-school style! by Ben Chenoweth. Release 2 / Serial number 121207. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/zcode/castle/original/castle.z8)
Castle of the Red Prince, an interactive land of darkness, by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 7 / Serial number 130227.
Silicon Castles, an Interactive Board Game. "Nearly Working" Version 1.1, by David Given. Release 112 / Serial number 011119. (source code is in games/source/inform/castles-1.1.tar.gz and the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/castles/castles.z5)
Catcher in the Rye, an adaptation by Frank Teng. Release 1 / Serial number 060611.
Cat's Eye, Miniventure #2 by Dave Bernazzani, release 3. "When your uncle Xevion asks you for a favor, you simply can't refuse. But what mysteries lie in his strange house?"
Causality: The Search for Eternal Life, by Hugo Martay. Release 4 / Serial number 240304.
Cave Adventure, by Jazz Remington. Release 1 / Serial number 070718.
Zork: The Cavern of Doom. Originally published in 1983 as a multiple choice adventure book. Written by Steve Meretzky, and translated to Inform by Manfred Pfeiffer. Release 1 / Serial number 030312.
Caverns of Chaos, a multiple-choice adventure. Original written by Paul Martinez and Alison Castro, ported to Inform by Lemonhead. Version 1.6792 Archive includes z-code game file and Inform source.
The Spelunking Trip: From the House to the Cave and a Trip Around It, by Chris Solaas. Release 2 / Serial number 041225.
Arthur Yahtzee: The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake, An Interactive Tale of Weirdness Within, written by Ben Croshaw. Release 1 / Serial number 000311. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/
Chaos, by John Barker. Release 1 / Serial number 090801.
Chaos, by Bloodbath. Release 1 / Serial number 090526.
Cheater, An Annoying Adventure by Martin Wesley Osam. Release 1 / Serial number 960920.
Cheesed Off!, by Hulk Handsome. Release 2 / Serial number 160724.
Cheeseshop, an interactive re-creation of the sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus, by David Welbourn. Release 2 / Serial number 021230.
Save the Cheshire Cat! An interactive intrigue originally written in Italian and then translated into English by the game's author, Marco Vallarino. Release 1 / Serial number 141012.
Chico and I Ran: Remoteless television, remote possibilities. A CRT romp by J.D. Berry. Release 1 / Serial number 000413. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/chico.exe)
Child's Play, A child, a toy, and a rival, by Stephen Granade. Release 4 / Serial number 080129.
Chicks Dig Jerks, by Robb Sherwin. Release 2 / Serial number 991124. WARNING: This game contains adult language and situations and is not intended for children. (an MS-DOS version is in games/pc/chix.exe, a Mac version is in games/mac/chix.hqx, and the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/chix/chix.z5)
CIA Adventure by Hugh Lampert, ported to Inform by J. Kevin Thomas, based on a GWBASIC version by Pete Wohlmut. Release 1 / Serial number 961218. This game was originally published by CLOAD Magazine. (source code of this version is in games/source/inform/cia.inf)
Wearing the Claw, an Interactive Fantasy by Paul O'Brian. Release 3 / Serial number 970327. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/claw/claw.z5)
Clean Air, by Andrew Li. Release 2 / Serial number 190608.
A Clean Getaway, a PunyJam #3 game by Michael Bub. Release 2 / Serial number 230430.
Code Name Silver Steel, by Special Agent. Release 3 / Serial number 170619.
Coin toss, an interactive retrospection, by Simon Deimel. Release 2 / Serial number 150217.
Coke Is It! An Inform pastiche of various works of IF, with the added bonus of Coca-Cola product placement by Lucian Smith, Adam Thornton, J. Robinson Wheeler, Michael Fessler, Adam Cadre, Dan Shiovitz, and David Dyte. Release 1 / Serial number 990331.
Cold Iron, a hot summer's tale by Andrew Plotkin (writing as "Lyman Clive Charles"). Release 6 / Serial number 111119. (source code is at games/source/inform/; the original competition entry is in games/competition2011/zcode/coldiron/original/)
Colonists, by Andrew Fuller. Release 1 / Serial number 130911. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Color of Milk Coffee, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 1 / Serial number 120110.
An unofficial potential 'front-end' game for the yearly IF competitions, providing easily-accessible information on all the games from the '96 competition, plus the ability to sort the games you can play into a random list. Written by Lucian Paul Smith. Release 1 / Serial number 970626.
Conan Kill Everything, an interactive massacre by Ian Haberkorn. Release 2 / Serial number 050428.
Corrupter of Dreams, by Robert Patten. Ectocomp version. Release 1 / Serial number 171029.
Cottage, an English translation of the Swedish game Stuga, translated by Johan Ottosson. Release 1 / Serial number 090715. (the original Swedish game is in games/zcode/swedish/Stuga.zblorb)
The Cove, an Interactive Seascape, written by Kathleen M. Fischer. Release 3 / Serial number 000525. The original release won Best of Landscape, Interactive Fiction Art Show 2000 (it is in art/if-artshow/year2000/cove.z5)
A Day in the Creepy Life of Bob, by Nicholas Parkanyi. Shareware: this is demo version 0.1. Release 1 / Serial number 100317.
A Crime Scene, a Short Story, by Alireza J. Release 1 / Serial number 130123.
Critical Breach, an Escape Story, by Grey. Written for the 2010 Jay Is Games "One-Room-Escape" competition. Release 3 / Serial number 130817. (a solution is in solutions/criticalbreach.txt; the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/cgdc7/CriticalBreach.z8)
Crobe, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1986). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
Cryptographer 1.4, a simple code breaking game, written for the C-40 ZCode competition by David Fisher.
The Crystal Palace, a fantasy within a mystery within a quiet holiday, by Peter Orme. Release 1 / Serial number 111125.
Crystal and Stone, Beetle and Bone: an interactive fantasy by Jenny Brennan. Release 4 / Serial number 130209. "You are the last God. Lornedei is your only true believer. She must help you stop the coming darkness. Can you guide her? Will she follow?"
Countdown to Doom, Copyright 1999 by Peter D. Killworth. Release 1 / Serial number 000920.
Curses, An Interactive Diversion by Graham Nelson. Release 16 / Serial number 951024.
Description of Curses release 16, by Graham Nelson.
Dangerous Curves, an Interactive Whodunit, written by Irene Callaci. Release 9 / Serial number 010613. Note: This game contains very mild swearing and very mild sexual content.
Vicious Cycles, by Simon Mark. Release 3 / Serial number 020222. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/cycles/cycles.z5)
The Land of the Cyclops, an experiment by Francesco Cordella. English translation from the Italian by Simone "Sauron" Di Conza. Release 1 / Serial number 020505.
D-Day, by Yvette Gilmore. Release 1 / Serial number 110720.
Damnatio Memoriae, a story of the Lavori d'Aracne, by Emily Short. Release 5 / Serial number 061008.
Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 1: The Awakening. An interactive horror tale by Marco Vallarino. Originally written in Italian and then translated into English. Release 2 / Serial number 160130. (the original English competition entry is in games/competition2015/Darkiss - Chapter 1 - the Awakening, and the Italian original is in games/zcode/italian/darkiss.z5)
Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader: a test of scout skills, or your ability to fake them, by Andrew Schultz. Release 3 / Serial number 120510. (source code is in games/source/inform/DashSlapneyPatrolSource.txt)
A Day in Life, by John Goettle. Release 1 / Serial number 080406.
Dutch Dapper IV: The Final Voyage, a science fiction comedy, written by Harry Hol. Release 11 / Serial number 030207. (an MSDOS executable is in games/pc/DDIV.exe)
Dead Man's Grave: A Tell Don't Show Mystery, by Jon and Joe. Release 1 / Serial number 151101.
Dead Meat in the Pit, by Christina Nordlander. Release 1 / Serial number 170527.
Dead Pavane for a Princess, by Emily Boegheim. Release 2 / Serial number 131204.
Dead Reckoning, a translation of the Spanish "Olvido Mortal" by Andrés Viedma Peláez. Translated into English by Nick Montfort. Release 1 / Serial number 030730. (the Spanish original is in games/zcode/spanish/
Deadsville, a Z-Machine Z-Grade Movie Text Adventure, by William McDuff. Archive includes the game and a map. Release 3 / Serial number 081105. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/introcomp/
Death to my Enemies, an Interactive Tale of Revenge, by Jonathan Blask. Release 419 / Serial number 030309. (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/death/death.z5)
Debate, an interactive copy machine by Louis Joyce. Release 1 / Serial number 070412.
Deephome, a Telleen Adventure, The Return: Part 1, written by Joshua Wise. Release 1 / Serial number 991210.
Degeneracy, by Leonard Richardson. Version 0.50 / Serial number 010330.
Deja Vu, An Interactive Demonstration by Graham Nelson Release 1 / Serial Number 930921. Note: This game is archived here only for its historical interest, being the earliest inform-compiled file known to exist. Do not pester Graham about it!
Delicious Breakfast, an Interactive Breakfast, by Molly G. "You wake up this morning with some Fierce Cravings. You head down to the kitchen for some Delicious Breakfast." This game is a re-implementation of the first text adventure the author completed. It was first released for Glorious Trainwrecks' 529-in-1 Pirate Kart II: Klik Harder. This is release 2, which was included in the IGF Pirate Kart. It contains a small amount of cosmetic improvements to the original release. Release 2 / Serial number 111015.
Delusions, an Interactive Self-Discovery by Christopher E. Forman. Release 4 / Serial number 971121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/delusns)
Detective, originally by Matt Barringer. This is a straight port to Inform, by Stuart Moore. Release 1 / Serial number 000715. (source code is in games/source/inform/; the AGT original is in games/agt/
Detention, an attempt to escape from school, by Hayden Ramm. Release 1 / Serial number 130827.
The Devil Made Me Do It, an Interactive Fiction Morality Check by David A. Cornelson. Release 2 / Serial number 000724. (the original version is in games/mini-comps/speedif/
All Things Devours, by "half sick of shadows". Release 3 / Serial number 050325. (source code is in games/source/inform/devours.inf; a map is in solutions/maps/AllThingsDevoursMap.png; a Russian translation is in games/glulx/russian/; the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/devours)
Within a Wreath of Dewdrops, or, A Poisoned Zenith. A play by Alphonse de l'Entaille. Release 1 / Serial number 050115.
The Djinni Chronicles "Undercurrents of Manipulation" written by J.D. Berry. Release 2 / Serial number 001117. (an MS-DOS executable version is in games/pc/djinni.exe, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/djinni/djinni.z5)
It's a Dog's Life, an interactive Heeling, by "Mr. WiggleButt". Release 1 / Serial number 981015.
The Zuni Doll: An Interactive Horror Story, by Jesse Burneko. Release 1 / Serial number 971031.
Don’t Push The Mailbox, a five minute distraction, by Ralfe Rich. Release 1 / Serial number 191228.
Don't Go, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 1 / Serial number 120119.
Don't Pee Yourself! A Toilet Training Adventure by 'Hulk Handsome'. Release 3 / Serial number 150807.
Dawn of the Demon, a Text Adventure Prequel to Zork: The Hidden Evil, by Paul Drallos. Archive includes game file and a map. Release 0 / Serial number 050619.
Down The Matrix, by Jessica Martin, Carolyn Owens and Grant Schumer. Release 1 / Serial number 120521.
Dracula - Prince of Darkness, by Paul Johnson. Release 3 / Serial number 051012.
