Solutions, walkthroughs, hints, and maps for various works of interactive fiction.
Solution to 2044: Space Troopers, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solution to 2112, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solution to += 3: A Logical Adventure
Soulution for Three Monkeys, One Cage, by the game's author, Robert Goodwin.
Walkthrough for release 5 of "A Matter of Heist Urgency", written by FLACRabbit. (the game itself is in games/glulx/A_Matter_of_Heist_Urgency.gblorb)
Walkthrough for Aayela by the game's author, Magnus Olsson. (the game is in games/tads/aayela.gam)
general hints (objectives) and full stepwise walkthrough for The Abbey of Montglane v1.1, by Audrey De Lisle
Solution to Above and Beyond, version 1.1, written by Paul J. Godfrey, with additions by the game's author, Mike Sousa.
walkthrough for Acid Whiplash, by Rybread Celsius and Cody Sandifer
Solution and map (in GUEmap format) for the BBC micro game "Acorn Adventure", by David Lodge.
Walkthrough for Acorn Court
a hint reader that lets you look up individual hints from the Scott Adams hint sheets in AdamsHints.tar.Z without having to decode them manually, a compiler to create those hint files, and the Scott Adams hints C source code and Archimedes executables by David Lodge
complete hint sheets (not walkthroughs) to all the Scott Adams adventures published by Adventure International, including the code key from the end of Savage Island II by David Librik, with additions by Paul David Doherty The hints are coded so you don't accidentally read more than you want to.
same as above, but with DOS CRLFs as line separators
walkthroughs for 12 Scott Adams adventures
Solution to The Adventurers' Museum - Legacy of the Necromancer: Part I, by Ambat Sasi
Question and answer hint file for the 660 point version of Colossal Cave (Adventure 4+ version 10.06). Version 1.1, originally written by Arthur DiBianca and amended by Mike Arnautov.
A walkthrough and maps (in GUEmap format) for the 350 point version of Adventure, by Julian Fleetwood.
Solution to a 550 points version of Colossal Cave, by Barbara Baser (the game described here is slightly different from the one in games/source/
annotated step-by-step solution to the 350 points version of Colossal Cave. Revised by Jessica Allan, based on a solution by Sean L. Palmer.
commented stepwise solution to the 350 points version of Colossal Cave
Walkthrough for Aftermath, by the game's author.
Solution to Special Agent, by Ambat Sasi
walkthrough for Aisle, by the game's author, Sam Barlow
Walkthroughs for the various endings to Alabaster.
Walkthrough for the game "Alien Research Centre 3", written by Kenneth Pedersen.
Solution to Space Aliens Laughed at my Cardigan, by Nils Barth.
anonymous solution to Amazon (Trillium/Tellarium)
Solution to Anchorhead, by Mike Wallis
Solution for Anchorhead (2017), by Daniele Raffo.
Rot13 Invisiclues for Anchorhead, both the 1998 and 2018 versions, by Dan Fabulich. (Version 2)
A Guided Tour of Anchorhead, including 11 maps, a playthrough and a glossary, created by Michael Hayes.
Walkthrough for Anchorhead, by Aeron Pax.
Solution to the Z-code game Asylum.
Solution to Atomia Akorny, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, written by James Mullish.
Walkthrough for "Danger! Adventurer at work!", originally a Quill game by Simon Avery and then ported to Inform by Duncan Cross.
Solution to Augmented Fourth, release 4, written by the game's author, Brian Uri.
Hints (rot13-encoded) for A Very Strong Gland, by the author. (the game itself is in games/competition2024/Games/
Solution to Aztec Tomb (Part 1), by Ambat Sasi
Map of Babel, by Eric O'Dell. Adobe PDF format. (the game itself is at games/tads/Babel31.gam)
Walkthrough for Bad Machine, covering all three major endings, written by Benjamin Lee.
walkthrough for Balances, by Gareth Rees
Solution to Baltimore 24, written by James Mullish.
Solution for Barsoom Adventure #1: The Lost City, by Fredrik Ekman.
99% walkthrough for The Secret of Bastow Manor, by Andrew Williams
full walkthrough for The Secret of Bastow Manor, by Dorothy Millard
stepwise solution to Brian Howarth's The Golden Baton, by R. Rainbird
Solution to A Bear's Night Out, by Ambat Sasi Nair. (the game itself is in games/zcode/bear.z5)
Solution to Bedlam, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for BiCon by the game's author, "rach".
anonymous solution to Blackscar Mount (Titan)
Walkthrough for Tinseltown Blues, by Eytan Zweig.