Dracula: Part 2, The Arrival, a remake of the 1986 8-bit game released by CRL. Originally by Rob Pike, this version by Mapache and El Clérigo Urbatain. Release 3 / Serial number 080819. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/, and a Spanish version is in games/zcode/spanish/
Dracula: Part 1, The First Night, a remake of the 1986 8-bit game released by CRL. Originally by Rob Pike, this version by DEF and El Clérigo Urbatain. Release 8 / Serial number 071227. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/, and a Spanish version is in games/zcode/spanish/
Dragon Adventure, a simple text adventure for players aged 9 and over, by William Stott. Release 2 / Serial number 040211. (a Glulx version with pictures and sound effects is in games/glulx/, and a RISC OS version is in games/archimedes/
Dragon Flies Like Labradorite, by Troy Jones III. Release 2 / Serial number 111130.
The Dragon and the Troll, originally written for the C64 in Swedish by Johan Berntsson, and translated to English and ported to Inform by Fredrik Ramsberg. (source code is in games/source/inform/DragonTroll.inf)
The Dreamhold, a tutorial adventure by Andrew Plotkin. Release 5 / Serial number 041231. (source code is in games/source/inform/dreamhold-src.tar.gz)
A Dream Too Real, by Raditz. Release 1 / Serial number 061128.
Dual Transform, a Metasemantic Construction, by Andrew Plotkin. Originally written under the pseudonym Nigel Smith for the 2010 Jay Is Games "One-Room-Escape" competition. Release 5 / Serial number 100225. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Fowl Play Adventure 1 - "Duck! Me?" An absurd, nonsensical, old-fashioned 1980's style text adventure. Release 2 / Serial number 230828.
Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. Revision 4.11, Inform Version 1.1. Text, script and design by Muffy and Michael Berlyn, Inform translation by Mark J. Musante and Michael Berlyn, hints by Gunther Schmidl. Release 1 / Serial number 990223.
Scans of the additional material supplied with Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I., PDF format.
Manual for Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I., PDF format.
Earth And Sky: Episode 1. Serial interactive fiction by Paul O'Brian. Release 2 / Serial number 011204. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/eas/eas.z5)
Edge of the Cliff, a non-interactive satire, by Poster. Release 1 / Serial number 111030.
The Edifice, An Interactive Allegory, By Lucian Smith. Release 2 / Serial number 980206. Winner of the 1997 IF competition. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/edifice; a walkthrough is in solutions/edifice.rec)
EGYPTIAN WALKING SIMULATOR, by Jason Dyer. This is a surreal art experiment using Greg Hassett's 1978 game King Tut's Tomb as a base. Release 1 / Serial number 151231.
When I Was Shot By Elephants III, an Interactive Fan Fiction, by Ray. Release 1 / Serial number 120409.
Film at Eleven, by Bowen Greenwood. Release 2 / Serial number 001231. The archive contains the zcode file and a solution. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/eleven/eleven.z5)
Eliza, a version of the well known program which simulates a conversation with a psychiatrist, ported to Inform by Ricardo Dague. The archive contains the zcode file, Inform source, Basic source on which this version is based, and a sample transcript.
Enemies, An Interactive Psychothriller, by Andy Phillips. Release 4 / Serial number 990115. (an MSDOS executable is in games/pc/
Enigma, an interactive instant, by Simon Deimel. Release 8 / Serial number 160202. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Enigma)
The Enterprise Incidents: A Middle School Fantasy, written by Brendan Desilets. Release 1 / Serial number 020428. (a later Glulx version is in games/glulx/enterprise.blb)
Entropy, an Interactive Fiction Endeavor in Time and Space, by David A. Cornelson. Beta Release A / Serial number 090516.
Epyk, by Ivan Mattie. Release 1 / Serial number 091111.
Travels in the Land of Erden: In Quest of the Adventure, by Laura A. Knauth. Release 2 / Serial number 980131. Z8 game file and solution included. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/erden)
Eric The Power-Mad Dungeon Master, by Mark Arenz. Release 1 / Serial number 000001.
Escapade! by Juhana Leinonen. Release 3 / Serial number 100111.
Escape!, by Corey Bastarache. Release 1 / Serial number 130210.
An Escape To Remember, an Interactive Collaboration by the IF Whispers Team: Dan Shiovitz, Sean Barrett, N.B. Horvath, Mark Musante, Roger Carbol, Mordechai Shinefield, Tom Blawgus, Lucian Smith, Ricardo Dague, Carl Muckenhoupt, Josh Giesbrecht, Karl Parakenings, John Cater, and Jeremy Douglass. Release 1 / Serial number 060705.
Eurydice. Release 1 / Serial number 121206. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/zcode/eurydice/original/Eurydice.zblorb)
Everything, to a Computer..., by Wellington Owen. Release 1 / Serial number 241101.
Apartment F209, an Interactive Pigsty, by Ben Parrish. Release 1 / Serial number 970806.
A Fable, originally by Stan Heller. This is a straight port to Inform, by Stuart Moore. Release 3 / Serial number 000715. (source code is in games/source/inform/
The Care and Feeding of Adjuncts, by Eric Remy. Release 1 / Serial number 080116.
Fail-Safe, a science-fiction story by Jon Ingold.
Fairyland, a small game about fairies by Daniel Gunnell. Release 1 / Serial number 190815.
The Fantasy Dimension, a PunyJam 3 game by Johan Berntsson. Release 2 / Serial number 230313. (source code is in games/source/inform/fantasydimension.inf)
The Farmer's Daughter, an Interactive Pit Stop. Original 64 game by R.W. Fisher and D.W.J. Sarhan, ported and modified by the Despoiler. Release 1 / Serial number 020101. WARNING: Contains strong adult content. (The original is in games/c64/
Fox, Fowl and Feed, an Interactive Exercise in Transportation, by Chris Conroy. Release 2 / Serial number 080121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/zcode/fff/FFF.z5)
Figaro, a co-authored revenge by Victor Gijsbers, Innovation Comp Entry, released under the GPL v3. Release 2 / Serial number 100911. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Figueres in my Basement, an interactive poem by Kazuki Mishima. Release 1.
fin de sickleburg, an Interactive Flash Fiction, by Caleb Wilson. Written for the Gothic Novel Jam of 2018, over the course of its last three days. Release 1 / Serial number 180802.
Find the Bed, by Jacob Mianecki. Release 1 / Serial number 100708.
Fine-Tuned, An Auto-mated Romance by Dennis Jerz (writing as Dionysius Porcupine). Release 8 / Serial number 020520. (the original competition entry and a solution are in games/competition2001/inform/finetune/, and an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/FineTune.exe)
Fingertips: I Found a New Friend, a heart-warming story of friendship, by Adri. Release 2 / Serial number 140106. (the original album version is in games/zcode/
Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please, an interactive snack, by Adri. Release 3 / Serial number 140312. (the original album version is in games/zcode/
The First Day of My New Life: an Interactive Pastiche, by Birion. Release 4 / Serial number 110119.
Frobozz Magic Video Poker, a Z6 card game that borrows graphics from Infocom's Zork Zero. The zip archive includes Frobozz Magic Video Poker, Release 60 / Serial number 001227, and Solitaire Poker, a similar card game that uses ASCII symbols. Both are by Zach Matley. Release 5.1 / Serial number 000913.
Forest Demo, by Andrew Johnson. Release 1 / Serial number 121216.
Fork: The Great Underground Dining Room, by Chris Federico. Release 1 / Serial number 071205.
The Game Formerly Known as Hidden Nazi Mode. A cute game for unattended young children, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 1 / Serial number 100911. Archive includes game file, source code and accompanying essay.
Of Forms Unknown, an Interactive Excursion by Chris Markwyn. Release 3 / Serial number 970206. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/forms)
Fractured Metamorphoses (Example Version), by Emily Short. Release 1 / Serial number 010306. A modified and clipped version of Metamorphoses, intended for those interested in understanding the game's inner workings. (the proper version of Metamorphoses is in games/zcode/metamorp.z5)
Fragile Shells, An Interactive Escape by Stephen Granade. Release 6 / Serial number 111109. (source code is in games/source/inform/FragileShells.txt; the original entry in the Jay Is Games Casual Gameplay Design Competition #7, in which it was runner-up, is in games/mini-comps/cgdc7/FragileShells.zblorb)
Frankenstein Adventure. Originally published in the Cload TRS-80 magazine, October 1981 (author unknown), and converted to Inform by William Stott. Release 1 / Serial number 040304. (a RISC OS version is in games/archimedes/
Free Fall, An, uh, Interactive Z-Code Demonstration by Andrew C. Plotkin. Release 2 / Serial number 951111.
The Encyclopedia Frobozzica (Abridged Edition), edited by Nino Ruffini and ported to the Inform format by Digby McWiggle. (source code is in games/source/inform/Frobozzi.inf)
Frozen: A Night at the Lab, by Jeremy Farnham. Release 1 / Serial number 960620.
Fyleet, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1985). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
Geocaching Adventure - GC3JJ9C - #6 in the Cryptic Puzzle Series, by MrCryptic. Release 1 / Serial number 120510.
Galatea, by Emily Short. Release 3 / Serial number 040208. (the original Year 2000 IF Art Show entry, which won "Best of Show", is in art/if-artshow/year2000/galatea.z5)
Gamer: Digital Limbo, by Ian Ross. Release 1 / Serial number 120415.
Gamlet, by Tomasz Pudlo. Release 2 / Serial number 041223. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/gamlet/gamlet.z5)
Gardening for Beginners, an Interactive Gardening Experience by Juhana Leinonen. Release 2 / Serial number 080412.
GATOR-ON, Friend to Wetlands! by Dave Horlick. Release 2 / Serial number 091116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/gatoron/gatoron.z5)
Gaucho, an Interactive Geek Western, by Dave Bernazzani, Steven Robert and Jason Hanks. Release 21 / Serial number 120805.
Grandma Bethlinda's Variety Box, a novelty by Arthur DiBianca. Release 1 / Serial number 191106. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2015/Grandma Bethlinda's Variety Box)
Goodbye Doggy, by Meri and Mark.
"Goose, Egg, Badger", an Eccentric Girl's Birthday by Brian Rapp. Release 2 / Serial number 051028. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/geb/GEB.z5)
Geist, an Interactive Geek Horror, by Dave Bernazzani, Dean Svendsen, Jonna Hind and Steven Robert. Release 21 / Serial number 140115.
Gerbil Riot, originally written by Simon Avery and ported from The Quill to Inform by Duncan Cross. Release 2 / Serial number 000513.
The Ghost Train, by Paul Johnson. Release 7 / Serial number 290912.
Ghost Mountain, by Michael Cox. Release 3 / Serial number 210509.
Glass, a fractured fairy tale, by Emily Short. One of the demonstration games for Inform 7. Release 1 / Serial number 061008.
Glik part 1: Undead Menace, by Logan Edwards. Release 1 / Serial number 111211.
Gnu in the Zoo, a Freedom-Focused Fantasy, by Alex Ball. Release 3 / Serial number 160331.
Looking For Godot, An Interactive Looking-Around-For-A-Lost-English-Book, by Patrick Shaughnessy. Release 1 / Serial number 960599.
Goldilocks is a FOX! Originally written in ADRIFT by J.J. Guest, and ported to Inform by Mark Tilford. Release 1 / Serial number 090410. (the ADRIFT original is in games/adrift/
Textfire Golf by Adam Cadre (writing as J.T. Adams) Version 1.01 (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/golf.exe)
Miss Gosling's Last Case, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Implemented in Dialog. Release 3. Serial number 241016. Contains story in Å-code (HTML; recommended) and Z-code formats, map, and hints. (the original competition entry is in /games/competition2024/Games/
The Gostak, by Carl Muckenhoupt. Release 2 / Serial number 020305. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/gostak/gostak.z5)
Gourmet, an Interactive Comedy by Aaron Reed and Chad Barb. Release 2 / Serial number 031116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/gourmet/gourmet.z5)
Gourmet Gaffe, a Historically Inaccurate Adventure by 'Hulk Handsome'. Release 1 / Serial number 120624.
Go West, a Surreal Adventure by 'Hulk Handsome'. Release 3 / Serial number 120425.
The Great Xavio, A Todd and Hagerston Mystery, by Reese Warner. Release 3 / Serial number 041204. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/greatxavio/GreatXavio.z5)
A Green Rain, an abstraction, by Jason Love. Release 1 / Serial number 100611.
Growing Up, by Andy Van Deventer. Release 1 / Serial number 110825.
GRUE, by Charles Mangin. Release 5 / Serial number 170810. (also in games/competition2017/Grue)
The Greystone Test Drive A Demo of an Interactive Murder Mystery Copyright (c) 2003 by Howard A. Sherman Release 4 / Serial number 050929 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
Guard Duty, an Interactive Vigil, by Jason F. Finx. Release 1 / Serial number 991231. (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/guard/guard.z8)
Guess The Verb! An Effective Enumeration, written by Leonard Richardson. Release 4 / Serial number 001210. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/guess/guess.z5)
Life on Gue Street, a parody of the 1999 competition game "Life on Beal Street", written by Chris Charla.
Gumshoe, An Interactive Investigation by Mike Oliphant. Release 1 / Serial number 960331.
Guss's Death, an Exercise in Interactive Fiction, by Kyle Frownfelter. Release 1 / Serial number 040131.
MILLIWAYS: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Max Fog. Release number 3.02 / Serial number 231119. (a walkthrough is at solutions/h2_walkthrough.txt; the original competition release is at games/competition2023/Games/Milliways the Restaurant at the End of the
Hallow Eve, an interactive fiction of horror, by Michael Wayne Phipps Jr. Release 2 / Serial number 111028. (the original competition entry is in games/springthing/2011/
In the House of Professor Evil: The HAM HOUSE, an Utterly Epic Text Adventure from Cumberland Games, written by S.John Ross. Release 10 / Serial number 081124.
Hamil, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1982). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
Hangar 22, by Rob O'Hara. Release 1 / Serial number 110617.
Happy Ever After, an Interactive (Modern) Fairy Tale, by Robert M. Camisa. Release 1 / Serial number 130114. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/happy/happy.z5)
Harry Potter: The Legend of the Dragon Copyright (c) 2001 by Brad Jorsch and Josh Anon. Characters used without permission, type 'copyright' for details. Release 1 / Serial number 010602 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/9
Oh No, Mr Crab Stole Your Hat! by Brown Cow. Release 1 / Serial number 130216.
Haunted House, An Interactive Fiction Remix, by Pedro Fernández. Release 2 / Serial number 170103.
Hauntings, a short horror story, by E. Joyce. Release 2 / Serial number 111109.
Head Case, version 1.06, by C. Scott Davis. Release 1 / Serial number 230310.
Heist: The Crime of the Century, by Andy Phillips. Release 5 / Serial number 990217. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/
Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home, by Andrew Plotkin. Release 6 / Serial number 100703.
Welcome to Hell, by Kevin Norton and Brandon Myers. Release 1 / Serial number 980816. The included readme file contains a walkthrough and names the authors as Chode Smoka and The Velvet Jester.
Hello Sword - The journey, by Andrea Rezzonico. Archive contains English and Italian versions. Release 3 / Serial number 060113. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/zcode/hs_eng/hs_eng.z5)
Hell's Basement, by Simon Leek and Peter Laskin. Release 1 / Serial number 140826.
When Help Collides: The Wreck of the H.M.S. Snark, a Parodic Drama by J. D. Berry. Release 2 / Serial number 030208. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/zcode/help/help.z8; there are also help files for the game in solutions/geishaCheatSheet.html and solutions/geishaWinningSession.html)
Heroes, an interactive vice-tainter by Sean Barrett. Release 2 / Serial number 011130. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2001/inform/heroes/heroes.z5)
Heroine's Mantle, written by Andy Phillips. Release 3 / Serial number 001211.
Hidden Verbiage, by Linus Hamilton. A puzzle from the 2018 Caltech Puzzle Hunt. Release 1 / Serial number 181127.
Hide a pachyderm! An interactive joke, by Simon Deimel. Release 10 / Serial number 151011.
HLA Inform: A Classic Quest. Originally written by Paul Panks and converted to Inform by "Roger Pepitone". Release 1 / Serial number 050715. (source code is in games/source/inform/, and the original is in games/pc/paul-panks/
The Hobbit - The True Story - Redux, Director's Cut, by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson. Release 3 / Serial number 170601. Originally an MS-DOS adventure released by Milbus Software (tm) 1993. Redux, Director's Cut released by Milbus Software (tm) 2001. This port created with Inform 7 by A.N. Onymous 2017. (A different and extended port from 2001 is in games/glulx/hobbit.blb)
HOLY ROBOT EMPIRE, by Caleb Wilson. Release 2 / Serial number 140601.
Home, by Natalie Romano. Release 1 / Serial number 110204.
Homecoming, by Carolyn VanEseltine. Release 1 / Serial number 140903.
Hoosegow, a Wild West Wreck, by Ben Collins-Sussman and Jack Welch for the 2010 Jay Is Games "One-Room-Escape" competition. For more information, see Release 16 / Serial number 130320. (the original competition version is at games/mini-comps/cgdc7/Hoosegow.zblorb)
Housekey, Part I, by Arien Holthuizen. Release 1 / Serial number 080112.
House of Dream of Moon, an Interactive Collaboration by The IF Whispers Team. Release 1 / Serial number 071204.
How to play "Z-code" games, by Gareth Rees. Last updated October 1995.
Adventure in Humongous Cave, David Malmberg's AGT version of Adventure, ported to Inform by Al Golden. Release 1 / Serial number 000001. (a Windows package is in games/pc/, and a Mac package is in games/mac/HCMacPkg.sit)
Humongous Cave Hints, originally written by Dave Malmberg and ported to Inform by Al Golden. Release 1 / Serial number 000001.
Flight of the Hummingbird, an Interactive Costumed Caper, by Michael Martin. Release 2 / Serial number 110101. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/zcode/hummingbird/Hummingbird.zblorb, and source code is in games/source/inform/
Hunter, in Darkness. A Cave Crawl by "Dave Ahl Jr." (Andrew Plotkin). Release 4 / Serial number 991119. (a Mac version is in games/mac/HuntDark-R4.hqx; the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/huntdark/huntdark.z5)
Hyper RPG Game! Based on a childhood game by CKY. Release 2 / Serial number 090630.
I-0: the "jailbait on the interstate" game, Release 5 (v2.00), Serial number 14729; contains some adult content. (a Spanish translation is in games/zcode/spanish/i-0esp.z5)
Ibo, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 1 / Serial number 120109.
Iceweb, by Gil Williamson.
Identity, an interactive science fiction short story by Dave Bernazzani. Release 7 / Serial number 041121. (source code is in games/source/inform/; the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/identity/identity.z5)
IF Whispers 5, an Interactive Collaboration, by The IF Whispers Team (Chris Conley, Joey Jones, Marius Müller, Tom Blawgus, and Porpentine). Release 2 / Serial number 120312.
IF Aquarium, a short piece of Interactive Art, by Michael Kichline and Michael Eckhart. Release 2 / Serial number 100515.
A text adventure interpretation of the first level of id's classic first-person shooter, created by Jason Bergman. Release 1 / Serial number 040812.
I'll, by Sean Barrett. Release 1 / Serial number 000218.
Imiagination, by Lou Ferrand, Maria Rabarison, Michaël Schwartz and Grégoire Yakan. Release 1 / Serial number 110608.
The Impossible Stairs, an interactive fiction by Mathbrush. Release 3 / Serial number 241006. (a browser-playable version with clickable hyperlinks is in games/html/; source code is in games/source/dialog/ImpossibleStairs.dg)
In The Cubicle, a Short Interactive Claustrophobia, by Tom Fox. Release 1 / Serial number 160411.
In a Manor of Speaking, version 3, by Hulk Handsome. Release 3 / Serial number 180117. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/glulx/manor/)
Inevitable, by T. L. Heinrich (a.k.a. Kathleen M. Fischer). Release 2 / Serial number 030428. (the original 2003 Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2003/inevita/Inevita.z5)
A Non-Interactive List of Inform Games, by Neil James Brown. Based on a previous list by Brendon Wyber. Release 5 / 971015.
Informatory, a Not Very Interactive Pastiche with Tutorial Pretensions, by William J. Shlaer. Release 2 / Serial number 981211. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/informat/informat.z5)
Inhumane: An Infralogic Massacre, by Andrew C. Plotkin. Revision 2, ported from Applesoft BASIC to Inform by the author. This is a parody of Infocom's Infidel, written by Andrew when he was about 15.
Insight, an interactive investigation, by Jon Ingold. Release 4 / Serial number 030209.
Intangible, by bzzz. Release 1 / Serial number 131229.
Interactive Fiction Player, by Charlie Marcou. Release 1 / Serial number 130325.
Interview with a Rock Star, a Few Minutes Interview, by Molly G. Originally made for a "game duel" on the TIGSource forums, this was released again (with some improvements) for the IGF Pirate Kart, and a "Deluxe" version was made for Pirate Kart 5. Release 3 / Serial number 120223.
In the Skin of a Lion Quest: Caravaggio's Journey, by parrishka. Release 1 / Serial number 121106.
Intruder - Interactive Fiction: A Burglary, by Volker Lanz. A cross between a mystery and a treasure hunt, set in France. Archive includes a HTML manual, readme and zcode story file. Release 59 / serial number 990210.
The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man: a Reasonably Realistic Revenge Romp, by Hannes Schueller. Release 2 / Serial number 100130. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/invisible/invisible.z8)
I pressed on, being chased by a stapler with my name on it. Written by Charlie Marcou. Release 1 / Serial number 130323.
Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure, Interactive Propaganda by Anonymous. Contains .z8/.zblorb versions and source code. Release 88 / Serial number 080131.
Islands Far Away - An Entry in the Ludum Dare Game Competition #17, by Shanon Fernald. Release 1 / Serial number 100426.
Isolated, by Torment Of Gloom. Release 1. - Version 1.0 / Serial Number 250225. Copyright (C) 2025 Cosmic Halo Records. All rights reserved. Story file, bundled web interpreter, and solution.
The Bean Stalker, by Jack Welch. Release 2 / Serial number 180105.
Jet-Blue, by Paul Johnson. Release 5 / Serial number 051012.
The Jewel of Knowledge, "a somewhat traditional cave crawl" by Francesco Bova. Release 2 / serial number 990710.
Jigsaw, An Interactive History by Graham Nelson. Release 3 / Serial number 951129. Complete version (game and help information); must be played with an interpreter that can handle V8 games.
Jigsaw: Rules and Footnotes, by Graham Nelson. Release 3 / Serial number 951129. Help and background information only.
Jigsaw, An Interactive History by Graham Nelson. Release 3 / Serial number 951129. Game only without help information.
Juicehead, an interactive binge, by Simon Deimel. Release 5 / Serial number 150112.
Just Another Day, by Theodore C. Lim. "This game is a tribute to any and all working parents." Release 2 / Serial number 170129.
Return to Karn, by Patrick Wigfull. Release 2 / serial number 961207. Based on the television programme "Doctor Who".
Keeping Dido, a brief interactive story, written by Brendan Desilets, based on the opera by Nahum Tate and Henry Purcell. Release 1 / Serial number 120516.
Kentish Plover, by Daniel Gunnell (writing as Kentish Plover). Release 1 / Serial number 200118.
Kidnapped - On the Sea. An Interactive Story by Ally (RedTulip). Release 3 / Serial number 110608.
Kierkegaard's Spider, by Michael Tillman. Release 1 / Serial number 120413.
Kii!Wii! A tiny friend to brighten your day, by Adri. Release 1 / Serial number 141113.