Solution to the TADS game Bmissfille, by Ambat Sasi Nair
commented stepwise solution to The Boggit (Delta 4), by Jacob Gunness
some hints for The Boggit (Delta 4), by Mario Moeller
stepwise solution to Borrowed Time
anonymous solution to Breakers (Synapse/Broderbund)
Solution to Breath Pirates 1.2, by Ambat Sasi Nair
commented stepwise solution to BSE (releases 2 and 3) by Paul J. Godfrey
Walkthrough for "Bullhockey 2" by the game's author, Bill Lindsay.
Walkthrough for "Bullhockey!" by the game's author, Bill Lindsay. For Release 1 / Serial Number 190106. (the original competition walkthrough is in games/competition2018/Bullhockey/Walkthrough/solution.txt)
Solution and map (in GUEmap format) for the BBC micro game "Bungle Brothers", by David Lodge.
Map and solution for Doug Roberts' game "Burglar!", made by Martin Doege.
Hints, maps and a walkthrough for the Z-code game Busted.
Hints for Busted! by Dan Shiovitz, Walter Sandsquish and Robert A. deLisle.
stepwise solution to Busted, by Paul J. Godfrey
Walkthroughs for Cacophony by the game's author, Owen Parish.
Solution to Castaway, by Ambat Sasi
Hints for Castle Ralf by the game's authors, in Microsoft Word format.
Solution to Cave Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Sierra's "The Colonel's Bequest - A Laura Bow Mystery", by Julian Fleetwood.
Walkthrough for J. Robinson Wheeler's game Centipede, including multiple winning endings, by Michael Martin.
solution, point list, and list of objects for Christminster, by Audrey De Lisle
hints for Mysterious Adventure No. 6: Circus, typed in by Petter Sjoelund
Solution to Cliff Diver: Investigator for Hire - The Case of Crime to the Ninth Power, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Cold As Death, a realtime IF game that can be found at Walkthrough written by Emily Short.
Walkthrough for City of Secrets by Emily Short, by Kenneth Pedersen.
walkthrough for Cosmoserve (1991 version), by Al G.
Hints for Child's Play by the game's author, Stephen Granade.
A spoiler-free walkthrough of Cragne Manor (2018). This is a list of rooms in a solvable order, with no explicit hints on how to solve the puzzles when you arrive. Made available in the public domain by Dan Fabulich.
A spoiler-ful, room by room guide to Cragne Manor.
Solution to Crime Adventure version 1.52, by Ambat Sasi
anonymous solution to Crimson Crown (PolarWare)
Solution to Critical Breach, by the game's author.
solutions for the 3 games in, by Ambat Sasi: Rings for Bony Fingers, Ghost Riders of El Diablo, Dr. Death's House of Horrors
Solution to Crypt, by Ambat Sasi
554 points walkthrough for Graham Nelson's Curses (release 12, 11nov94; revised for release 16, 22aug96), by Russ Bryan
minimal step-by-step solution to release 12 of Curses, by Gareth Rees
Solution to Curses release 16, by Marc Leduc. Straightforward walkthrough, explanations and clue locations, history of the Meldrews, dictionary of mythology, lagachable objects, amusing things to do, different ways to open the medicine bottle - it's all there!
Hints for Vicious Cycles, by the game's author, Mark Simon. HTML format.
Solution to the TADS game The Damp Camp, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solution to Dark Continent, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Darknight, by Ambat Sasi
Solution for Dash Slapney, Patrol Leader by the game's author, Andrew Schultz.
Walthrough for Deep Breathing, by Viktor Sobol.
Solution to Deephome, by Ambat Sasi
stepwise solution to Deep Space Drifter, by Paul J. Godfrey
anonymous solution to Deja Vu (ICOM/Mindscape)
anonymous solution to Deja Vu 2 (ICOM/Mindscape)
stepwise solution to Delusions, by Paul J. Godfrey
hint book for Demon's Tomb - The Awakening by Christopher E. Forman
Commented solution to Sam Trenholm's Desert Adventure (which is in scott-adams/games/scottfree/
Solution to Detective, written by James Mullish. (the game itself is in games/agt/
Walkthrough for Diabolical by the game's author, Cleo Kraft.
Walkthrough for Die Vollkommene Masse by the game's author, Alice Merridew.
Solution to Ditch Day Drifter, by Ambat Sasi
stepwise solution to Ditch Day Drifter, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to The Zuni Doll, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for the Dutch text adventure Dracula, by John Stigter.