Killing the Doctor, by Victor Verbitsky. Release 1 / Serial number 010221. Archive contains z-code game file, Inform source code and a walkthrough.
Killing Machine Loves Slime Prince. A weird little exploration game by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 5. Serial number 230819.
The X-Child, The Second Installment In The Kevin Johnson Residence Hall Saga, by Jesse Burneko. Release 3 / Serial number 062776.
robotfindskitten, a Zen Simulation. Originally written by Leonard Richardson, and converted to Inform by David Griffith. Release 8 / Serial number 220120. (Source code is in games/source/inform/kitten.tar.gz)
Kook U, An Interactive Kook Adventure. Release 1 / Serial number 971119.
Silence of the Lambs, An Interactive Horror. Release 2 / serial number 971010. Ported to Inform by Gunther Schmidl, original author unknown. (the original TADS game is in games/tads/lambs.gam)
Silence of the Lambs 2, An Interactive Inanity, written by "The Thief of Bad Gags". Release 1 / Serial number 021230.
Large Machine, a Meta Puzzle by Gringo G. Scumm. Release 1 / Serial number 010905.
LASH -- Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup, by Paul O'Brian. Release 11 / Serial number 000806. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/, and a Mac executable is in games/mac/LASH-r11.hqx)
Late Night at the Mall, by Johan Berntsson. Release 1 / Serial number 241104.
Last Days of Doom, Copyright 1999 by Peter D. Killworth. Release 1 / Serial number 000801.
Leap Time, an Interactive Lull by Sarah Morayati. Release 2 / Serial number 081230. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/speedif/
Lecture Feature, by Paul Equinox Collins. The sequel to "Teacher Feature". Release 1 / Serial number 200414. (source code is in games/source/inform/lecture.txt)
Leopold the Minstrel, by Jamie Murphy. Release 1 / Serial number 960726. Third place in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition. (the original Spectrum version can be found inside games/spectrum/, as 128K/J.Murphy/LEOPOLD.Z80)
Lex, by Zane Mariano.
Life of A Librarian (Inform 7 version), by Timewalker. Release 1 / Serial number 130211.
All Quiet on the Library Front, An Interactive Vignette by Michael S. Phillips. Release 2 / serial number 951204. (a walkthrough is in solutions/library.step; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/library.z5)
The Library Of Horror. A PunyInform demo game, by Pablo Martinez and Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 10 / Serial number 231010.
Life or Death, an interactive biological diversion, by David S. Glasser. The archive includes a z-code game file and Inform source code. Release 1 / Serial number 980702.
The Black Lily, by Hannes Schüller. Release 2 / Serial number 150318. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/The Black Lily)
Limp, an interactive thingy, by Rybread Celsius. Release 1 / Serial number 980517.
The Nemean Lion: another anonymous joke game that happens to have been posted on
Lists and Lists, an Interactive Tutorial by Andrew Plotkin. Release 3 / Serial number 960823. (source code to this version is in games/source/inform/lists.tar.Z; the original competition entry is in games/competition96/lists)
LiveJoseph, an interactive non-fiction, by Joseph Miller. Release 1 / Serial number 111227.
A Little Like Rogue, a W&W Scenario by Guy Hungerford, based on Graham Nelson's "Reliques of Tolti-Aph". Release 1 / Serial number 070314.
LMS The Video Game, an Action Interactive Fiction Game by John Goettle. Release 7 / Serial number 081227. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/LMS_TVG.gblorb, and source code is in games/source/inform/LMS_TVG.txt)
Locked Door, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220116.
Locked Door II: Fair Trade, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220118.
Locked Door III: Crate Expectations, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220119.
Locked Door IV: Safety In Numbers, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220119.
Locked Door IX: Under Obstruction, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220129.
Locked Door V: Switched On, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220121.
Locked Door VI: It Takes Two, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220123.
Locked Door VII: Out Of Line, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220125.
Locked Door VIII: Enemy Mine, a minimalist interactive fiction, by Cody Gaisser. Release 1 / Serial number 220126.
Looking to the Sky, by Isaac Dudney. Release 1 / Serial number 110313.
Mother Loose, an Interactive Nursery Rhyme by Irene Callaci. Release 2 / Serial number 981128. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/loose/loose.z5)
The Lost Spellmaker, An Interactive Mission by Neil James Brown. Release 3 / Serial number 980116. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/lost)
Lost Pig And Place Under Ground, by Admiral Jota. Winner of the 2007 IF Competition. Release 2 / Serial number 080406. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/zcode/lostpig/lostpig.z8)
Lost Pig And Place Under Ground, by Admiral Jota. Winner of the 2007 IF Competition. Release 2 / Serial number 080406. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2007/zcode/lostpig/lostpig.z8)
The Bible Retold: The Lost Sheep, a light-hearted adaptation of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, by Ben Pennington. Release 1 / Serial number 130000. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/zcode/lostsheep/LostSheep.z5)
Lucid Night, by Dee Cooke. Release 1 / Serial number 230226.
The Ludicorp Mystery, by Cal Henderson. Release 12 / Serial number 031010.
The Magic Toyshop, a fun game for all the family by Gareth Rees. Release 1, serial number 951018. (Source code to this version is in games/source/inform/magic-toyshop.inf; a walkthrough is in solutions/magictoy.sol; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/magic-toyshop.z5)
Magic Muffin - The Desert, by Charlie the Spiffy. Release 1 / Serial number 120505.
Mahadev: Painless Little Stupid Games #6, by Bob Reeves. Release 1 / Serial number 110527.
Make it Good, by Jon Ingold. Release 15 / Serial number 091227.
Mansion, an Interactive Inheritance, by Derek Barley. Release 2 / Serial number 220406.
Mars, 2049 AD, by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 8 / Serial number 250121. (source code is at games/source/inform/mars2049ad.inf)
Revenger, by Robb Sherwin. Release 2 / Serial number 000403. This game contains adult language and situations and is not intended for children. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/mary.exe)
Masquerade, written by Kathleen M. Fischer. Release 4 / Serial number 010122. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/mask/mask.z5)
Medusa, an Example in NPC Conversations, by Jim Fisher. Release 106 / Serial number 030314. (source code is in games/source/inform/medusa.inf)
Memory Lane, a world where you don't exist, by ComSha. Release 2 / Serial number 230311.
The Mercury Trucking Company, an Interactive Job Worth Doing, by Alan Trewartha.
Mercy, A short story by Christopher Klimas. Release 2 / Serial number 980217. (The code (from release 1) for the computer in this game can be found in games/source/mercycomp.txt)
Metamorphoses, by Emily Short. Release 4 / Serial number 020222. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/metamorp/metamorp.z5, and a special version intended to show how the game works is in games/zcode/fracture.z5; a Russian translation is in games/zcode/russian/
Quest for the Magic Healing Plant, by Adam Crutchlow. Release 2 / Serial number 960613. Ported by the author from AGT to Inform. (the AGT original is in games/pc/
Midpoints, an Interactive Nightmare by Mike Hnatushko. Release 1 / Serial number 010330. Archive includes ZCode game file and brief notes.
Sins Against Mimesis: An Interactive Theosophy, by Adam Thornton. Release 3 / Serial number 980110. (source code to this version is in games/source/inform/; a map is in solutions/maps/Mimesis.gmp; and the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/mimesis)
The Mind Electric, An Interactive Vision by Jason Dyer. Release 3 / serial number 941008 (should be 951008) (the original competition entry is in games/competition95/mindelec.z5)
Mines version 2010.10.29, a randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. (Source code is in games/source/inform/mines.inf; versions for other systems can be found in games/pc/, games/java/, games/java/, games/calc/, games/calc/, games/calc/, and games/pdf/Mines.pdf)
Christminster, An Interactive Conspiracy by Gareth Rees. Release 4, serial number 961117.
Announcement for The Act Of Misdirection.
The Act Of Misdirection, An Interactive Performance, written by Cal Harrison. Release 6 / Serial number 060304.
Missing Grandpa: Lost in Time, by Becky Kinkead. Release 1 / Serial number 120319.
Möbius, an Interactive Twist by J.D. Clemens. Release 2 / Serial number 061119. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/zcode/mobius/Mobius.zblorb)
Moments Out of Time: Explorer Type, by L. Ross Raszewski. Official ZBLORB version including audio and cover art. (the original IFComp release, with separate story and sound resource files, is in games/competition2001/inform/moments/)
Monster Maker, a silly character creation toy, by Adri (aka "Erin Gigglecreek"). Release 2 / Serial number 150817.
Monza's Phantom, by Sebastiano and Federico Gobbo. Release 1 / Serial number 070219.
Moon-Shaped, a Fairy Tale Retold by Jason Ermer. Release 2 / Serial number 080710. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/zcode/moon-shaped/Moon-Shaped.z8)
Moonglow, Miniventure #1 by Dave Bernazzani, release 3. "What do you do when a mysterious orb crash-lands in your field? It's not your typical day at the farm!"
Moonwrecked, by Colin Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine. Release 1 / Serial number 110309.
More, by Jason Dyer (Originally "Erin Canterbury"). Release 2 / Serial number 140604.
Mortlake Manor. a gentle introduction to Interactive Fiction, by Ben Chenoweth. Release 1 / Serial number 120304.
Mountain, an Interactive Expedition, by Benjamin Penny. Release 6 / Serial number 030317.
Mouse Quest Chapter 1 - The Arrival of Winter, by Bryan and Sean Lian.
The Story of Mr. P. by Hannes Schüller. Release 3 / Serial number 140620. (the original Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2014/; the German original is in games/zcode/german/herr-p.z5)
Detective, An Interactive MiSTing (Mystery Science Theater 3000) of Matt Barringer's AGT game "Detective", Silver Screen Edition, by Christopher E. Forman. Release 101 / Serial number 960831. (Source code for this version is in games/source/inform/mst3k1.inf, the original competition entry is in games/competition95/, an AGT conversion by Graeme Cree is in games/pc/, and a descendant by Stuart Moore is in games/zcode/mst3k1_2.z5)
Detective, An Interactive MiSTing (Mystery Science Theater 3000) of Matt Barringer's AGT game "Detective", by Christopher E. Forman, updated by Stuart Moore. Release 7 / Serial number 000715. (Source code for this version is in games/source/inform/, an AGT conversion by Graeme Cree is in games/pc/, and the earlier release released by C.E. Forman is in games/zcode/mst3k.z5)
A Fable, an interactive MiSTing-up of Stan Heller's GAGS game "A Fable". Original AGT MiST-ed version by Graeme Cree, ported to Inform by Stuart Moore. Release 5 / Serial number 000715. (source code is in games/source/inform/, and the AGT version by Graeme Cree is in games/agt/
The Mulldoon Legacy, a Tale of Time and Self, by Jon Ingold. Release 6 / Serial number 000724.
The Mulldoon Murders, An Interactive Sequel, by Jon Ingold. Release 3 / Serial number 020214.
Murdac, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1982). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
What The Murderer Had Left, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 1 / Serial number 120117.
Muse: An Autumn Romance, by Christopher Huang. Release 2 / Serial number 990922. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/muse/muse.z5)
The Musician, by Phillip Skains. Release 1 / Serial number 070820.
My Angel, by Jon Ingold. Release 2 / Serial number 001218. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/my_angel/my_angel.z5)
My Last Duchess, a Dramatic Monologue by Robert Browning and Jonas Persson. Release 1 / Serial number 140510.
My Little Project Concept is Proven, by Jake Johnson. Release 1 / Serial number 120620.
The 11 Mysterious Adventures by Brian Howarth (1981-83), converted from ScottFree to Inform (.z5):
(a Spanish translation of Waxworks is in games/zcode/spanish/waxworks.z5)
The 11 Mysterious Adventures by Brian Howarth (1981-83), converted from ScottFree to Inform (.z6) with Blorb format graphics, by Colin Davies:
The 11 Mysterious Adventures by Brian Howarth (1981-83), converted from ScottFree to Inform (.z6) with graphics drawn directly by the game's code, by Aldo Cumani:
Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower. A weird romance, by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 2 / Serial number 110510. (the original Speed-IF entry is in games/mini-comps/speedif/
The Mystery of Winchester High, by Garry Francis. Release 1 / Serial number 230531.
Endless, Nameless v1.07 (2013.1206), by Adam Cadre.
Nautilisia, a bizarre and whimsical dream-world steeped in pseudo-Jungian symbolism, by Ryan Veeder. Release 2 / Serial number 130422.
A New Day, by Jonathan Fry. Release 3 / Serial number 560827. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/newday)
Nidus, by Adam Atkinson (Cambridge University, 1986). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.140416 / Phoenix v1.04
Night at the Computer Center, An Interactive Nocturnal Chase, by Bonni Mierzejewska. Release 1 / Serial number 961118.
An Abbreviated Night Before Christmas, a Barely Interactive Pastiche by Adam Thornton. Release 1 / Serial number 061224.
The Abyss, by Jamie Phelan. Release 1 / Serial number 151001.
Nine Points: A Demonstration of an Interactive Fiction Game, by Robert Janelle and Brad O'Donnell. Release 12 / Serial number 961127. (solution is in solutions/ninepts.sol)
Not Just A Game, by John Menichelli. Release 3 / Serial number 210603. (source code is in games/source/inform/
No Room, by Ben Heaton. Release 2 / Serial number 040117. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/noroom/noroom.z5 and source code in games/source/inform/noroom.inf)
The Northnorth Passage, by Snowball Ice. Release 2 / Serial number 141114.
Nudists Gone Wild, by 'Hulk Handsome'. Release 2 / Serial number 120425.
nuntalyli'u, a translation of Adventure, aka Colossal Cave, into Lojban. Translated by Nick Nicholas, with Jay Kominek, Eugene Mayes and Robin Powell, based on Graham Nelson's Inform version of Adventure.
Only After Dark, by Gunther Schmidl. Release 2 / Serial number 000913.
Odieus's Quest for the Magic Flingshot (beta release), author unknown. Original game converted from LADS to AGT and "embellished" by David Malmberg, then ported to Inform by Teo Kwang Liak. Release 1 / Serial number 941021. (AGT source code is in games/source/agt/; the compiled AGT game is in games/pc/
OMNIQuest, originally written in 1988 in Commodore 64 BASIC by Chris Barden and Chris Ethridge, and adapted for Inform by Chris Barden. Release 2 / Serial number 040127. (source code is in games/source/inform/omniquest.inf)
One Game in Search of a Story, by NOM3RCY. Release 326 / Serial number 101102.
One Girl, by Dr. Khel. Release 1 / Serial number 020113. WARNING: Contains adult content.
On Your Back, by Dan Doyle III. Release 1 / Serial number 130506.
Orevore Courier, by Brian Rapp. Release 2 / Serial number 071116. (the original competition entry and accompanying graphics files are in games/competition2007/zcode/orevore/orevore.z8)
Bloodless on the Orient Express, a Murderous Travelogue through the Balkans, by Hannes Schueller. Release 2 / Serial number 111217.
The Orion Agenda, by Ryan Weisenberger. Release 10 / Serial number 041123. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/orion/orion.z5)
PDFA Ottumwa, a Police Department Forensics Analyst story, by David A. Faught. Release 5 / Serial number 021409. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/Ottumwa.gblorb)
Out of the Pit, by Evil Roda. Release 1 / Serial number 110515.
Total Paddling Mania, An Interactive Punishment Jag by Dr. Aloysius Beltway, PH.D Release 1 / Serial number 314159.
Paint and Corners: Still Another Abuse of the Z-Machine, by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1.0B / Serial number 980316.
Pale Blue Light, a story by Kazuki Mishima. Release 2 / Serial number 110708.
Paper Chase, An Interactive Education by Chris Skapura. This game was originally published as a TRS-80 BASIC listing titled "Collegiate Capers" in '80 Micro' magazine, August 1983.
Parallel, by David Hughes. Release 1 / Serial number 080219.
Parallel, by Ethan Crosthwaite. Release 4 / Serial number 140414.
Paranoia, by Josh. Release 1 / Serial number 090803.
Paranoia, a not-very-interactive future. Originally from an article by Sam Shirley, implemented in C on a Vax 11/780 by Tim Lister and converted to Inform by Glenn Hutchings. Release 1 / Serial number 981208. Archive contains a Z-Code game file, Inform source and the original C source on which the game is based.
Parc, by John Rennie (Cambridge University, 1983). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
Pas De Deux, an Interactive Performance by Linus Åkesson. Release 1. Serial number 190923.
Pathway to Destruction, by Richard Otter. Originally written with ADRIFT and ported to Inform by the author. Release 2 / Serial number 080511. (the ADRIFT original is in games/adrift/
Not Made With Hands, an Interactive Demonstration, written by Emily Short. Release 1 / Serial number 000208.
Pegasus, by Joshua Mandell. Release 1 / Serial number 130708.
Pentari, an Interactive Prequel to "The Mission", by Howard Sherman. Release 6 / Serial number 030206.
Perilous Magic, a really short interactive comic tragedy, by David Fillmore. Release 10 / Serial number 990821.
Perry's World, by Jim Wilbur. Release 1 / Serial number 070501.
Phlegm, an Interactive Interactive by Adjacent Drooler, (aka Jason Dyer). Release 3 / Serial number 970804. (source code is in games/source/inform/phlegm.inf, and the original competition entry is in games/competition96/phlegm/phlegm.z5)
Photograph, a Portrait of Reflection, by Steve Evans. Release 6 / Serial number 241030. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/zcode/photo/photo.z5)
Photopia, by Adam Cadre. Version 1.30 (2012.0416). (a DOS executable is in games/pc/photopia.exe; the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/photopia/photopia.z5; a Spanish translation is in games/zcode/spanish/fotopia.z5)
Piece of Mind, an Interactive Short Story by Giles Boutel. Release 3 / Serial number 970816. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/piece)
Pigpancake, by Aubra Penner. Release 1 / Serial number 110410.
Piracy 2.0 - A Text Adventure in Space, by Sean Huxter. Release 2 / Serial number 100408. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/zcode/piracy/Piracy_2.z5)
Pirate Railroad, by Utkonos. Released in honour of International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011. Release 1 / Serial number 110920.
"Painless Little Stupid Games", a collection of five small games ("Dinnertime", "To Get To The Other Side", "They're After You!", "Mazemapper" and "The Mean Story"), originally written in Alan and then converted to Inform 7, by Bob Reeves. (the original Alan versions are in games/alan/
Praser 5, an Interactive Puzzle by Andrew Plotkin. Release 4 / Serial number 050509.
Primer, by Christina Nordlander. Release 1 / Serial number 171025.
The Primrose Path, by Nolan Bonvouloir. Release 4 / Serial number 091222. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/zcode/primrose/Primrose.z8)
The Ice Princess, an Interactive Fairy-Tale by Ruediger Hanke. Release 8 / Serial number 960901. (the original Amiga only version by the same author is in games/amiga/Mipric_IP_4.lha)
Offensive Probing, an Epic Sci-Fi Adventure, by Ben Croshaw. Release 1 / Serial number 990919. Archive includes the z-code game file, an MS-DOS executable version and documentation.
Promoted! by Mike DeSanto, ported from REXX Adventure to Inform by Johannes Steingraeber. Release 1.1 of port. (the original OS/2 only competition entry is in games/competition96/promoted)
The Quest for the Philosopher's Stone, by Hew. Release 1 / Serial number 427301.
The board game Puerto Rico, ported to Inform by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release 1.1 / Serial number 20050101 (source code is in games/source/inform/puerto.inf)
Punk Points, a Video Game in Three Acts by Jim Munroe. Release 2 / Serial number 010108. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/punkpnts/punkpnts.z5)
The Puppet-Man (Larsoft Adventure number 5). Originally written by G.H. Larsen (1987) and converted to Inform by William Stott. Release 2 / Serial number 040803. (the original BBC version is in games/bbc/
Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle. The latest in a long series of silly games. Release 2 / Serial number 010618. Written by David Dyte, Steve Bernard, Dan Shiovitz, Iain Merrick, John Cater, Liza Daly, Ola S. Bauge, J. Robinson Wheeler, Jonathan Blask, Dan Schmidt, Stephen Granade, Rob Noyes and Emily Short.
Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short. Release 3 / Serial number 020223. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/pytho.blb)
The Quest for the Magic Muffin, by Charlie the Spiffy. Release 1 / Serial number 120326.
Quest for the Magic Bagel...Err Muffin 3, by Charlie the Spiffy and Arf. Release 1 / Serial number 120505.
A Simple Theft 2: A Simple Theftier: an Interactive Larceny by Mark J. Musante. Release 2 / Serial number 110601.
The Quidditch Final of 1954, by Joseph Miller. "It's May 15th, the day of the Quidditch final, which will take place in a few hours. You are the Gryffindor Seeker, and the game will rest largely on your shoulders." Release 4 / Serial number 121022.
Ralph, An Interactive Sniffing by Miron Schmidt. Release 9 / Serial number 040309. (source code is in games/source/inform/Ralph.inf; the original competition entry is in games/competition96/ralph)
Rameses, a Tale of Heroes, by Stephen Bond. Release 3 / Serial number 061023. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/rameses/rameses.z5)
RANS, an interworld progress, by Bob Reeves. Release 3 / Serial number 000918. Archive includes game zcode file and hints in a separate zcode file.
Rachel has a bad day, by Sly Old Dog. Originally written with ADRIFT and ported to Inform by Roger Pepitone. Release 5 / Serial number 070328. (source code is in games/source/inform/, and the ADRIFT original is in games/adrift/
A Reading in May, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 2 / Serial number 120109. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Reddex, an interactive adventure, by Phlegethon. Release 1 / Serial number 200124.
The Hunt For Relief, a toilettic experience, by Christian Gaertner. Release 1 / Serial number 000820.
Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots, an Interactive Boxing Match by Benjamin Mullins. Release 1 / Serial number 050209. (source code is in games/source/inform/reser.inf)
The Resident, by Mike DeSanto, ported from REXX Adventure to Inform by Johannes Steingraeber. 'The Resident' is a cyberspace adventure; its main quest is to escape from a virtual world.
Retro Fatale, a Deadly Game, by Aaron Arendt. Written for Game Gale 2010 on Release 1 / Serial number 110713.
Reverberations, a Hectic Voltairian Adventure, by Russell Glasser. Release 1 / Serial number 990110. (a solution is at solutions/reverb.sol, and the original competition entry is in games/competition96/reverb)
Reverzi, Version 1.0, a port of Reversi to the Z-Machine by John Menichelli (source code is in games/source/inform/reverzi.inf)
Ribbons, an IF Art Show 2001 Still Life, written by J.D. Berry. Release 2 / Serial number 010702.
Rise of the Necropolis, by Noelle Correa and Amiel Cox. Release 1 / Serial number 171208.
Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration, written by Michael Coyne. Release 6 / Serial number 171114. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/risorg.gblorb, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2003/zcode/risorg/risorg.z8)
Robots - another abuse of the Z-Machine - A nostalgic diversion by Torbjörn Andersson. Release 6 / Serial number 980115. (source code is in games/source/inform/robots.inf)
zRogue, a port of the classic game Rogue. Ported by Gevan Dutton, based on Tim Stoehr's Rogue 5.3 clone. Release 2 / Serial number 980706.
Room Serial, an escape game, by merricart. Release 2 / Serial number 120627.