Walkthrough for Paul Johnson's "Dracula, Prince of Darkness".
Hints, maps and a walkthrough for the Z-code game The Dreamhold.
Walkthrough for Echappée Belle Dans Les Contrées du Rêve, by JB Ferrant.
Solution to Castle Droganya, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Ducksoup, by Audrey De Lisle
Solution to A Dudley Dilemma, taken from the source code in games/source/agt/
Maps of Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I., by Al Golden
2-page PostScript map of Dungeon, by David Newkirk
PostScript map of Dungeon (5 pages), built with admap by Darin Johnson
Solution to Dungeon version 3.1, by David Horowitz
A walkthrough, hints and trivia about Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B.
hints for The Dungeons of Dunjin, by W. Mintardjo
stepwise solution to Dunjin 4.30, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Caves of Dyanty, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night! (The Director's Cut) by the game's author, Mike Carletta. (the game itself is at games/glulx/Dynamite_Powers.gblorb)
Walkthrough for Earth and Sky, by Paul O'Brian.
step-by-step walkthrough for The Edifice, by Lucian Smith
Walkthrough for Ekphrasis by the game's author, Le Jibe.
Solution to The Elf's Christmas Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Castle Elsinore version 1.0, by W. Mintardjo
Solution to Enchanted Castle, by W. Mintardjo
Walkthrough for The End Means Escape, by Queen Kara.
Solution to Enemies, by Paul J. Godfrey
solution, point list, and map for Enhanced (versions 1 and 2), by Audrey De Lisle
Hints for "The Enterprise Incidents: a Middle School Fantasy" by the game's author, Brendan Desilets.
Solution to Eric the Unready, by Beowulf
Solution to the Z-code game Eric the Power-Mad Dungeon Master.
anonymous solution to Essex (Synapse/Broderbund)
Walkthrough for Even The Devil Must Die, by Dave Johnson.
Walkthrough for Everybody Dies, by Jim Munroe.
Invisiclues in HTML format for Everybody Dies, by Jim Munroe.
anonymous solution to Fahrenheit 451 (Telarium)
Complete walkthrough for Fairest, by the author. (the game is at games/glulx/Fairest.gblorb)
Walkthrough for Fallacy of Dawn, by Natalie Charlesworth.
solution to Farmers Daughter
Solution to Farmers Daughter, Z-code version, written by Virto Nacine Cifetti. OpenDocument format.
Solution to Filaments by the game's author, JB Ferrant.
Walkthrough for Finding Martin, by the game's author.
Solution to Fine-Tuned, by the author, Dennis Jerz.
Solution to Firebird, by Brendan Desilets
Solution to John's Fire Witch, by Ambat Sasi
stepwise solution to John's Fire Witch, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to the ALAN game A Very Hairy Fish-Mess, written by the game's author, Byron Alexander Campbell.
Walkthrough for Flattened London by the game's author, Carter Gwertzman. (the game itself is at games/glulx/Flattened_London.gblorb)
Solution to Odieus's Quest for the Magic Flingshot by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Fourin1, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to The Frenetic Five vs. Mr Redundancy Man, by Ambat Sasi.
Solution to The Frenetic Five vs. The Seven Deadly Dwarves, by Ambat Sasi.
Solution to The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang, by Ambat Sasi.
step-by-step solution to Frobozz Magic Support, release 2, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Frozen: A Night at the Lab, by Ambat Sasi
step-by-step solution to Frustration, v1.01 release 960114, by Paul J. Godfrey
step-by-step solution to First Things First, v1.01 release 20010723, by Paul J. Godfrey
Step-by-Step solution to Mystery Funhouse, by Hayden Presley.
very explicit hint book for Frederik Pohl's Gateway
solution to GC: A Thrashing Bit Parity of the Mind, by Richard Cuddy.
Descriptions and tables of the internal workings of the Bleach of Etiquette (Geisha Sim) portion of When Help Collides, by the game's author, J.D. Berry.
Transcript of a winning game, with a commentary, for the Bleach of Etiquette (Geisha Sim) portion of When Help Collides, by the game's author, J.D. Berry.
Maps and a walkthrough for Genesis Quest, by the game's author, Mike Gerwat.
Solution to Gerbil Riot, by Duncan Cross.
Walkthrough for Getfeldt's Treasure, by Richard Bos.
step-by-step solution to Jim MacBrayne's The Golden Fleece, by Richard A. Cuddy
Solution for Ghost Train, by Daphne Brinkerhoff.