The Reliques of Tolti-Aph, a W&W Scenario by Graham Nelson. Release 1 / Serial number 060430. (a Spanish translation is in games/glulx/spanish/
RPN, by benjabby. Release 1 / Serial number 090531.
Return to Doom, Copyright 1999 by Peter D. Killworth. Release 1 / Serial number 000831.
SameGame, another episode in the Z-Machine abuse saga, by Kevin Bracey. SameGame is an implementation of a simple arcade game and is also a stress test of Z-Machine interpreters. Release 1 / Serial number 980731. (source code is in games/source/inform/SameGame.inf)
Samhain: Pick Up The Pumpkin and KILL, a brief Halloween-themed game, by Ed Mueller. Release 1 / Serial number 001021. Not suitable for children.
Sand-dancer: a Desert Fable, by Aaron Reed, Alexei Othenin-Girard, and Howard M. Lewis Ship. A re-implementation of Aaron Reed’s Sand-dancer game in Dialog. Release 7. Serial number 201004.
Sangraal, by Jonathan R. Partington (Cambridge University, 1987). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
Santa's Sleigh Ride, a moment in the life of Santa Claus, by Molly Geene. Release 4 / Serial number 081227.
Save Princeton, originally by Jacob Weinstein and Karine Schaefer, and ported to Inform by Mike Caesar. Release 21 / Serial number 041125. (the original TADS version is in games/tads/saveprinceton20.gam)
Savoir-Faire, an Interactive Search for Loot, by Emily Short. Release 8 / Serial number 040205.
The "feelies" for Savoir-Faire, scanned as a PDF file, by Emily Short.
Scald, by John Baptist. Release 1 / Serial number 180206.
Inform School, a tutorial game about Inform written in Inform, by William J. Shlaer. Release 1 / Serial number 991217.
Schooldays, an Interactive Story by Andrew MacKinnon. Release 3 / Serial number 092800. (source code is in games/source/inform/schooldays.inf)
Scopa, a graphical (Z-code V6) version of the Italian card game of the same name, by Aldo Cumani. Release 1 / Serial number 110321. Archive includes Z-code and source.
Sea Coral, a deep sea adventure for Punyjam #3, written by Jeffrey Greer. Release 1 / Serial number 230225. (source code is in games/source/inform/seacoral.inf)
Final Selection, by Sam Gordon. Winner of the 2006 One Room Game Competition. Release 3 / Serial number 061009.
Speculative Fiction: Beginner's Lessons from "The Big Book of Financial Crimes", by Diane Christoforo and Thomas Mack. Release 2 / Serial number 120706. (a walkthrough of the game is in solutions/SpeculativeFiction_walkthrough.txt, a map of the game is in solutions/maps/sfiction.pdf, and the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/introcomp/
Shadowgate, originally implemented on the NES by ICOM (1989) and reimplemented in Inform by David Griffith. Release 8 / Serial number 040616. (source code is in games/source/inform/sgate.tar.gz)
Murder at the Diogenes Club, an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries gamebook #1. The book was written by Gerald Lientz, and adapted for Inform by "Doc". Release 1 / Serial number 021024.
The Black River Emerald, an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries gamebook #2. The book was written by Peter Ryan, and adapted for Inform by "Doc". Release 1 / Serial number 021101.
Death at Appledore Towers, an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries gamebook #3. The book was written by Gerald Lientz, and adapted for Inform by "Doc". Release 1 / Serial number 021114.
The Crown vs Dr. Watson, an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries gamebook #4. The book was written by Gerald Lientz, and adapted for Inform by "Doc". Release 1 / Serial number 021231.
Shade, a brief story by "Ampe R. Sand" (aka Andrew Plotkin). Release 3 / Serial number 001127. (a Mac version is in games/mac/Shade-R3.hqx, a French translation is in games/zcode/french/ombre.z5, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/shade/shade.z5)
Shadow of Memories, by Bethany Horbury. Release 1 / Serial number 061124.
Shadow Soldiers, by Arvind Pillai. Release 1 / Serial number 070625.
Shallow, by Austin Eady. Release 1 / Serial number 121109.
The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet, by Angela M. Horns (aka Graham Nelson). Release 2 / Serial number 961216. Winner of the 1996 IF competition. (the original competition entry is in games/competition96/sherbet)
Brief notes on Shrapnel, by Adam Cadre
Shrapnel, by Adam Cadre Version 1.01 (12 February 2000) / Serial number 9504 (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/shrapnel.exe)
Six Gray Rats Crawl Up The Pillow, a Gothic Vignette, by Boswell Cain. Release 2 / Serial number 150331.
Slacker X, A scatological breakthrough in adventure gaming. Release 1 / Serial number 971009. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/
Sleep Cycle, by Thomas Cross. Release 1 / Serial number 101217.
SNAFUFUN, a simple hypertext adventure originally written in BASIC by Chris Kerton and converted to Inform by Duncan Cross. Archive contains z-code game file, Inform source code and the original BASIC source code.
Snowed In, by Jason Self. Release 4 / Serial number 220809. Archive contains game file and source code.
Snowquest, a Curious Tale by Eric Eve. Release 2 / Serial number 100127. Archive includes Z-code game file and a walkthrough. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/snowquest/Snowquest.zblorb)
So, You've Never Played a Text Adventure Before, Huh? An Introduction to Interactive Fiction by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 140327.
So Far, An Interactive Catharsis by Andrew Plotkin. Release 6 / Serial number 961218.
Softporn Adventure, by Chuck Benton. Release 0 / 971018. An Inform port of Softporn Adventure, by Patrick Kellum. This is an early beta port, please read the enclosed softporn.txt file. Benton's original was the predecessor of Leisure Suit Larry I. (The original is in games/appleII/, and DOS ports of this game are in games/pc/ (Gary Thompson, executable only) and games/pc/ (Paul Schlyter, executable and source))
Notes on Solitary, by the game's author.
Solitary, A Single Room Reminiscence, by Kahlan. Release 2 / Serial number 040607.
Somewhere, an Interactive Poem by Kazuki Mishima. Release 2 / Serial number 080129.
So Reality, by Kenya Miller. Release 1 / Serial number 100127.
Space Station, a science fiction story based on the example transcript included with Infocom's Planetfall, by David Ledgard. Release 2 / Serial number 040130. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/space_st/space_st.z5 and source code is in games/source/inform/
Space InvaderZ, a Z-Machine implementation of Space Invaders, by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1 / Serial number 980710.
SpAdventure by Jay Walton. The original Adventure with a twist - you play as an Enchanter with spells. Release 2 / Serial number 971030. (source code is in games/source/inform/SpAdventure.inf)
Description of SpiritWrak, by Daniel S. Yu.
SpiritWrak, An Interactive Fantasy Adventure by Daniel S. Yu. Release 3 / Serial number 960606.
Sporkery 1: There Will Be Sporking, by David Hughes. Release 1 / Serial number 080111.
The Spot, by Kid Vicious. Release 0 / Serial number 021025.
She's Got a Thing For a Spring, an Interactive Dip in a Hot Spring, by Brent VanFossen. Release 4 / Serial number 080207. (the original competition entry is in games/competition97/inform/spring)
Spring 2020, by Phillip J. Rhoades. Release 1 / Serial number 200414.
Spycatcher, by Jonathan R. Partington and Jonathan Thackray (Cambridge University, 1989). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04 This game was later released for 1980s home computers as "Spy Snatcher".
You Are Standing, by Aaron A. Reed. Release 3 / Serial number 240105. Originally an exclusive bonus for the Ultimate Collector's Edition of 50 Years of Text Games.
Starborn, an interactive story, by Juhana Leinonen. Release 2 / Serial number 110116.
Starlight, by Timothy Laubach. Release 1 / Serial number 130802. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/starlight.gblorb)
Starry Seeksorrow, by Caleb Wilson. Release 2 / Serial number 160602.
Stealing the Stolen, by Rachel and Sabrina. Release 1 / Serial number 161222.
Stiffy Makane: Mystery Science Theater 3000. An Interactive MiSTing of Mark Ryan's AGT game "The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane". Release 69 / Serial number 690609. (Source code is in games/source/inform/stiffmst.inf)
Stiffy Makane: Inform Edition. Release 71 / Serial number 069105. An Inform 6 port of The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane, derived from Drunken Bastard and Dastardly Coward's Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, by Drunken Bastard. (Source code is in games/source/inform/stiffy.inf)
Stink or Swim, an Interactive Non-Olympic Event, by Renee Choba. Release 1 / Serial number 090105.
The Stone Cave, by Kevan Davis. Written in 24 hours for the 4th Hours of Inform. Release 1 / Serial number 091103.
Storm Cellar, an Interactive Work of Horror by P. F. Sheckarski. This is the first installment in a planned series, to be released episodically. Release 2 / Serial number 081022. (the original IntroComp entry is in games/mini-comps/introcomp/
Strange World, by Matt Salaiz. Release 1 / Serial number 091012.
Strike Force: The Hydrogen Annihilator. Part 3: Infiltration at the Arctic Circle, by Christopher Drum. Release 1 / Serial number 230227.
Sturdlint (The Mempotnaclob): Painless Little Stupid Games #7, by Bob Reeves. Release 1 / Serial number 110630.
Submarine Sabotage, by Garry Francis. Release 3 / Serial number 230512.
Submarine Sabotage, by Garry Francis. Release 3 / Serial number 230512.
Suicide, a self-ordered death sentence, by Dan Doyle III. Release 1 / Serial number 101103.
Sunburn, a Social Justice Horror Story, by Caelyn Sandel. Release 3 / Serial number 150214.
A science fiction adventure game for the C64 by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson, ported to the Z-machine by Johan Berntsson. Version 1. (the original BASIC source code is in infocom/tools/
Sunday Afternoon, by Christopher Huang (originally writing as "Virgil Hilts"). Release 3 / Serial number 121213. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2012/zcode/sunday/original/)
The Surprising Case of Brian Timmons. An Interactive Enigma, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 130114.
A Day For Fresh Sushi, by Emily Short. Release 1 / Serial number 010416. (original .z5 version is in games/mini-comps/speedif/
The Space Under the Window, by Andrew Plotkin. Release 2 / Serial number 970402.
Suveh Nux, a game of magical experimentation, version 1.1, by David Fisher. Winner of the 2007 One Room Game Comp. Release 1 / Serial number 150314. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/oneroom/
Swineback Ridge, A Desperate Battle by Eric Eve. Release 1 / Serial number 060422.
Sycamora Tree, How your game should look for submission, written by David Dyte. Release 2 / Serial number 980107.
Taipan! A game based on the China trade of the 1800s. Created by Art Canfil and ported to the Z-Machine by D. Jacob Wildstrom. Release 2 / Serial number 020520. (Source code is in games/source/inform/taipan.tar.gz)
Take the Dog Out, a Short Constitutional, by Ell. Release 1 / Serial number 210328. (a newer version is in games/springthing/2021/
Spider And Web, Interactive Fiction by Andrew Plotkin. Release 4 / Serial number 980226. (a Russian translation is in games/zcode/russian/
Time: All things come to an end, by Andy Phillips. Release 7 / Serial number 970521. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/
Taunting Donut, a super-short interactive fiction by Kalev Tait. Release 1 / Serial number 080612.
The Blood lust Warrior, an Interactive RPG by Zorkfire Games. Release 11 / Serial number 121030. Contains story file and source code. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/
A remake of the 1986 text adventure The Colour of Magic, by Delta4, based on the Terry Pratchett novel of the same name. Reconstructed in Inform by David Rogers, with the help of UnQuill (by John Elliott). Archive includes Z-code and Glulx versions, with and without graphics. Release 1 / Serial number 121103.
The Citizen of the Year: The Game, written by "KG". Release 1 / Serial number 060908.