Walkthrough for Galactic Peace by the game's author, Jeffrey Rosenthal.
Hints for Grandma Bethlinda's Remarkable Egg by the game's author, Arthur DiBianca. (the game itself is at games/competition2021/Games/Grandma Bethlindas Remarkable Egg)
step-by-step solution to Losing Your Grip, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Groove Billygoat.
Walkthrough for Guilty Bastards, by Terri Sheehan.
Map and walkthrough for Guma Adventure ]I[ by Alex Guma, an Inform 7 recreation (with enhancements) of the late 70s/early 80s HP2000/3000 BASIC IF game Adventure II/III. Original author(s) unknown. Archive also contains source code. (game is in games/glulx/Guma1400.gblorb)
step-by-step solution to Gumshoe, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Gymnasium, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for MILLIWAYS: the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Max Fog. (game file is at games/zcode/h2.z5; original competition versions of game/walkthrough are in games/competition2023/Games/Milliways the Restaurant at the End of the
Solution to The Haunted Mission Adventure version 1.52 by Ambat Sasi
Solution to the Quest game Haunted Horror.
Solution to Haunted House (Radio Shack), by Stefano Lorenzin
A solution of Adventure in Humongous Cave (Z-code version), finishing the game in the fewest turns.
solution and walk-through of Adventure in Humongous Cave, the 1000 point version of Colossal Cave, by the game's author, David Malmberg.
Walkthrough for A Killer Headache, Release 3 by Mike Ciul. (the game itself is at games/glulx/headache.gblorb)
Walkthrough for Heated, by Mehmet Sadik Yildirim.
step by step solution to Heist (release 2) by Dale Johannesen
Solution to Heroine's Mantle, by Paul Godfrey.
step-by-step solution to Jim MacBrayne's The Holy Grail, by Richard A. Cuddy
Solution to Hitch Hiker 64 (later renamed Cosmic Capers), by Andrew Williams NOTE: This is not related to the Infocom's Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy game
anonymous hints for the following games:
Walkthrough for HLA Adventure.
commented stepwise solution to The Hobbit (Melbourne House), by Jacob Gunness
solutions to the 3 games in, by Ambat Sasi:
Solution to Hotel Notell, by W. Mintardjo
stepwise solution to Hotel Notell, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to the TADS game The House, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solutions to Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo II: Whodunit? and Hugo III: Jungle of Doom.
stepwise solution to Humbug (the public domain version 5.0, May 1997), by Paul J. Godfrey. This solution augments the game's built-in hint system, and shows how to earn all 2000 points.
Anonymous solution to Hunter, In Darkness.
a plot tree for I-0: Jailbait on Interstate Zero, by Bruce Hollebone
step-by-step solution to The Ice Princess, by Paul J. Godfrey. This solution is for game Release 8 / Serial number 960901.
Solution to Inheritance, by Eric Toth.
stepwise solution to The Institute, by Sascha Wildner
Solution to Intercept, by Ambat Sasi
Hints, maps and a walkthrough for the Z-code game Intruder.
anonymous solution to Invasion, an adventure by Robert Henderson
Walkthrough for The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man by the game's author, Hannes Schueller.
Solution to The Island of Mystery version 1.52, by Ambat Sasi. This version does not tell you how to get some bonus points.
complete stepwise solution to The Island of Mystery, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Jacaranda Jim, by Neil Shipman. This solution now contains the name that formerly constituted the game's registration incentive; supplied by the author, Graham Cluley.
Solution to The Jewel of Knowledge, by Paul J. Godfrey
anonymous walk through solution to The Jewel of Knowledge
comment by Jacob Gunness on his game solutions
commented stepwise solutions by Jacob Gunness to the following games:
commented stepwise solutions by Jacob Gunness to the following games:
Solution to Jigsaw, by Bonni Mierzejewska, revision 3
Amply commented step-by-step solution to Jigsaw, by Gareth Rees.
Solution to Jubilee Road, by Audrey De Lisle
step-by-step solution to Return to Karn, release 2, by Paul J. Godfrey. Updated by Patrick Wigfull for release 2/961207
Solution to The Key to Time (in games/advsys/key.dat) by Ambat Sasi
walkthrough for KGB (Cryo/Virgin Games) by Stan Kobylanski
Solution to Kissing the Buddha's Feet by the game's author, Leon Lin. (the game is at games/tads/
Solution to Klaustrophobia, by Audrey De Lisle. Included are text files giving the solution to all three parts, five saved games (starting positions for parts 2 and 3, one saved game to bypass a bug and two saved games for particularly difficult section of the game) and a general hint file for AGT games.