Teacher Feature, by Paul Equinox Collins. Release 1 / Serial number 071126. (source code is in games/source/inform/teacher.inf)
William Tell: The Game, by Kid Vicious. Release 1 / Serial number 021025.
Whom The Telling Changed, by Aaron A. Reed. Release 3 / Serial number 060518. (the original Spring Thing entry is in games/springthing/2005/
The Temple, an Interactive Homage to H.P. Lovecraft, written by Johan Berntsson. Release 2 / Serial number 021118. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2002/zcode/temple/temple.z5)
Attack of the Terror Tabby! A brief exercise in futility by Eric Mayer. "Oh no! The cat is ticking. It must have swallowed a bomb!" Release 1 / Serial number 080514.
Beyond The Tesseract, an Abstract Adventure by David Lo, ported to Inform by Andrew Plotkin. Release 2 / Serial number 031227. (the original game is in games/pc/
The First Mile Test Drive, An Interactive Demo of Horror Fiction. Copyright (c) 2005 by Howard A. Sherman. Release 1 / Serial number 050929 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 ORLibrary release 1.3C (2004.06.08)
The Great Machine - a fragment, by Jonas Kyratzes Version 1.0 (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/TGM.exe and a Windows installer is in games/pc/TGM_Setup.exe)
That Damn Elevator, by Binkley Beardman. Release 1 / Serial number 160710.
That Damn Remote, a short farcical interactive fiction romp, by Jamie Phelan. Release 1 / Serial number 091214.
The Grumpy Cricket (And Other Enormous Creatures), a game for the mischievous by John Goerzen. Release 1 / Serial number 231225. (source code is in games/source/inform/
The Mall, by Jason Self. Includes Inform 6 source code. Release 0 / Serial number 190718.
The Awakening: The prologue to the Saturn Chronicles, by PKProStudio. Release 1 / Serial number 100326.
The Cenric Family Curse. Cursed and running out of time, by Jonathan Snyder. Release 3 / Serial number 131218. (the original competition entry is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/
The Computer Lady, an Interactive Coding Exercise, by Daniel Gunnell. Release 1 / Serial number 190702.
The Enigma of the Old Manor House, an Interactive Mystery, by Daniel M. Stelzer. Release 2 / Serial number 221121.
The Fifth Continent, a travel through the Romney Marsh, by Daniel Gunnell. Release 1 / Serial number 190719.
The Garden of Verging Paths, by Quinn Spence. Release 1 / Serial number 151027.
The Grand Tour, a short I7 demonstration, by Daniel Gunnell. Release 1 / Serial number 190512.
The job, a PunyJam #1 game by Fredrik Ramsberg. Release 5 / Serial number 210930. (source code is in games/source/inform/the_job.inf)
The Minimalist Game, by NOM3RCY.
The Mundane Tale of the Morning After, a tiny anti-adventure, by Adri. Release 1 / Serial number 140109.
The Paper Bag Princess, an interactive fairy tale, by Adri. Release 4 / Serial number 150818.
The Witch, by Charles Moore, Jr. Release 1 / Serial number 230529. Archive includes the Z-code game file, hints and maps. (the updated competition release is in games/competition2023/Games/The
The World Turned Upside Down: A Cape side story, by Bruno Dias. Release 2 / Serial number 151224.
The Adventures of Houdini, by Colleen Boye. Release 4 / Serial number 120511.
The Algophilists' Penury, by Jon Stall. Release 1 / Serial number 120528. Archive includes game file and source code.
Theatre, An Interactive Night of Horror, by Brendon Wyber. Release 2 / Serial number 951203.
The Day I Shot..., an interactive party, by Marius Muller. Release 2 / Serial number 081206. (the original version is in games/mini-comps/speedif/
The Dog/House, a Brief Excursion, by Byron Alexander Campbell. Release 2 / Serial number 101130.
The Empty Room, an Interactive Escape, by Matthew Alger. Release 1 / Serial number 100813.
The Enchanted Castle, by Gregg Roberts. Release 1 / Serial number 190627.
The Forgotten Girls, by Brent H. Release 1 / Serial number 120817.
The Gallery of Henri Beauchamp, by Mike Vollmer. Release 2 / Serial number 080621.
The Garlic Cage, Episode I, by Taro and NOM3RCY. Release 326 / Serial number 120209.
The Grand Quest, an interactive struggle, by Owen Parish. Release 2 / Serial number 091209. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2009/zcode/grandquest/TheGrandQuest.z5)
The Great, A Voyage To The Inner Self by Peter Blanston. Release 1 / Serial number 010902.
The Great Pancake Detectives - Case #27, by Hulk Handsome. Release 2 / Serial number 180117.
The Horrible Pyramid, a cautionary tale of sorts, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 131201. (the original Ectocomp entry is in games/mini-comps/ectocomp/
The House, by Jazz Remington. Release 1 / Serial number 070714.
The House of Fear, or, Loplop Introduces the World, a Hermetic Journey by Gwen Katz. Release 3 / Serial number 141121. (an illustrated version is in games/glulx/TheHouseOfFear.gblorb)
The Investment, by Xal and Pepper Ivy. Release 1 / Serial number 200916.
The Island, by Patrick Williams. Release 1 / Serial number 130226.
The Kazooist, by Charlie Marcou. "You are at your birthday party and your about to eat some cake and stuff, but then some weird stuff happens..." Release 2 / Serial number 130105.
The Last Dark Day: Painless Little Stupid Games #8, by Bob Reeves. Release 1 / Serial number 110822.
The Price of Freedom, by Wyatt Ryder. Release 1 / Serial number 120919.
The Prize, by Simon Vigonski. Release 1 / Serial number 120827.
The Realistic Nascar eXperience, by Nathaniel Tayerle. Release 1 / Serial number 130827.
Trapped in a Small Room, by Anthony. Release 1 / Serial number 100805.
The Spotlight, an interactive murder by Casino Stadium. Release 1 / Serial number 140531.
The Star Gods, by William Taylor. Release 1 / Serial number 111216.
The Terrible Old Manse: 8bit fun in 7bit ASCII, by Joe Johnston. Release 1 / Serial number 100819.
The Town Musicians, by Colleen Boye. Release 1 / Serial number 120125.
The Valley House: Painless Little Stupid Games #10, by Bob Reeves. Release 1 / Serial number 111118.
The Warbler's Nest, a fairy tale, by Jason McIntosh. Release 22 / Serial number 131221. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2010/zcode/warblers/)
The Thorn, by Eric Mayer. Release 1 / Serial number 030701. (an Italian translation is in games/zcode/italian/rovo.z5)
Thornfell Manor: 1984, a paranatural murder investigation by Tijn Kersjes. Release 3 / Serial number 241228.
Three Cows and Two Doors, by NOM3RCY. Release 332 / Serial number 120208.
Threediopolis, a Futuristic Word-Play Gofering, by Andrew Schultz. Release 3 / Serial number 140817. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2013/zcode/threediopolis/original/)
Three More Visitors, a Speed-IF Melodrama for New Year, by Paul Stanley. Release 2.
Time For Tea: A Game of Tea, Cakes, and Deadly Secrets, by kaibutsu. Release 1 / Serial number 100617.
My Magic Tire Hoax, by nd. Release 1 / Serial number 080104.
Time Killer #1: Claustrophobia, a time-killer by Sam Hulick. Release 1 / Serial number 950925.
The King and the Crown, Special Edition. A little big game, by Wes Lesley. Release 1 / Serial number 151121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2015/The King and the Crown)
Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom. Originally by Dr. Saul Leeman, with Henry and Dinah Riley, and adapted by S. John Ross. Release 9 / Serial number 130614.
ToK, written by Sacra. Release 1 / Serial number 100227.
Downtown Tokyo Present Day, by Digby McWiggle. Release 2 / Serial number 000615. (the original competition entry is in games/competition98/inform/tokyo/tokyo.z5)
Tower, a surreal trip, by Simon Deimel. Release 5 / Serial number 151228. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2014/Tower)
Towers of Hanoi, An Exercise in Inform 7, by Phil Riley. Release 2 / Serial number 220627.
Toxin X, by Sam Schrag. Release 1 / Serial number 110519.
Traffic, by D. S. Yu. Release 2 / Serial number 241027. (a walkthrough is at solutions/traffic-walkthrough.txt; the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Transporter, by Andrew Laker. Release 1 / Serial number 960729. A runner-up in the 1996 Acorn User Interactive Fiction competition.
Trapped, by Kate Barnard. Release 1 / Serial number 110413.
Tristam Island, by Hugo Labrande. Release 5 / Serial number 220830. Contains game file, source, disk images, and feelies.
Zork: A Troll's Eye View, an interactive tedium by Dylan O'Donnell. Release 3 / Serial number 980518.
Tull Road Warrior, by Sam Thirouin. Release 2 / Serial number 021229.
Tryst of Fate, An Interactive Horse-Opera by Gregory M. Zagurski. Release 205 / Serial number 970629.
Tube Trouble, a mini-adventure by Richard Tucker. Release 0 / Serial number 950901. (a solution is in solutions/tube.sol; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/tube.z5)
Tundra, a Short Story of the Frozen Wastes, by David Dyte. Release 1 / Serial number 980127. Alpha test release of a short, unfinished game.
Tutorial, by Nereare. Release 1 / Serial number 111030.
Hotel Tutorial, by Leandro Ribeiro. A tutorial game for new IF players. Release 1 / Serial number 100713.
Tuuli, an interactive ritual, by Daurmith and Ruber Eaglenest. Release 4 / Serial number 180501. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2017/Tuuli, and a Spanish version is in games/zcode/spanish/Tuuli.zblorb)
Typo!, by Peter Seebach and Kevin Lynn. Release 1 / Serial number 041119. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2004/zcode/typo/typo.z5)
Uh-oh! (demo version), by Scott Covert. Release 1 / Serial number 980218.
Life of a UMW student, by Daley Jennings and Kat Raffa. Release 1 / Serial number 201215. (source code is in games/source/inform/
The Underoos that ate New York!, by Gerry Kevin Wilson. Release 1 / Serial number 970329. (This is a conversion by the author of the TADS original, which is in games/tads/underoos.gam)
Underground, an interactive fantasy, by phlegethon. Release 2 / Serial number 191215. This zip file contains both Z-code and Glulx versions, as well as cover art and an audio file.
Under the Bed: Your baby brother's last chance, by Dan Doyle III. Release 1 / Serial number 120522.
Ungodly hour, an interactive nightmare, by Simon Deimel. Release 7 / Serial number 140927.
Uninvited, originally implemented on the Apple Macintosh by ICOM (1986) and reimplemented by in Inform by David Griffith. Release 3 / Serial number 190918. (a version containing sound effects is in uninvited.zblorb)
Uninvited, originally implemented on the Apple Macintosh by ICOM (1986) and reimplemented by in Inform by David Griffith. Release 3 / Serial number 190918. (a version without sound effects is in uninvited.z5)
The Unicorn Pool, a fable owing much to Theodore Sturgeon, Thomas Hardy, and the film A Kid For Two Farthings, written by Tiddy Ogg. Release 1 / Serial number 100914.
Vacation Gone Awry, by Johan Berntsson, Fredrik Ramsberg, and Staffan Friberg. Release 3 / Serial number 060527. (an archive containing this file and the Windows Frotz interpreter is in games/pc/
What Happens In Vagueness, an Interactive Collaboration by The IFW4 Team. Release 1 / Serial number 080825.
House of the Midnight Sun - A Vampire's Tale, written by Paul Johnson. Release 12 / Serial number 020405.
Not in Venice, a trial on Interactive Flash Fiction, by Bahri Gordebak. Release 1 / Serial number 120117.