Walkthrough for Kingdom of Amphibia, by Al.
Solution to Kook U, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to KQuest (in games/pc/, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to The Deadly Labyrinth, by W. Mintardjo
Walkthrough for Last Vestiges by the game's author, "thesleuthacademy".
Solution to The Last City, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Paul Collins' game Lecture Feature
Solution to The Legend Lives!, by Audrey De Lisle
Solution to Legend of the Sword
step-by-step solution to release 2 of Lethe Flow Phoenix: A Flight of Fantasy, by Paul J. Godfrey
step-by-step solution to release 2 of All Quiet on the Library Front, by Paul J. Godfrey (the game file is in games/zcode/library.z5)
Solution to Lieux communs by the game's authors.
Walkthrough for La Mort Pour Seul Destin, by JB Ferrant.
Hints for Lock and Key, by Billy Harris.
Complete walkthrough for LongWalk, by ProtossProbe. (the playable game file is in games/twine/
Step-by-step solution to Losing your Grip. Solution by Paul J. Godfrey with suggested improvements by D.J. Picton, converted to HTML by Magnum.
step-by-step solution to Lost, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Lost Dutchman's Gold, by Stefano Lorenzin
Solution to Lost New York, by Russ Bryan
Solution and map for Lunatix: The Insanity Circle, version 1.1, by the game's author, Mike Snyder.
solutions for the 3 games in, by Ambat Sasi:
step-by-step solution to The Magic Toyshop, release 1, by Paul J. Godfrey. (the game file is at games/zcode/magic-toyshop.z5)
hints for The Price of Magik, typed in by Petter Sjoelund
Hints, a walkthrough, and a mini-review of The Maintenance Man, by Ryan Cuthbertson.
Solution to Hampton Manor, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solution to the Z-code game Mansion by the game's author, Derek Barley.
Walkthrough and footnotes for the Z-code game Mansion by the game's author, Derek Barley.
Solution to The Pyramids of Mars, by Richard Cuddy
walkthrough for Mask of the Sun, by Mario Moeller
Solution to McMurphy's Mansion, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Walkthrough for Meine Dalix by the game's author, Alice Merridew.
stepwise solution to Mindshadow, by Stefan Jokisch
Solution to Mindshadow
anonymous solution to Mindwheel (Synapse/Broderbund)
Solution to The Mission, by Ambat Sasi
anonymous solution to Mindscape's Mist
Solution to Moist, by Ross Presser
Walkthrough for release 2 of the game Moon-Shaped, by the game's author, Jason Ermer.
Walkthrough for L. Ross Raszewski's Moments out of Time 2: Adventure Type. Version 1.1 of the walkthrough, written by Greg Boettcher.
Game transcript for Mortlake Manor by the game's author, Ben Chenoweth.
Invisi-clue style hints for Mortlake Manor, as a HTML file. Written by the game's author, Ben Chenoweth.
Walkthrough for Irene Callaci's Mother Loose, scoring all 50 points, by Viktor Sobol.
Solution to Moon Mountain Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Magic Realms: The Sword of Kasza, by James Mallette
Solution to Mulldoon release 2, by Paul J. Godfrey
Correction to the Marble Maze walkthrough in "mulldoon2.sol", by D.J. Picton.
detailed solution plus observations on Muse, by Quentin D. Thompson
Solution to Mutant Invasion, by Ambat Sasi
walkthrough for Mystery House, by Graeme Cree
Walkthrough for Bill Wolpert's 1978 game Mystery Mansion.
solution (260 points out of 300) and map of Myth, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Nebula, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Robb Sherwin's Necrotic Drift.
Solution to Night at the Computer Center, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Nine Points release 11, by Tony Baechler (the initial name of this game was just 'cdsample')
Walkthrough for Not Just A Game, by the game's author, John Menichelli.
Solution to Supernova, by Audrey De Lisle
tips for The Nuclear Submarine Adventure, by Bill Templeton and Rick Hanson
Walkthrough for Only After Dark, by Christian Gaertner.
Walkthrough for Once and Future, HTML format, by Aaron Kashtan.
Solution to One Foot Down, by Amnon Shiloh
Solution to One Girl, by DJ Incendration.
Step by step solution for Unnkulia One-Half, by Valentine Kopteltsev.
Hints for The Sound of One Hand Clapping, by Quim Holland.
anonymous walkthrough for OO-Topos (Michael Berlyn/ Polarware)
Solution to Palace Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Solution for Paper Chase, by Candyce Young-Fields.
Solution to Everybody Loves a Parade, a commentary on the genesis and development of the game, and some programming tips for TADS beginners, by Cody Sandifer
step by step solution to PC University (aka MacWesleyan for DOS), by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Pentari, by Howard Sherman
step by step solution to Perdition's Flames, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Photopia, by Graham Pearce.
Solution to A Sugared Pill, by Ambat Sasi Nair.
Solution to Pirate Island, by Ambat Sasi
Hints for The PK Girl, by Robert Goodwin.
Hints for The Plant, by Walter Sandsquish.
Solution to the Z-code game Punk Points.
list of around 210 endings from Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle, by Spinster/Zarathustra.
Walkthrough for Pytho's Mask by the game's author, Emily Short.
Solution to Infocom's Querterstaff
Solution to Secret Quest 2010, by Ambat Sasi
Solution for Quest for the Serpent's Eye by the game's author, Steven Hanulik.
Solution to Questmaster: The Prism of Heheutotol (Miles Computing), by Stefano Lorenzin
Solution to The Great Archeological Race version 1.0 by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Conrad Button's Raiders of the Star Temple.
Solution to Rakish, by Todd Moore
A walkthrough for RANS: An Interworld Progress, in rich text format, written by the game's author, Bob Reeves.
Solution to Red Planet version 2.0, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Hunt for Relief by the game's author, Christian Gaertner.
Solution to Rematch, by Chuck Cochems.
Solution to Reverberations, by Ambat Sasi Nair. (the game is at games/zcode/reverb.z5)
step-by-step solution to Rimworld, by Paul J. Godfrey
Replay walkthrough for Risorgimento Represso, by Michael J. Coyne.
how to play Robots, by Torbjorn Andersson
Solution for Robots of Dawn, by Daniele Raffo.
Solution to the ALAN game Room 206, written by the game's author, Byron Alexander Campbell.
Walkthrough for the game "Return to the Castle", written by Kenneth Pedersen.
solution, point list, and map for The Horror of Rylvania by Audrey De Lisle
Spellcasting 101: The population of the Isle of Lost Soles by Volker Blasius
express walkthrough for Spellcasting 101, by Pete Calvert
stepwise walkthrough for Spellcasting 201, by FAThead
detailed walkthrough for Spellcasting 301 (anonymous)
The offical hints, taken from the original AI hint sheets (in rich text format) and maps (in GUEmap format) for all the Scott Adams' games, compiled by Julian Fleetwood.
Solution to Sanctuary, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Sarvegne by the game's author, Eric Forgeot.
walkthrough for Savage Island Part 1, by Terry Stewart
walkthrough for Savage Island Part 2, by Terry Stewart
walkthrough for Save Princeton, by Koen van der Drift
Walkthrough for Savoir-Faire, by David Welbourn.
Invisi-clue style hints for Savoir-Faire, as a HTML file. Written by the game's author, Emily Short.
Solution to Ballymun Adventure, by Ambat Sasi.
Walkthrough for Schooldays by the game's author, Andrew MacKinnon.
Solution to Severed Heads (Sir-Rah), by Stefano Lorenzin
The solution for The Sex Artist v. 1.1 by A. Ninny (a pornographic TADS game), solution written by the original author.
Walkthrough and map for Shapes, by Al.
anonymous solution to The Shards of Time (Titan)
step-by-step solution release 2 to The Light: Shelby's Addendum version 1.1, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to The Incredible Shrinking Man Adventure, by Stefano Lorenzin
Solution to Ski Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Strategy guide for Skies Above by the game's author, Arthur DiBianca. (the game itself is at games/glulx/SkiesAbove.gblorb)
solution overview and step-by-step walkthrough for Skullduggery - Adventures in Horror version 3.1, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Slacker X, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Strategy guide, progressive hints, and walkthrough for Slap That Fish, written by Michael Martin.
Solution to Slouching Towards Bedlam, including all the possible endings, by Michael Martin.