Vespers, by Jason Devlin. Release 1 / Serial number 051128. (source code is in games/source/inform/vespers.inf, and the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/zcode/vespers/vespers.z8)
Varicella, by Adam Cadre Version 1.14 (31 August 1999) / Serial number 9339 (an MS-DOS version is in games/pc/vgame.exe)
Internal Vigilance, version 2.0, by Simon Christiansen. Release 2 / Serial number 070106. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2005/zcode/vigilance/vigilance.z5)
Vindaloo, An Interactive Recipe by Adam G Crutchlow. Release 1 / Serial number 960613.
Violet, a Distraction by Jeremy Freese. Release 3, November 2008. Winner of the 2008 IF Competition. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2008/zcode/violet/violet.zblorb)
Virtuality, by Mark. Release 1 / Serial number 100131.
Lack of Vision, a eye opening demo by Rybread Celsius. Release 1 / Serial number 980412.
The Visitor, A Chat, written by Peter Polkinghorne. Release 1 / Serial number 000321. (source code is in games/source/inform/visitor.inf, and the original Year 2000 IF Art Show entry is in art/if-artshow/year2000/visitor.z5)
Voices of Spoon River, based on the Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters. Written by Brett Shelton, Jon Scoresby, Tim Stowell, Tom Caswell, Jared Bernotski, Marie Duncan, Marian Jensen and Jennifer Jorgensen. Release 1 / Serial number 060925.
The WadeWars Book III: Askin, by Jim Fisher - despite its title the first release in the Wade Wars series. Release 106 / Serial number 020512. Rating: beginner to intermediate. (a DOS version from 1993 without save/restore is in games/pc/
Walk Among Us, An Interactive Horror Punk by Roberto Colnaghi. Release 2 / Serial number 181202.
A Walk in the Park, a multiple-ending adventure, by Matthew Alger. A short, comedic game with three humorous endings. Release 1 / Serial number 100213.
Delightful Wallpaper, by Andrew Plotkin. Release 5 / Serial number 061117. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2006/zcode/wallpaper/Wallpaper.zlb)
Warp!, a science fiction story. Originally written by Richard Kelly and converted to Inform by Steve Nickolas. Release 2 / Serial number 640101. (the original, called "Chaos in Space", is in games/pc/
Wizard's Castle, originally from the July/August 1980 issue of Recreational Computing magazine. Written for Exidy Sorceror by Joseph R. Power, modified for Heath Microsoft BASIC by J. F. Stetson and ported to Inform by Adam Biltcliffe. (source code is in games/source/inform/wcastle.inf)
We Are Unfinished, by Ade McT. Release 1 / Serial number 160419.
The Weapon, an Interactive Misdirection by Sean Barrett. Release 1 / Serial number 010706. Archive includes ZCode game file and background information.
A Change in the Weather, An Interactive Short Story by Andrew Plotkin. Release 6, serial number 960613. Winner of the Inform category of the 1995 IF competition. (source code is in games/source/inform/weather-src.tar.gz; the original competition entry is in games/competition95/weather.z5; a solution is in solutions/weather.sol)
The Wedding, an Interactive Family Headache by Neil James Brown. "Acorn User CD Edition". Release 5 / Serial number 970825. This game came second in the Acorn User 1996 IF Competition.
Wedding, an interactive Life Story, by Kenya Miller. Release 1 / Serial number 100221.
Weird City Interloper, an interactive tale of strange conspiracy by C.E.J. Pacian. Release 1 / Serial number 140613.
Weirdness: Strange, Different, and Altogether Weird. Originally written by Gregory Janson for his MegaZeux platform, and ported to Inform by Patrick Walton. Release 2 / Serial number 030922.
Werewolves and Wanderer, a classic BASIC adventure. Originally published in 1983 in 'Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer' by Tim Hartnell, and adapted to Inform 7 by Kristopher Neidecker. Release 1 / Serial number 080705.
Werner's Quest Parts 1-4, a series of parodies of Zork and Enchanter. Originally written by Jan Åberg and converted to ZCode by Fredrik Ramsberg. Archive includes ZCode game files and the C64 originals in a D64 disk image.
What Fuwa Bansaka Found, by Chandler Groover. Originally published in 2016 by sub-Q Magazine.
The Corn Identity, an "IF Whispers" collaborative project. Release 1 / Serial number 050926.
White Houses, by Mr Stamp (Jason Lautzenheiser). Release 3 / Serial number 140511.
Why Pout?, by Andrew Schultz (as "Mick Stupp"). Release 5 / Serial number 241112. Contains story file, map, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2024/Games/
Wildflowers, version 1, by Carolyn VanEseltine.
Winchester's Nightmare, a Novel Machine by Nick Montfort. Release 5 / Serial number 020131.
The Windhall Chronicles, Volume One: The Path to Fortune by Jeff Cassidy and Christopher E. Forman. Release 5 / Serial number 960828.
Winter Wonderland, version 2.0, by Laura A. Knauth. Winner of the 1999 IF Competition. Release 1 / Serial number 030227. (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/winter/winter.z5)
When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste, by Emily Short. One of the demonstration games for Inform 7. Release 2 / Serial number 060503.
When in Rome 2: Far from Home, by Emily Short. One of the demonstration games for Inform 7. Release 1 / Serial number 060503.
Get Magazine. Open Magazine. Read Article. An interactive interpretation of an article published in God's Rude Wireless, written by Simon Scott. Release 1 / Serial number 040909.
Inside Woman, Interactive Corporate Espionage, written by Andy Phillips. Release 5 / Serial number 090628.
Spodgeville Murphy and The Jewelled Eye of Wossname, written by David Fillmore. Release 10 / Serial number 000225. (the original competition entry is in games/competition99/inform/wossname/wossname.z5)
Wrenlaw, an interactive afternoon, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 130429.
Weishaupt Scholars, an Interactive Secret History, written by Michael Martin. Release 2 / Serial number 071107. (source code is in games/source/inform/wscholars.txt)
Wumpus 2000, The Virulent Labyrinth Of Yob-Shuggoth. A randomly-generated dungeon crawl by Muffy St. Bernard. Release 1 / Serial number 041119. (source code is in games/source/inform/wump2ka.inf)
Hunt the Wumpus, originally written in BASIC in 1972 by Gregory Yob, and ported to Inform by Magnus Olsson. Release 1 / Serial number 991216. (source code is in games/source/inform/wumpus.inf)
Wurm, a blatant abuse of the Z-Machine by C.V.F. Knight. Release 2 / Serial 021126. (source code is in games/source/inform/wurm.inf)
Xenophobia, by Jonathan Mestel (Cambridge University, 1989). Translated to Z-code by Graham Nelson, Adam Atkinson and David Kinder. Version 1.111115 / Phoenix v1.04
YAGWAD: Yes, Another Game With A Dragon! written by Digby McWiggle. Release 2 / Serial number 001121. (the original competition entry is in games/competition2000/inform/yagwad/yagwad.z5)
Yak Shaving for Kicks and Giggles! A Philosophical Odyssey by J. J. Guest. Release 4 / Serial number 230911.
Raising the Flag on Mount Yo Momma, an interactive insult battle, by Juhana Leinonen. Release 3 / Serial number 100228. (source code is in games/source/inform/yomomma-source.txt)
You've Got A Stew Going! An Interactive Fiction in one act, by Ryan Veeder. Release 3 / Serial number 150410.
Z-Life, an Inform implementation of Conway's Game of Life, by Julian Arnold. Release 3 / serial number 960121. (source code is in games/source/inform/z-life.inf)
ZassBall, Another Abuse of the Z-Machine, an arcade game written in Inform by L. Ross Raszewski. Release 1.0B / Serial number 980314.
ZBefunge 0.7 beta, by Francis Irving. Befunge is a 2D programming language, and this archive contains an interpreter for Befunge written in Inform. Includes Z-Code file and Inform source.
Camel, originally by the Heath Users Group and ported to Inform by Adam Biltcliffe. (source code is in games/source/inform/zcamel.inf)
The Z-Files, a Z-Code Catalog. Michael Baum's catalog of Z-Code games and programs converted to a Windows HTML Help File by Paul de Valmency. This catalog stopped being current on 22 July 1999.
Detailed description of
A catalog of all Z-Code games and programs, in HTML format. Written by Michael Baum, based on previous catalogs by Brendon Wyber, Neil Brown and Gunther Schmidl. Last updated 22 July 1999
Z-Chess, release 4, by Eric Schmidt. An abuse of the Z-Machine that allows two people to play chess. Archive includes Z-code game and Inform source code.
ZDungeon, a port to Inform of Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork. Ported by Ethan Dicks, based on the original MDL sources, dated 22 July 1981. Release 13 / Serial number 040826.
ZedFunge 0.7.3 beta, by Martin Bays, based on ZBefunge by Francis Irving. This is an extension to ZBefunge, adding almost complete support for the Concurrent Funge-98 specification. ZedFunge was originally named ZFunge. Includes Z-Code file and Inform source.
ZEDIT, The World's Most Portable Text Editor, Copyright 1997 Charles Briscoe-Smith. Story file, source code, and documentation.
Zegrothenus, by Poster. Release 5 / Serial number 041112. (the original competition version is at games/mini-comps/cgdc7/Zegrothenus.z8)
Escape from the Starship Zenon, by Andrew Gawthorpe. Release 2 / Serial number 100122.
The sound and music resources for Zen Speaks!, converted to the Blorb format by Leif Huhn.
Zen Speaks! or 1999: A Quite Brief Space Odyssey an Eliza-style demo by Aldo Cumani. Release 1 / Serial number 990217. Background music and speech output require a sound-capable interpreter.
The Z-Files, An Interactive Guide to available Inform games, by Gunther Schmidl. Based on the Inform Games List by Neil Brown and Brendon Wyber. Release 3 / Serial number 980519.
Zokoban, a Z-Machine implementation of the puzzle game Sokoban, written by Jake Wildstrom. Release 1 / Serial number 990810.
Zombies, yet another abuse of the Z-Machine. Written by David Ledgard, based on Torbjorn Andersson's game Robots. Release 1 / Serial number 990524. (source code is in games/source/inform/zombies.inf)
An exact replica for the Z-machine of the original MDL Zork, as it was on June 14, 1977 on the PDP-10 ITS at MIT. Originally written by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling, and converted to ZIL by Henrik Åsman. Enter the command "about" in the game for more information.
Zork LXIX: The Great Underground Hot Dog, or, Painless Little Stupid Games, #9 by Bob Reeves. Release 0 / Serial number 110901.
Zorkian Stories 1: G.U.E. A diversion, by Marshal Tenner Winter. Release 1 / Serial number 121014.
Zork N plus 9, by Sonny Rae Tempest. A revision, in (N+9) Oulipo form, of Dean Menezes' Inform 7 port of Zork. Release 1 / Serial number 120517.
ZRacer 1.0, a real-time racing game, written for the C-40 ZCode competition by David Fisher.
Z-Snake, an Inform port of the classic game. Ported by Zach Matley. Release 3 / Serial Number 010201.
Z-Tornado, a two-player weather action game. Originally written by Oliver Feiler and Rene Puls, and ported to Inform by Sophie Frühling. Release 2 / Serial number 030711. (source code is in games/source/inform/
Super Z Trek, a Z-Machine implementation of the classic Star Trek. Written by John Menichelli, based on Chris Nystrom's C port of a BASIC version. (source code is in games/source/inform/ztrek.inf)
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand Inquisitor, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson, and ported to Inform 7 by Al Golden. Release 16 / Serial number 970828. Archive includes the game file, a map and a walkthrough.
Zugzwang: The Interactive Life of a Chess Piece, by Magnus Olsson. Release 2 / Serial number 990710. This is an update to the original, which was part of the TextFire, Inc. hoax. The original is still in games/demos/textfire/ Archive contains zcode game and source code.