Commented walkthrough for Small World, by Andrew D. Pontious. (the game itself is in games/tads/SmallW3.gam and in games/mac/SmallW3.sit)
solution overview and step-by-step walkthrough for So Far, by Paul J. Godfrey
solution and step-by-step walkthrough for SoFar, by Stefan Dube
walkthrough and maps for Softporn Adventure in HTML format, by Catz
Hints for Shades of Gray, by Judith Pintar, Mike Laskey, Elizabeth Ellison, Steve Bauman and Mark Baker.
mostly anonymous solutions to the following games:
anonymous stepwise walkthroughs for the following games:
anonymous stepwise walkthroughs for the following games, converted from Apple II solution disks:
Solution to Sea of Night, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Solution to Space Station, by Ambat Sasi Nair
Annotated walkthrough for Speculative Fiction, written by the game's authors.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF -1, by David Welbourn.
Solution to Coffins, the lone game from SpeedIF 1, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 10, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 11, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 12, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 13, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 14, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 15, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 16, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 17, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 18, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 2, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 2000, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 2001, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 3, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Third Anniversary, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 4, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 5, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 5.5, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 6, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 7, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 8, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF 9, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedApocalypse, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Crinkle-Cut, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from the Douglas Adams tribute SpeedIF, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF EXTREME, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Jacket, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF O, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Orange, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax, by David Welbourn.
Solution to Floyd, the lone game from SpeedIF SchmeedIF, by David Welbourn.
Solution to The Hippo and the Flute, the sole game from SpeedIF Spring Training, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Without Number, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF XYZZY, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF Y, by David Welbourn.
Solutions for all the games from SpeedIF y=1/x, by David Welbourn.
Complete transcript to Spiritwrak Release 3, following the step-by-step solution by Paul J. Godfrey and Shawn Doherty (from the file spirit.step), generated by Marco Cavagna.
puzzle hint guide for SpiritWrak release 1 and 2 by Paul J. Godfrey
step-by-step solution to SpiritWrak release 1 and 2 by Paul J. Godfrey and Shawn Doherty (with some input from Daniel S. Yu, author of SpiritWrak)
Solution to The Squynchia Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Starship Columbus, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to The NASA Orbital Observatory Adventure, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Spelunker's Tremendous Cave Adventure
Walkthrough for Sting by the game's author, Mike Russo. (the game itself is at games/glulx/Sting.gblorb)
Solution and map (in GUEmap format) for the BBC micro game "Stolen Lamp", by David Lodge.
Non-spoilery hints, and walkthrough, for The Baker of Shireton by Hanon Ondricek. (the game itself is at games/competition2015/The Baker of Shireton)
Solution to The Nuclear Submarine Adventure version 1.53 by Ambat Sasi
Walkthough for Supernova, by Ramon Bartschat.
Walkthroughs (in RTF) and maps (in GUEmap format) for the following games, by Julian Fleetwood:
anonymous solution to Sweet Sixteen
Solution to t-zero version 1.03, by Audrey DeLisle
Solution to Spider and Web (aka Tangle) Release 4. Originally written by Paul J. Godfrey and updated by Nils Barth.
stepwise solution to Tass Times in Tonetown, by Stefan Jokisch
Solution to Teacher Feature by the game's author, Paul Equinox Collins.
Tips and walkthrough for The eight-headed giant, by zeno pillan. (the game itself is in games/mini-comps/neo-twinyjam/2024/TEHG.ulx)
anonymous solution to The Tempest (the game itself is in games/competition97/inform/tempest)
Solution to Le Temple de Feu by the game's author, Eric Forgeot.
Solution to Terror in the Ice Caves version 1.52 by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Beyond the Tesseract, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to The House of the Stalker, written by James Mullish. (the game itself is in games/competition96/stalker)
Solution to The Lookout by the game's author, Paul Michael Winters.
Solution to The One That Got Away by the game's author, Leon Lin. (the game itself is in games/tads/
Walkthrough for The Song of the Mockingbird by the game's author, Mike Carletta. (the game itself is at games/glulx/The_Song_of_the_Mockingbird.gblorb)
Solution to The Apprentice, by Ambat Sasi Nair.
stepwise solution to Theatre, by Paul J. Godfrey
incomplete solution (42 points out of 50) to The Multi-Dimensional Thief, by W. Mintardjo
commented stepwise solution to Time release 5, by Paul J. Godfrey
Solution to Time Traveler version 2.0, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Beyond the Titanic, by Audrey De Lisle
A review, a walkthrough and maps for Toho Academy, by Kaari Koehn.
stepwise solution to Toonesia version 1.1, by Paul J. Godfrey (the game itself is in games/tads/toonesia.gam)
stepwise solution to Tracers Sanction, by Ton Kroon partly English, partly Dutch
Walkthrough for release 2 of Traffic, by D. S. Yu. (the game itself is at games/zcode/traffic.z5)
anonymous solution to Transylvania
solutions for the 3 games in, by Ambat Sasi: Perils of Darkest Africa, Revenge of the Moon Goddess, Eye of the Inca
anonymous solution to Treasure Island
Solution to Tryst, by Ambat Sasi
step-by-step solution to Tryst, release 104 (970330), by Paul J. Godfrey
Walkthrough for Tales of the Traveling Swordsman by the game's author, Mike Snyder.
step-by-step solution to Tube Trouble, release 0 (950901), by Paul J. Godfrey (the game itself is in games/zcode/tube.z5)
Walkthrough for The Underoos that ate New York! by Sujat Dhakal.
Solution to The Underoos that ate New York! by Ambat Sasi
Anonymous solution to Undertow. (the game itself is in games/tads/tow11.gam)
Explanation of how to access the walkthrough built into Unease, from the game's author, Brendan O'Brien.
Solution to Unnkulia One-Half: The Salesman Triumphant by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda by Audrey De Lisle
Solution to Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda, updated for the 1.0g freeware release by David Picton
anonymous solution to Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure (with a slight correction by Volker Blasius)
Walkthrough for Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure (v3.0.1G). Version 1.1 by Mark Cipolone, based on an anonymous walkthrough edited by Volker Blasius.
Solution to Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme by Kevin Bolduan
Walkthrough for Unscientific Fiction by the game's author, Tom Tervoort.
Solution to Urban Cleanup, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Vacation Gone Awry, by Daphne Brinkerhoff.
Solution for Valley Of Treasures, by Charles Grey.
anonymous solution and walkthrough for Varicella
Solution to The Very Big Cave Adventure
Solution to verb.gam (one of the TextFire games), by Peter Berman.
Solution to Veritas, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to The Vial of Doom, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to Vindaloo, by Ambat Sasi
Walkthrough for Voodoo Castle, by Hayden Presley.
Walkthrough and notes for The WadeWars Book III: Askin, by the game's author, Jim Fisher.
Walkthrough for The Origin of Madame Time, release 3, by Brian Rushton. (the game is in games/glulx/The_Origin_of_Madame_Time.gblorb)
Anonymous solution to Waterbird.
Solution to Waystation, by Ambat Sasi
step-by-step solution (v6) to A Change in the Weather, by Paul J. Godfrey (the game itself is in games/zcode/weather.z5)
Walkthrough (in RTF) and a map (in GUEmap format) for A Change in the Weather, by Julian Fleetwood
step-by-step solution to The Wedding release 3. Written by Paul J. Godfrey and updated by Neil Brown.
Walkthrough for What Heart Heard Of, Ghost Guessed, by the game's author, Amanda Walker. (the game itself is at games/glulx/What_Heart_Heard_of_Ghost_Guessed.gblorb)
a recording of a "perfect" 550 point Colossal Cave game (458 turns, recorded with the Windows version by Mike Rosenstark
A successful traversal of Winchester's Nightmare, created by Nicholas Gowan.
stepwise solution to The Windhall Chronicles, Volume One: The Path to Fortune, by Paul J. Godfrey. This is for release 3; includes a work-around for the sleep bug present in this release.
Invisiclues style hints for Inside Woman (release 5) by the game's author, Andy Phillips.
Solution to The Golden Wombat of Destiny, by Ambat Sasi
Solution to the Quest game World's End.
Solution to World, by Volker Blasius long, story-style walkthrough, lists of points and objects, and a huge map in several formats
Solution and map (in GUEmap format) to Wraith Blaster. Original solution and map by the game's author. Map converted to GUEmap format by Jerry Paul Sanders.
Walkthrough for Xenos, by Jim Bakman
The forum thread that inspired the game You are standing in a cave..., by Caroline Berg. (a playable version is in games/competition2016/You are standing in a cave)
Hints for Uncle Zebulon's Will, by Walter Sandsquish. (the game itself is in games/tads/
Step-by-step solution to Uncle Zebulon's Will, version 2.0 (960416), by Paul J. Godfrey. (a later version of the game itself is in games/tads/
Solution to Zero Sum Game. (the game itself is at games/tads/zero.gam)
Solution to Zorkian Stories 1: G.U.E., by Matt Goh.
Walkthrough and map of Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, by Al Golden (aka The GameDesigner). (the game itself is in infocom/demos/